
Picard and Bones

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Other urls found in this thread:



Dammit Jean, I'm a doctor not a baugette

he's fooling nobody with that hair

Not a single Trek whore can compare

Attached: download.jpg (474x632, 28K)

We've got dames to spare

Attached: Best Trek Girls.jpg (1186x1482, 576K)

Janeway can't even compare to the true airlockfu

Attached: roslin.jpg (853x480, 28K)

The crazy lady from Will and Grace?

Ugly mutt

dance with wolves


Attached: StarTrekShows.png (1463x1864, 312K)

I would suffer through 5 more seasons of STD just to watch the seething of butthurt Orville fans.

>Blocks your path

Attached: 321px-Thot_Gor_Card.png (321x450, 181K)


Pretty sure the only one sneething is you.

Could use better haircuts

Is she shooting light from her bagina?

Naa, I hate both shows, but I respect a paid shill more than a redditor.

The other night I was watching an episode where Worf went back to defend his family's name and was sentenced to death. I fell asleep before it ended and dunno what episode it was. Can I get a quick rundown on how it ended? Thanks.

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Try googling this
>Worf went back to defend his family's name and was sentenced to death

He didn't get to defend his families deaths and was instead excommunicated by the Klingon empire.

I am The Cutest of Borg

Attached: Star Trek_2019-03-09-11-53-40.jpg (2220x1080, 371K)

Worf went back in time and saved his father's life, but told him he had to defend two Starfleet officers

Attached: Worf, father of Mogh.jpg (671x592, 89K)

Kes is for ______

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homos. 7 of 9 best girl

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>There's an old Vulcan proverb. 'Only Nixon could go to China.'
>How could you vouch for me? That's... arrogant presumption.
>My father requested that I open negotia-
>I know your father's the Vulcan Ambassador for heaven's sake, but you know how I feel about this. They're animals!
>Jim, there is an historic opportunity here.
>DON'T believe them! DON'T trust them!
>They are dying.
>LET them die!

Attached: tuchd0257.jpg (1920x826, 217K)

Started with TNG and about halfway through it. What should I watch 2nd?


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What are some episodes of Star Trek Voyager Season 1 Episode 15 "Jetrel" where the antagonist did nothing wrong?

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Eddington, for BTFO'ing Cardie fucking shits

Attached: Star-Trek-Eddington.jpg (1200x919, 422K)

I'm going to say the B word! I'm going to say it, and that B word is B A S E D.

"Eddington" is my favorite episode of Voyager.


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I hate fanfics, but one where the Defiant and a Maquis ship with Eddington get sucked into the Delta Quadrant while Janeway is assigned to run DS9 would be tits.

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>Eddington replaces Chakotay
How much better would Voyager be? Nemesis would have been kino.

You'd get some interesting racial subtext with a Creole chasing down an American Indian to perpetuate white order.

I wanna live on that planet where everyone where's skimpy white clothes and prances around

>step on flower

Is there ever a morally justifiable reason to set phasers on kill?

The way they sissy up Wesley makes me feel bad for him cuz I know Hollywood prolly abused the hell outta that poor kid. No wonder he grew up into such a screwed up faggot. His character is fucking cancer tho.

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Michael Fucking Burnham

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Justifiably defending yourself against an assailant who is unharmed by lower settings

Tos or ds9


Watch TOS first, user, so it doesn't seem as dated..

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>Attention all bums on deck!

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Name three examples.

Threadly Pretty post.

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That's a big fat yikes from me.

what the fuck was their problem?

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Awfully nice

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Why does older kess look like her time travel verison? is she still going to kidnap her self regardless of what message she made.

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that message was a bluepill.

>Data will never perform a Mozart concerto for you

why live

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Data could perform a Mozart concerto for Jimmy2X, and no one else would like it.

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Bajorans are ugly


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That is the scariest episode in all of Star Trek

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>Step on a rock and it explodes

Oh wait that's a different planet with people with skimpy white clothes

I unifonically like that song

Never give up! Never surrender!

Threadly Pity post.

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o fug :DD dis is capten benis of USS starship ncc-8-D :DDD

The look in her eye you just KNOW they banged.

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Awfully nice

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I may be blind, but at least I'm not a nigger.

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Look at that display of ownership with Mulgrew having her hand on Ryans hips.

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is that Sue Lightning?

Those are some big lips


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I'm actually brewing a pot right now. Peets, nothing fancy.

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>muh son

>drinking starbacks and watching star tracks
Get gud plebs.

Did he do it?

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Do what?

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>it's a Geordi divorced his white wife for being a nigger lover after Data forces him to realize he's black episode

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he did
he did his duty
a man's work

Seriously though, how cucked is Geordi's family? Mom is a starship captain while his dad is stuck in a faggy sciences position. No wonder he's such a beta, he probably heard nothing but toxic masculinity lectures growing up.

star trek is lame

Do you actually think this way? Tell me about your life. No lies.

I'm on that ds9 episode where Julian is revealed as a genetic engineered man.

What the FUCK is up with federation and their hatred for any form of transhumanism? Pathetic luddites
>muh khan
The federation is mostly non human population, the fucking president is non human, why do aliens care? And even then, how does one event shape policy for hundreds of years

>And even then, how does one event shape policy for hundreds of years
Wanna talk about the Holocaust and how that impacted world politics forever because I sure as shit don't.

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The holocaust was only 80-something years ago

200 years is not the same as 80 years you dumb faggot

Besides, name one thing the holocaust changed 'forever' because it sure as shit didnt stop multiple extreme genocides that came after it

Married, I work, wife stays home with our daughter, but does some of her own things on the side. We are Orthodox Christians and socially very conservative.

A apocalyptic world war is actually a kind of precedent to learn from and avoid, in my opinion

Based /pol/ LARPer

By that logic they should abandon all technology and use dysgentics to kill off all smart and ambitious people because both those things have caused many massive wars in history

That's not his logic at all.

Nope, all true actually. Wife's family was actually solid Democrat until a few years ago when the party abandoned its conservative members. My Dad was a Reagan fan. Wife was raised Catholic and I was raised Protestant but we became Orthodox when our daughter was born. Not giving out specifics here based on what happened to BF though.

Uh huh

Orville anyone?

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Temba. Arms open wide

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/trek/ - chad Christian dads & seething dog moms

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>name one thing the holocaust changed forever
The existence of Palestine? The UN overstepped their authority granting away land that they never really owned in the first place.

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Akshully, the British gave Palestine to the Jews in 1917 even though it still technically was under British rule. In 1948, it was officially recognized as Israel.

>Uh huh
Tell me about your life now

Is there no stopping this commie in her anti-semitic tirades?

The pope should excommunicate all Catholics who vote for pro-abortion politicans.

Should but won't. Catholic Church is supremely cucked at this point.

Catholic Church? More like Pedophile's Enclave. /pol/tards are talking about some pizza place while the pope's cronies are literally enslaving and raping children and everyone knows it.

We need another Martin Luther.

best part is that they don't even pay taxes

The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after we have all been embraced by The Lord.

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Akoocheemoya on this Tuesday

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spirituality interests me more than religion
why should a priest, some random pedo in all black, be expected to know more about the universe or have a deeper connection to the divine than me
people suck and will always abuse their positions of power but the myths and values we've shared across generations and cultures still hold a timeless power because they speak to the unchanging human condition and offer hope
it's such a personal quest and I've never understood why people surrender authority in this matter unto others

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>why should a doctor know more about medicine than me
>why should a lawyer know more about legal matters than me
>an in-store Starbucks is just as demanding as a freestanding store

Praise the Founders

A doctor and lawyer study a discipline based on skill and provable results. A priest deals with something that is based on nothing, there's no way to prove if he is right or wrong about anything. The only skill he needs is the ability to dupe others.

I'm Bashirfaggot. I'm great. Everyone loves me and I bring quality on topic content to this threads. Remy Boyz 1738. Represent.

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That contouring makeup does a good job hiding those disgusting moles.

>it's a blogposting thread

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Spiner deserved a big 2000’s era sitcom.

looks cold

you are a goddess

Arigatou Gozaimsahita Grand sponsor Tokyo day OH Christmas

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>I'm Bashirfaggot. I'm great.
We know. You even made a discord so sycophants can worship you.

I can’t wait to get bored with /trek/ Discord 3.0!

State TV is great. Every good communist should have a propaganda outlet. Lenin had Pravda. I have discord.

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What advantage are they gaining?

Why do you worship communism? If you were in charge would you live amongst the workers in the tenements or make yourself rich and live in a Presidential palace?

Sooner or later all woman betray men & become old ass bitches

None, they're masochists.

What do they even talk about, besides BF worship?

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do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law
love is the law, love under will

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The Tripsminion

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Okay, this is epic.

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TNG aesthetics look so awful in comparison.


"every man and woman is a star trek"

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Temba, at rest

Once Again I went through some star trek reruns on BBC America. After watching the final minutes of a TNG episode about an vulcan artifact, I then had to suffer through "Barge of the Dead" and some other voyager episodes.

The Barge episode in particular made me dislike Torres.
>Waaah I'm a spacemutt
>Waaah I don't want to be klingon
>Waaah I don't want my kid to be klingon

At least worf had no problems with his klingon side. In fact, I could make "It's a torres episode" post if I had a screenshot or two from the episode.

You're probably autistic.

Nobody here is smart enough to be classified as autistic. We’re just tards.

Autism doesn't mean high intelligence, retard.

>Why do you resist? We only wish to improve quality of life for all species.

I forget this episode, what does he not do wrong exactly?

Gases Talaxians, which is worse than killing them some other way apparently.

Quote from Star trek Discovery:
>I'm not letting anyone fix anything I can feel

Hi Colin

guess which poster I am

Unironically this image

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Didn't feel right after I posted this so I fixed it

Attached: Collage 2019-03-12 16_54_43~2.jpg (1320x1080, 215K)

You suck at this. Okay look this thread is dead and I'm coming up a beastly amount of amphetamines so I'm going to explain to you, for the last time, how Yea Forums works. If the point of your post is a picture it must work as a thumbnail. It has to be simple and clear. You keep making overly complicated unfunny clusterfucks of bullshit that put anons to sleep in the time it takes their eye to finish glancing over the picture. And then you never have anything witty or funny to add with your post text. It's always something brief, disposable, and entirely lacking in sincerity. Almost mechanical. An interesting post creates a conversation, but what you're doing by spamming the same charts in every single thread every single day is actually discouraging the exact discussion you're trying to prompt. Posts should feel organic and spontaneous, with a confident stride in tune with the momentum of the thread. You need to learn to feel what others are feeling if you want to be part of this community, user.

You are both dismissed.

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red tier: sisko
orange tier: archer
blue tier: kirk
green tier: picard
yellow tier: janeway

red tier: spock
orange tier: borg
blue tier: dukat
green tier: lwakana
yellow tier: janeway

>Broke: Using a trip
>Woke: Being recognized without one

Attached: Geordi.png (881x678, 397K)

Imagine getting mad at shitposting on Yea Forums you autist

red tier: trip
orange tier: bajoran pleasure women
blue tier: geordi
green tier: riker
yellow tier: janeway

And look at that... I made a discussion...
Looks like I win the internets!

Attached: Collage 2019-03-12 17_12_13~3.jpg (72x82, 3K)

>Broke: wanting to be recognized on Yea Forums

dude stop stealing my reaction pics lol they are how i am recognized without a trip

I pulled that image off Trekcore

red tier: using a trip
orange tier: being recognized without a trip
blue tier: wanting to be recognized on Yea Forums
green tier: yellow tier: janeway


puppy poison


Attached: hurt.png (494x355, 231K)

Are you talking about Trek uniforms? What the hell is orange and green?


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red tier: me
orange tier: me
blue tier: also me
green tier: me
yellow tier: janeway and me

are there birds

I'm organizing trek by color
Do you agree or disagree with my choices so far?

green is medical on voyager

I don't know because I don't understand the rankings.

hmm I'm putting you in my orange tier

bones was gay

Attached: bones gay lol.gif (250x188, 1.49M)

>second blue tier: me on the right
missed one, user

red tier: t'pol
orange tier: deep space nine
blue tier: dubsminion
green tier: wesley
yellow tier: janeway

Gay as in
>haha I'm so gay *sings joyfully*
or gay as in
>haha I'm so gay *molests boys*

im on season 3 of TNG, is this where it gets good?

It never gets good
One in the same

>Allegedly the character of Data (Brent Spiner) was inspired by many sources. Roddenberry is said to have felt that Spiner's initial portrayal of the character was too human-like, leaving many viewers confused as to Data's exact nature. One of the suggestions put forward by the writing staff would be for Data to make a short "bleep bloop" noise whenever he confirmed an action or produced a computation. Spiner, however, tended to notably vocalize the sound effect much to the annoyance of other cast members. In addition he would make whirring sound effects when moving or just before responding to a question. Eventually it was decided that limiting Data's vocabulary by avoiding the use of contractions was the best way forward. Spiner's original interpretation of the character would become the basis of his performance as the character Lore.

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trek loves robots but will robots love trek?

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>when that one single faggot says he doesnt like tng/picard

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Temper your expectations friend. You will need to evaluate it on your own. I myself find Seasons 1 and 7 to be the best but nearly everyone here would disagree with me.

Any cool Trek wallpapers people wouldn't mind sharing?

It doesn't get good, you just keep watching it

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They all did the Wakanda Forever salute at him and he just left like "...whatever, niggers"

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Is Pike the only good thing about STD?

damn right you fell asleep, god damn were klingons such bores

He's a flat character that only seems good because the rest of the cast are insufferable bellends

Fake and gay.

Attached: 1548607091110.jpg (694x530, 117K)

Nothing is good about STD

Pike fucked Deanna's mum

She cute.

>he doesn't use BF's newest selfies as backgrounds

>BF's newest selfies

Stop being single

Stop being desperate

You don't like Saru?

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where my bash at?

you can just tell they frotted and had tea at some point

I'm married


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That doesn't have to matter here.

I just want to say that I really like you
*looks at feet*

What kind of shoes you wearing?

Attached: Julian-3.jpg (1200x1600, 282K)

Marriage isn't canon. Midmight's Edge says so.

>"bleep bloop"

Attached: bleep bloop.png (1400x674, 487K)

The last two seasons of TNG take place at the same time with DS9's first two.

I'm not wearing any shoes.
I have all your pictures.

nice oc

oh it's you nevermind
glory holes suck

>glory holes suck
uh yeah that's kind of the whole point, einstein

Did Quark have a glory hole in his bar that he charged people for or is that just a holosuite?

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meant to reply to I wouldn't mind some feminine penis right about now though.

That kind of holosuite program isn't technically "legal".

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

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name a comfier trek setting
protip: you can't

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Tilly's quarters.

Whatever happens, don't say the n-word.

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She's thread culture, bro. Let it go.

Don't enable it

CBS can't meme

She has a right to post, same as you, breh

Stop reporting my on topic sfw Chinese cartoons

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Bridge of Enterprise with Scotty and a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey.

the right, yes, but not the right to post without retaliation.

Doesn't she share a room with CharPork?

apparently Saru dreams about blueberries.

Attached: idw-dsc-captainsaru-3.jpg (994x1528, 271K)

As long as it's within the guidelines of frenliness.

The bar on the Orville because there's alcohol.

is this really a fight you think you can win

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imagine being Saru and having to be all like "damn, Paris, you fuckin' fine with your existentialist Frenchmen and hordes of immigrants."

Attached: idw-dsc-captainsaru-4.jpg (994x1528, 234K)

Hey! VF is here too!

If you recall in season 1, when he first hooks back up with Burnham after the "incident," he's walking around with a whole big bowl of them. Presumedly becauses he enjoys them.

Great... where's MKULTRA and NordicFaggot?

Its not "frenly" to spam the thread up with that attention whoring shit.

T H R E A D ~ CU L T U R E

Thank God we have you to speak up.

I don't desire your attentions either. Do you have difficulty reading?

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You guys are mean.

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>Today is the day when Jules became Julian
I want to make Jess become Jessica

Yes, and you're a delusional faggot.

An Irishman and a darkie, besties? only on fucking telly


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I'm painting Arwen, Eowyn, Tom Bombadil, and Goldberry today!

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idc cunt


>tripfags appear
>thread immediately turns into shit

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Sometimes I reply to myself. But the (You) still counts.

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you misspelled awesome

I need minis for the holodeck episodes in my star trek roleplaying game
Ro and Selar are running the Barrow-Downs program from Fellowship of the Ring

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is dat u?

/trek/ is not your Discord

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Have you tried a buttplug?

this. guess i'll come back in 2 hours when they're busy dilating

I care, brehw

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you fags bore me

so generate some content

Come to the Discord! It is fun and everone is friendly!

>you fags bore me
I'm sure some fags did

No but have you ever seen Jaws? That's me.

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Closers. Until she lost her fucking mind at least.

>Mr. Data, how long at present speed and heading?
>*whirrr* Approximately 9 hours and 7 minutes Captain, BLEEP BLOOP

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Linda Park was always the better looking everything. Better bum, better tits, better face. She got a raw deal.

Attached: linda-park-ass.jpg (1781x2400, 347K)

I fully admit Tilly a cute, but they would never allow a main male character to be as fat as her. It's clear discrimination.

>british """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""humor""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

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She is an annoying Risa slut. T'Pol is my cold, dominant waifu.
About the bums... I need more data...

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oh no no no no

go be a fag somewheres else wills ya

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it's always so boring around here

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New Spock is great, hopefully he doesn't get cucked in the writing. So far he's been extremely aggressively anti-Burnham so that should make people happy.

Everything about Season 2 just makes me think they realised too late that they could have just done a "Pike's Enterprise" series.

>Broke: Data doesn’t have a soul
>Woke: Neither do you

where's the virgin/chad edit?


>it's always so boring around here

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Why do you resist me?

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Is the Discord that empty and boring? Sad!

dude I don't even think about half the stuff I post here because I'm always so bored but if you want to trade ro's you have my full attention

Attached: ro collage.jpg (1600x1000, 257K)

Huh, I guess Tilly isn't the first after all

nice. go on.

Attached: not bad.jpg (561x530, 34K)

>he's been extremely aggressively anti-Burnham
It won't last. By the end of the season he's gonna be fawning all over her, just like everyone else.

STDfags confirmed for having never watched trek

That collage was a gift, not a chit for barter.

this one is my favorite Ro pic because she just seems so happy
I'm always bored so I don't even remember what feeling happy is like except for when I look at pics of Ro

Attached: ro laughing at anon.jpg (587x960, 82K)

I do what I fucking want Colin
tho if you make me a Ro/Selar collage and you'll never catch me peddling it to anons on Yea Forums

Attached: selar collage.jpg (1600x1200, 365K)

Please stay in the Discord, tranny. Please please fucking PLEASE!!!!!! STOP POSTING HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

here is a serious Ro, with nice outside lighting and a sleeveless shirt.
and some really perky bobs!

Attached: 1521736926013.jpg (1920x1440, 466K)

Attached: file.png (1463x1864, 341K)

Attached: 1521736926013~2.jpg (378x332, 14K)

have you ever seen Ro in a denim jacket?
I like how Data is staring directly into the gate in your pic

Attached: Landau_directing_Forbes.jpg (700x553, 84K)

The bug things that took over that one guy and they shot until his head exploded, the alien who disguised himself as part of the bridge crew, and the Borg until they adapted their personal shields.

>sad saggys


lol, calm down

Attached: 1435387223827.png (372x351, 117K)

Yet another post proving that Stationfags don’t watch TOS films

I'm fucking begging. Literally I'm in tears right now.

S T O P P O S T I N G P L E A S E.


Attached: bleep bloop stops.jpg (756x664, 95K)

That was the 90s mate, the world was better back then.


I'm really pissed that she was not part of the main cast.
Pic related from some user, a good take.

Attached: 1542061886357.jpg (694x530, 77K)

Nice and saved

literally a potato person though

I fucked the bg up. here is the fixed one.

Attached: bleep bloop stops.jpg (756x664, 95K)