What does Yea Forums think of the Michael burnham universe...

What does Yea Forums think of the Michael burnham universe? As her being alive has basically cause the timelime to spew off into this altered version of star trek.

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if star trek is a utopian future why are there black people

She fucking sucks. I hate her character. She is unlikeable.

>She fucking sucks. I hate her character. She is unlikeable.
That feeling when your watching the bridge crew talk about their idea and then she'll come in and Michaelsplain what their already trying to explain.

Not canon.

what kind of girl's name is Michael?

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I like her. She's an interesting character.

Have sexual event

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Happens in actual engineering all the time, trying to clarify that what you got from what they were saying is what they were purposing.
I don't think Michael's ever gotten a "No no, I meant..." in response though.

She died well in the Walking Dead. I stopped watching after her death. I like her.

Is it good? Trek could use a comeback a midst all these capeshit fucks. Scifi will go on.

it's gay and I don't like it

Uneven first season. Really good second season so far.

Most reasons people don't like it are 1) they don't like that it stars a black woman and 2) it doesn't follow a 1980's tv formula that already killed the franchise once

It's pretty good in Season 2, although if you say so you'll be called a CBS shill by Trek fans who can't accept that the producers aren't interested in making a show in the style or format as the older shows. It's trying to make Star Trek seralized while also have various fun week-to-week scifi stories, like dealing with a sentient planet or getting caught in a time distortion or dealing with a planet of predator/prey aliens.

On the other side of the coin, The Orville is pretty good too, as it replicates the exact format and style of old Trek shows precisely. It feels a little old hat with how slavishly it follows that format at times (lifting ideas entirely) but it's still a fun watch. Both are worth your time.

I tolerate the show but I fucking hate it.

It's a holdover from when Bryan Fuller was writing the show. He always adds females with masculine names in his shows.

She looks stupid.

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She's OK, but it is dumb how nobody can challenge her or stand up to her (except Spock, but we'll see how long that lasts).

Pike had a great moment in that first episode where Michael and everyone else was saying disparaging facts about the situation, and he just said "I don't want to hear negatives, that's not the way I work, I want someone to give me a solution." And then immediately after Michael shit on his moment by saying she wasn't finished talking and she had the perfect solution IF ONLY HE'D LISTEN. Fuck her.


She's all the problems people had with Wesley. Except she's the main character instead

Very progressive and forward thinking

She'd be a good character if they didn't insist on making every episode be about her.

>She's OK, but it is dumb how nobody can challenge her or stand up to her (except Spock, but we'll see how long that lasts).
Arguably Tilly inherited her Can Do Everything power.
>Pike had a great moment in that first episode where Michael and everyone else was saying disparaging facts about the situation, and he just said "I don't want to hear negatives, that's not the way I work, I want someone to give me a solution." And then immediately after Michael shit on his moment by saying she wasn't finished talking and she had the perfect solution IF ONLY HE'D LISTEN. Fuck her.

I like how he shushed her when S31 dude appeared and she wanted to bitchfit.

I wish they didn't involve pike or spock

Its SEASON 2 and i don't know jack shit about recurring people on the bridge or the show.


>She's OK, but it is dumb how nobody can challenge her or stand up to her

It literally happens all the time. It's almost as bad a complaint as "she can do no wrong" when she does, constantly.

Also in episode 2 she pitches an idea to Pike and he overrules it, which she obeys without question.

Hate the character, in fact almost every character is irritating

There is literally a scene, in the first episode of the second season, where a character provokes a "tell me your name and what you do" exposition session

Your inability to pay attention isn't the shows problem mate

That's because they wanted to mix things up and have main characters who aren't just the usual roles. With most of the shows, all the characters have the same jobs, all heads of department, and different variations of people are cast in those roles - Captain, First Officer, Science Officer, Chief Engineer, Security Officer, Pilot, Chief Medical Officer. And anyone else was irrelevant - do you know the names of any of the gold or red shirts who worked in the background of the bridge on TNG?

Discovery, fairly in my opinion, wanted to shift the focus to other characters in other positions. The science officer is our main character, and she interacts mainly with her cadet roommate and the spore drive specialist. We don't know the CMO but we get to know Culber, one of the medics, etc.

I don't really care too much about the bridge crew if they're not relevant to the story, but I appreciate they're giving Owo, Airiam and Detmer a little more to do given they're either visually interesting or fun to watch.

Oh, I see.

So i'm suppose to know their drives, their character from a quick explanation meanwhile the god tier of star trek devotes entire episodes to exploring theses people and what their drives, their motives and their meanings.

It's Utopian for liberals only

Because it's not a show with that format. You don't need to know the life story of the guy who answers the space phone or runs the sensors. Same reason there isn't a Chief Engineer or Chief Medical Officer. It doesn't matter.

Seems like the more interesting stories would be with the higher ranked people

They’ve used that format for every Trek show and movie though. I can see the reasoning behind trying to get a different take, otherwise Star Trek does tend to become a show of the same chairs but different people sitting in them.

Sits down on the navigation chair and begins pressing buttons without any checks of identification just your not important to the story so we'll ignore you.

What are you even talking about

One could argue that things are more interesting dealing with people who aren't top ranked prodigies in every position

Also: they made five shows with nearly the exact same cast makeup. Two of them were so bad they sent the franchise into limbo for years.

It's called STD for a reason.

14 year olds and retarded memesters?

Top quality banter that has never been said before, exceptional post m8

One could argue it isn't either. And lmao at you trying to pretend the format was to blame for Voyager and enterprise and not the dozens of things going on behind the scenes and (((UPN)))

Every character in this show sucks except for Saru

Yes, let's stay with the new direction of narcissistic millennial angst that was tried for 3 movies that each made less money than the last and then for one of the most expensive shows of all time that makes no profit.

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>If I put all arguments against my point of view in a bingo card, anyone who makes them is automatically a shill

Whew lad

>buzzwords the post

The fact that those arguments are repeated so frequently as to be recognized enough to be able to make a bingo card is the hint of shilling

Yet if someone was to make a similar card with all the arguments against the show that are made ad nauseum you'd have a problem with it.

I just don't think you're able to handle arguments/banter.

Keep adding to your retarded list, once you have every possible positive thing said about it on there, your argument will be unbeatable!

However, there is no reason "shill" against a show, there is no benefit. But there is a reason to shill FOR a show. I've seen everything in that card multiple times, like you have a list of things to defend your shit show

trek was doing okay until deep shit 9 became the main tv series.

they need to remover her as MC, dial tilly and stamets way back, make pike MC

Stamets is fine when he isn't just used as plot device. Saru is still the best original character. I think his evolution twist would have worked even better if the second stage was the Ba'ul

>wanting a white male as the face character
Wow.... I've seen a lot of covert fascism, but this really crosses the line. Shaking my head at your entitlement.

>Saru is still the best original character. I think his evolution twist would have worked even better if the second stage was the Ba'ul
I agree

I get the satire, but he's just objectively the most interesting character that can carry the series.

If it's in the interest of FOX and The Orville, is there not a reason to 'shill' against STD?

>muh Orville

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Yeah it was shallow bait, but I had a "discussion" with a fellow wh*temale this weekend who decided that "white male main character = fiction without cultural subversion = modernism = fascism" was a nice general argument against elevating a certain character in importance.

I'm still reeling mentally and I figured this was the best place to shitpost the pain away

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I would like STD a lot more if it wasnt a star trek show.

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oh look, the orville, out of nowhere.

dude even spock looks up to michael why do you hate her its because you're racist

Noooo she called him a halfbreed and that became the central conflict of his character.

You're right brother, CBS shills are being paid to 'grass roots' market on this very board. Be vigilant pedes! You never know when someone might claim to have a different opinion to you but really they're being paid by a company to argue with you!

michael is literally central to all of star trek ever shes probably gonna go and be like "ey yo peckerd stop bein a wine sipping frenchie and join the starfleet"

>he says while its possible to hire two hundred indians to shitpost everywhere 24 hours a day for $100

Actual paranoia: the post

clickfarms exist. it is a viable business model and job in india and other poor parts of the world. they are hired to market shit on the internet. Where does "paranoia" fit into these facts?

You can watch multiple shows, there's no gain from shilling against STD to somehow make people choose orville instead, you can watch both if you want, but if one of them is shit I won't bother

Exactly. Nobody would ever willingly shill against STD, especially since it has a sheboon in charge

>You can watch multiple shows

Gay spore guy is even more insufferable now that gay doctor is back from the dead. I really don't give two shits about their relationship drama now that gay doctor doesn't feel like himself. Just break up or leave the ship, faggot.

second worst thing to happen to /trek/

worst thing to happen to /trek/ is jj-trek

He did break up with him last episode. I like the gay doctor a whole lot more now, seems like an actual person and he beat the shit out of Ash, who's objectively the worst character.

>As her being alive has basically cause the timelime to spew off into this altered version of star trek.
thats the point user, to get them sweet merchandising rights once the original timelines can be destroyed by Bad Robot.

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>Bad Robot.
Who aren't involved in Discovery

i like how the only times characters in STD have any significant screentime is if they have some identity politics angle. The gays, the fat girl, the black girl, the literally transracial klingon,

>I'm transdimensional, i can't be with you

People use the argument that anyone saying negative about STD must be shiiling for the orville, obviously this is the STD defense against their shilling. There is no reason to shill against a show it does not make someone more likely to watch the other show, it's not like you have to choose, "oh i can only watch the one show orville or std but everyone is saying shit against std so I'll watch the orville". You could watch both, therefore there is no reason to shill against a show, therefore the people saying it is shit really mean it, they are not doing it to favor the orville. There is no reason to shill against a show, but reason to shill for one.

More like
>You're an overbearing needy cunt and you're not recognising that I spent the last year of my life fucking running from carnivorous spore monsters with only trippy tree bark to defend me. Now I've got a 3D printed body that feels completely foreign to me and you think I'll fuck you if you cook me pasta. My feet hurt I want to go home fuck you.

You're thinking about this way too much.

yea that's basically what said.

People who watch STD should be hung

>Thinking Orville is good enough to qualify as real Star Trek

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maybe it's because I've played too much STO but I like that Discovery is kind of a ship full of fuck-ups with obscene talents.

like if Lorca wasn't from the Mirror Universe, he's pretty much 100% the player character in the Fed storyline(s). I'm pretty sure Detmer could make the ship do a barrel roll by double-tapping left or right on her console. they made Pike do a small craft mission (fuck you Operation Gamma).

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I'm so sick of seeing strong black women in every film/show for like 10 years now, and she's one of the worst. She's supposed to this logical Vulcan-raised genius when she's actually an idiot who bases all of her decisions on emotion

the show has no likeable characters, only characters less annoying than michael.

burnham = the red angel

the show on it's own is ok, not brilliant but no worse than Voyager or TNG. The fact that it shits all over the lore of TOS really triggers me though.

I want her to poz me with that hot genocide-inducing cunt.

Have the last two episodes been any good? I haven't watched them yet. I don't think STD is the worst show ever made, but there are just too few characters that I actually like (at this point, it's only Saru and Pike that I really enjoy watching.)

you should have added "space-faring". dark skin will cease to exist when most humans live in outer space colonies. and since blacks look like retarded hicks without their dark skin, that means they will not breed. not that blacks would ever choose to leave earth. i mean they did not even want to leave the shithole that was africa. they had to be sold!

Both good. Latest episode was kino-class.

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>Orville isn't
>but STD is


Where did I say STD is faggot
Assuming makes an ass out of u and me

How would Burnham end up so far in the future. It seems like it's somekind of tie-in to the Picard show maybe with a character from that era, like old-Spock himself using that red goo as a time travel macgufin before he tries to save Romulus (Red Angel = Red Matter).

I think it's unwatchable garbage that is not and will never be Star Trek.

Discovery could be okay if it had any characters that were even good

>Michael is the female black Wesley
>Lorca was interesting until he was ruined
>Tilly feels like a random quirky fat teen college girl that now works on a starship
>Saru is probably the only character that feels like he belongs on a show called Star Trek

You're dumb and possibly stupid.

fedora's edge and doomfag are whining about captain marvel now. keep yourself safe (in minecraft).

It's probably
Jet Reno. Given the Red Angel's first act in this series was to rescue her, I imagine the pulsar would have thrown her forward in time to when V'ger's machine race are wiping out the galaxy.

Michael is shit
Tilly has been flanderised further in Season 2
Pike is good
Spocko is decent
Georgiou is fun
Sensible doctor feels like a human being moreso than swishy gay engineer
Tyler lives to be shit on since he's a shit character which I'm fine with
LinusTechTips is fun

ahaha why am I not surprised