Kate is about to graduate. Her biggest dream is to have sex with Ryan Lambert...

>Kate is about to graduate. Her biggest dream is to have sex with Ryan Lambert. The only problem is that Ryan refuses to have sex with a virgin. This leads to a hunt for another man to lose her virginity to so she finally can have her dream prince.

Wow can you imagine how awful that would be? What are some other films about women overcoming adversity and achieving their goals?

Attached: 18yov.jpg (467x653, 105K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That's actually kind of smart, desu. There is definitely virgin fear out there because once you pop their cherry they want to marry you and stay with you forever.

haha yeah that would suck


Janny is about to move out. Her biggest dream is to have a real job with a real salary. The only problem is that Hiro refuses to have pay him This leads to a hunt for enough threads to delete to so he finally can show how valuable he is to Yea Forums

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I've had sex once and I fucking hated it, it was with some Italian whore on a boat, I can't even remember her name.
Don't fall for the meme, anons

how about Eat Pray Love the brave story of one woman cheating on her faithful and loving husband and then spending the alimony traveling the world to fuck losers?

>The only problem is that Ryan refuses to have sex with a virgin.
What universe was this movie filmed in?

That giant red text honestly triggers a fight-or-flight response in me

>The only problem is that Ryan refuses to have sex with a virgin

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Ryan is a straight cuckold. What sort of insane man WANTS a woman to have slept with more men. Did he want them to still be dripping the last guy's cum as well?
What a tragedy.

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>I had bad sex once
>this means all sex is bad

WOW. I mean... c-could you even imagine, that sounds awful h-haha

Friendly remember that the main actress did porn.

>I fucking hated it
ok but why?


Wow, sounds awful. I'd much rather a used up girl who's "damaged" desu.

My willy felt kinda good for a few minutes, sure, but it was completely devoid of passion, love, and it was completely unsatisfying.

It's to reinforce the conditioning

>congratulations senors

>passionless sex was bad
Well, yeah.

i would guzzle so much cum if i was in her position

>so drunk you can't remember the person's name
>probably spent more time throwing up overboard than making feeble attempts to insert your numb, flaccid benis

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kys, cuck. monogamy is ideal, my grandparents did it and they stayed together from 16 to death. I wish I was like them and didn't have a bunch of slut ex-gfs and instead had a wonderful wife

>smells bad
>doesn't feel as good as jerking off
>maybe your even wearing a condom so you feel absolutely nothing
>woman gets turned off by your lack of enthusiasm
>the woman still thinks she did you a big favor by letting you throw your hotdog down her hallway
>they all have a bizarre sense of superiority towards other women
>listening to them talk in general

Attached: de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b.jpg (499x481, 28K)

Having a stalker is not fun. But I get it... incels cannot relate. Nvm.

>muffled Mariachi music in the background

>smells bad
sex isn't supposed to smell, fucking shower you animal
>doesn't feel as good as jerking off
stop choking your dick
>maybe your even wearing a condom so you feel absolutely nothing
valid, I never use condoms
>woman gets turned off by your lack of enthusiasm
then show some enthusiasm
>the woman still thinks she did you a big favor by letting you throw your hotdog down her hallway
don't bang worthless sluts
>they all have a bizarre sense of superiority towards other women
see above
>listening to them talk in general
you talk during sex? I just grunt then sleep afterwards

you're shit at sex

She was in something called Co-Ed Confidential which had loads of sorta graphic sex scenes.


>knowing what eat pray love is about

>sex isn't supposed to smell
t. virgin


>Ryan refuses to have sex with a virgin

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i am 28 and i have never had sex.

>The only problem is that Ryan refuses to have sex with a virgin.

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no it seriously fucking isn't. you need to shower if that stank hits your face while fucking

22 years old virgin here, how to be good at sex?

Leave Yea Forums forever.

Why do you need to know buddy?

Any tips to not fuck up my first time?

>be 25yo touchless virgin hikki and in neet rehabilitation camp I mean class
>if dont go there they sanction my NEETbucks
>class is about learning some office job
>for some reason that class is filled with 17/18yo chicks
>the girls bully my adult balding ass
>one girl asks really loud if I have a gf
>say "uh yes"
>they don't buy it and ask "whats her name?"
>don't know what to say and just turn around
>can feel face heating up and turning red
>the roasties start laughing
>they bully me
>cant do shit against it
>they laugh even harder when they see me driving my moms car

Attached: JUST2.jpg (217x320, 10K)

first thing is to know that you're not going to be good the first time, and relaxation is key. you absolutely have to find a way to be comfortable
second thing: ask her what she likes and wants, just communicate in general. she's the one that will know best, no matter how many pro tips you read on the internet
good chance you will, but don't sweat it. just make sure you don't pound like a retarded monkey and fucking shower

>ask her what she likes and wants
Yikes! Big cringe there, bucko!

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You will and that's fine. My first time took ages since I couldn't get it up out of nerves, we were on a top bunk and some anime was streaming on her laptop that I can't even remember the name of. The second I was inside her I said something like "oh shit we're actually doing it". It can't get much worse than that I imagine. Other user's point about communication is literally the best advice you'll get on sex though. We all like different things.

an inexperienced first timer should do this. you obviously don't need it if you have experience and can assume control and read her

>camp i mean class
are you missing a backspace or are you just retarded?

>if you have experience and can assume control and read her
Based! VERY redpilled!

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>oh shit we're actually doing it
fucking kek

phoneposters are a menace

as I am still a virgin years later and now almost 30 I guess yes I am retarded

>Any tips to not fuck up my first time?

Attached: 1200px-Wedding_and_Engagement_Rings_2151px.jpg (1200x1013, 144K)

>my adult balding ass

How long have you been balding/how bad is it?

I'm 26, started using Rogaine as soon as I noticed the thinning pattern and it's worked pretty well so far.

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>reddit spacing

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How long can I hope to make it last?

I started balding at 16
now I am 29 and still have a little bit of hair
looks really JUST
dont want to try anything against it as I am allergic to a lot of things

god knows, I didn't cum at all the first time because of nerves. you cannot predict this so don't stress over it

You're more likely to last ages since you're so nervous and aware of it.

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This is a really good "have sex" in reverse. 7/10


Lmao there is no right or wrong way to live life, rid yourself of judgmental biases and life will open up for you

enjoy STDs and mentally ill girls

fuck you nigger

Attached: IMG_0056.jpg (4032x3024, 1.68M)

Imagine browsing Yea Forums on a computer in 2019.

fuck you too

unironically flattered, thank you

cute finger, did you ever try to put it in your ass?

>How long can I hope to make it last?
VERY yike!

>that short finger

>not knowing the type of retards you share this board with

I won't read your edgelord guru, sorry dude.

could still be a phone

>she's the one that will know best
>she's a clueless virgin
Have fun

There is nothing more meaningless and superfluous in the world than the female orgasm. Biologically, it is an accident of evolution. Whether a female has an orgasm or not does not affect her ability to become impregnated by a man’s seed, which is ejected only when he has an orgasm. If men stop having orgasms, the human race will be extinct in 100 years. If females stop having orgasms, there will be much shrieking and fury in women’s magazines, but the race will continue unimpeded. Fertility rates will not drop even 1%.

If spices were eradicated from the earth, and food suddenly became bland, would you stop eating? You’d miss certain tastes, but your health and well-being wouldn’t be affected as you’d still get pleasure from chewing and feeling sated. If the female orgasm was abolished, women would continue to have sex because the act of feeling a man thrusting deep inside them with masculine power would still be pleasing.

I used to try to last as long as possible in bed. I wanted to make sure the girl got hers before I got mine, and the reason I did that was because I thought she would be attracted to me more and want to see me again.

well then it doesn't matter because you're both figuring stuff out and are in the same boat

>Whether a female has an orgasm or not does not affect her ability to become impregnated by a man’s seed, which is ejected only when he has an orgasm

A man doesnt have to orgasm to impregnate a woman either, dork.

>There is nothing more meaningless and superfluous in the world than the female orgasm. Biologically, it is an accident of evolution.
what about the fact that it makes women more sexually active? more sex, more babs

It is if you stalk them back

>lmao just be a serial killer bro, there's no right or wrong, nothing matters, we'll all die someday


I'm gay

She’s so plain but at the same time makes me diamonds

Man, if you took jokes as good as you take dicks...

26, almost 27 yo awkward virgin with a qt who sits next to me in class every week but who appears to be only 19ish or younger, obviously has some amount of sexual experience.

Any feasible way to approach her? Or general advice in regards to younger grils?

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take it back

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That's a yikes from me dawg

dont bother she probably has sex with lots of chads already with which you cannot compete anyway.

No. Lost my virginity to my highschool sweetheart who had huge milkers and let me titfuck them all the time because she was eager to please at that age.

>unironically saying highschool sweetheart

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Sorry you missed out on the experience. Enjoy that lifetime of regret.

It's a community college and about half the students in my classes seem to be older than that.

Having sex with a virgin woman??
Can YOU believe that?

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He's just jealous you're doing something with your life and he's a NEET m8.

Reminder that this is generic Jewish propaganda.

your brain on /pol/, everyone

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it's a boomer as fuck term, learn to meme you faggot


I'm retired from having sex haha

thats why theirs a boomer in the meme stupid retard

the boomer is saying "pathetic", which means he's mocking the poster you replied to. fucking retard
I bet you even know this and you're just backpedaling

>community college
Stop projecting boomer faggot

>I bet you even know this and you're just backpedaling

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Dear god man, I'd invest in some finger extensions if I were you

>content-free shitpost




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I feel like its taking mainstream society way too long to notice the massive jump in male suicides, and furthermore I dont think anyone cares. Like, in place of a world war killing off the excess males we're just gonna meme them out of a future then wait for them to an hero alone in an apartment

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Is there even a kino unrated movie from the 2000s. I want to wank but a good plot too.

Based sneedman

You look like a lesbian on steroids.

I don't get it. After 5 years she decided she didn't want to be a roastie or something?

Seems like she genuinely didn't realize she had female privilege and just discovered it


How does it feel to be wrong about literally everything?

What privilege, of not getting raped? I don't understand anything about this picture
It's 5 years later and she doesn't use Tinder after people called her cute (on a reddit hugbox) because someone tried to rape her in university allegedly
What's the moral of the story?

Moral of the story is that she thought she could never get someone because she was unattractive but when she posted her pic it turns out tons of guys are up for it.

If you have sex then don’t have sex again for more than a year you become a virgin again

But how do we know since there's no picture of her, maybe she was always pretty and just retarded.

I have a hand fetish and I want you to know you have qt cuticles.

I last had sex in 2008

>girl complains on reddit about how unattractive girls have it worst than guys
>posts picture of herself
>reddit fags tell her she's cute
>she gets confidence
>goes out and gets a bf
>seems like she understands the plight of the incel
>5 years later...
>became a slut in college anyway

That image is pretty wild

>used to talk to a girl with a hand fetish
>she’d send me feet pics and in exchange I’d send her hand pics
I miss that shit

They'll notice when the rolling blackouts begin, when the water in the traps stops running, when packs of feral nigs are roaming the streets, when they're terribly injured and call 911, only, nobody will be there to answer.

And dying at the end of a niggers knife, bleeding out, I hope they see my headstone and my final epithet, which will read "I told you so".

It's so satisfying being right I'll be preemptively enjoying this one until I die.

Well it's their choice. Nobody is killing them.

i wouldn't know

Yeah, imagine that. A women having sex with only one man for life. Wow, how horrifying.

>There is definitely virgin fear out there because once you pop their cherry they want to marry you and stay with you forever.

How far have we fallen

Attached: pence.png (305x442, 191K)

I personally am just waiting for a good opportunity when my family wouldn't be burdened by it.

Step aside and let me show you real fingers.

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oh i remember that shit in pic

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>I personally am just waiting for a good opportunity when my family wouldn't be burdened by it.
I know you're just memeing but please dont. I want people to talk with who are just as amused by the downfall of western civ as I am. Think of the memes user.

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oh yeah she's so hideous lmfao
just a roastie farming upvotes and beta bux, she knew what she was doing

Bitch knew she wasn't hideous. Just made up some sob story so reddit white knights would praise her and make her feel good.

I wonder how long until we as a western society face the problem looming in Chinas future, not enough women to men. As a result far more single, lonely men are in the population. This is one of the biggest fears of the Chinese government as if a unknown but defined percentage of your population goes full incel there will be lashback against the communist part.

>The only problem is that Ryan refuses to have sex with a virgin.
Imagine a man being unwilling to fuck a hot virgin. The suspension of disbelief only goes so far, retards

>What sort of insane man WANTS a woman to have slept with more men
The ones who fall for the "more experienced in bed" meme

I dunno if she's just farming upvotes. I think she's genuinely so dumb she wasnt aware that women can get into a relationship at any moment literally by physically being outside in a social environment and waiting for a dude to come up

So many girls are just totally unaware of how different their lives are from guys cause no one ever tells them and everyone is just lying to them constantly so they can fuck them

just gonna review those numerals real quick

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Ryan would not break unbroken toys. Ryan is based.

>There is definitely virgin fear out there because once you pop their cherry they want to marry you and stay with you forever.
H-haha yeah I would totally hate that haha

Attached: Buiudth.jpg (1024x683, 75K)

>The only problem is that Ryan refuses to have sex with a virgin.


>"more experienced in bed" meme
It's so funny. It's just a list of shit she did with some other guy, hated, and now wont do.

You dont get to put it in her ass. Her college boyfriend did tho.

Please don't. As long as all of us can gain enough financial self-sufficiency, we will be able to weather the storm and torture the survivors who participated in this.

PLEASE have sex

I've had sex 6 times all with different women and it was shitty every time.

>Those gecko pads
>That index nail

Attached: disgust-gif-12.gif (375x269, 1.92M)

Didn't it used to be that the main goal of the chad was deflower as many virgins as possible? When did this change?

>I wish I was like them

No you don't fucko. If someone took away your anime and vidya and told you you're now working 10 hours minimum a day to support kids with no more porn and intermittent missionary sex with a starfishing shrew you'd kill yourself

So if all women are whores how am I supposed to save the white race?

I've had sex over 500 times with 5 different women and I can count the shitty experiences on my two hands

>No women has ever wanted to have sex with me a second time
>It's their fault

Attached: 1310483412100.jpg (413x395, 19K)

He never said it was their fault, learn into reading comprehension

Will you save me 15% on car insurance?

>1 month ago
>I just turned 21
>6 months ago
As a 26 year old...

Bait. And don't try and tell me someone saved that inane post about her getting a bf and stalked the bitch for 5 years just to make this image either. I don't buy it.

I was talking about the relationship part you sperg

Did you use lube or do enough foreplay to get her wet? That could have been your issue right there...or you could be desensitized because you watch too much porn, i went through a slight phase like that

>what is a one night stand
Have sex

give me one good reason to bother with relationships when female virgins basically don't exist

They were all hookers actually, so you're right. But I also don't want to have sex with women anymore either. Masturbation is so much more enjoyable.

>If someone took away your anime and vidya and told you you're now working to support kids with no more porn and sex with your wife
y-yeah that would suck

>he only problem is that Ryan refuses to have sex with a virgin.

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sex. you don't need a serious relationship

There isn't. Men have no true incentive to be in a long-term relationship. Just pump-and-dump or go volcel if that's not for you

>Men have no true incentive to be in a long-term relationship.
the experience of being a father and making sure your child can grow up with a proper mother figure

I'm literally surrounded by millions of people all trying to mind their own business, a stalker would mean acknowledgment that I exist.

Only legitimate incels care if a girl is a virgin

If you're looking for a virgin as your partner in this day and age you got a lot more fucking issues than looking for a relationship my dude. You are fucked.
I bet you also think tattoos are icky and gross.

foolish gamble. the state is working against you.

not worth the time/money when i can just jerk off and move on

roger that

you're free to take the used goods then

Attached: susan_b_anthony.jpg (1241x728, 184K)

we have an entire religion dedicated to stoning women that have sex before marriage, so that's just not true

>Stop telling the truth

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you idiot... if you had a loving wife and proper responsibilities like kids jerking off to anime would never cross your radar. if two people love each other the sexual part of the relationship can be fulfilled very easily too. of course we've all rotted our brains with porn since we were 12 so it might not apply any more

>proper mother figure
Good luck finding one of those, pal.

I took the original image and added the update to the bottom fucking brainlet

no, the question is why would you want to? how to do it is obvious. but is it worth doing in your opinion?

Ha ha! Toastie roastie, toastie roastie! Ha ha!

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The retards that suicide bomb themselves daily? Yes, truly a paragon of logic and reasoning, very intellectual religion indeed. Great example.

>wanting something that was considered a given for uncountable generations of men makes you "fucked"
>thinking tattoos aren't icky and gross

>reading comprehension
when the FUCK did I ever say they were intellectual? my point is that they're not incels you dumbfuck

They're equally as retarded as incels is the point. Sorry that went over your head.

>moving the goalpost
learn to type you retard. also no, nothing compares to the retardation of islam, except maybe elliot rodger

traditional society cares if a woman is a virgin because getting knocked up out of wedlock is a huge problem. like, who is going to feed the baby if you just pump and dump. therefore every society invents marriage to pass women from their father or guardian to another

this but unironically

Judaism, Christianity Islam, or a million other religions, they all have marriage because Sex isn't Free

Did you just tell me to learn to type when i have made no errors while you don't capitalize? Kind of ironic and hypocritical my man.

>wanting something that was considered a given for uncountable generations of men makes you "fucked"

It was like one generation. Marriage made civilization work because men were compelled to work to acquire a mate and mate-exclusivity is a huge motivating factor for guys who dont want to be cucked into raising chad's kid.

Now women can take care of themselves since jobs are now in offices instead of coal mines, allowing women to succeed financially for the first time, so women can choose mates based on their inner bio programming which is hot and dangerous sociopaths

I agree with you that looking for virgins is fucking retarded but I'd also want someone who didn't suck every dick that bought them a drink in college either. Also 90% of people who have tattoos are NPCs trying to look original when they get same infinity sign/ tribal band that every other mindless person has and they also makes them just look like trash unless they have the entire fashion aesthetic to pull it off like a metal dude or a biker

no, I told you to learn to type because you can't formulate your points properly. you said only incels care about virginity even though 24% of the total population cares about it. and that's just ONE religion, we have tons of other ones


>It was like one generation
Already stopped reading. Please read a book/learn what a "generation" is/stop being an obtuse moron.

>Please read a book
please have sex

Alright you're getting too retarded to even talk to anymore. My points are pretty clear and concise, you just don't like what i have to say, which is fine but that doesn't mean they're not clear and concise. Stop getting butt blasted.

In america it was like one generation. Virgins werent a thing in the wild west. I probably should have included that.

It was post-ww2 america

this is porn

What was Ryan's problem?


the image in this post is meaningless without post dates and the photo of the girl.

>no argument
you literally said only incels care about it, even though billions of people related to religion care about it. are all religious people incels? why can't you just admit you're wrong? we both know it

There is nothing more meaningless and superfluous in the world than the female orgasm. Biologically, it is an accident of evolution. Whether a female has an orgasm or not does not affect her ability to become impregnated by a man’s seed, which is ejected only when he has an orgasm. If men stop having orgasms, the human race will be extinct in 100 years. If females stop having orgasms, there will be much shrieking and fury in women’s magazines, but the race will continue unimpeded. Fertility rates will not drop even 1%.

If spices were eradicated from the earth, and food suddenly became bland, would you stop eating? You’d miss certain tastes, but your health and well-being wouldn’t be affected as you’d still get pleasure from chewing and feeling sated. If the female orgasm was abolished, women would continue to have sex because the act of feeling a man thrusting deep inside them with masculine power would still be pleasing.

If a woman decided to have sex with you, that means you provide value to her besides the sexual. Whether you give her an orgasm or not is irrelevant, and she will continue seeing you even if the sex was uninspiring. The only breed of woman who is obsessed with sexual satisfaction are sluts who see you as a penis instead of a man. Nothing is lost for you by not having sex with them a second time, and even if you do provide these sluts with a great penis, she will soon ache for a new one. Trying to satisfy her is actually a foolhardy investment for it doesn’t guarantee your value in her eyes. The orgasm’s hold on a woman is tenuous because she becomes accustomed to the pleasure that any one man can give her, quickly taking it for granted.

In fact, being able to give a woman an orgasm is more a curse than a blessing. She looks forward to the sex act not as a way to please you, as easy as that may be, but as a means for her pleasure alone. Her expectations rise at your expense while she forgets that you like orgasms too.

Recently I was having sex with a Polish girl who was experiencing some discomfort. A moment of weakness entered my brain and I asked her, “Do you want me to stop?” She quickly corrected my error, saying, “No, I want you to finish.” And finish I did, without providing her any pleasure except the emotional satisfaction in submitting to a man she’s attracted to. Her opinion of me didn’t change, and she was more than eager to spend time with me in the future.

The type of woman that is worthy of your time doesn’t care about her pleasure, only yours. In fact, any woman who verbalizes her hope of experiencing an orgasm or—more obnoxiously—gives you unsolicited advice on how you could make her achieve one, is not worthy of your time. It would be like a child demanding candy from her parents even though those parents provide more than enough food for the child to survive and grow. A woman, it turns out, needs an orgasm like a fish needs a bicycle. Her orgasm is a vestigial relic that will face evolutionary pressure of eradication as nature realizes it’s not essential.

I will nod my head if a woman tells me she has experienced an orgasm from my doing, but deep down I don’t care one way or another. If she dislikes my bedroom program then she is free to leave at any time, for I know that there are way too many women who correctly place more value in my orgasm, which has biological significance while hers does not. A man who even thinks about the female orgasm for just one minute of the year is misguided and wasting his time and energy on something that will not bring him any long-term satisfaction in his dealings with the opposite sex.


LMAO a 18 year old virgin. what a loser!

No it isnt. The fucking filename is "character arc" and my entire point is showing how she evolved as a roastie you dumb fuck

>hurr im so alone
>hurr i went to a party
>wtf chad wants to fuck me????
>hurr im a slut now
>hurr #metoo

yeah the biology of it is clear but the best sex is where you both are dying for it and get off. also, maybe that's why marriage is a thing and we shouldn't just throw it out


>submitted 1 month ago
>next post
>submitted 6 months ago
hmm really comprehensive post there huh.

based samefag

The absolute state of (You)

Attached: 360B2D52-6B35-47EE-AF88-B90A42C7C1C4.jpg (828x736, 278K)

Oh my god use your fucking brain

>original image made years ago
>went back to check on her reddit posts
>saw some shit about how she is a slut
>added it to the original image

You absolute moron

>I asked her, “Do you want me to stop?” She quickly corrected my error, saying, “No, I want you to finish.”

Attached: 1546441177862.jpg (256x256, 9K)

how am I supposed to be a mind reader of whoever made that image macro retard?

by not being a fucking retard. No one else had a problem understanding it

>No one else had a problem understanding it

Not true, the women's orgasm gives them motivation to have sex in the first place...the belief that all women subconscious only act to please other men is like some freud era pseudo psychology bullshit. People behave based on positive consequences, take away the positive consequences and the behavior ceases to exist. Female orgasms were a necessarY step in evolution, no matter how chad you think it makes you to pretend otherwise

dicklet cope

lol, ok I'll add some progression arrows because of you guys who cant put together that descending order was done on purpose


>valid, I never use condoms
lol enjoy your STDs you degenerate

lol loser

imagine raising your daughters to be studious and play chess but they still somehow manage to turn that skill into attention whoring

Attached: 35353442133545.jpg (1920x1080, 241K)

got checked last week, squeaky clean

If two women daring to show their faces on cam is whoring to you, then you're basically a fucking muslim who is advocating for burkas.

Why do they need to be on cam? It’s fucking chess.

Same reason any twitch faggot needs to be on cam

Audience engagement.

>Audience engagement
Ohhhh I bet they’re engaged alright

>because once you pop their cherry they want to marry you and stay with you forever.
Do you wonder why or want to get spoonfed as well?

Because they aren't fucking stupid and know that there are probably 100's of horny chessfags who'd pay to watch cute girls play chess...if i could make money off looks alone, id do it too

incel cuck cope

fuck im glad i got laid at 17, have not seen a pussy since tho lol

>because she has a relationship and was almost raped
jesus christ how deep down the incel rabbit hole are you?

so far

Women are property

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Incels seething kek. Just because you are a virgin faggot doesn't mean these aren't real problems.

This isn't unique to this movie. In the early 2000's I remember a Law and Order episode there was a guy who also had a point of not sleeping with virgins, and that Mariska woman was questioning him over it.

The fact is, virgins are rarely good lays, and despite what says, more experienced in bed does lead to way more fun. And people fuck to have fun 99% of the time, not to have fucking children. Only virgins want other virgins. Only virgins are obsessed with virginity. Female virginity is a negative in all situations except for marriage. And getting married is for cucks anyways. If you just want to pump and dump you don't want a virgin girl for that at all.

Imagine being retarded enough to not only believe this, but to apply the concept to your actual sex life. Goddamn.

Bitch read the fucking rest of her post

She went from
>im so socially awkward XD
>i have sex, like, so much
>so much in fact that i have been in horrible situations due to my everpresent cocklust


>Tfw no qt pie virgin gf that will love me forever and can't possibly compare me to anyone else
Incels (formerly robots) had the right idea all along

>Reddit white knights
>As if Yea Forums doesn't have hoards of white knights of their own

soc is such a shitshow

>People aren't checking these sweet quad 7s

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>refuses to have sex with a virgin

lol what a fag

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>being a woman: the movie
The red pill is bitter to swallow, but that's how it is.

Have virtue