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Other urls found in this thread:

who cares

>it's real

>they loved it

Not surprised in all honesty

fuck off with your e celeb cringe

I was really hoping it was going to actually be a 30 minute long video about Milwaukee and they weren't going to actually mention the movie.

Quote from Jay
>Eat the multi-billion dollar corporate slop and pretend it's social justice you weirdos.

redditors care, they're the target audience of rlm

>mfw she's miscast

Attached: Yeah.png (1280x720, 1.05M)

I was hoping for this too desu

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>thanks for turning the world into an embarrassing nightmare

They've pretty much said what patrician anons discussed here and we all agreed, that there are shills amongst us spreading positive lies about this dumpster fire.

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Fuck off e-celeb shill

Would have been better than their usual uninspired review

SJWletter media at it again!

absolutely pathetic disney shills

you’re an idiot if you pay for this

No they didn’t. They loved it because they’re nothing but Disney hacks.


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Good review, Jay not recommending it was kind of unexpected given it's ties to Endgame. Pretty impartial opinions honestly which was nice. Just confirmed it's a so so movie with a miscast lead,k which I guess we all figured anyways.

No they didn't, They flat-out said it was boring trash and probably the blandest MCU movie.
Why must you lie?


This is probably the most truthful thing they ever spoke.
Thanks for turning the world into an embarrassing nightmare where astroturfing is progressive, and corporations working together to remove criticism is akin to feminism.
You fucking weirdos.

Amazing how you unaware polfags who helped politicize this movie in the first place aren't aware RLM is also shitting on you. Yellow boards aren't enough, just remove /pol/ altogether and let the retards scatter to the wind.

How are two white dudes able to btfo every Yea Forums whiteknight in a single video?

I think nobody on this fucking board watches anything (not even YouTube vids). I bet all the movie watchers migrated to /g/ or Yea Forums year's ago

no mention of alita
fuck this gay earth

Hahaha I laughed so hard when my friend jay was laughing at my friend mike when he said something about spiderman turning to dust like curt cobane hahah I didn't get the reference but laughed along with my friends.

Yeah why didn't they mention a completely unrelated movie in their discussion of this movie?

The SJW lunatics are just as insufferable as the alt-right MGTOE incels.

Brie larson said some cringe SJW shit once, that doesn't make her an SJW, she just said some dumn stuff which probably came out of her mouth in an awkward way, and clearly from her interviews she comes across as someone who sturggles to come across as likable (alot like harrison ford during his interviews).

Her job is to act and she was pretty good in Captain marvel, good enough for me to enjoy the film.
Having a positive message in the film for girls and giving girls a role model is nice thing.

Those awkward anti white dude sentiments brie expressed were not in the film, and while i do agree that whole anti white dude speech was kidof weird I just get the impression that doesnt truly represent her views and it was just a one off vitue signal.

If the right wing mgtow shit on this board is just an ironic joke then its pretty funny, but if you guys are being sincere with ot you teuly are pathetic losers

watch as the seething prequelcuck lies through his teeth

For posterity.

Attached: golden boy.jpg (1327x425, 229K)

this but have sex

>ywn watch black tranny kinos with Jay

They summed it pretty well, the movie is bland as fuck and especially her performance.

With her power level I think the most interesting thing they could have done is turn her into a one punch man type character where she beats all her foes easily but the movie is more about her personal problems. Hard to do in an origin story though maybe but now idk if they can ever go that way cause she's probably gonna get her ass kicked in endgame thus removing her invincible status.

They also BTFO the losers that make videos every day about brie larson Like the quatering.

It makes me cringe seeing incels like you take this as a victory in assuming thay make and jay agree with your fucked up hatred of Brie. They acknowledged Bries flaws but also took a shot at her obsessive detractors (like you)

Im not sure why people keep saying she is op. Its very possible she is weaker than hulk or thor

>someone paid to watch this movie and then posted about it on an anime board on 4channel
Top you

propaganda is far more important than truth to some people

they said on Patreon they didn't watch it because it looked like trash

I came here to see the words incel and SJW be thrown out. Continue your autism for my personal enjoyment.

>watches review
>they shit all over it
>tfw tv fags are crine about a literal nothing burger
>tfw now want to visit one of Milwaukee’s lovely festivals

$0.05 has been transferred to your account

They did agree with us though, nobody here except trannies watch cringe "redpilled youtubers" like that.
Just because on the surface people here agree Brie sucks, doesn't mean we watch their videos.
And mike and jay made the same arguments most people here made, they just made fun of the people overreacting like society is crashing down. People here just said it was shit and shills get butthurt as fuck

>diversity is good but she said it in the wrong way


thanks senpai

diversity good
white men bad

Half in the baaaaaaaag. I ruined Star Wars.

Based Milwaukee

>nobody here except trannies watch cringe "redpilled youtubers" like that
you underestimate the number of underage redditors on Yea Forums

the movie makes her look pretty fucking op but yea I guess we don't really know for sure.

it really would have been better if they just didn't do this movie until after endgame, let endgame just be the send off for the cast we care about you know? now there's this new person no one cares about and she basically has to get her ass kicked or it undercuts the final battle for the old crew. So disney introduced their feminist super woman now just so she can get beat up by a purple man.

great intro by jay

You're not even using the shill meme correctly. Imagine thinking some random 4chanfag who gets off to drama works for Disney.

This is kindof overblown. I dont onow why you are saying this. She virtue signalled once. Who gives a fuck about brie larson, she is an actor who played a character in a movie.

Do you hate kevin spaceys old films? Have you stopped listening to michael jackson?

What the fuck is wrong with you?


i haven't seen the movie. didn't plan to until this review came out

still not sure if i should

what's my opinion, Yea Forums? yay or nay?

Because that shitty attitude is the guiding hand of all media these days and it's ruining everything remotely good that's been produced in the past.

ask yourself if you want to sit through another 2 hour long origin story

It's a pretty standard marvel origin story. Entertaining but forgettable.

>all media

I bet you think the mood landing was faked.

Get out your echo chamber. Try something new. People are complex and have mutiple opinions. People can be sjws about one thing and non sjws about another.

Sometimes people you disagree with make great shit

diversity is good but what she said was really stupid. she used the same logic /pol/tards use when they see a mexican working, they assume
> 1 mexican employed = 1 less white guy employed
which is really dumb.

she was basically saying the same thing implying that all those "white dudes" must have stolen their jobs from women of color. If she wants more diverse critics she should have said something about the hiring practices not attack the people just doing their jobs.

It was your average marvel film

Id say its better than Dr strange, thor and avengers,

worse than iron man, captain america and guardians.

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donate your money to black children in need instead. don't you think the old white dudes that run disney have enough?

Can someone please explain to me why Yea Forums hates rlm? These guys are hilarious.

Then fucking neck yourself for contributing to the amplicifcation.
Both sides should just shut the fuck up and let the art on it's own sink or swim.

I haven't seen all the marvel movies but it was the worst of the ones I've seen. It is very, very bland and her performance is super boring.

If you're real invested in the MCU and you gotta know shit like
>how did nick fury lose his eye?
go ahead but other wise you're not missing much to just stay away.

>my friends can tell me what to think
have sex

Do Mike and Jay really hate the Milwaukee dining establishments that much?

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To summarize every single mixed review on the internet,
'The movie is fine, if you can tolerate Brie Larson's acting'

Most people that didn't like the movie, would have a change of heart if Brie Larson been replaced by a more capable actor.

they shit on the PT and they actually shit on the ST too but they don't shit on it for the right reasons so Yea Forums is convinced they're disney shills

The actual redpill about this movie is that it transports a pro-war message disguised in a trendy pseudo-feminism. I wonder how much money the Airforce pumped into this.

>white men: HEY FUCK YOU BITCH

>Brie Larson was dumb but we still need more black representation in movies

Even when being critical Jay sounds like a cuck.

she's literally just some random woman, you are dumb if you're that invested in what she or any other random woman says

>dubs and trips wasted on shills working damage control

diversity bad
wh*te man good

>Kevin Spacey starred in good films
>Michael Jackson made great music
>Brie Larson was okay in Room and...

basically this. the idiots that contributed to this shit show are the most annoying people on the planet

Jay looks like a corpse in this video that's been deceased for about 20-30 minutes


>star of the entire movie
>random woman

Larson: If you ware white and have an opinion about a movie fuck you
White movie reviewers: well she didn't really mean that

>we'll compromise and only kill 50 kittens

>it's terrible
>but go watch it anyway for Endgame
What did Mike mean by this?

Attached: UniHkkU.png (701x394, 313K)

The Disney check cleared

how does that make her important?

Imagine buying an army of bots to downvote a movie that hadn't come out yet

>we still need more black representation in movies
not what he said at all

Well maybe she's right. If white guys can't figure out she and Disney fucking hate them, maybe they are too stupid to listen to.

>Brie larson said some cringe SJW shit once
>doesnt truly represent her views

Stop lying. Larson is a bitch every time she opens her mouth.

Attached: feminist bitch brie larson.png (603x572, 78K)

>how does being the star of the movie make her important to the movie?
Go stick another dragon dildo up your ass.

>It's the first Marvel movie I wouldn't recommend. I think it's clear the sooner we get these cunts and kikes out of movies the better.

Jesus, I knew he was a huge Raimi fanboy but he went too far this time.

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it's probably a two-fold problem of the establishments themselves, and that the kind of people who work at the kinds of places they'd frequent will possibly recognise and pester them

>fuck you dont see my movie in which I am the main character
>okay I won't
>c-c'mon you s-should see the movie bro she isn't important

Some nice shilling

>Literaly pandering to the alt-right


Attached: j1UBfDTa.png (500x686, 338K)

Finally a review i can trust.
marvel btfo

There actually are so many publications or blogs that get so much circulation that qualifies you to be a critic on RT.
The point of the muh-white-dudez thing is that movies that do poorly need something to blame. Wrinkle in Time flopped and had lots of black whimminz in it so it might be racist critics who didn't give it good +1s on RT because they don't GET the black whimmin experience. It's nobody on the production's fault the movie was a huge flop and bruised the careers of the entire cast (even Oprah, who has zero international star value outside of Canada), it was the kalemale alt-weekly a&e writer in East St Louis who is on Rotten Tomatoes for some reason. Mike and Jay at least blow this out of the water but fail to touch on how badly Disney needs to hatefuck any and all excuses for why the turds they turn out smell foul and inspire no positive word of mouth: Something else nobody brings up, word of mouth is pointless because it's not easy to manipulate outside of ham-fisted astroturf tactics like we see everyday. So now that RT is the mouse's bitch and will probably start dropping bloggers and small time critics like based Armond that don't suck off the mouse, expect word of mouth to come under wide attack because critics can't be a scapegoat anymore.

Yeah but tv hates their star wars reviews too, which the funniest videos they have. Even my normal friends have seen these and love them. They helped us articulate the rage we all went through at the shitty prequels and then the nightmare sequels. I have only seem negative rlm posts on tv.

how does being important to the movie make her opinions important user?

Nobody is going to watch your channel even if RLM explodes tomorrow. Give up.

Brie Larson is just another dishonest, vapid cunt from California

>that make videos every day about brie larson Like the quatering

RLM completely failed to refute one word they ever said. So did you. Typical.

despite being the blandest movie ever, Captain Marvel is a lot of things to a lot of people. It's the movie Rotten Tomatoes doesn't want anyone to have an opinion on. The movie dumb, bearded white guys are protesting. The movie other dumb, bearded white guys are white-knighting. The movie Brie Larson doesn't want us to see. The movie that inspired a ton of cheap clickbait articles from terrible online journalists who have no idea how Rotten Tomatoes works. The movie easily manipulated, twitter obsessed weirdos have given a ton of free publicity to, by convincing themselves this corporate product is a feminist cause. The movie that had charities started for it in order for underprivileged little girls to be able to see, which benefits absolutely nobody but Disney. Buy these fuckin poor kids some food instead, you fuckers. It's Captain Marvel! If the movie is a hit, it's because society has become enlightened enough to celebrate a female led action movie. Finally! If the movie is a flop, it's because of toxic online trolls. Finally! No other explanations exist! Eat the multi-billion dollar corporate slop and pretend it's social justice, you weirdos! Thanks for making the world an embarrassing nightmare, everyone!

Attached: 2 nig rlm.jpg (478x756, 87K)

I dont give a fuck if the statements weren't in the film. Why would I contribute to the success of someone that hates me? Its not as though Brie is such a talented "artist" that I should just set it aside to enjoy her works a la carte.

Marvel doesnt want white dudes anymore. Forge has said as much

This is literally me wtf

Those clips of her with the Google search tab made me genuinely cringe with how maximum defensive she's acting. I mean, holy fuck.

Can Mike still be saved?

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>these clips inter-spliced in the review

for anyone who for some fuckin' reason has seen this movie

is she always this smug and unlikable?


RLM are pretty anti-SJW.

I bet every movie you've ever seen is full of people who hate you or are at best indifferent to you, if not for your race then something else. It's so dumb that people care what any celebrities think about anything their job is just to provide entertainment, do you seriously wonder about the real life opinions of actors when you watch something?

Ah the enlightened centrist. No opinion, no jokes, just middle of the road, safe

seething sjw incel from Yea Forums

nah dude they don't exactly agree with ALL of Yea Forums's opinions on EVERYTHING therefore they're SJW disney shills

Like you wouldn't be if you didn't have the best shot of being Siskel and Ebert for the early 21st century.

kill yourself brie no one wants you alive

No, because they are lazy fucks and it wouldn't get them a million easy clicks like Miss Marvel. Everyone who saw Alita praised it, and they just didnt notice?

have sex

Based Jay dabbed on Brie hard.

they didnt recommend aquaman
that tells you all you need to know

and perfectly correct

>dishonest, vapid cunt from California

True. The worst thing is that Larson is so plain looking. You would have to be as hot as Amber Heard to get away with that kind of diva behavior in Hollywood. But Larson is just dumpy looking. How can anyone stand her?

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They're both fag - enablers who have to state how much they approve of diversity whenever the issue comes up. Even here Jay says they needed more black representation.

>Forgetting to color correct this bit.

Dropped, fucking dropped. FUCK YOU MIKE AND JAY.

Attached: DROPPED.png (900x490, 534K)

How the fuck would you spend 30 minutes discussing Milwaukee. The only way to do that is to read court transcripts of public drunkenness arrests.

the virgin centrist vs the chad Apolitical

there you go useful idiot

>A feminist movie
>It's your fault

Attached: 1552086403389.jpg (1000x866, 162K)

>complain about production quality
>release this garbage

Attached: guyt1.png (887x1236, 1.02M)

I think Raimi has been Jays lifecoach for almost a year by now

>Literaly half of the video seething on the controversy.

Wow, this is literaly white fragility... Never expected Mike and Jay to be these kind of film bros. They basicaly screamed white genocide, how embrassing.

Jay is frequently seen dining at the Ardent ($150 prix-fixe per guest) near the Charles Allis Museum with a companion.

Yeah maybe, but if you vocalize it and post it on twitter and make your shit opinion public then I wont see your movie, Brie. Learn that lesson.

If /pol/ refrained from review bomb BEFORE the movie came out, no casus belli would have been offered.
But /pol/ cannot in any way have a form of forward thinking.

>Jay recommended shit like Thor 2 and Iron Man 3
>couldn't recommend Captain Marvel

Just how dogshit is this movie?

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They're never gonna discuss movie critics giving positive reviews for political reasons are they?
>you now remember their Black Panther review where they pretend they couldn't figure out why Black Panther had such a stupidly high score

>lol u guise are powerless
>lol u guise are the reason this happened
You are really shit at damage control, m8.

And the reason /pol/ exists is is to act as a containment board. Yea Forums was much worse when their was no /news/ or /pol/.

I recommend you ficki ficki

>review bomb BEFORE the movie came out

Hey retard. You can't review a movie before it comes out. Your SJW blogs lied to you.

Cuck talk. There was no centrist point. Brie expressed her shit political opinion, Fiege as well, so everyone decided to not watch the movie. Then Disney swung disney dick to quell the insurrection. There was no center, just people reporting the happenings.
You guys are just so reliant on your cape injections you will watch abominably trite garbage like Ms Marvel.


Hello shill

They'll probably just have Alita on their list of movies roundups that they occasionally do.

so what you're saying is? remove /pol/? and have ALL these /pol/ users, which are the minority, seep back into the meaningless ether they came from? sort of like the distaste for this movie and marketing?

I dont agree with them always, but this was a pretty spot on review. I don get why Yea Forums autists are so mad.

sadly, no.

>More non existent corporate support nonesence to support shutting down of rt
Stop embracing yourself.

Attached: 1552060897389.jpg (720x960, 53K)

>Yea Forums was much worse when their was no /news/ or /pol/.
only because moot lacked the fortitude to deal with the seething /new/fags shitting things up because their board was deleted

I'm just assuming that RLM didn't splice her google search video out of order and she actually said "Is that [being a gamer] supposed to be an insult?"

She's VERY woke.

of course. they want to maximize shekels.

>please shut up so the film is successful because fans are not influenced by your actions
You wish, bitch.

*embarrassing for fucks sake

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damn, Jay looks like THAT????

>I guess I recommend capt marvel
shill confirmed

Attached: FineMilwaukeeCuisine.png (1253x705, 1.15M)

Friendly reminder /pol/ didn't give two shifts about this movie and was not responsible for any raids or review bombing.

Right now, If any of you trannies or leftist roasties made a thread on /pol/ right now about captain fungus you would be told to fuck off and half the posters would accuse you of being a shill or staging a false flag.

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Boiled sausages are fucking kino and no one i brave enough to admit.

Attached: jay look alike carl jernberg.jpg (623x1251, 162K)

>critics allowed to give glowing reviews based off production photos and interviews
>audience isnt allowed to do the same

And the question wasnt reviews, dumbass. It was the want to see tab, which empirically showed most people who knew of Ms Marvel on RT did not want to see it. That isnt review bombing, thats thinga not working out your way.

>Calls out all the controversy on both sides.
>Calls out Brie for being a white bitch taking advantage of the social justice craze
>Makes fun of Brie for being stupid.
>Destroys Brie's logic about film critics and white men.
>Makes fun of Star Wars some more and forced diversity.
>Begins spoiler talk about the actual movie
>Says Brie sucked as an actor and movie felt off.
>Jay talks about how the script is poorly written and sets up so you don't care about the main character.
>Criticizes Capt. Fungus' performance again and the lack of any "fish out of water" scenes. No character growth.
>Makes fun of making her the most important character in the Marvel universe.
>Criticizes misfires on humor and forced 90's cringe.
>Mike says it's an OK movie. Clunky. Some fun moments. compares it to that turd Jupiter ascending. Specifically says that as a standalone film it would be considered terrible. Then he says as a piece of the MCU it's watchable.
>Jay says No and it sucks. Whole lot of nothing.

OMG GUISE THEY ARE FUCKING DISNEY SHILLZ GUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!askjkja skja zoomeerrrrrrrrrrrr0688!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem with RLM threads is 30 precent are prequel faggots with a chip on their shoulder, and 30 percent are trying to force their own agenda on what they say, or jealous of their patreon bux and rest of us just want to meme.

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Kys you meme spouting cunt

I like them too. That soup looks gross tho

Did the bitch ever smile in the movie?

>Tfw you just know they made Rich cook this.

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>Spend like 5 minutes slamming Captain Fungus
Absolutely based, possibly redpilled

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>the Ardent
damn that looks fancy

>reverse image search

Was this from Mike's personal pics? Like, he was actually served this monstrosity?


Mike recommends it you dumb fuck

Still better than Skyline Chili

Yeah no shit. /pol/ isn't the only board where this shit isn't tolerated. I'm convinced that most of the "review bombing" was done by Chads and other normies who were still on an adrenaline rush from clicking the dislike button on Youtube Rewind and Gillette. Welcome to the flaccid nature of online protesting in current year.

That's exactly how she is in the movie too.

>the Ardent
it looks like the restaurant from The Godfather where Michael kills Sterling Hayden and the other guy

Attached: tenor.gif (490x298, 491K)

They have a kitchen on the studio an user once poster a webM of some kind of tour video they did of it.

Mike most likely cooked and ate it before shooting.

Every couple of months I will buy a couple cans of Spaghettios. Nostalgia tastes good, lads.

Disneykike leave

>what makes the videos worth listening to

They rake the time to produce and script a thought piece. Often this involves compiling all related information on the production lifespan of a product, a task that would take hours and is made much simpler for hundreds of thousands by being put in video form. In addition, it may inform you of things your dumbass friends didnt know about the game because they were equally as ignorant as you.

It’s true that /pol/ wasn’t trying to raid the user reviews, but don’t pretend like /pol/ doesn’t hate this movie for being muh jewish feminist peopoganda

>20 years ago

The Tide Pod generation thinks reviewers didn't exist in the 90s. That before the iphone was invented, we all lived in caves and worshipped fire.

How did u get this

so they have access to years of material

Hypocrites, triggered idiots. Keep being miserable.

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> mfw he said Capt Miscast

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mike said he thought it was ok until he heard cheese larson promote it

What is it about the midwest turn people into bitter soulless husks?

That isn't Jay, that's his lookalike

Didn't even watch it, just disliked it immediately and closed the tab. Fuck Reddit Letter Media.

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lol she is the most important avenger...
but in all this time..... in all these movies... they NEVER call her cause they're like have you met her? she's is a total vapid cunt don't call her. oh the earth might be destroyed? fuck don't call her she's so fucking lame. oh the infinity stones thing, PLLLLEAAASE don't call the most best avenger ever because god we all hate her.

>trusting Hollywood numbers when so many movies magically turn no profit
Yikes! Also...
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

Now THIS is based


So you're either a shill, literal faggot, or a brown person


I'm fine. I saved $14 this weekend by not seeing a shitty movie. I spent that time with family instead. I am much happier with that decision.

Wtf is pol?

Would have been a hilarious twist that nobody in the movie likes her and everyone, without controversy, acknowledges she's a giant cunt they don't want around and that's why they don't call her.

That was fucking 6 years ago, though, when these movies were just kind of oversaturated. Who wants to watch the same 22nd boring crapfest?

I'm not Jewish or from Disney dumb fuck. You're the type of autism that's not even funny.

I am the dude you were answering to.
Not seeing these movies in the cinema is always a good idea.
I watch them because a friend of mine finds them for me for free in high quality. I never paid a $ for a marvel movie.
Most of them are not even that bad and for sure more earnest than nu-wars, but I don't want to endorse them because of what they did to modern cinema. I don't find awful the fact that these movies exist, they are innocuous. But they are almost the only one to be successful on the long road, and this is worrisome.

The place of real diversity. That's why SJWs fear it.

Attached: pol diversity.png (1540x1427, 2.53M)

How long before RLM is demonetized by YouTube>

There’s literally confirmation from Feige stating she’s the most powerful hero in the MCU currently. Why even go so far as to hype her up like that if it was BS? The only reason why she didn’t get a true big hero OP as shit moments is because the movie had fuck all for stakes. The movie fucking sucked.

>Thanks for turning the world into an embarrassing nightmare where astroturfing is progressive, and corporations working together to remove criticism is akin to feminism.
I will steal this.

they took a centrist approach.

>/pol/ diverse
I guess, they sure do have a wide variety of self-loathing spics

Stop smelling your own farts. The film is the worst MCU release yet. Remove the pollitics and its still the worst.

Attached: 05D916DB-77AD-4248-9596-13ACBD7439B9.jpg (500x375, 62K)

It's hilarious how they spent half the review crying about Brie Larson but added in "a-and the people who make videos attacking Brie Larson are bad too" in a sad attempt to make a distinction between their "review" from those losers. They really took that line about white movie critic dudes personally

Why would they demonetize us?

The fuck does movie critique have to do with inspiration?

Then next time someone bitches about niggers being niggers I can be snarky and go "they really took that line about being a fucking nigger personally, lel"

It’s in my bottom 5 MCU movies and I’m a Marvel kike shill. Unless you’re easily won over by VX and splosions this movie is a fucking disgrace.

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Oh, I believe you. But this does not make your obsessions less obnoxious, sad, annoying, and pathetic.
Also see

Literally no one knows

I'm surprised they didn't mention how Wonder Woman was already supposed to be the big feminist superhero movie, that and not mention Stan Lee coming back from the grave to shill the movie.

Are they still using the same generic horns and sad horns background OST they've been using for literally a decade and in two dozen movies now?

you are the only sad balding incel hear brie

Someone summarize their opinion of this film for me. I can't be assed to watch 40 minutes of nostalgia-critic tier banter.

How do Marvel soei bois reconcile defending this movie to the death and also the vile, disrespectful shilling for it where they took a dead man's Twitter telling people to go see it as if it were actually Stan Lee behind the keyboard? I really didn't see much pushback with how tasteless that was.

ok kid

because dc did not paid them.

It's bland, Larson is miscast, Mike recommends it and doesn't even bother asking Jay if he recommends it such is the obvious nature of his feelings.

they think it was a marvel movie. the fat one said go see it if you want marvel completion. the skinny one said don’t bother. the fat one made him laugh with a joke about milwaukee.

Can’t you see the reactions are on both sides: the /pol/lacks rushing to shit on it and the beta basedboy cuckolds who are rushing to defend it. Its not /pol/s fault Bree is a twat and its not college women studies majors fault for agreeing with suck self serving trash.

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Brie is terrible; film is tepid: watch it if you want the same thing for the 15th time, and don't if you're bored of it.

Thank you, I genuinely appreciate it.

wheel of the worst >>>>>>> half in the bag

they also spent a surprising amount of time discussing the “controversy” and how brie larson is a stick in the mud.
they called her “captain miscast”

>Can’t you see the reactions are on both sides:
Oh, I see. I know people that refrain from define themselves progressives because of THEIR obnoxious, loud imbeciles.
I also subscribe to the fact that the left-side imbeciles are more surreal, because of their weird symbiosis with corporations.

They're fucking seething in the Yea Forums thread over this

Wheel of the Worst is the worst of the Best of The Worst. Now Plinketto? More like Plinkino.

oh fuck I forgot this happened in the cartoon. I just remember the panel, I thought they had only referenced this.

The pre rec "review" of The Witness gives a pretty good tour

So if you have money to spare and don't give a shit about poorly executed comedy and a plot that drags its feet then go see it. Otherwise wait for it to come on direct tv or cable

Ok well then you seem like all alright fellow/lass, cheers

Damn, Rich is getting some grey.

imagine being this mad

Worry not Alita bro, they are mot likely saving it for it be the first positive Plinkett review since the Titanic one.

>despite being the blandest movie ever, Captain Marvel is a lot of things to a lot of people. It's the movie Rotten Tomatoes doesn't want anyone to have an opinion on. The movie dumb, bearded white guys are protesting. The movie other dumb, bearded white guys are white-knighting. The movie Brie Larson doesn't want us to see. The movie that inspired a ton of cheap clickbait articles from terrible online journalists who have no idea how Rotten Tomatoes works. The movie easily manipulated, twitter obsessed weirdos have given a ton of free publicity to, by convincing themselves this corporate product is a feminist cause. The movie that had charities started for it in order for underprivileged little girls to be able to see, which benefits absolutely nobody but Disney. Buy these fuckin poor kids some food instead, you fuckers. It's Captain Marvel! If the movie is a hit, it's because society has become enlightened enough to celebrate a female led action movie. Finally! If the movie is a flop, it's because of toxic online trolls. Finally! No other explanations exist! Eat the multi-billion dollar corporate slop and pretend it's social justice, you weirdos! Thanks for making the world an embarrassing nightmare, everyone!

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i-im sorry jay

Why is it always Jay the one making the elaborate intros? Based Puppetmaster Mike keeping himself safe!

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Two things.

I can't wait until Avengers Endgame comes out so I never have to hear people bitch about this movie ever again.

>pabst blue ribbon


they didnt though ...

Jay literally said he wouldn’t recommend it because it sucked

Why didn't Jay shave his neckbeard?

saved and based

In what way is calling a movie "multi-billion dollar corporate slop pretending to be social justice" not an opinion?
It's pretty clear what he thinks.
Also it's entirely possible to call out retards who have differing opinions without it putting you in the dead middle of them.

this is a good video about Milwaukee


he doesn't care anymore


Didn't expect Mike and Jay to go so full retard like this. They centered most of the review in an actress, not even the director or a producer let alone how all these pieces connected and executed.

She' a miniscule part of this puzzle, the movie is shit talk about how and why it's shit instead of seething about an irl shitposting.

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based jay

>Having to watch racist, sexist Mike pretend to be liberal

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my internet friends are back


Mike writes them i think

>She' a miniscule part of this puzzle
she's the god damn protagonist and the person going forward who is supposed to hold the MCU, a multibillion dollar extended universe, on her shoulders

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Cringe and bluepilled

I’m a MCU shill that does it for free
This movie fucking sucked
I can’t imagine you miss a single thing skipping over it other than that Nick Fury lies to the Avengers more than he let on in the past and that some people can shapeshift but they aren’t bad guys like thy are in the comics.

>and not mention Stan Lee coming back from the grave to shill the movie.
I'm shocked they missed this, this is right up their alley.


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>Underage retards think their current generation of thought is unique and that humans have never experienced the desire to sit around and listen to someone articulate their thoughts


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Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about Alita. It's an adaptation of some 90s manga that a niche fanbase likes.

Reminder that /OurGuy/ Jack hasn't appeared in a SINGLE Red Letter Media video since the last year.



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She's the face of the fucking movie, dumbass.

but then they might get another strike for "misleading" or some shit

these guys are like real redditors like us here

Based and not a single thing he said was inaccurate

You would too if you had realized that you are going to work until dead under your childhood bully.

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>He clicked on the link at all because he doesn't use Yea Forums X
>Or even worse, he has Yea Forums X, saw the YouTube name and thumbnail, clicked on it, then exited it out to seem badass that he ignored a video when no one was watching

So cool.

these guys are the kings of movie reviews i wish they would check out my subreddit about them

He was showing off his VanGoghian neckbeard spiral.

May as well ask since this is essentially a capeshit thread, but what exactly is the problem with Doctor Strange? I really liked it, the characters and setting were very well done, and it probably has one of the best climax of all these capeshit movies.

Why do a lot of people deem it one of the weaker films? It it just a sales thing?

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>not even the director or a producer
What kind of idiot thinks the director or producer of a by the numbers studio superhero flick is worth mentioning?
They're not auteurs, they're just replaceable people doing a job.



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Anyone else ever pauae during the video to shove in your quips like youre one of the boys.
Tee hee, no. ha yeah thatd be kinda weird heehee

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Also, check'em

>lazy fucks and it wouldn't get them a million easy clicks like Miss Marvel.
Yeah, and these lazy fucks reviewed Suspiria 1977 instead for easy clicks. Nice logical fallacy kiddo. Go watch Collider's Alita review if you're so desperate for people to tell you what to think about your entertainment product.


>mfw i'm tired of being a centrist and decide to shoot up the next CM showing

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He still posts on the rlm reddit so I don't think he's enemies with them.

I'm not seething, I'm telling you get Yea Forums X and you'll save yourself the trouble of even clicking a link, newfag.


>Yea Forums
>caring about 3d

e m b a r r a s s e d

P..people don't still watch Half In The Bag without Mr. Plinkett r...right?

reddit thread

>review on iconic italian horror released 3 days ago has less views than the newest hollywood schlock video
Why is the RLM audience such plebs? Imagine not having seen Suspiria but having seen the newest capeflick.

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Damn, these disney shills are learning how to work this board properly.

I set up chairs like theres are setup but one for me, just makes the show more comfy

Fuck, let me try again.

I recognize that movie but can't remember the name. Fuck. Help.

>Stan Lee coming back from the grave


Woah would you look at that. They addressed the controversy, they addressed the comments by Brie how she comes off as condescending. They addressed it concisely and clearly all the while without going full reeeeeeeeeeee like some other people.

>Her job is to act and she was pretty good in Captain marvel

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It looks good on him though. And it works for Plinkett too.

I just get some cocoa on my HITB mug while wearing my Ligthing Fast VCR repair shirt and rest my non erect penis on my keyboard.


Not him. I thought she did fine, the writing was what muttled the character for the most part. Though, I'll admit that I may be biased because I find Brie Larson to be unreasonably attractive.

Oh no. Were you offended? :(

Fuck off back reddit plz n thnkxu


They got Milwaukee pegged that's for sure
t. Madison

I think it's one of the mission impossible movies with rebecca Ferguson

Mike and Rich have been friends forever.

>all the newfags and tourists hating on rlm
truly a marvel to see this website at work sometimes

God, fucking waifufags. Why even give your opinion.

I never realized Brie was defending A Wrinkle in Time of all things when she was dismissing white men.

>No Rich in the review portion

Why do they hide his power.

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Black Panther was shit and Captain Marvel was shit.
Both hyper politicized and surprisingly Mavel had the more blatant hamhanded agenda actually embedded right into its script. Black Panther was just marketed it that way.
They're both bottom of the barrel. They're on the bottom of the barrel under the barrel. A barrel you didn't even know was there.

Then you have Dr. Strange, the ant-man movies, age of ultron, ironman 3, thor 2, and civil war which are just dull and shitty.

based young non alcoholic mike

sorry jay

of course Mike recommends it. Man child

Is that dude wearing boot-cut dress pants?

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cause he liked it

He wasn't in the middle of the road, he said the movie isn't worth seeing.

>Learn that lesson.
I can't hear you over my cut of 500 million dollars, baby

He's so on point on Tina Fey I don't even give a fuck about the fedora

and then kino like iron man, cap 2, guardians 2, and infinity war

it was a different time


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>still pretending that's real money

Dr Strange is nowhere near as bad as any of the movies you posted, sure it's average but grouping it with shit like age of ultron and the ant-man movies is a bit too far

Strucci is fat

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>when jay brings up how he loves tangerine and mike almost says "black trannies" but stops himself at the t and says transsexuals

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I've missed you