Any kinos about white men saving the world?

Any kinos about white men saving the world?

Attached: Meeting_of_the_Supreme_Command.jpg (1912x1038, 441K)

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Just reality

Conspiracy starring Stanley Tucci


>saving the world from themselves
white people lmao

>saving the world

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wh*te pigs don't do anything other than chemically castrate themselves to become "women"

>And then we'll expel the Soviets from Eastern Europe, right?

Based and redpilled

this tbqhwy

White people literally cause and solve the problems of history because non Europeans were irrelavent for 500 years. A Chinese or black person may or may not be as evil as a white person but that evil will never come to fruition because they are powerless and impotent on a national level. Whites were not perfect masters, but who else was gonna run the world while chinks wasted centuries with their gay culture.

Triumph of the Will

>eurocentrist history
>anglocentrist history
cringe subhuman post

>Any kinos about white men saving the world?
From other white men?

This-a-rino LMAO

BASED Monty.


Only one

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white men are the biggest losers on the planet.



Anglos are the main characters of history, get over it Krautcel

back to back world war champions

Little did they know what kind of world they'd be saving.

We try so hard to incorporate you fucks. Now you throw you lot in with China. Those insect people will carve you up for dumplings when given the chance.

>while the chosen people make money in the basement
Every other ethnicity has btfo jews until whites get involved. With their commerce and religion and culture absolutely cucked by jews. The jews don't even have to try very hard to have white brothers kill and destroy each other and kill and destroy their brothers of other colour. What the fuck is wrong with white men?


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Really made me think

Hitler saved the world from nazis