Other urls found in this thread:
>put some snacks into the oven
>go to the computer to find something to watch while eating
>see this
thanks user
>its real
why do they shill disney so much?
Without watching it I'm going to say Jay liked it
My "review" of Reddit Letter Media
>posting in a friend simulator thread
>idolizing an aging group of youtube vloggers from Milwaukee
>he gives his real-life "friends" money every month
>an unemployed construction worker, the trick monkey fraud of the group. knows two tricks: forced laughter and becoming violent. brava, rich! brava!
>a failed viral marketer with an ugly wife and children with terrible names ('myson packard?'). he knows he's the least popular cast member and desperately tries to fit in by making fun of reddit on stream
>an over-the-hill "director" weighed down by his talentless friends. only makes "ironically bad" videos because they're immune to criticism. his latest production 'Space Cop' exposed him as a fraud and it was an economic disaster. he will eventually go the route of orson welles, balloon up to 500 pounds and die at the ripe age of 50.
>the curdling definition of a parasite. ditters on her phone while the men do all the hard work. got caught buying jewelry with actual Patreon money.
>the only cast member showing any self-improvement or growth. still has a long way to go, but has already outgrown RLM.
I like how Reddit Letter Media is a company founded upon criticism, insulting and berating others and their works, but HEAVEN FORBID that anyone criticize them! They'll even ban you from their stream if they catch a whiff of dissatisfaction. It's amazing how creatively lazy the group has become. They were better when they were a starving group. Now they can sit on their fat asses, drink beer and make fart jokes while you throw money at the screen. Amazing.
Fucking autist
Thanks btw
Of fucking course Jay loved it.
>RLM hates it
YES! Yea Forums we are justified in our incelism!
Holy shit Jay is on fire
>Captain Miscast
>my face when not a SINGLE RLM fanboy CÜCK has ever successfully refuted this "review", especially the last paragraph
Have sex
>Virtue signalling
>Talking about her attacking white guys
Jesus I didn't think they'd talk about this, based
it's not up
They disliked Black Panther (relatively for a typical assembly line competent mcu movie) so at least they will definitely speak their mind on this one.
>I loved it, it was everything I hoped it to be
>Mike finds it adequate until he finds out Brie is a horrible person
The same guy who hated Aquaman, one of the most entertaining movies of the decade, still found Captain Marvel "adequate." Hoo boy.
Based Reddit mocking poster
oh thank god
>everyone who doesn't agree with my politics is a shill/tranny
>well Mike to tell you the truth I thought this was absolutely terrible
>really Jay? I thought it was quite a solid film
>me too
>put some snacks into the oven
what the fuck kinda snacks require heating in the oven?
Are you propositioning me? I'm receptive.
Here's the TLDW:
>mike: so jay what did you think of it?
>jay: i loved it! it was great
>mike: REALLY?
>jay: well ... i didn't LOVE it .. it was okay
>rich: [forced laughter]
Jahy-sama is literally perfect
He didn't hate Aquaman
pita bread that i will be dipping in a garlic sauce
>knows RLM just gave Captain Marvel a bad review
>now has to exercise damage control against them as well
seriously people need to upgrade to an air fryer
I think it’s an entertaining review show
You should've posted the picture of the cancer statue.
tfw lived in Wisconsin for a few years and everything they're saying is totally accurate.
>got caught buying jewelry with actual Patreon money.
Elaborate on this?
Liking the movie is acceptable if they hated Larson’s performance. It really wasn’t very good.
They literally spent the entire review shitting on it and then telling people not to watch it. But yeah, TFA, Legend of Hercules and X-Men Apocalypse get a recommendation.
Can somebody give me a tl;dw of what they thought of it.
>H-hey guys, let's take the incels memes and use them against them! I mean they're certainly effective against us. We'll surely win then!
engage in intercourse
Mike thought it was just okay. Jay thought it was pointless and didn't recommend it.
>"I thought the movie was adequate, and then I saw a clip of Brie Larson speaking... and now I hate the movie"
Jesus. So that's why they call him Mike "Ampf"
i don't care about the other cucks, what does Rich have to say about it?
Mike liked it as a "piece of the larger MCU" but not as a movie. Jay thought it was boring and it's the first MCU film he doesn't recommend.
The shills are already in the comments section trashing RLM because they somehow already know CM is getting a bad review.
That is how bad this movie is LMAO
holy shit mike said fuck it and declared holocaust 2 in this video?????????
>"H-hey guys let's spend all our time doing nothing but shitpost about capeshit movies, increasing both the optics and ticket sales of the movie because the majority of society who aren't brainlet right wingers will go out to see it to spite the right. Winning!"
>i cant understand why this happenin dude cant find women
Is Mike ill? He lost weight.
Looks like Disney forgot to send the cheque this time.
>white girl with blonde hair and a decent butt
>it HAS to be stpeach
that ass aint big enough to be stpeach
Did Jay just uncuck himself.
You think he came inside?
Yea Forums and DC BTFO
How will you losers ever recover
>mike said virtue signalling
Was that DSP at about 6:27?
no thanks
Rich is a reaction image machine. The slow zoom in would make a good gif
It is safe, and Disney pays to have tame reviewers moved up on the search engines.
CM is so bad the mouse let them give it a "meh" review so it would have some credibility.
You’ve been posting this for years, chief, give it a rest
>this is who Yea Forums supports
>literal disney shills
Mike and Jay are my friends :)
It's a bomb and RLM are admitted Disney shills that like nuwars and hate Lucas
Stuckmann is /ourguy/
>that opening rant by Jay
Scene by scene spoilers 1/2
I will, when you refute it ... until then ....
>starts up a ship with her toe
didn't realize Tarantino was an associate producer
>Mike mentions her feet
holy shit
the movie shit start in the > min 19 .......
Did they brought Rich with them? Did he mention how Marvel is handling her in the comics?
despite shitting on this movie they still come off as cucked
fuck you Jay
Rich hasnt read comics in over a decade dude
Red Incel Media
>they liked it
"You is the most fierce woman I have ever known, even before you could shoot lightening from yo fists."
Word for word, this really happened.
>shill hasn't watched the video
Mike looks fatter
his neck waddle looks more pronounced
Yeah, I'm thinking they're back
Disney played everyone like a goddamn fiddle
The fact that these guys are still posted here amazes me. There's really no avoiding it, I've grown up, and Yea Forums simply remains infancy. Look, RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos. What do I mean by this?
Well, I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse, e.g. naming the actual (((man))) they shill for, aside from ironic complaint.
They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.
They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.
Please, Yea Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.
I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.
I'm 15 minutes in and they've mostly been shitting on Brie Larson for her "no white dudes" comments
this video makes my fucking heard hurt with all the SJW shit. and im only 12 min in. the fuck is Brie's problem?
>Jay mentions a movie about black tranny prostitutes
what the fuck is wrong with this man
>lol everyone is stupid but us, look at all the people caring about things
>muh feminists
>muh neckbeards
>let's ignore it's agenda aimed at kids
>lol we like it anyways
He's a sex pervert, this is common knowledge now
so Yea Forums loves RLM again?
Best line
> Worrying about Diversity in Film Critics is the least important job in the world.
>lol we like it anyways
They outright said it's the worst MCU film.
>Using =$Current_Year + 5
>it took until captain marvel for jay to not recommend a marvel movie
damn, he really eats this shit up
>h-hey guys don't shit on these movies because you are actually promoting
>this isn't true but that is the damage control I am working with
>Jay DIDN'T recommend
they made a GOFUNDME for under privileged girls to see this movie? are you.... holy fuck. that pisses me off so much. hey how about giving them food or clothes or something. fucking urghh. pisses me off because I have a close family friend who grew up poor as fuck. what an insult that is. bet all the s o y faggots donated their car and life savings to support that shit
Why is Mike pretending that people are upset only over Larson's single comment at a single event? It's been a stream of bullshit for months. More Disney damage control from the Disney shillers.
And why don't they point out most of those "white male" reviewers are jewish?
The video that killed RLM.
>Mike recommends it
In fairness Rotten Tomatoes rates a 3/5 star review as being positive. So if a critic writes a review saying it's mediocre but passable it still gets a 'fresh' rating. It's been like that forever too.
I have a feeling they're gonna love Shazam because it's basically everything they wanted Aquaman to be and they're buds with the director
>says its a terrible movie but only watch it for the sake of continuity
Why was the first 10mins about a city?
>Why do they review the biggest movie at the time?
>Mike recommends
>Jay does not
based Jay
So...no major reviewer really liked it
I skip all capeshit HitB.
is it meant to look like this?
Is this real? Holy shit, what's her actual problem?
I think your computer is trying to kill itself
Well, he pretty much said, would he recommend it as a stand alone? No, but as part of the MCU puzzle, then yeah.
It’s a DC movie, they are gonna hate it. Especially Mike.
Did Jay take a jab at this guy?
Angry people on MSM would have you believe that angry dudes on Yea Forums would have you believe that everything is wrong with Captain Marvel. Furthermore, MSM would have you believe that all of these angry Yea Forums dudes are nothing more than a bunch of women haters that are just too insecure to accept a movie with a female lead. I am not sure that is the case.
Angry Yea Forums dudes come in all shapes and sizes but a good portion of the angry Yea Forums dudes are not anti-women. They are just really mad at Brie Larson. I think they are offended by Brie’s “I don’t need some 40-year-old white dude…” comments, even though those comments were in reference to the Disney flick “A Wrinkle in Time” and not “Captain Marvel”. Regardless, a lot of what you see on the boards is angry dudes that feel abandoned by the MCU. They feel something they really care about is being taken away from them because Brie, the mean lady with the mean words, is being given a central role in the MCU.
I poke a little fun at the reaction to “the mean lady with the mean words” but, with a little empathy, it’s not too hard to understand why these angry dudes are so… well angry. In simplest terms, they feel rejected by Brie, and because Brie is the new center of the MCU, they feel rejected by the MCU. All of their anger, confusion, feelings of abandonment and angst are placed squarely on Brie Larson.
Jay Redemption Arc?
>my face when not a SINGLE RLM fanboy KEK has ever successfully refuted this "review", especially the last paragraph
It always looks this way... to me...
They're too cool and smart to "take a side" or "believe in things", that's for bad goyim.
that's just him living off all his stored fat and booze over the never ending Milwaukee winter, soon he'll emerge from his lair and begin packing on the weight again like all Wisconsin "people"
so mike got his cheque but jay's risking his finances. Maybe he has some more work on the side to help him afford what little dignity he has left
>wears a sexist nin shirt
>has a black mannequin looking nigress freind/fuck-slave
gay and ironic
Is it me or is she trying to do that thing where she makes herself look less white in her profile picture?
>would he recommend it as a stand alone? No, but as part of the MCU puzzle, then yeah.
Isn't that every MCU movie? We're supposedly waiting for this orgasmic release that is Endgame, and this final act will make all of these shitty movies worth it all. But then, they're already planning to just keep going after the Avengers, so "nevermind dude lmao"?
I think its time for MCU drones to finally admit they got fleeced.
>entire review is them trashing the movie
>shills are acting like they won because Mike recommends it if you are a die hard Marvel retard
Why does Mike hate women and minorities?
>expecting hollywood actors to have any kind of realistic perception of the world
it's all so tiresome
I thought Mike would relate to an alcoholic like Carol
RLM and Yea Forums's reaction to them has really made it clear how pathetic all you fa/tv/irgins are. They shit on this movie and said all of the things that you have been saying about the movie and about Larson herself for months, and yet you still sperg out because Mike and Jay point out how crazy you've been about it. You're fucking pathetic, and you should leave this board and go to /pol/ where you belong.
>Talking about her attacking white guys
They defended Larson. That's bullshit. Excuse me, I have a question. If Larson said 'My movie wasn't made for blacks', would they still be making excuses for her?
Yes, basically. There are plenty of Marvel films you don't need to see in the grand scheme of things but if you're a completeist you need to see them all. The only MCU film I've seen since the first Gaurdians of the Galaxy was Ant-Man and The Wasp. Neither of which are really necessary. At least Ant-Man.
>snacks in the oven
Is this the most subtle pizza roll post ever?
He literally said it's the first Marvel movie that is not worth seeing.
>They defended Larson
You are unironically mentally retarded.
they dont defend her tho, they call her an idiot
>I didn't watch the video
That's comic Carol, who while has the bare minimum of characterization still at least has that.
Brie Larson is a block of wood that follows around Samuel Jackson.
For you fags who don't want to watch it, Mike says it's okay and recommends it for the sake of Avengers Endgame, Jay thinks it was a boring pointless movie and didn't recommend it
I used to enjoy r/tv/, but since I've started watching RLM I have started to notice how fucking gay everyone is here. Constant contrarianism and very rarely an user with any virtue and consistency in belief.
>barely talks about the film and rattles on about politics and dumb skits for most of the time
Hey, it's just like Yea Forums.
Thats retarded beyond belief, that pretty much says he loves every other shitty Marlel flick.
What did Jay mean by this?
They most certainly did defend her. They said she "put her foot in her mouth". I will ask again. If Larson said 'My movie wasn't made for blacks', would they still be making excuses for her?
not gonna watch that shit
even if i cared for the movie, 40 minutes review is WAY too long
Since when is Jay the anti-Marvel anti-Disney one?
Of all people, I expected Jay to recommend it
>mike: it-it was al-alright...
>jay: this piece of shit SJW nigger-loving movie is garbage and here's why
Fucking based as always, Jay.
Kys Mike you fat cuck.
they were surprisingly interested by it when they did the video about comic con trailers already
and everyone's saying the movie delivers what you expect from the trailers but even better
I was literally just typing this when I saw you had already said it. Ironically, Yea Forums is how I discovered RLM, and now RLM is showing me how autistic and pathetic Yea Forums is.
since jurassic world
>jay sucked out Mike's nazi energy
Mike recommends it like every marvel film
They barely defended her. They said yes, she has a point that diversity in jobs is good and all, but it's the dumbest thing to really rally behind since she herself had benefited from reviews of "white dudes", and that it's not like "white dudes" are somehow incapable of seeing the merits of films that aren't aimed at them.
he gives a pass to every Marvel movie though
Mike knows who signs the paychecks so he has to tread carefully
Nice cope, you fucking loser.
>"put her foot in her mouth"
ew, that fungus tho
>"It's watchable"
Is that really a recommendation?
>half the review is about politics
>they shit on Brie Larson's personality and her performance
>they like Talos and think the Skrulls being good was the only neat thing in the plot
>they shit all over the rest of the plot
>they say it's a standard Marvel film in tone but the jokes don't land, which makes it feel off and not really fun
>they make fun of the idea of a retcon movie in the middle of the two Avengers films
>Mike recommends it anyway as he likes the action and splosions and set piece action moments
>Jay doesn't recommend it as he thinks it's boring and bland
That's it
>They think it'll be cute and funny
Wtf Jay
You sound bitter as fuck.
Y'know i've shitposted in a bunch of those Captain Marvel threads but i hadn't seen any of Brie Larsons bullshit till this. Jesus christ is she unlikable, she comes off so hilariously condescending. Did no one at Disney pull her in and say "Hey, have you heard yourself? the optics on this make you look really bad". It's wild how the face of your production spends all this energy acting incendiary, then everyone in the media acts indignant when people react "How dare these prole form an opinion i disagree with"
Anyway, anyone think this review felt super disjointed. It starts with a 3 minute bit about Milwaukee, then the drama, then the movie and none of it felt cohesive or resolved, kinda unsatisfying.
they said she comes across as a dismissive, snarky, and nasty person
That Milwaukee tourism add is the best bit in awhile. Certainly more enjoyable than any capeshit they review on HitB.
It was like if Pure Michigan ads were honest.
Go back to 5th grade and learn text comprehension.
there's not much to talk about otherwise
Where did she say her movie wasn't for whites?
Best part of the review was them shitting on Milwaukee and then talking about how Brie or whatever her name is, is a fucking retard for wanting more diversity in film critics because thats shit that literally does not fucking matter.
>>"It's watchable"
>Is that really a recommendation?
it is when it's perhaps the worst major release of all-time
mike sounds like a mumbling fat drunk now
>talk about milwakee and sjw bullshit for fucking 20 minutes
>am i saying i dont hate black people... no.. im just saying i dont need niggers reviewing my movie
Did they like it? Do I like it? Please someone tell me what to think
>anyone think this review felt super disjointed
That's RLM's shtick. Hell, they've had videos of nothing but blank screen.
>Captain Marvel
what a retarded name for a super hero
whats next
>Walt Disney Presents: Lt. Disney!
>DC presents newest hero: Super DC!
What a load of garbage
It's true, Yea Forums is just an emotional toilet. You shouldn't look for insight here, only shitposts.
Ironic considering she is one of the whitest black women I've seen. She is paler than Ariana Grande is these days and apart from the nose has mostly Caucasian features.
This could have been a 5 minutes video but noooo, gotta make it 40 minutes for maximum ad shilling
yeah, near the end of the video it seems like he's struggling to stay awake. you can tell watching and reviewing bland capeshit is taking its toll on his mental health
Mike gave a half recommendation solely for it setting up Endgame stuff
Jay says its shit, dont watch it
this is some distopian shit
Also it doesn't seem necessary at all
Buying a ticket to see a movie is probably one of the most cost-efficient methods of entertainment there is. If a kid has parents who can't scrounge together the $10 or so that a movie ticket costs, that kid has way bigger problems with much more urgent solutions
>Thanks for taking me to the movies guys, now I have 2 hours where I don't have to think about where I'll find my next meal or how my only pair of shoes are almost broken
What is personal taste and opinions?
>Walt Disney Presents: Lt. Disney!
How is an NIN shirt sexist?
jesse needs new jewelry user, turn off your adblock now
Mike's right, if this didn't have the Marvel brand and was an original movie it would be sitting at 20% on Rotten Toenails
Not just because of Disney bonus points, it's just that people have come to accept these shitty movies just because they're all part of the same universe as others that are somewhat good.
The tldr:
>mike thought it was ok. Gave it a "whatever" recommendation.
>jay thought it was ok and boring. Gave it a "whatever" no.
>This movie is terrible as a standalone film
>but go watch it so Endgame will make more sense
Bravo Mike!
Is anyone surprised by RLM being paid shills?
wtf im #GayForJay now
>last half in the bag was 6 weeks ago
literally WHAT are they doing with all those patreon shekels?
literally the laziest motherfuckers alive
Mike said you "need" to see it to "understand" Endgame, he's a Disney sell-out. That's not even true, not even considering how trash CM is. It's absurd.
How much did they pay Jay to not recommend it? How much did they pay to have MIke and Jay call Brie Larson a retard?
>we didnt like it incels dont worry we're still your guys
>anyway go see endgame and also see this one haha marvel is great
My review of user
>no one cares about his existence because he has never made any content in his life apart from the same unfunny copypasta he spams every single day on a japanese imageboard
>Milwaukee is more interesting than Captain Marvel
you realize half in the bag isn't their only show, and isnt even the most popular
He didn't say "Need"
Didn't even watch the video, but I'm guessing one of them say they liked it, the other say they didn't and rich said meh it was whatever.
Can't be too obvious on that disney shilling after their nuwars reviews.
They've been finding minorities in Milwaukee and drowning them in acetone.
I honestly don't know what's a false flag and what's genuine shilling anymore
too many people shitposting pretending to be a shill and too many actual shills
Have sex.
rich didnt see it
can this become a new meme
like how people took MBB selfies and re-captioned them with "fuck fat people" and "fuck faggots" and shit
>whining that she stole a car a destroyed a mailbox
>I mean I guess stealing someone's vehicle is funny
All this virtue signaling horseshit. Is this a fucking goof. They clearly went in their sjw'd out of their fucking mind on internet bullshit and just sat there thinking like faggots.
fuck off mike, and lose weight, sellout. go praise jj abrams and count your disney bux.
>drinking beer and watching shitty movies with no editing
>cheap extras sit in chairs and talk about random boomer movies
>1 minute meme videos
truly worth $35,000 a month + youtube ad revenue + merch sales
They loved it. What a joke.
This is the end of their credibility.
mike hate jj abrams for jj star trek
>despite being the blandest movie ever, Captain Marvel is a lot of things to a lot of people. It's the movie Rotten Tomatoes doesn't want anyone to have an opinion on. The movie dumb, bearded white guys are protesting. The movie other dumb, bearded white guys are white-knighting. The movie Brie Larson doesn't want us to see. The movie that inspired a ton of cheap clickbait articles from terrible online journalists who have no idea how Rotten Tomatoes works. The movie easily manipulated, twitter obsessed weirdos have given a ton of free publicity to, by convincing themselves this corporate product is a feminist cause. The movie that had charities started for it in order for underprivileged little girls to be able to see, which benefits absolutely nobody but Disney. Buy these fuckin poor kids some food instead, you fuckers. It's Captain Marvel! If the movie is a hit, it's because society has become enlightened enough to celebrate a female led action movie. Finally! If the movie is a flop, it's because of toxic online trolls. Finally! No other explanations exist! Eat the multi-billion dollar corporate slop and pretend it's social justice, you weirdos! Thanks for making the world an embarrassing nightmare, everyone!
I need a webm of this
I like them and their reviews. Yet I know less about them than you do.
So you have to ask yourself, why you have spent hours upon hours watching their videos and learning all the intricate details of their personal lives---only to itemize your grievances on a Chinese Cartoon forum.
10 or so people will reply then your post will be gone forever, just like you because you have AAAAIIIIIIIIIIIDSSSS!
Based Jay
damn that was boring. how do people do capeshit still
They've said they wont do a movie unless the both feel like they have something to say. So i'm guessing they're just not into it anymore. Which sucks because it's literally their career, the current output for HitB feels poor.
literally 5 of these videos are filler
>middle aged men eagerly watching and discussing anti-art, consumerist, franchise superhero movies for years
>Lt. Disney
Damn these guys really do trigger the hell out of some of you
I read this in the voice of destiny
Literally anything they say is twisted and shit on by Yea Forums, even if Yea Forums would otherwise agree.
>mike and jay have an actually good discussion about representation in film and film criticism while not taking it too seriously
Brie is from nasty ass Sactown, don't ever say that bitch is from SoCal.
Agreement everyone would fuck her as a side piece but could never go home to Brie Larson
Yeah imagine if you had a character who's name was Disney, but it was like Disney spelt backwards, so you wouldn't get it unless you were really into the lore, y'know, it'd be like a secret. Man that'd be stupid, who the fuck would eat that shit up.
I want Brie to fart on me
Jat's brightest moment. Amazing stuff
>Gen xers are BAD!
>Boomers are BAD!
>Zoomers are BAD!
Let me guess...you think of yourself as a Doomer and everyone else sucks? I don't know how old you are, but I know you suck.
*"i'm just a girl" starts playing*
Jay confirmed for sexually frustrated
>Jay is thinks the movie is shit
JayCHADs ww@
Pathetic disney shill hacks.
>this is the best you could come up with
Your damage control skills are shit LMAO
they agreed with the diversity that she stands for, just that she had bad optics.
How do you not recognize this pasta
based jay
>Aquaman, one of the most entertaining movies of the decade
Jesus christ
If anything, this cements Mike as being a paid Disney shill.
>Like Nuwars
>Shit on Solo and TLJ
>is the first marvel movie they don't recomend
but he DEFINITELY loves black people in cinema, i know because of the 5 minute segment that reaffirms jay's love of african americans
>They most certainly did defend her.
They defended her the same they defended TLJ. they will never outright say something is "bad" or "good", because that means taking a side. rlm are definition of fence sitters
Wtf I love Jay now?
You fuckers go to 6:09, is few minutes everyone needs.
Also Jay calls it Captain Miscast.
A movie has a character named Yensid?
What you talking bout willis?
for posterity
>basically all of Half in the bag's marvel reviews are them being lukewarm to the film, while they recognize the films for being competent they don't really treat it as anything more than a good popcorn film and not really worth a re-watch
>Yea Forums thinks they are mega shills
>below shrek the third
how embarrassing
It was the first video of theirs that had me laughing out loud in months
It cements Mike as an objective critic, he wanted to hate it but he couldn't lie about liking it
She didn't, she said 'A Wrinkle in Time' wasn't made for whites, even though it was based on a book about white characters and they just blackdirtied them for the movie.
why whine about that? DAE Terminator? It's a pretty common trope. Who the fuck watches the fish out of water overpowered protagonist disregard rules and gets triggered about it?
That's such a fucking pussy tryhard thing to get triggered about. And it's fucking annoying because he's like SJWing himself right into "muh double standard" territory over the most autistic shit.
Haven't they themselves admitted Space Cop was garbage?
makes ya mad doesn't it? You sad bootlicker LMAO
And that is a good thing.
>Mike says it's okay and recommends it for the sake of Avengers Endgame
Mike's a brainlet
>mfw when Jay starts talking about black representation in film.
I’ve not seen a single jewtuber like this movie. Even cucks like Chris Stuckmann gave it a C and said skip it. This movie must really suck. Then again, anyone should know with all the weird rotten tomatoes payoff stuff.
Add to that Jay's later comment of: "This is the least important movie in the history of cinema"
scrolling through and this is best summary
Wrong.stop trying to be smart.will never work do you.
>Jay went from that to a normal looking person
Same only reasons he liked X-men apocalypse and Jurassic World. That's some form of consistency.
black transvestite hookers
Why does Mike's face look so fucked up wtf is wrong with him the colour round his eyes and shit. Gross unhealthy looking fuck
absolute kino
>when you realize jay is running for office
so thats why they're so interested in the democratic convention
It's "fine" seem to be the unanimous consensus on the film. I'm going to go with Jay. I saw the leaked end credit scene. I dont think I need to watch this film
She suffers from a debilitating mental condition called being a cunt
Mike has a soft spot for Marvel movies because they're shallow empty vessels that people pretend to like because they have quippy jokes, just like him.
They changed something about their lighting for this video and it fucking sucks
No, I'm not desperate.
This. Jay literally said that he agreed with what she is saying and gave an example on how diversity helped him see a different movie in a new light.
At the same time, he said that she said it in a really bad way that could be misconstrude as "i hate white men". She obviously doesnt mean that, despite what Yea Forums would say.
it's one of the most comfy places to be absolutely miserable
he's been digitally deaged for years, they've just upped the filters
They lit it cold to make it look cold because it opens with a "shit it's cold here" gag.
>See g-guys! We are n-not disney s-shills! Jay h-hated it!
>noob saibot main
And it'd be titled Lazer Lady.
>someone asked me for my number
>this is suddenly on the same level as actual sexual harassment
God damn they came down hard on the film and everything surrounding it. Easily the best HiTB in a long while.
I'm surprised at how annoyed Jay seemed to be about Captain Marvel being retconned as the most important person in the universe, i didn't think he would care enough.
>the cold death of the universe
C'mon Mike, I thought you were a Star Trek nerd
based douge shitted on captain marvel and told people to see alita instead.
I think it's supposed to be simulating the cold Wisconsin winter the skit is based around.
Frustrated Jorge liked it actually. His buddy too, but less so
She literally means that. She hates white men, just like anyone connected to jews and who regularly posts on twitter. Anyday now, she’ll come out with the typical “I hate white people” post, which is so hott right now.
>spend 30 minutes absolutely shitting on every aspect of a movie
>so mike, would you recommend cape shit 21?
>yes I would jay
Why's that? Introducing your uber powerful character in the last minute is some video game tier shit
They are getting ripped to shreds on their own subreddit.
Tbf Captain America is still "the first Avenger." Even if the name comes from her she hasn't joined the team.
>get it?
>cause just a girl and it's about a girl
>oh i get it
>i get it
I think she means it. She thinks white men are the problem and cutting them out will magically fix things.
>mike recommended it
sorry dude but just lost all the respect i had for you
Furious Fernando has a serious out of touch problem.
Those are surely racists ants, user
Pure fucking gold.
You are pathetic. Have you seen the Plinkett review on TLJ, retardo?
they're still disney shills
hey, i found a jay look alike on Yea Forums
He wouldn't have cared about ANY of this shit if he wasn't all agitated about all the sjw bullshit. Fucking whining that she stole a motorcycle and committed property damage demonstrated that. He was trying so hard to find shit to be annoyed about, that for any other fucking movie he wouldn't have thought twice.
somebody do an audio edit of the clips with word swaps "dude" = "jew"
Jay cute
His reasoning for it is terrible "Goi see this film because it sets up the next one" is not a good reason to see a film
Too tall to be Jay.
Mike always seems to have trouble not recommending movies, like he's a grade school teacher evaluating their student's tests and giving them a "you tried" star
doesn't read like anything Destiny has said ever.
Am I the only one who thinks that "Captain Marvel is gonna 1HKO Thanos!" is misdirection?
Her power comes from one of the gems, great. So did Vision. So did Scarlet Witch. So did Quicksilver. And he beat Dr. Strange w/ the time stone.
So I can't be the only one here who thinks he'll just depower her stupid ass. Remember, they play into that "We gave you this power, we can take it away" thing a bunch in the movie.
>"i hate white men". She obviously doesnt mean that
Brie Larson talks like a misandrist, acts like a misandrist, tweets like a misandrist and sneers like a misandrist. Guess what retard. Larson is a misandrist.
resetera trannies are SEETHING over this review
Keep repeating it, maybe it'll come true.
it's already confirmed hulk will beat thanos
only poltards think brie will kill thanos
have sex, incel
>Yen Sid first appeared in the Fantasia short The Sorcerer's Apprentice, as Mickey Mouse's master. He owns a magical hat, which is apparently the source of his power.
He's also in each of the Kingdom Hearts games iirc
>asking for it
But that's not what he said at all.
Not if you know what kind of movie he likes. He fucking loves superman-esque heros, which CM is
If they are not retarded they go in this direction. Maybe for the first third of the movie the good guys plan an attack with CM but Thanos nerf her.
I also think that we cannot tell - see Rey in SW.
>that's the first Marvel movie I'm not recommending
did Jay really recommended Thor 2? lmao
Confirmed in what spoilers? I sort of really want (Past) Captain America to do it with Mjolnir.
It's ok Tessa I don't want you working with white people either
>feminists have no honor
No one remembers that movie.
Jude Law looks like the hero. Larson, the villain.
Of course not. Honor is a masculine trait
Oh boy they are getting torn up on reddit.
Even if the movie was great, her entire presence is a Deus Ex Machina.
>Oh no! Thanos has all the stones and killed half of everyone! How can we defeat him?!
>Oh hey, there's this character who's the most powerful who can beat him
>Hooray! We beat him with this last-minute character out of nowhere!
>the movie sucked but I still recommend it
really makes one thinketh
he maybe a dumb fucking redditor but he's right. THEY ARE super centrist.
I'm mad too, how can Feige fuck up this badly? I refuse to believe she's the new main face of the MCU, the new main face should be Thor
he literally was
RLM derangement syndrome
Thanos didn't depower anyone in the first movie. He just overpowered them.
Their Disney contract stipulates at least one of them has to recommend the movie. Not both.
>mentions hbomberguy
literally one of the worst content creators ever
Why don't some of these critics just say the movie is shit? They obviously hated it.... but they can't because they all love Disney so much.
Makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm starting to think this movie might be really front loaded. None of the Youtubers I trust have been positive on this film
why do they make that stuff and not pliket reviews though. pliket review i cant stop laughing for the whole 6 hours or whatever
This other stuff i try to get one laugh from a 50 min video and might not succeed
Is it because like eminem sam hide etc., once you get old you lose your funny
lol they don't even say she comes off as hateful. Jay literally says what she's attempting to say is a positive thing.
>calls out all the controversy on both sides
>calls out brie for being a white bitch taking advantage social justice
>Makes fun of Brie for being stupid
>Destroys Brie's logic about film critics and white people
>Makes fun of Star Wars some more and Forced diversity
>Spoiler talk about the actual movie
>Says bri sucked as an actor and movie felt off
>Talks about how the script is poorly written and sets it up so you don't care about the main character
>criticizes her perfomrance again and lack of any fish out of water scenes. No character growth.
>make fun of making her the most important character in the mravel universe.
>criticizes missfires on humor and forced 90's cringe.
>Mike says it's an OK movie. Clunky. Some fun moments. compares it to that turd jupiter ascending. As a standalone film it would be considered terrible. Say says as a piece of the MCU it's watchable.
>Jay says No and it sucks. Whole lot of nothing.
OMG GUISE THEY ARE FUCKING DISNEY SHILLZ GUISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The problem with RLM threads is 30 precent are prequel faggots with a chip on their shoulder, and 30 percent are trying to force their own agenda on what they say. and rest of us just want to meme.
Wasn't hbomberguy so awful he actually spawned MauLer in response? I know "long man bad" but I think he's a good content creator.
better candidate than anyone else they currently have in pocket so why not
Has Jack ever said he gets paid? AFAIK Jack only gets paid in beer and whatever money the video game series brings in. They've (jack and rich) stopped doing the streams because they got tired of dealing with their fans. I don't blame them.
They're no different than any other youtube personalities, they found their niche.
Also you sound angry, did you get banned on twitch for being a cunt?
... and?
And define centrist. What is a centrist, someone that is not insane enough to fall for all this identity politics bullshit?
Have sex with me you beautiful bastard, 10/10 post, no homo
Is "Virtue Signalling" far right rhetoric? Because it's something that clearly happens
I've never heard them express a political opinion I wouldn't describe as liberal, but they don't talk about it much. They're not "radical centrists", they're most likely center-left, as many people who aren't SJWs are.
if you're not with crazy lefty progressives.. you're against them.
still fun to read through and watch the bubbles push into each other
The world is an embarrassing nightmare.
>but I think he's a good content creator.
Get some taste dude
yeah i don't get why people are saying they loved it they basically shit on the entire time and jay flat out didn't recommend it
If I recall Mike is a right wing libertarian type and the rest are left-ish.
>Josh is in at least 4 of these fucking videos
ONLY with prep.
And the action, he loves that too. Except when it's dumb and you don't know what you're looking at, as in those Transformers movies.
I am not with conspiracy theory /pol/tards, either. I suppose this makes me a centrist, for the simple fact that I am not fucking insane.
It's peak irony that all the people complaining about dissonant politics injected into a franchise are reduced to sexist woman haters but then you have two essays by people complaining about the injection of politics into a review. It's almost like if the politics of X are agreeable to you, you don't care but when you disagree with the politics you end up offended. ie if you agree with Brie Larson you're probably not going to understand why people reacted the way the way they did. Maybe if people weren't so insanely self centred these days you could empathise with other peoples positions but nope.
It's her persona and the delivery of it. Too much snark.
Lol they hate it.
Good fuck this movie I'll never watch it.
Only good parts of the movie I've seen in clips which is nick fury
Them fighting would've been boring as fuck but a much better ending
this is Rian Johnson-tier subverting expectation.
>The problem with RLM threads is 30 precent are prequel faggots with a chip on their shoulder, and 30 percent are trying to force their own agenda on what they say. and rest of us just want to meme.
There are also envious shills for some other review channel.
You know which one.
Unironically based as fuck
What if I follow some conspiracy theories but am not a rightoid
Isn't mike the one writing these comments beforehand
That's true. Lots of people hate their success.
Doesn't really pay attention to anything and thinks everyone else is dumb
but still spouts bullshit that's useful for lefties so they end up being pawns.
>watch youtube video
>enter thread
>say quote from video
My fav threadings
To an extent, you'll largely find it used in right wing / anti-sjw spheres so it's definitely specific to that subculture. You wont really find it in usage in left wing spaces because to observe the superficial and performative nature of slacktivism is self annihilating.
You are just a simple, old fashioned retard like they used to make them.
Bless you user. Hugs.
And? Why do you give so much of a shit what the fuck a bunch of weirdos and autists on here watch?
On the upside meta about rlm and the fanbase is unironically more interesting than the mcu dogshit saga and especially captain marvel
Colo Claw?
How am I retarded for not trusting everything the government says
You said essentially nothing.
What is this why you want to claw my colon
>Is "Virtue Signalling" far right rhetoric?
The original term is "lip service" but god forbid the current generation use terms that have already been invented.
>Lip service definition is - an avowal of advocacy, adherence, or allegiance expressed in words but not backed by deeds
Can people not be anarchists anyomre???
>this mad
uncuck yourself.
the ol´ south park schtick
Half of the zoomers here think lip service is oral sex