Movies where critics were wrong
Movies where critics were wrong
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Cool beans
Land of the Lost
MacGruber was really fucking bad.
You're really fucking bad.
Anchorman is shit. Crazy unfunny. Whatever praise it has is not deserved
Are you actually retarded?
Shakespeare in Love
I want to kiss her pusy
Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning
Land of the Swill
Toy Story
Ant-Man & Wasp
Sasha and her seem like the best double date type couple.
How are some women able to have children and their bodies just bounce right back? It's almost not fair. How do you choose one that wont fall apart? What are the warning signs besides fat upper arms?
all women are able to do it, mostly, tits are always going to change shape and size.
its just that most women dont give a fuck about it.
>this entire post
every critic said this was shit, but I loved it
no me
Kek is this a Bollywood Pirates ripoff?
Their Hitch ripoff was pretty good t-b-h
yeah its a pirates of the Caribbean knockoff but I thought it was actually a lot better than what it was ripping off, the action is so good.
They take care of themselves and other women don't.
So this is zoomer posting
get laid, femcel
Look at the mother
I couldn't even finish it.
shit taste
A Quiet Place
mumblegore with neither, plot holes galore, and a pure cringe climax
Agree. Hated the movie.
Three Billboards
Imagine if you shrank to the size of an ant and accidentally got yourself stuck in the front of that bikini,unbeknownst to her. What would that even be like?
shes so hot in the beach bum. absolute kino.
>the front of that bikini
>not wanting to be ungulfed by Isla's asshole
Hotrod is the best comedy to come out of the 00s and is better than anything since
Actually, you are totally correct. Anchorman was panned critically.
Your Highness
"Why you marry a gorrira?"
Me, myself and Irene
Pain & Gain is kino
I agree anchormans only funny scene was the fight, but isn't funny on a rewatch.
I did the 3rd go around. Only paid once. Fell asleep once n was high n wanted to play SWAT instead the second. The movie itself ain't terrible, I think I'm just done with capeshit for real for real
>ctrl and also F
>no Death to Smoochy
If you really want to feel sadness, listen to even a little bit of the director's commentary and hear D'Veto talk about all the kino work they did to that fucking beautiful movie but sounding sad and defeated because it got trashed by critics and made no money. He ends every anecdote with "eh we were just trying to have fun with it wherever we could."
Your Mum's really fucking bad
This Movie Rocked
Surely every single beach in the world doesn't have a camera man waiting for celebs to show up and spy on them? Do they purposely invite cameras? Why? How about just enjoy yourself?
There is no tool, in this pool
Ages like fine vino.
Death to Smoochy a stupid shitty movie that has not aged well at all.
This and Chronicles of Riddick. They're literally the perfect comfykino.
I mean, it really isn't a well made movie but holy fuck is it ever funny
Only 56 on RT.
Glad he shaved it and unjusted himself
The only good thing about this was Ian McShane.
Knew a chick that looks exactly like her but she was Mexican and has a plumper butt.