10 years of the MCU building up to the climax of Avengers Endgame will have a character introduced a month before be...

>10 years of the MCU building up to the climax of Avengers Endgame will have a character introduced a month before be the character to defeat the big bad

how does this make you feel?

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It was a very clever bait and switch.

I don't care. I'll just ignore the parts where she's involved.

It doesn’t make me feel anything because I’m not an autist that watches super hero movies

I'm still in denial thinking that they can't possibly be stupid enough to let her get the final win
she may have a big moment, but I can't believe in good conscience that she'll have the defining moment of the movie
it has to be Cap or Stark, or both

what is this deviantart shit?

same boat here. Im really hoping this doesn't happen not because i hate captain foot fungus but because its just terrible story telling

10 years of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? So the movies began in 2009?

What makes you think shes going to defeat him? Or are you just making shit up?

Fuck off, Rian.

Disney will fall

Iron Man, 2008.

I think she'll get depowered somehow like Vision in Infinity War.

>not being Ant-pilled and realizing that Ant-man is the only Avenger with the power to beat Thanos because of how broken Pym particles are

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the only capeshit I've watched is batman begins and the dark knight

It would honestly be kino if Hawkeye goes full Batman in prep and delivers the final blow to Thanos.

>I've read the script for End Game
Suuuuuuure you have.

>has reality gem
it doesn't matter how strong she is, he can just will her out of existence

>normal human empowered by 1 Infinity Stone
>incredibly powerful alien with all 6 stones

Carol is getting BTFO.

>only ever seen Iron Man (2008).
I don't want to waste my time watching all the MCU
Which 3-5 films are must-see before Endgame?

The reality gem in the MCU has only be shown to create elaborate and temporary illusions. Even those horribly distorted by the stone return back to normal rather soon.

Captain America, Winter Soldier, 1st Avengers, GoG, and Black Panther.

>Black Panther.

>powered by one infinity stone
And girl power

Just like he did with Thor right?

thanks m9

Why isn't Batman an Avenger yet?

/pol/ banter aside, its a comparatively better than the thor movies, antman, the rest of the iron man flicks and I'm not a big fan of spider-man. You could put in Gog2 instead, but that's less variety.

Now that Captain Marvel is entangled with feminism, she cant be defeated or lessened in any way. Do give captain marvel a setback is to set back feminism as a whole. So you're kidding yourself if you think she isn't going to save the day.

Same thing happened with Black Panther and Infinity so no big deal.

It really depends on what the Russos can pull off. Executives will interfere, but the Russos and Feige have been pretty competent so far

>better than ant man

>Feige have been pretty competent so far

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its what capeshitters deserve

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How is that clever?

I really dont care.
Every year we are bombarded by these factory made mcu movies and they alway shove it into our face with ads and normiefags.
It is just all too tiresome.

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>made a ton of money
>three oscars
>several properties with sequels
>not competent
Love to know what you do for a living faggot.

You all know it's gonna be Nebula, possibly in a redeeming sacrifice moment, right?

>I'm Just a Girl starts playing

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>make Carol Danvers Captain Marvel in the comics for feminism points and the fact they need a Wonder Woman of their own. she wasn't even the first woman to be Captain Marvel
>goes from C lister nobody cares about to the most important person ever in the comics
>She fails to get good sales or have a great run. her book is constantly relaunched for #1 issue money but it always sinks back to cancellation numbers
>the new Ms Marvel is more popular, has better sales, has better stories, and gets more SJW points for being Muslim
>MCU can't make her Marvel's Wonder Woman either and they hard locked her into being the MCU's new most bestest Thanos slayer.
I feel bad for people who liked Carol before the forced push.

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>Outrage farming this hard
How are we better than Tumblr/Reddit again?

Everyone underestimates the guy who can shrink.

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Weren't people saying Stark would play a big role? Then there's Adam Warlock and especially Ant-Man
after the quantum realm, he should have quite a bit up his sleeve

Pretty damn angry. This was all a waste of time.

>Imagine Ant-Man Trying to do this but he accidentally ends up trapped in Cap Marvel's parmesan cheese filled toenail

How does it make you feel thinking about the regret you will feel being emotionally invested in a comic book movie on your death bed as you think about all the time you have wasted.

>there have been leaks (even by Larson herself) that there were fight scenes that included Captain Marvel and then reshots of the exact same fight without her
>there are rumors that execs are seeing how well CapMarvel is received by the public
>most likely if the movie bombed or the character wasn't well received, they would use the fight scenes that had her cut and vice versa

I was 100% into the theory she'll be the one to beat Thanos but now that the movie is out with the mixed reviews I feel more comfortable she'll be cut from a lot of the movie

This. Her or Drax avenging his family.

Thor and Captain Marvel will tag team Thanos to keep him busy while the brains trust (Stark/Banner/T'Challa) cook up a quantum solution with Ant-Man's help. Then Nebs or Drax get the killing blow. The others will all be on trashmob roundup detail.

Betting it'll be more like the ending to Hickman's Infinity event than the original Infinity War.

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>Clint draws his bow string back and fires a shot right at Thanos
>He catches the arrow and smirks just like Loki did.
>This time Ant Man appears, leaping from the arrow head, goes full giant mode and punched him to the ground - stunned, he doesn't have time to react to Scott shrinking through Thanos' forehead, a tiny spot of blood trickles down before Ant Bro appears behind Thanos
>"Yeah, I think we did some damage in there. He won't be using a gauntlet any time soon."

Marvel must burn to redpill the masses.

They were surprised by BP. The pretty much orchestrated CM and Feige has said she's pretty much the bees knees and bestest thing ever, even going so far as to lie about her popularity in comics.

I want to believe you're right and they wouldn't be so stupid, but I have a feeling they will.

Dr. Doom.

Do my guy well and I will watch the movie in theatre and buy the 4kUltra blue ray. Somewhere in Latvia... a bad ass. The universe seems divergent on several dimensions.

Wow I hate capeshit but I could be into this. Some kind of raw humanity beating the most retardedly powerful grapefruit could be kino

Well let me explain something to you, user. It doesn't mean much of anything to me. I stopped giving a fuck about superheros when I outgrew sugar cereal and waking up early on weekends so I can play GameCube in my favorite Batman pajamas.
These are films made for children, it's time to grow up.

as long as there is a scene of captain america using thor's weapon and/or sacrificing himself for the avengers/humanity to save them, i'll be fine with captain marvel bullshit in endgame

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Tchalla is dead.

>These are films made for children, it's time to grow up.
That's a funny thing to claim on an image-based message board.

pretty much this minus black panther

Don't know what you're implying. You have to be eighteen or older to post here, well past the age developmentally adjusted people have grown out of larper fantasy escapism.

he hasn't figured out how to go to their dimension yet

>captain america
lel why would someone even care for some stupid hero with this lame ass name?

The only way to defeat thanos is to shrink down, go up his urethra, go back to normal size. While thanos is distracted by the realization of his dick exploding, we see antman reveal he is the only one who can make his hand big enough for the infinity glove. Antman then changes reality to become celeryman.

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2nd Avengers introduces Wanda and Vision which makes it pretty important even if it's shit. I guess just looking them up would be enough though without seeing the movie.

I don't care because I don't watch kid movies

couldn't care less
after i watch endgame i'm not watching another mcu flick

You all suck Infinity War off as the best shit ever, why do you expect the people who wrote your favourite fucking movie to mess up this hard.

Just because you can say fuck in no way alters the fact that you're larping on a children's board. You probably call your dolls action figures, too.

Just own it. You are every bit as childish as the people you claim to be above. You'll be happier in life.

Gotg 2 is trash

I don't care
It's a children's movie

If you care about this for or against you are a soiboy either way


This would work without being offensive if it’s her and Thor banging on him.

>I feel bad for anyone who likes or cares about or invests any time, energy, or emotional equity in faggy comic book characters
Here's what you should have said m8

pretty upset


>Just because you can say fuck in no way alters the fact that you're larping on a children's board.
You have to be legal adult in the United States to post on Yea Forums. What are you talking about?
>You probably call your dolls action figures, too.
I don't own action figures, user. I don't collect anything, much less anything that could be misconstrued as dolls.
Is it to be assumed that because you collect dolls *everyone* collects dolls?
I tagged along to Avengers with a couple of friends opening night about seven years ago. Didn't find it appealing and haven't watched any since.
I don't understand what you're getting at. You're free to make your point now.

I don't think the "You must be worthy of ruling Asgard to lift it" rule applies to Thor's axe since that was Odin fuckery, does it? Makes it a lot less cool if Cap can pick it up and use it.

could be pissman and would still be better than captain america

There's a reason why I said "so far". All things must come to an end. All successes can last for only so long. Historical epics, Westerns and space operas each had their own major time, and the same too will happen to the MCU.

Personally, my hope is that Endgame will be a great movie, and serve at least as a conclusion for many people who had followed the MCU this far, but I also know that I won't be as interested in the MCU after endgame. Unless they do a Nova movie. or an Eternals movie. Or if Brie Larson wears the leotard

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>You have to be legal adult in the United States to post on Yea Forums.

No, you don't.

>I tagged along to Avengers with a couple of friends opening night about seven years ago.

You are on a message board aimed at children and talking about a movies you never saw, aka, trolling. Yet you claim to be an adult. An adult very intent on getting the (You)s.

Yes, you do have your dolls, son. And you are being quite defensive, as a child would.

Elmo in Grouchland is a children’s film. I’d say capeshit is more general audience blockbuster.

Captain Marvel will punch him in the face and say "The future is female" and then will end with her saying "avengers assemble"

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jenny definitely fucks garrett and rocco on the side

How do you know she's going to single handedly defeat Thanos? Also Strange and Black Panther are pretty new.

Seems up to the same standard as the writing in all the other MCU movies.

You have ti backwards, it's us autists who don't watch the super hero movies. The normies all watch, consume, and enjoy them

i don't watch capeshit so i don't care

That is all I'm hoping for because I am done after it.

>I don't think the "You must be worthy of ruling Asgard to lift it" rule applies to Thor's axe since that was Odin fuckery, does it?
they never said, but I just assume it does. I figured it was just an upgraded Mjolnir like in the comics


Plan. Popcorn. Figure out which CAST mirroring app Sony owns, Get cozy, Disney tech streaming and casting Captain Castrate while I lose appetite and cringe all over

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>You are on a message board aimed at children and talking about a movies you never saw, aka, trolling.
That a movie about people with superpowers is a continuous topic of contention and distress within your personal life substantiates that this board is populated by children, but I'd question if the same could be said for television and film in general.
>Yet you claim to be an adult. An adult very intent on getting the (You)s.
You seem very intent on giving them out. I suspect you're upset about something.
>Yes, you do have your dolls, son.
No, I don't actually. Do you expect me to take offense to extraneous non-truths about everything?
You wear diapers and shit on your dick and balls. You do. You cannot say that you don't because you do, son.
>And you are being quite defensive, as a child would.
>>You are every bit as childish as the people you claim to be above.
Time to settle down, user.

>And you are being quite defensive, as a child would.
this is why you will always be a capeshit manchild

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I guess it could go either way. They forged the axe the same way the gauntlet was forged and I'm gonna assume Thanos doesn't meet Odin's criteria for a worthy leader, but they could explain the rule applying to the axe because (I think) Dinklage said he created the mold specifically for Thor, maybe that imbues it with the rule because dwarven magic etc etc whatever.

It would be pretty fucking based if the Avengers got the gauntlet and couldn't lift it because it actually did have that same rule tied to it, and Thanos had been judged worthy enough to use it. Maybe only Thor and Cap could put it on.

>10 years of the MCU building up to the climax of Avengers Endgame will have a character introduced a month before be the character to defeat the big bad
And ready for 10 more years of SJW propaganda, white boys? You will pay for it and you will like it.
>One of the highlights at my career at Marvel was introducing her at Comic-Con and having her coming out on stage and stand there with literally almost every thing else from our universe, and there she was at the forefront, and it was a great foreshadowing of not just for how audiences are going to embrace Brie as this character, but also for how Captain Marvel is about to take the lead and be at the forefront of the entire Cinematic Universe. ~Kevin Feige

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The last Captain Marvel trailer

"Captain Marvel: Ready to Defeat Thanos"


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>Also Strange and Black Panther are pretty new.
both of which were snapped out of existence

>No, you don't.
Yea Forums.org/rules#global

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What angers me about it is the fact that a Leftist agenda is driving Captain Marvel. It all starts off with Brie Larson making antagonistic comments towards white males and then when said white males rightfully respond they're all labeled as incels who hate women, when these same supposed incels didn't make nearly this much stink about Wonder Woman, or Alita Battle Angel. Being woman isn't he problem, being a Leftist cunt is. It's so fucking disingenuous. What's more Captain Marvel is being lifted up as this feminist icon, and Leftists are acting like the movie's financial success is a testament to how "DIVERSE" and "INCLUSIVE" Marvel is, when in reality the movie would have sold well regardless due to the marketing and all the hype surrounding End-Game, with Captain Marvel being the last movie leading up to it.

Leftists are fucking cancer and the sooner Trump wins in 2020, the sooner things will start getting better.

Pretty bad. I don't think many people will like it but gotta hand it to Disney it's a great way to write themselves out of their problem.

implying thanos gets defeated
implying marvel arent gonna release the B cut where shes barely in the movie and rip up her contract

Ready to and able to are different things. So is going to for what that's worth.

I'm ready to be a multi billionaire, doesn't mean it's something I'm able to be, and you can sure as shit bet I'm not going to be one.

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Why are tiny dicked dweebs so scared a woman will take out Thanos?

So is Endgame supposed to be the one where they defeat Thanos?

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it'll be there, but just like the "no, you move" speech, it will be marvel doing it.

Yes. It's at least the one where they undo the snap via time travel/alternate dimensions/punching Thanos in the infinity stones

It must be really empowering for women to beat a crippled man with an axe in his chest.


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>how does this make you feel?
Subverted, like my expectations.

"You is the most fierce woman I have ever known, even before you could shoot lightening from yo fists."
Word for word, this really happened.

I hope the full script leaks soon.

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Because it ruins the tension and build up from a literal decade of sub par movies. Marvel beating Thanos is somehow even lazier than what these movies already are. She's a literal Ex Machina character.

This makes me feel exhausted from sheer frustration. The main target audience (Men) still went to watch Captain Marvel and will continue to watch this ret-conned garbage in the sequel to Infinity War. I mean, it's bad enough that everyone knows how that Infinity War sequel will end, but damn, even when they're spat on and slandered by these companies, many Men will still consume their crap.

This whole thing just shows that a lot of Western Men aren't Men, they're fucking cattle. You don't smile after getting punched in the face, you punch back. If you know someone is fucking with you, you either get the fuck away from them forever, or kick their ass.

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You better take all of that back or I'll sue you.

I think the public discourse here was high enough, it'll set things right a little bit. Blatant censorship and the true nature of the bad film itself will prove to be a low. It's a moment people just think "oh, facism is now here, I'm not cool with this type of crazy." Somewhere there will be a board meeting and a decision to reel it back. The level of distrust doesn't stop with the self tarring and feathers of rotten toematoes.

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That's it definitely...

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Stark should have to overload his core to deal the final blow and/or resurrect his friends. Then the shrapnel, from so long ago, enters his heart. We get an emotional death scene, calling back to the very beginning

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holy shit, that's a horrible drawing.

I understand how the female avengers must feel, must suck to be taken away your spotlight (twice even for widowmaker).

>believing fanfic

Would be good if they would work in a line from him to young Peter Parker about going to see his loved ones or some such. Or would that be too on the nose?


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No. Normal people don't like super hero movies. Only burgers and chinks.

Those have already been took out by the Chinese in IM3

Why didn't Vision just phase through Thanos and break him from inside?

How is that picture so skillfully drawn so badly?

since I filtered your image I thought it would only be fair of me to supply you with a version worthy of Yea Forums

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I have been bored with super hero shit since the first Iron Man. Honestly. They never could hold my interest. Unless it was the Punisher movies but I don't think those count as capeshit.

Now give her a big fat penis buldge barely being covered by the spandex.

Its longer than what you wanted but I'd say in order to have the movie be most effective, watch in this order:

Captain America
Captain America 2 Winter Solder
Avengers 2: Age of Ultron
Gaurdians of the Galaxy
Captain America 3: Civil War
Thor 3: Ragnarok
Avengers 3 Infinty War

You've already seen Iron Man so you're good on that front. This cuts out all the fat while leaving in a couple of necessary bits along with some enjoyable stuff. You don't *need* Thor Ragnarok buts it's widely regarded as pretty great. Avengers 2 age of Ultron is pretty shitty but it does introduce a few characters and more importantly is the only film where Hawkeye gets to shine, and as he has a decent sized role in the upcoming movie his entire motivation comes from this movie.

I'm confused how the same woman who always lied about "3D gives me headaches" and was eye rolling whining baby when it was Avengers DVD night, suddenly is not only opening night selfie fan girl, but now has an IMDB app AND writes reviews??? Holy blue pill Batman.

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Don't plan on watching Captain Marvel but I do have multiple coworkers obsessed with capeshit. With one question I blew apart the whole Captain Marvel is gonna whoop Thanos thing everyone keeps chanting. So if Captain Marvel gained the power of a tesseract (space gem) in an explosion. How in the fuck, even if she absorbed the entire power of a single infinity gem, would she be able to stand up to Thanos who has all six and the glove? Even if she was twice as powerful as Thor, for some reason?

What if Thanos has a narrow urethra?

Nothing because I'm not capable of giving a fuck about Thanos.
They've been so open about the fact that everyone's going to be revived and such that not even what happened in IW felt threatening.

This. Do you think they would have dusted BP had they known how successful his solo movie was?

Meanwhile CMs entire reason for existing is to be a Mary Sue

>bees knees
Is this some kind of new millennial-speak, like "yikes" and "oof"?

like this?

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... but someone who posts on Yea Forums.

Subtle, I like it. Thank you friend.

we already know they will be time traveling which means mjolnir will be back

ah fuck good point

Captain America and Winter Soldier? what the fuck?

switch those out with Civil War and Ragnarok.

Thor 3 one of the best MCU movies. Get your head out of your ass.

How about you switch your penis and balls out for those movies?

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>that 20 minute scene where Captain Marvel forces Ant-man to shrink down and crawl into her giant pussy

I know Disney is feminist but damn, that seemed like a bit of a stretch!


Civil War > Black Panther

It kind of sucked but it's still better and introduces both Spiderman and Black Panther

what happened next?

also, thing is : only MCU so far in live actions displayed shrinking as something that makes one fucking dangerous, instead of proportionally weak.

Even though original Silver Age Atom STARTED with notion of guy retaining his power in smaller size, and writer even went as far as making parallel between nuclear reaction. But other times it was portrayed just as guy basically loosing his mass, oh and modern DC comics now has some sort of retarded fetish of killing shrinking heroes or villains.

winter soldier
civil war

If dubs the edited version with less captain marvel will be released

>money laundering
>during pathetic Oscar give out to all movies with dindus
>mostly underperformed mediocre sequels

Honestly the best way for their fight to go is Captain Marvel is wrecking Thanos at the start, then she says something to piss him or he has some Traumatic flashback about Gamora or his homeworld and you can see him snap and completly curbstomp her so bad she's left in a coma for the rest of the movie.This would also show that throughout the whole of Infinity War he was holding back even if only a little bit but now is complexly unhinged.

>Black widow nixed

She had a solo movie coming out.

>that seemed like a bit of a stretch!
not if he shrinks down far enough.

it's not, he's baiting

I want Brie to #weartheleotard

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