You have 10 seconds to find a more boring setting than WW1

You have 10 seconds to find a more boring setting than WW1.

Attached: ww1.jpg (968x726, 127K)

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Victorian era. Something like the favorite

Present day 2018


at least with WW1 there's some moral ambiguity. In WW2 it's very obvious who the good guys and bad guys are.


Me on the bottom

dudes just shoot at them without getting shot back. how hard can it be?

>dudes just shoot at them without getting shot back. how hard can it be?
user 1897-1915


When I was in high school, my world history teacher told us about the rats. Massive rats that occupied the trenches and had grown accustomed to human flesh. In the midst of battle, the extremely injured would begin to be nibbled on, then bitten, and then consumed. I'd love to see some kind of abstract body-horror film set in the trenches of WWI based on the rats.
The eaten alive part may be apocryphal, but this shit is real

Why didn't they just make really big mouse traps lmao

Your sex life.

Apparently some regiments did bring terriers for killing rats

Attached: trench_rats_4.jpg (1600x897, 139K)


The War of 1812

OPs vagina

"I can't sleep in my dugout, as it is over-run with rats. Pullman slept here one morning and woke up to find one sitting on his face. I can't face that, so I share Newbery's dug-out." - Captain Lionel Crouch

Newbery, what a bro to share his dug-out.

>boring in anyway


American civil war.


What did you say zoomer

It's boring. Even in games.

Begone thot

>even in games
this is making me irrationally angry. I suppose that's what proper shitposting is meant to do anyway.

Your life

>adding spooky sounds to make it scary

a teenager's bedroom

The Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Japan at any point in history

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away

Your existence

MCU and others like it. WW1 desu is fairly underused, stuff like Paths of Glory, Gallilippi, and Beneath Hill 30 are amazing. If a setting alone can make or break a film then the issue isn't the setting, its the story.

Imagine being THIS devoid of taste. No, actually imagine it.

Literally anything set in England.

And fuck you WW1 is kino faggot.

Eastern Europe