>he’s turning 61 this year
He’s turning 61 this year
was he 40 when he started filming lotr? jesus christ
he is beautiful, actually breathtaking. intelligent and a real renaissance man. he’s too good for hollywood desu
Aragorn was 80 when he fought at the Black Gate
>Viggo will pass in your lifetime
>hes still alive this year
>A middle-aged man has become an old man
>This is a JUST moment
Redditors need to leave
i've always said men are most attractive in their late 30s into mid 40s, tom, brad, viggo ect ..
>Viggo Mortensen
Even his name is cool
>i've always said men are most attractive in their late 30s into mid 40s, tom, brad, viggo ect ..
literally me
He can't walk, he can't hump, so just fucking kill him, Carlito.
no one implied it was a JUST moment. the point is he’s getting pretty old and edging closer to death. imagine being this off base.
i just discovered that viggo can speak 4 languages fluently: english, danish, spanish, and french.
Is he the most based actor in Hollywood?
viggo and bale are tied for most based
He also speaks Swahili and Mandarin
So what?
I'd add Joaquin Phoenix too
Fuck him. He's a fucking typical Hollywood soiboi faggot libtard.
Viggo is left-wing as fuck but he's far from a typical hollywood liberal. He's a man of constitution and I wish the rest of the left was as based as him
You mean he'll go to the undying lands
I shed a tear, I'd hoped he wasn't a leftie lunatic.
Lmao that’s Hollywood stars with great diet, hair plugs , trainers and trt most men and women peak in their early 20s and get fat and ugly
Absolute cope
Such a great actor. Anyone see Greenbook? Really good.
Hey he got away with saying the N-word.
He's south american leftist aka "hormones in chickens turn people into faggots, the putos yankees did dis".
Not the liberal pseudo leftist that lives in a gated community and preaches cultural marxism as long as they don't get taxed.
>Still hot as fuck
How does he do it?
>t. doesn’t have any understanding of women
As long as men keep in shape they peak in atractiveness in their late 30s, early 40s.
>hair plugs
Baldlets just can't handle the fact that not all men look like Dwight Eisenhower by the time they're 30.
Amerifat liberals aren't left. Read book, niggers.
Oh that's good then.
I actually do when women say they want older men it’s not some bald guy on try in his late 30s it’s a prime 28 year old. Men hit the wall as well with women men peak in attractiveness at 26-29 not late 30s you’re just coping hard
I never said he had hair plugs I’m saying that people that say male celebrities in their 50s and 60s are hot is because of the ability to use all of the things I’ve mentioned and have access to world class health options. Or like your average 30 year old
The only one “coping” here is you. Go and look at the ages of the men that are routinely voted the most attractive across various publications and votes. Then compare to the age of women in the same category.
Lmao that’s a massive cope those men are advertised to women their age prime 20 year old women would be with a 26-27 year old rather than a 40 year old trying to chase his youth give it up grandpa
t. Boomer
You’re either a total autist or a woman trying to rationalise her dwindling looks. Men become more attractive to women as they enter their 30s. The opposite is true for women.
Pure cope
Don't bother replying to people who only argument with "cope".
Confusing american politics with foreign ones is retarded, even less with a guy not only raised in Argentina but the fucking Chaco.
This is where he's playing a starved and emaciated character and thus lost weight for the role. Plus makeup
Nordic genes, look at Mads & Dolph
snaggle teeth and all, he's a fucking god.
Wow, what was Tolkien trying to say with this?
Danish master-race
it's not fair brehs
how can Anglos even compete?
Joaquin seems kinda uptight. For me, it's The Goose
>we will never get the proper sequel
>snaggle teeth
More like a masquerade violation
That's so not true
This user gets it
Most people look like trash on their late 30's/early 40's compared to their mid 20's
That's a fact
Tfw balding in my mid 20s
Fuck pic related what o probably need
i wouldn't mind violating him a little nohomo
Have you never left your house? There are a shitload of attractive older males in my city, which is a third world shithole.
And i'm not even a woman or a gay guy who has a thing for older dudes, otherwise i'd probably find a lot more.
he's one of the most based actors alive