Best of the prequels

best of the prequels

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I always thought the engines being in the front was so incredibly stupid. Still cool, not going to lie.

based autistic retard

Cars have their engine on the front

Cars also aren’t powered by get engines

>engines being in the front was so incredibly stupid
thats the whole point, its more dangerous that way.

uhh they wear goggles dummy

These are like jet engines tho. That move and sway near your face.

>get engines

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its sci fi retard it doesnt have to make sense

they should have spent the money on Coruscant

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That's why I said it's still cool. I can like it and still critique it you meanie. APOLOGIZE

This proved just how powerful Yoda truly is.

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or Naboo

Dude, it's a futuristic chariot race.

Rewatching the prequels a couple months ago I really like the sets and scenery.

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I've always thought that you were stupid user.
The prequels had problems, but the sound design wasn't one of them.

Like the Casino scene, the podracing scene was unnecessary and the movie couldve done without it

pushing is always easier than pulling. it's just science.

The only even remotely watchable prequel is revenge of the sith

>comparing Podracing to the Casino
>not realizing it's a major plotpoint for how Anakin wins his freedom from slavery, and also the money for their broken hyperdrive
>the slave playing in the games of the elite to win his freedom
>not realizing the significance of it

Fucking dumb pleb.

>actually, literally defending the prequels
go look in the mirror to see the real pleb

Is this your first day on Yea Forums? This is PT territory faggot.

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>the exact moment in the movie where I fell asleep

I'm old tho, star wars died in 1983

Podrace is one of the coolest parts, plebs

It’s the first time we see Anakin interact with the force. So then later it makes more sense when he destroys that CIS starship

>he destroys that CIS starship
Fucking feminist.

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both are shitty and unnecessary

Why they didn't recreate the Theed palace grounds for the Star Wars extension in Disneyland will forever be a mystery to me.

Nah, it's a meh part for me, as if lucas remember it was a kids' film and he couldn't do it all around trade disputes.

Best prequel

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>tokyo drift

That time Jar Jar Binks almost jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge in despair
Pure kino George, pure kino

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-12 (27) That Moment I Opened Up About Suicide - YouTube.png (1325x733, 911K)

based retard poster


This is why.

Reminder the tranny mod is trying to cover his tracks

Spoken like a true pleb

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I always thought the horses being in the front was so incredibly stupid. Still cool, not going to lie.

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Unironically better than Return of the Jedi

This. RotJ was some proto-ST garbage.

ROTJ was great you fucking duologist faggots. Don't compare it to the ST trash.

>prequels have new vehicles and concepts that are memorable and somewhat iconic even if not as iconic as lightsabers
>the new garbage moobies have literally on rails vehicles on the "ITS SALT" planet, gorilla arm at-ats, 0 new concepts

Who has the most aesthetic podracer? IMO it's aldar beedo

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>being so retarded that you think people hate you and not the character

The most wrong statement I have heard this year. Please kill yourself

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I feel terrible for Jake LLoyd

It's funny how the mouse is trying to present the Star Wars brand as some sort of inclusionary social justice-y shit but it absolutely fucking nuked an innocent kids life and nothing was done by Lucas or Disney to remedy it.

Weird how people who were kids for the original trilogy are big star wars fans, and people who were kids for the prequals love star wars. All white male kids now hate nuwars

George cant control the public. Jake looked like he was treated well on the set and he doesn't seem to resent george either. If anyone is to blame it's his parents. At least he never had to work again after tfm.

I hated this scene even as a kid. TPM is the second worst Star Wars movie.

>All white male kids now hate nuwars

maggie gyllenhaals podracer was something else

the most annoying thing about the pod race scene is that sebulba doesn't bite the dust

sorry for your homosexuality

fucking pleb

>best of the prequels

I agree but most people throw a shit fit

This. Sound is one of the most important things in Star Wars.
That's probably why I didn't mind TFA so much compared to TLJ.

That's pretty stupid, no one could equate him to Jar Jar due to CGI enough to generate hate. Hayden and Jake got much worse backlash.

He's talking about PT, not ST though.

Fuck off cunt, Aotc is kino

are you fucking retarded?

The prequels, especially the first two, where shit but that does not mean that literally everything in them was shit.

Why would you suggest that?

Giving George too much money to do RotJ was a mistake. He spent all of it on Ewoks and Jabba.

>get engines
we have the technology

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some people have theorized that the engines of a podracer arent jets but propellers. they burn fuel to drive the propeller so all thats blowing back on the driver is relatively cool air

I just realized how fucking loud it must be to drive these. It’s like standing right behind a jet about to take off. You would go deaf in a few minutes.


The Phantom Menace keep getting better in my mind.


Because the sound design in tfa was fucking terrible

Can any ST fags name a better scene from the 4 S'oy Wars movies?

not including the Darth Vader scene in R1, I accept that is kino

Whats that, you cant do it faggots?

It's not on par with the previous main titles, but it's not "fucking terrible". The only way you can say something like that is if you watched nothing but a yify rip of the movie.

This movie takes place after the next movie

pure spectacle. the only scene in the entire film franchise that anyone could watch by itself over and over for the purposes of sincere enjoyment. absolute kinography

The mysic in TFA is simply loud. It lacks subtly and impact.

The Phantom Menace is comfy as fuck and it still feels like Star Wars.

>giving George

He used his own money.

I'm cringing at you. ROTJ is great and ROTJ haters are all faggots.

I want a videogame with this perspective and visual fidelity and detailed audio. Is this too much to ask?

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Space battles and by extension naval battles will be kino 99% of the time

TESB is the better film. the second film of a trilogy is always the best

Hahahaha look at the face of Qui-Gon at the end of this scene. Was that in the movie or is it an edit from youtube? Qui-Gon didn't like Obi making jokes or what?

this but unironically

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>the second film of a trilogy is always the best


RotJ started that unfunny slapstick shit Lucas carried over to the prequels and what the sequel trilogy is doing now.

You should write a book. "The experiences of the homosexual child". Start it off like this "the first time I knew I was definitely gay was when I didn't enjoy the podracing scene in Phantom Menace".

>or is it an edit from youtube?

You know, to ask means your no SW fan. Ofcourse its an edit, and its fucking funny

sorry i should have the second film in trilogies containing any good films

I keep watching more and more scenes from The Phantom Menace and it now looks incredible compared with the new movies. Its nostalgia?

That doesn't mean ROTJ wasn't good too. Jabba's Palace was kino.


true. but the original trilogy goes 2>1>3 as all good kino trilogies do

lads we should really apologise to george. sure jar jar was trash.but id rather have a kino experience with something to include the whole family, than a propaganda experience designed to ruin the whole franchise

george is an auteur and episodes 1 through 6 were high kinography in the space opera genre

What the fuck was that?

People thinking that The Phantom Menace was bad because of Jar Jar are so stupid. He was a funny character, nothing more.

>but the original trilogy goes 2>1>3 as all good kino trilogies do

I think ANH is very overrated by the fanbase. ROTJ is better.

The pod racing game at the time was pretty fucking great

Normal that Aanakin hated Obi-Wan. Hearing him talking shit about you all your life as if you weren't there sure makes you hate someone.