Jazz General - Monthly Surgery Edition

Jazz Jennings’ Doctor Exposed As Anti-trans, Posted Photos Of Patients’ Body Parts


Episode 10 QRD:

>2:00: Mom Jeanette commands Jazz to NOT dwell on the necrovaginal constructive surgery complications, lest she "turn off kids from having this particular procedure."
>21:30: Amir gets creeped out by the Cronenbergian details of Jazz's surgery. Jazz gets her soul crushed, BTFO.
>25:36: We meet The New Flesh slated to be castrated.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Was it worth it you psychos?

Would you?

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For Charlie!

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very problematic yes

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such a pretty young girl.

A better question
How much would you have to be paid to do it?

>retarded lips
>fucked up vag
kek no

Good fucking god, someone please bring Hitler and co. back from the grave

op here, gotta go, good night frens

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> Jews convinced Americans that mutilating a penis was a good thing
> for physical health they say
> Jews are now trying to convince Americans that chopping off their boys penises is a good thing
> for mental health they say

They tried, user.

Attached: books.jpg (2480x3508, 2.12M)

This pic should go in a Slampiggy Thread on


Pure cohencidence, goyim.

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>being on hormones since age 5
>still have a totally male-looking body fat distribution (except for the tits)


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Here's a warning to anyone reading this thread who is considering transitioning and thinking they might pass. You won't.

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>Dad, you have to call me daughter now and use feminine pronouns for me

Attached: ouch.webm (1280x720, 1.55M)

Dios mío, espíritu del Señor, espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada. Ángeles, arcángeles y santos del Paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor. Lléname de ti. Expulsa de mí todas las fuerzas del mal. Aniquílalas, destrúyelas, expulsa de mí los maleficios, la magia negra. El Ogro de Las Tinieblas. La Luz Extinguido. El Insecto. Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica. Todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia. La enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica. Destruye al Monstruo. A La Creatura. Quema este mal en el Infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí, ni a ningún ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente en nombre de Jesucristo salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a todas las presencias del Goblino, que me abandonen inmediatamente, que me abandonen definivamente y que se vayan al Infierno eterno. El Chupa-Chupacabras no puede triunfar. El Monstruo. El Abominación debe morir. Encadenado por San Miguel Arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado por el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada. Aleja a la aberración genética. Al Ogro del Este.


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>does nothing to your shoulders
>turns your penis into a tiny shriveled raisin
such a cruel fate.

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The hell is this?

holy fucking shit dude

in awe at the size of this lad

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Unironically looks like an uglier version of my sister and she's ugly too

Skylar passes and is hot as fug

from behind it looks like they put the fucking terminator in a wig and thought it would pass as human

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>tfw no Ari gf to sit on my face and squeeze my balls until I cry

Attached: ari_thicc.jpg (640x640, 130K)

lol no

>Skylar passes and is hot as fug
you have to be mentally ill to think this way.
Look at the shoulders and hands

Good night, op.

Skylar is old news, we are team Charlie now!

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The Truth.

I see no problem with her shoulders, and her longer hands mean she can get a better grip on muh dick

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night OP

have pleasant dreams

Why is Jazz back in the hospital?

Breeding stock

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cant wait till tomorrow night

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Think about this for a minute. as sad and disgusting as all this bullshit is, these young boys are obviously mentally ill but they have hobbies and dreams and ambitions. Jazz is a fantastic speaker, maybe not the best but she speaks passionately about what she believes in. Charlie there is a passionate cheerleader, and while it might not carry her through life for the moment shes doing her best at it and may continue to do it through college. I dont know about the other trannys, but it seems that despite all of their body dysphoria shit and the shame and judgement they receive they actually engage in a hobby that they care about.

Do you even think for a second that they would pay you any mind being a part of a group of sad lonely losers like us that masturbate and shitpost all day? She might only be 15 but shes got an agenda and its more than pushing the feminist acceptance LGBTQ+ bullshit. she has something that she cares about and she does it as well as she can.

What do you do user? Im not advocating for tranny shit, but it makes me think pretty hard. I can denounce, question, and even demonize this LGBTQ+ movement but what is it even that I do?! My hobbies are dead and ill never have the platform to do what I really want to do.
They might all be jewish, and they might all be dead in the next 10 years, but for now they are not only more successful than you they are legitimately more happy(on the surface) than we are.

How can we judge them? and there is no question that you shouldnt be attracted to them because that makes you a homosexual. You dont want to be a faggot, right user? ... fuck im done


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Ey yo, lemme get dat sauce

Her "pussy" collapsed


Skylars feet are huge! It's disgusting. Don't post the pic please, I just ate.

>see a cute but frumpy girl
>not sure if she is a dude or a chick
Anyone else feel bad for unconventional looking women now men wonder if they have a penis

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what cup size are we talking here

God imagine her stuffing your entire dick and balls into her mouth

Shut up and go back to cutting off your tiny dick Jazz



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>dem deepthroat skills

>>Blocks your Path

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Trannies have to be grotesquely dolled up to even come close to passing. If they aren't it's very obvious they're men, so if you see plain women you can safely assume they are XX girls. When in doubt, check shoulders, hands, Adam's apple and voice.

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>Her "pussy" collapsed
Again? Or is this just a pic from the time when it popped?

good night faggots

>what is love plays in the background

looks like marlyn manson.

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Were reaching rustled jimmies levels than shouldn't be possible

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Not surprised

It's from a pretty good film called Look Who's Back

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would you guys fuck this canadian tranny? pre-op



nah b

This: And it's on plebflix too if you're a lazy faggot that swings that way


noun. An oncogenous practice of keeping open deep wounds (7 inches or more seen as ideal) in trannies' crotches, in the area where once the penis was attached. To give trannies the illusion of being a "Real Woman" (TM, NOT an adult human female, but something based on male fetishist feelz), quacks on the level of Dr. Mengele instruct them to insert dildos into their unhealed, festering wounds, for several hours every day after surgery, and to keep shoving larger dildos inside for hours for months and years. If you thought muslims praying five times a day is a bit much, wait till your tranny employees start doing their dialation schedule in the break room.
Ultimate aim of the practise is unclear, but the HPV virus present on 76% of penile skin during penis inversion theory, combined with the hundreds of hours of irritating the open wound for months and years after surgery, carries a very high risk of developing malignant tumors in the constantly infected, scarring necrogina, usually reaching crescendo when death comes swift through gangrene and sepsis. Possibly another way for the (((medical establishment))) to harvest penis parts and torture the mentally ill.

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Passes as a linebacker with a receding hairline just fine. Also passes as Chad Kroeger.

look at those huge paws betraying to potential for growth, all lost to the tranny mass delusion.

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this guy's a champ

Current discord tranny derailment tactics are conflating transgenderism with circumcision, and troli/trunnyposting

roll tide on that

>those huge ass hands and stubby man fingers

No, I’m not a faggot.

look at this photograph

>If you thought muslims praying five times a day is a bit much, wait till your tranny employees start doing their dialation schedule in the break room.

>muslims: coming up with excuses to not do any work
>trannies: hold my cock

Leave it to trannies to make muslims look comparatively harmless.

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For me? It’s Skylar.

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>On TV you cannot see the abyss
After watching Jazz and Desmond is Amazing, and all this other horrible shit, I have to disagree with Hitler.

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sleep tight, don't let the teratoma bite

Why does this man have a woman's name?

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At first i was going to say yes. But then I watched the latest video on that channel where she talks about ebing a vapid bitch, and I'm gonna say no

>pussy pussy *pop* *pop*
>pussy pussy *pop* *pop*
>[distant laughter]

>check out my youtube channel
comon, bro

Trannies are obsessed with chokers, like they really don't know wrapping something that fine and delicate around their bullish mannecks makes their necks, shoulders, and skulls look even hugher. Those stud earrings in his fan manlobes, ugh.

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Good fucking God why. Why did you show me that fuck. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk my fucking eyes.

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this shit always makes me kek even though I understand less than 10 words

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His grandson runs Netflix

You must be pretty new to the internet if something relatively tame makes you freak out this much. Begone zoomer.

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Spoiler that shit.
Incredible that instagram allows gore that would get you banned on blue boards here as long as it’s politically correct.

Our only hope.

"Skylar why did you put ice cubes down your skirt?"

I've been on Yea Forums since 2005 you fucking millennial faggot. I post those chink CCTV vids all the time. If you don't feel bothered by seeing a dick mutilated and then further disrespected by being put into a disgusting piece of "art" then you're either a faggot or a woman. Or worse, a progressive.

Taken from /pol/ this is the future Jazz has in store for when his "vagina" gets older with time:

>Dealt with a couple of such individuals at work.
Seems as though it just gradually becomes unusable for penetration, but they aren't exactly married for life to a loving husband. They piss the same as old ladies but get more urinary tract infections and when people get suspicious that the 'neovagina' is causing problems that put the person in hospital, nobody knows what to do. We had a patient who had cancer... up in it, it was causing him (?) to stink out the entire ward but everyone thought it was just intractable UTI. The cancer was causing recurrent bloodstream infections, but nobody could figure out ghethe infection source. CT images were basically uninterpretable although were 'concerning'. They tried a transvaginal ultrasound (probe goes up the vag, standard procedure for lady problems in real ladies) but the probe would not fit and the patient started howling in pain with any pressure.
The ultrasound probe (which has a disposable plastic covering) came out of the hole covered in the most profanely rancid clumps of slime from hell you've ever seen. The ultrasound technician somehow kept her cool and suggested we send the slime and lumps to the lab.
Micro results showed necrotic cancer pieces in polymicrobial abscess soup.

Salvage surgery was a complete shitshow and the patient died of septic shock days later, to my knowledge the only person to visit was the neighbour watching his house while he was in hospital.

Not skylar

Wow you're a dumbass. They allow it because it's not grotesque gore it's a medical procedure, the same shit applies to TV you can't show a nipple but they have medical shows that show you surgery and cutting people open. It's just dumb american laws.
Also there is literally nothing about a surgery that is 'politically correct' or incorrect, what a retarded thing to say.

She doesn't have balls though.


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>Also there is literally nothing about a surgery that is 'politically correct' or incorrect, what a retarded thing to say.


Or maybe i work in the medical field and have seen worse? What a novel concept! But no just chalk it up to retarded identity politics instead of reality, very bright of you.



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I genuinely do not think any amount of money would be enough

>there is literally nothing about a surgery that is 'politically correct' or incorrect
female circumcision?

FUCK I need a Skylar gf bros

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>Do you even think for a second that they would pay you any mind being a part of a group of sad lonely losers like us that masturbate and shitpost all day?
Speak for yourself you cocksucking faggot, kill yourself

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How are those political in any capacity. Those are just morally questionable it has nothing to do with politics.

But when they pay a doctor to do the same thing its not mentally ill?

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Phantom organs, biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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How did they get away with this?


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I can’t help but draw parallels between the tragedy of Jaron Bloshinksy and another tragedy, King Lear. Lear orders his daughters to exclaim their love for him and he exiles the only daughter not willing to dishonestly shower him with florid praise. Only before Lear’s death does he realise that Cordelia (the honest daughter) was the only one that cared about him. I expect Jaron’s tale to end the same way, with a realisation that us “transphobes” and “haters” with our honesty only seek to prevent him from continuing down the road to self-destruction. The “dishonest daughters” to whom Lear gave such credence were the architects of the trials that ultimately led to his death. And Jazz will end the same way. No wonder his show is so enthralling, it’s almost got the themes of a Shakespearian tragedy.

>I cleaned a few bedpans, so every time someone reacts to something on the internet, I'll make a bullshit guess that they're too fresh
Working in a hospital doesn't stop you from being an idiot.

The question of what is morally acceptable in any given society is an aspect of politics.

No, i make a guess that you're too fresh because something that isn't even shocking to look at made you freak out when shit like the pain olympics has existed for years. People post gore webms all of the time of people with rotting flesh or their head half blown off but they're still alive. There's videos of people cutting themselves up and spiking nails into their dick, videos of guys with glass jars that shatter in their ass.
All of this exists which you should be relatively familiar with if you've been around for a long time, but globs of flesh from a surgery make you freak.

By covering with 10 tranny garbage shows.

I think they tried to make it an anti-Hitler film. Like "look how dangerous and alluring rhetoric like this can be".

I don't feel anything besides a wince seeing a spic get his head lobbed off for the hundredth time or a Chinaman go in the escalator. Seeing a dick get mutilated like this is akin to watching someone else get kneed in the balls. It hurts on a empathetic level.

well, time to fap unironically to this

did you never see the pics of the guy that cut his dick in parts and cook it? it was a very popular image back then dumb newfag

This is why you're an incel

David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."

He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.

I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.

Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blasé quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.

Attached: Lynchian.webm (1408x788, 2.51M)

That's gay.

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I don't sit on Yea Forums every day (like you?). I only saw the buzzsaw on dick down the middle gif that people spammed.

The darkest moment in television history was portrayed in the episode where Jazz's psycho family had their genital mutilation party. No really. They had a cake shaped like a penis, and with family and friends all cheering and laughing, they took turns cutting the cake, all ritualistically celebrating their participation in the horrifying event. Taking turns cutting off the young boy's genitals, laughing, smiling, rejoicing. This wasn't some south park sketch gone too far or a theatrical performance of an absurdist Lynchian or Huxleyan tale. This was reality TV. Future generations will look back in horror and shame at this phase of madness. This was America in the 21st century. A boy named Jazz was brainwashed, from the age of 2, to think he was a girl by his evil mother. They pumped him with hormones and carved a hole in his pelvis and told him to fuck black dudes. They’re encouraging thousands of children watching to be like Jazz and get their genitals removed too. This. Is. Real. Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

Attached: hell is empty.gif (525x294, 3.38M)

Memes aside I do feel bad for Jazz. He never had a chance and his control-freak mother pushed this whole tranny thing on him from age 2. She really should be in jail.

jesus christ what the actual fuck

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>tfw the comedian will never stop this degeneracy

sometimes i think about becoming a police officer and then joining a death squad just to LARP as the comedian

Sounds fucking satanic.

Even if I didn’t know she (male) had a dead smelly puss hole under those panties, I still would not because her (his) nose is the size of a pear and the rest of the face looks like it was beaten with the ugly stick

Transsexuality and transvesticism in males is heavily linked with porn addiction and paraphilias. I think it's possible/probable that heavy porn usage could lead to creation or heightening of pedophiliac tendencies as well.

There is also the aspect in male trans people where they fetishize girlhood. I think that is more common than not. They want to be the fuckable people they wank to and obsess about. Pubescent females are the focus of the majority of porn content. So the ideal male trans destination is likely pubescent girlhood in most cases. They fantasize about it a lot; they experience great pain that they have been denied girlhood.

Then there's another common aspect of male trans people: autogynephilia. You're sexually aroused by seeing yourself feminized. If the ideal goal of male trans people is pubescent girlhood, and a major sexual identity is formed around being aroused by your own fantasies of being a feminized nubile female, then maybe that attraction could also be directed at females, not just autoerotic fantasies.

So maybe in some cases childhood sexual abuse, porn addiction, and autogynephilia could lead to a greater possibility of creating a transgender pedophilia. I'd bet that porn would be the most common avenue for pedophiliac tendencies in many. The pushing of limits that occurs in porn addiction is well known.

I can't wait for the 2020 Olympics

>Less settled, however, is the debate about the appropriate upper limit of women's testosterone levels in elite athletic competition. The current IOC policy dictates that transgender women must have a testosterone level less than 10 nanomoles per liter, roughly the low end of typical male values. But because more than 99% of women have testosterone levels less than 3 nanomoles per liter, some researchers have suggested that limit is too high. Harper is among them. "If you're competing in the women's division, you should do so with women's hormone levels," she says. "I understand just how much difference they make."

They just can't relate to the exaggerated monstrosity of being male that is pushed by woke people these days, they're probably spreading the same message themselves, but it's now easier than ever to jump the fence and join the other team. Doing that means they're free to continue watching porn(they're sexually liberated woman), having male nerd interests(they're not like other girls) and being creepers in general. Jonathan Yaniv is a great example of someone that was absurdly creepy towards women and got away with it for a long time by playing the trans card, there have been others in and around the rat king that got away with murder in similar ways - I remember someone approaching women, either acquaintances or co-workers, and tried to pressure them into letting them feel their breasts so they would know what to expect when they grow them themselves. Super creepy, but not made into a big deal because, you know...

if people in the 40s thought americans using niggers to compete for them while treating them as subhumans was a horrorshow just imagine what they would think about castrated men competing in women categories.

I know trans guys who absolutely hate other trans guys who have babies. They believe it completely invalidates their identity as a man and they say they're a stain on FTM's everywhere. They're all fucked in the head.

It's not about the fucking hormone levels, it's about the list below and the 6000 fucking ways in which male and female gene expression is fucking different
>three times the upper body strength
>twice the amount of muscle fiber
>thicker bones
>narrower hips, straight knees, greater stride, less chance of injury
>larger frame
>larger lung volume
>more sweating and faster heat dissipation
I swear I will burn this motherfucker down.

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Let it Pop

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They're not even castrated. Bottom of the barrell pondscum like canuck Rhys "Rachel" McKinnon says he's a biological female because he feels like it. No hormones, no castration, no nothing. And the cycling assholes let him compete as a woman. Something has to be done yesterday.

>it’s not a mental illness

>they actually engage in a hobby that they care about.
You made the mistake of thinking people care. We talk about facts here and make fun of all this crazy shit because it's crazy and we can't believe there are people stupid enough to think anything about trannies is normal or sane.
>Do you even think for a second that they would pay you any mind being a part of a group of sad lonely losers like us that masturbate and shitpost all day? She might only be 15 but shes got an agenda and its more than pushing the feminist acceptance LGBTQ+ bullshit. she has something that she cares about and she does it as well as she can.
Again nobody cares what crazy people think. We are here to shitpost and make fun of these freaks because it's funny. If they didn't want the public to talk about their nonsense then maybe they shouldn't have made their private lives public. Everything about these people is a joke.
>What do you do user?
It doesn't matter what he does. He isn't being paid to entertain us with his mental disability, his abusive parents, and surgically mutilating his body. He hasn't sold his personal life and information to be made public.
>How can we judge them? and there is no question that you shouldnt be attracted to them because that makes you a homosexual. You dont want to be a faggot, right user? ... fuck im done /rant

Easy to judge them. But only the mentally ill faggot that is a pervert would be attracted to a tranny.

Everyone involved in Jazz's life that did not report the parents for child abuse, from the teachers to the doctors and nurses, needs to be in prison. They had an obligation and they failed to do their duty. They allowed the parents to mutilate Jazz and he will soon be part of the 40 percent. When it does happen, they have already set it up to blame bullying, but everyone that is sane will know it was really the parents. When it does happen I hope the parents are charged.

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the fascists were right


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But we have so many medical experiments and drugs to test on you.

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Homosexuality aside, most hetero troons (and most fitting the definition of troon are or were hetero as males, though not all) have a sexual component such as autogynephilia and/or sissification fetish, and it often starts in puberty or later. These types tend to get off on having their identity validated publicly, imposing their demands on the general public and hence, a troon is born. Being vulnerable and rapeable and helpless is part of their fetish which is why you see all these gross hulking troons loudly proclaiming they were raped six times and are constantly groped every time they leave the house even though they are both repulsive and physically intimidating.

we didn't listen

plebian here, this is a parody of hat song, brother?


Those aren't guys, those are sexually abused female victims, most of them have BPD.


I really want to know what it looks like.

That looks nothing like a woman. (At least in that last video).


>nature invalidates their identity
irony is lost on these fucks

This is the fate of all Transgender men. Every last one.

Why the fuck do kike tranny mods keep deleting my threads but leaving this shit up?

Supersonic by Oasis


Hang it from a tree? Why yes user i would.

supersonic i think, i can remember the delivery but not how it actually goes now


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I have said it before and i'll say it again. This movie is a redpill hidden inside a bluepill, everyone should watch it.

thanks, fren

it feels like we shifted into a darker timeline in Jazz threads ever since the "pop" heard round the world.

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>white men cutting their balls off without having to be asked

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How about men compete with men, women compete with women and trannies compete with trannies

No problem. Enjoy, my young friend, zoom well.

Context on pic?

>tranny category

I hit my limit and left the threads last August or so


An article on the very first "non binary" and how it was all a sham.

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I'm happy I found the Pagliacchi pill.

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>looks pretty convincing
>man voice


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Holy shit, an actual discord tranny...you can't make this up.

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i understand all of it, it's as glorious as you think.
i can translate if you want too.

Yes tbqh

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They raid these threads.ALL the posts that are talking about how charlie passes or how they want that skyler tranny are discord tranny posts. No normal user would post that shit.

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basado y rojo-pastillado

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just have a (real) woman's league and then a mixed one that includes men and trannies and whatever the fuck else they come up with, neither flavour of tranny is necessarily going to excel but it's better than the alternatives

The energy is darker, the jokes more cruel, like the whirlwind that is Jazz threads acquired a sinister smile.

>mfw reading Jazz General and listening to Bloodborne ost

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It's because as the show progressed, all the tranny secrets became public. It all is very dark. Because it is insanity.

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>shit lube

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ye, it lost a bit of its comfyness, maybe it was the influx of /pol/ and /int/ posters, but hey at least they are funny and make some damn good OC.

To summarize it everyone got dangerously blackpilled after the teratoma child thread.

Going down on a tranny gives you free pets.

Attached: Name your worms.png (1136x715, 59K)

Speaking of which, they introduced Jazz a boyfriend on the show. He is from West Philadelphia. Literally the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is her boyfriend.... They introduced him right after Jazz's surgery and he refused to french kiss Jazz.

Attached: Jazz Shrek feet.webm (1394x768, 1.09M)

all you have to do is enforce a strict policy upholding female-only leagues. men's leagues are already "mixed", it's just that women never make the cut for obvious physiological reasons, which is also why male trannies ("mtf") are constantly winning gold while female trannies ("ftm") are left in the dust.

His mom is redpilled about fags and trannies. He doesn't think he's gay for liking Jazz. Many of us think he is a paid actor, as with everyone on the show that isn't a Tranny.

Attached: Jazz paid extra.jpg (564x736, 68K)

Jazz explained how his fake vagina was made and it freaked his boyfriend out.

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I think Jazz showed him what his fake vagina looked like. Because he started posting about losing his sanity on instagram.

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Now he thinks hes a tranny.

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This one is total dogshit

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He keeps posting about how he is losing his sanity.

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And now if you look at his profile picture on instagram, he references Jazz's teratoma with the eye in his forehead.....
That was the only one that got the discord tranny to respond, so it did it's job.

Attached: Ahmir is Teratoma now.png (1536x746, 177K)

>his instagram profile says hes non binary now
fucking retard

>jews are hugely overrepresented in homosexual and trans populations relative to their percent of the national populace
>if this is on purpose, its largely backfiring
oy vey

This dude is a prime example as to why social media was a mistake. All these young kids are so insecure about their identity and messing up their head.

Imagine Amir at the family BBQ
>*laughter ensues*

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Merely a coincidence. Jazz had his SRS at Mt. Sinai Hospital.....

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You're right. It's become a mad house.

I do like there being OC and some are humorous.

>it's real
>the first true boyfriend of the most famous transgender teenager has a third eye on his instagram avatar
the world is so goddamn weird now

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Should go as a warning to others.
We have been living in clown world for a few years now.

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jazz acts like a gay male

Because Jazz is a gay male.

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>it's not a bug
>it's a feature


i thought he liked women now he likes men. i think hes just desperate.

This is a myth, we don't know wtf Jazz really is or would be without her psycho mother's influence. We know she's been attracted to woman.

>my nose might not be perfect or what i would pick out of a catalogue but it's part of who i am and i've learned to accept it
damn nigga that's a good joke

Yes. He was used by a female, that used him to be on the show. So no one was interested in him, so the show had to pay Ahmir to go out with Jazz. That is why I believe Ahmir refused to french kiss Jazz. Jazz actually asked him about it and put him on the spot in front of the camera and he couldn't come up with a reason.
Because Jazz's parents fucked Jazz up. He admitted in the show the drugs fucked his libido, never having a hardon or a sexual thought, never masturbating or having an orgasm. They chemically castrated him and made him impotent. Jazz on the show said he is "pan sexual" but like said, Jazz is just desperate. He was obsessed with getting the SRS, and now that he has had it, he has nothing to obsess over, so now he will obsess over getting laid. After he finally has sex is when he will join the 40 percent.

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>those photos
holy fuck this was before being a tranny was cool

some gay men act like women

>Doctor wants to wake up world to how fucked up "gender reassignment" really is
>Jazz Jennings mother just wants more people to mutilate their children.

I know who id trust more.

how long until we read in the news that jazz stabbed his mom 300 times in the neck and face while she was sleeping and then hanged himself?

any bets?

I love how you can see all the stubble coming through on "her" face. Only feminine, small men should become trans.

roll tide on that

asian men are basically already as feminine as western women and benefit greatly from transitioning

>taken from /pol/
>which was taken from here

>being gay is bad
>just be a woman instead bro
is this whole circus just "corrective surgery" for people who don't like the idea of being gay? I'm sure in the future this will be seen as an atrocity rather than sexual wokeness

>Don't you think she's a pretty girl, goy

Seriously ALL these procedures, the doctors performing them admit they are all new. They admit they are using these mentally ill men as test subjects. I thought this shit was illegal as hell but apparently not.

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He never had a chance, did he? He was groomed from the start and now there are politicians reading the children's book about him on the floor of the House of Representatives. It's absurd and it's tragic. It's so horrifying that I can't do anything but laugh. How can we have hope for the future if this is the world our children will be born into?

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>bro flake

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Hell no.

Does I Am Jazz qualify for Mondo ?

>Representatives reading his book
With representatives like these youtube.com/watch?v=BBpXFRPsKjM It's understandable.

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>complaining about being 5'8
he should be more worried about his 2 inch penis

bottom left looks like a girl to me

When did Shia Labluff become a tranny?

Attached: Horror story.jpg (1175x2325, 1.61M)

>potential to be 5'11
how did he know?

They probably counted the rings inside his penis.

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Why did they have to lose?

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yeah, lets fuck gooks

Needs more sneed and chuck

>my nose is a feature and modifying it would change who i am!
>my penis has to go!


Oy vey goys!!!!

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So when's the next episode?

>pretend you have mental heath issues
>pretend you can’t be in a relationship anymore
>”it’s me, not you bby”
>break up with zero social issues following you
>continue pursuit to be president
the perfect plan?

You know how we think it's pants on head retarded and stupendously cruel to drown the witch to make sure she's innocent? To draw and quarter people or break them on the wheel if you're going to kill them anyway? Those were all officially sanctioned measures. In about a hundred years, our current politicians will be in the history screens as the retards they are, tales of trannies will be horror film fodder, and kids will be stupified by how insane this age, with feelz over realz, was.

ok based

>the 112 tranny

Knew it was only a matter of time. Wonder if he's killed himself. Not because of being trans, but because the Seahawks are shit again.

We ant eyes on the inside, not the outside Ahmir, you beastly idiot.

Fucking Harv, that loveable loon

>in your own bathroom
>bothering to wear gloves at all

most abhorrent thing about it, really

how can he have a receding hairline already? Those side effects from HRT must suck to cause that kind of damage so young.

1mil euros in stocks and 1mil in Jersey.

Fuck man my country is so fucked

thats one gay ass nigga

Its just like that reverse tranny said. These people are attracted to themselves in the form of the opposite gender. Wtf.

>I've just been kiding behind a smile and making jokes. It's more like other people suck all of the positive energy out of me and then they are happy while I'm made to feel horrible
literally pagliaccipilled

not surprising since this just proves how all christcucks are fucked in the head.

Reminder the tranny mods are attempting to cover their tracks


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Jesus Christ what an insufferable faggot.

>multilate youself greatly to the point of becoming pratically disabled
>life gets worse
cant make this shit up

>then we hear a pop
now I believe this story, as outlandish as it is

I argued against this discord tranny general. You accused me of being a discord tranny trying cover this shit up, now i come back to see whats going on and half the fucking posts are faggots and trannies jerking off to this filth.


Attached: image1 (6).jpg (4032x3024, 1.18M)

Cool blog post

Post-ops like us don't calling it jerking off. We call it popping off.

No because if you left the house and spent less time looking at filtered as fuck Instagram posts you’d spot a tranny a mile away. I worked in a private hospital that did plastic surgery and dealt with amlot of trannies and none of them looked like real women after a few seconds of looking. Go look at that picture of Jazz and his sister you can see it a mile off.


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post-op? More like pre-suicide

okay this is based

When is this general going to get sneeded like /reylo/ did.

based Hitler. Only with drivel indoctrinated /pol/ spastics freak about it.

Pic related is a reverse tranny who was an experimental dance teacher. It had a kink for being wrapped and smothered in saran wrap. Seriously. Spoiler: It died, wrapped and smothered in saran wrap, as one does. It could have been a bigger scandal because the dungeon master responsible is connected to the Wachowski sisters/transbians and their sm mistress, and the reverse tranny also had a long term relationship. Its boyfriend probably saw it as a lifesize onahole, and no big fuzzes were made.

tl;dr nothing tranny ever comes to any good.

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>half the fucking posts
Its not even 10% of the thread and it's one discord tranny doubling down the damage control after someone posted that charlie screenshot
>jerking off to this filth
no one here is jacking off to anything except the user who likes blacked and some discord tranny pedo.

i love you doggoposter

What bathroom shoud hermaprodites use

never, go join the 40%, mentally ill tranny.

the neo-auschwitz one.

Attached: DB13121A-0196-4C2D-84B6-AC46383776F8.gif (600x403, 1.11M)

this is how he'll get jazz to break up with him
jazz has a "pussy" for less than 100 hours and somehow gets her first boyfriend, not only that but it's actually the first boy she's ever been interested in

jazz so desperately wants to be heterosexual, she wants cock based off how she talks to her parents
she wants to move out for part of a year before college specifically so she can get fucked in the front hole
jazz and amir are both gay men that can't stand being homosexuals

This is meDumb fuck

the baphomet bathroom

>jazz and amir are both gay men that can't stand being homosexuals
thread theme from now on

the point remains, go join your kind in hell, tranny.

Attached: untitled.png (209x395, 138K)

been a long time since I heard this, based

OPs theme:

How the fuck am i a tranny?

kek. based ben weasel.

>antagonizing a tranny bashing general
i don't know

if people want to take hormones and have boob jobs I don't care but how can this shit even be legal? how can something which causes so many problems and lead to suicidal thoughts or actual suicide be a legit practice done by doctors?

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the answer has a small slimy frame a and a big nose

It better be Blood starved beast theme

Hitler was right

found the pics


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I just see trannies using this general as an justification for all the other tranny/faggot tgreads that get spammed here. That apu ezra poster, the tranny mod babysitting this thread right now

I just want every fucking queer executed at this point. There's just no escape

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man if only my country did this

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if only your country took more obvious methods of depopulation?

I'm a glass is half emtpy kind of guy but I still believe these stories have to be fake

you mean killing them just like how the muslims do it?

If they use this general as justification for tranny related generals that supports this mental illness that's not my problem, blame the mods.

These threads are pratically a public service, redpilling people everyday consistently and exposing transexualism for what it really is, everyday we get discord trannies trying to shift the narrative or derail the threads because of it, that's why we are paranoid.

Attached: Screenshot_20190304-120759_YouTube.jpg (1633x950, 498K)

>blame the mods
You mean the literal tranny mod thats ruled Yea Forums for the last 2 years? Yeah that's going to help.
public service
For the same 15 posters every day? I could understand an anti discord tranny general but not this.

to be fair, she isnt really a man unless she is sterilized since she could still give birth which should be outlawed in all countries unless their sterilized. Its really the only humane thing to do.

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They're also not allowed to troon out if they have kids under the age of twenty, and any old degenerate dad with a midlife crisis who wants to come out as a "six year old lesbian in a 52 year old man's body" instead of having an affair and buying a convertible, is btfo'd hard.

In other news, Alyssa Milano, of believing Jussie fame, claimed membership of the trans spectrum on twitter and is getting attacked by loony trannies. It's okay if crazed men appropriate womanhood, but it's not okay if woke women appropriate transhood. Write that down, because these woke talking points are complicated without a graph.

Good reminder to never give in to your kumbaya feelings and side with these crazies on any single issue, because they'll eat their own and turn on you on a dime.

>tfw you are so homophobic that you cut your dick off so you could pretend to be a hetero woman

I dunno there are some masculine asian chads out there

Ari ironically looks trans when you look at her face,but still surprised she wasn't after watching the show a few times

>15 posters
>over 100 unique IPs
Kill yourself tranny.

Who is this.
I need sauce

Im not a fucking tranny

she really doesn't, get your eyes check'd user.

Cosplaying: The Next Generation


(((They))) all have freaky eyes.

are you telling me Alyssa isn't a trans lesbian gay black immigrant?

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>guys the thing is stop these threads that bash the tranny scum
>i am not a tranny btw i am just saying taht its wrong
>oh btw faggot nigger faggot faggot
>now do what i say and stop these transphobic threads already
You are a discord tranny

>>These threads are pratically a public service, redpilling people everyday

That's what drew me in.

Attached: giphy (1).gif (498x383, 487K)

I could understand an anti discord tranny general but yeah sure keep it up user

No penis, so no.

>wanting jazzs nasty unwashed microdick

CONFUSION OF THE HIGHEST ORDER! Trannies are just nuts, don't try to reason with nutcases.

Please don't forget that there is still beauty in this nightmarish clown world. Fight for it.


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