I hate every single one of you

I hate every single one of you

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i sneed every single seed of you

I hate myself too

This. Yea Forums is such a shit board

shit was so cash

You are worse than me though so I don't care about how you feel.

I can guarantee I hate myself more than you hate me

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>I dislike The Land Jedi and Captain Marvel
>That's why they live inside of my head 24/7 rent free, I MUST make another thread about these movies

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Is your name even John?

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Fuck you

It's okay user.
I like you anyway.

I'm killing myself unironically in 11 days so erryting gonna be okay

Hey, I was gonna say that you piece of shit!

i like you

No, you won't.
But in the slim chance you do, godspeed.

At least we aren't /mlp/


Don't worry I'm an oldfag so I'll actually stream it.

Don't do it user. Unless you are a tranny, then go ahead

how you gonna do it? I'll join if it's good.

Wee woo uh oh I peepee white shark doodoo

Rube Goldberg machine. If it fails I'll just shoot myself.

this. peace and love bros. can't beat fire with fire. only love can beat hate.

nah you're not.

Have sex

yeah, well, your motha

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i want to die a painless death right now

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