Why isn't there more Jesus kino?
Why isn't there more Jesus kino?
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Leftists hate him
fucking ingrates
hollywood is run by the actual synagogue of satan
>put on supposedly christian movie
>its catholic trash
have sex
I'm having it right now
Chastity is a virtue
Why are Protestants incapable of making good movies?
nobody likes incels
it's not the jews fault women are repulsed by you
>Implying I want an indebted tattooed single mother
Life is more than just sex.
>I don't need women!
spoken like a true incel
Why should I focus on women?
Speaking of which, isn't it time for a female Jesus?
i am a White man there is no kike on a stick in me
Probably because the filthy Christkillers run Hollywood
Protestants will never make Christ kino
Just ask yourself who runs (((Hollywood))) and you'll have your answer