Could he have been the new Han Solo?

Is he the biggest wasted potenial in Nu-Wars?

>could have been the hot shot pilot superstar of the new trilogy

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The comic is actually pretty good

literally no one cares about that spic faggot

Yes dumb dumb thats the point

Yes he could've, but like everyone else. They are a walking caricature.

A gay Latino? Sweetie we are progressive but not THAT progressive.

He could of been a Luke/Han hybrid and could of saved the series.

Christ why did they shit on him so hard in the last jedi? Its like the screenwriter was completely hostile to his entire existence. I remember pre force awakens, everyone was hyped with what they could possibly do with this character. Kek thnx rian

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This. They dropped the ball on all characters

>Is he the biggest wasted potenial in Nu-Wars?
>Latino Henry Cavill
He was the best character out of nu-wars. But they cucked him so hard in Last Jedi to the point of being a useless waste of screen time. There was a good story hidden somewhere in the sequel trilogy, now we will never truly know.

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Im not sure where the blame starts and stops. Probably iger

Poe and Finn both feel pointless after TLJ. TFA pre-release set it up like Rey, Finn and Poe would have been a main trio, kinda like ANH. But Poe was majorly sidelined, and I don't think even met Rey. Then Finn is sidelined in TLJ.

Why are both of them even there? The story has devolved into being just about Rey, and Kylo, the villain is the only one with growth and a character arc. It feels like it's just Rey and Kylo, and Poe and Finn is just irrelevent side characters. I am surprised they aren't dropped from 9. Why are they still treated like main cast?

No correlation or communication between films. No real planning causes the focus toshift back and force giving the audience whiplash as to what theyre going for. I feel like all 3 scripts should have been locked before the first one started shooting. With maybe slight bend to change things up on the go in minor ways

>I feel like all 3 scripts should have been locked before the first one started shooting.

I feel like this is a given and shouldn't even need to be mentioned. But apparently plenty of productions go on ahead with any forward planning and end up in total messes and write themselves into corners. KK really is a fucking moron.


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Leave it to a woman to have no fucking clue how to run a movie franchise

the fact that this asshole still has a job is fucking ridiculous. this is like the supervisor of the local McDonalds keeping a guy who keeps taking a shit in the potato fryer employed despite declining sales/customers because "TEE HEE HEE XD"

With a better story sure

>poefags still seething for getting cuked by kylo


All they had to do was write him to not die in the crash and some of the story coincidences in TFA could have been fixed. All 3 of the new "main" character were completely wasted.

this, he should have died in TFA as was originally planned.
the main plot of the entire nu-wars trilogy should have primarily been around Luke/Rey/Finn

>new Han Solo
>absent for the most part of the first movie he was in
>did fuckall of importance in the second movie
Nah. He's got nothing going on for him other than being a hot Mexican.

el cucko grande

There's literally a gay latino character in The Office and NPCs love that show. Liberals are unironically the most racist in portraying minorities in media.

He looks more jewish than mexican.

With a few missteps (eg Finn killing stormtroopers without a second thought), the character concepts were OK as of 10-15 minutes into The Force Awakens. Basically once Han Solo shows up it all goes downhill as Rey becomes Mary Sue, Kylo becomes a tantrum-throwing non-threatening loser, Finn becomes a space janitor, and Poe is out of the story because he was supposed to die.

>the villain is the only one with growth and a character arc
Barely, on that one. It's more just careless and random, but because he loses and clearly has some struggles he's more relatable than anyone else in the cast. Plus Adam Driver is a good actor, so it's just a matter of seeing what you want to see and ignoring what doesn't fit as far as character development goes. Fact is Kylo is fucking all over the place and not consistent at all.

Finn should have died in TLJ and Rose should have been replaced with Poe going on an adventure with Finn.

But Rian Johnson said he couldn't write interesting dialogue between them so he just had to put his self insert waifu in there.
That's right a defector brainwashed storm stormtrooper slave can't have interesting dialogue with a hotshot pilot of the republic while on missions with them.
Bravo Rian you useless fucking hack.


What part of "could have" did you forget to read retard. Clearly he isnt for the reasons you listed. Thats the point you idiot

>Could he have been the new Han
Probably not. Han integral throughout ANH while Poe is in TFA for about 4 minutes total.
And the whole Holdo plot thread is an absolute sorry state in TLJ.

So youre saying he could have if they used him better. Christ

Star Wars doesn't need toxic masculinity.

That doesn't make his situation unique. EVERYTHING in the sequels could have been used better, most importantly the sequel setting itself.
The sequels were a trashfire the moment they left the concept phase.