
What food/drink you do you like to consume during kino-sessions?

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Other urls found in this thread: sour brite crawlers&qid=1552355984&s=gateway&sprefix=trolli &sr=8-1-spons&psc=1

usually 2 or 3 of pic related.
so almost 1kg of this cake

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Boneless nachos.

Hot cheetos and robertos rum. Chreetos and robertos

You just posted it! Also, Doritos cool original, hot chocolate and starbursts.

also like to eat these bad boys
around 40 to 50 in one sitting

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I dont understand why everyone likes this meme brand. I know they were the first but their gummies are harder and have less flavor than trolli. I like to freeze trolli sour worms :)

Salted peanuts in Pepsi

a shitload of vodka

Nothing goes with a good kino like a big bucket of crab legs.

you need to get the haribo gummy bears dipped in citric acid.

I don't eat food during a movie I just finger my underage girlfriend

b b b ased

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I'm telling /fit on you faggots.

Dont these give you the shits?

Feed & Seed are pretty kino snacks.

Only the sugar free ones.

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These are better

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How do u mean user? I really dont understand how ppl love this brand so much. They taste bad to me. Way too hard.

I like to concentrate on the film

retards that are too stupid to properly store food and act surprised when it rotts.
moron mutts.
My Rochers are always fresh.

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a challenger appears

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For me, it's a flask of cheap port

these are in no way kino, have to chew too much
raisinets with popcorn > all

you just suck on them while they're in your mouth.

We dont get these in the states. Are they good enough to order online?

Ge wek

You mean ive been eating candy wromg this whole time?

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me and my lovely beautiful girlfriend eat fairtrade chocolate because we like good food that isn’t gmo cancer fuel.

I'm in germany right now, what are some other lachgummis and kino snacks i should try out? I usually get pic related cuz they're basically haribo bears, but cheaper and more

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She sounds like she fucks black guys

only true candy connoisseurs know about these

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i bring a 5lb bag of haribo sugar free and take a massive shit halfway through the movie

This is the only acceptable snack to get at the kinoplex

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At home I like some gin on ice plus these chips

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You guys are missing out. Only in Hawaii do we eat;
Sprinkled Furikake on top

Holy shit yes.

Buying food at the theatre is for plebenese
Both theaters I go to are near Whole Foods so we sneak in food/drink from there

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I like the chocolate truffles that have poprocks in them. my gf puts them in her purse.
fuck the movie jew and his 5 dollar candy bars

There is no need to bring my girlfriend's Bull, Daquann, into this


all of them

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This or zours

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this here also god tier
I swear they lace it with heroin its so addicting jesus

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Hot cheetos with saracha


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Sour Vikings are far and away the best fruit candy I’ve ever had. They don’t upset my stomach after half a bag like most candy, higher quality ingredients, and by far the best tasting. Usually sour candies have a shitty actual gummy and overpowering sour to cover it.
Fucking delicious. Can only get a couple bags at a time from World Market or buying them online.

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You mad? Yeah you mad

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The best.

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I was just looking through my phone's pics and saw a tomato ass


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Fuck, I love cheap Chinese food.

why is all cheap Chinese food covered in brown liquid tho

You can buy 5lb bags of these on amazon, lmao

I'm aware. What point are you trying to make?

You sound like a boring European

In case you didn't know I guess. I love Trolli but I've never bought those, I think I might do it

It's all cooking oil and fat from the cheap chicken and beef.

suck a dick
albanese sucks
too soft and too sweet

I wonder if Chinese food in Europe is close to the Chinese food in America.

Oh sorry I thought you were implying I should buy 5 lb bags and bring them to the theater lol...


Djungelvrål is also kino

About 7 or 8 McDoubles and a fifth of vokda.

Mfw when its real. sour brite crawlers&qid=1552355984&s=gateway&sprefix=trolli &sr=8-1-spons&psc=1
Thank you user. Very cool

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Eat it all during the movie and you should have sufficient ammo to decorate a bathroom stall when it's over.

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>not being enough of a beast to down 5 lbs during a movie

What kind of lunchables are these? I’ve only ever seen the pizza and cracker ones.


Its a scam

Fucking disgusting

For me its Shark Bites

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where do they sell this?

>we fell for a Jewish marketing plot designed to make liberal virtue signalers feel even more arrogant and self-righteous than they already were in exchange for a few more shekels

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west-coast fag here, I went to the east-coast last summer and got a pack of gummy bears for my films that I was going to watch in the train. They were the best gummies I've ever tasted and I forgot the brand name - I think it involved forests and they had blue ones, can anyone help?

these? no blue though

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black forest swirly bears has blue

This and a monster zero ultra

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2 double cheese burgers [no pickles] and 2 of those long chicken sandwiches from burger king along with a fry or onion ring. i am able to stuff the burgers in my cargo pants pockets along with the fries and i usually bring a bottle of extra ketchup i hide in the back of my pants. no one notices except sometimes when i squirt my ketchup and the bottle makes that fart noise lol

as for drinks i usually bite the bullet and buy a large pop from the stand. less suspicious that way too

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makes sense that the sneedposter has knowledge on gummy bears

arent those discontinued?

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thanks for reply but no, I forgot to mention they weren't black forest. I got them in DC, perhaps it was a local brand. Unfortunate.

For the Wednesdays live threads looks like a good idea.

nah they at cvs

What the fuck is this mammoth molar lookin ass shit

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it's a delicious bear claw pastry

I'll raise you these

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holy shit, i'd love to try one of those

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crab legs

>holy shit
90s born queer shut the fuck up.

unbased and weebpilled
based and coronarypilled



Dinettes. No beverage.

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I really like the sour ones.

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How long till disney releases a live action Gummy Bear movie?


nothing else

Geh weg you dumb fuck

It literally says “Fun Snacks” in the package you oxygen thief.

>gummy bears
lots of children on this board

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oh yeah what do you eat at the theater? asparagus? idiot

based and alcho-pilled

red vines, milk duds and raisinettes
not gummy candy

Yup that's it

>not eating a bag full of nogs during your kino

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Albanese > Haribo and isn't even close.

Ice and ice chips

the best imo

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I love gummies. They're my favorite candy. But I really dislike Haribo. They're way too chewy. I think my favorite are those good old fashioned, cheap gas station gummis.

3in1 nestle instant coffee

Dont eat this. You will get diarrhea

going to blockbuster and getting these things with a dvd of south park

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i unironically liked these too

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Seconding this user. Best snack for watching a film.

mommy milk

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gummy bears arent snacks

my roommate got a bag of the sugar free ones and didn't know he couldn't eat more than a handful and ended up with huge stomach cramps all afternoon

the square-cube law applies to pasteries as well unless this has filling it's going to be shitty

What the fuck is your problem?

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>You mean ive been eating candy wromg this whole time?
no user, just shitty candy brands

The undisputed king of kino connoisseurs. If you don't have an empty box of these by the end of the film then you have no place place watching film at all.

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>not getting torrents
>not prepping a nice bowl of instant spicy chicken yakisoba and cold soda


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Chocolate covered peanuts bought from the grocery store. The concession stand chocolate peanuts will work, but they are not as good.

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>Literally just sugar
>For lunch
Based, I wanna move to America

You simply can't beat a fresh cup a soup

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Who /meat snacks/ here

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for an instant I thought the four chocolate-dipped knobs at the top were your fingers and you had gigantic gorilla nigger fingers from the palm up

Ayyy, hawaii-user!

Which island? Oahu-fag here.

lauer meer, du schuchtel.

>take old senile father out for a flick
>literally any flick I feel like, he's too old to care
>buy a fat bag of assorted liquorice at the bulk food store next door
>feed my old man the ones I don't like
>he's so happy to get out and be remembered that he pays for it all
>praised by the rest of my family for taking care of my old man's enrichment
>probably going to get the fattest slice of inheritance for this reason alone
you cannot begin to describe how smug and comfy I am
based liquorice

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>Kids squabbling over inheritance
Am I the only one whose parents are splitting inheritance 50/50 between my brother and I?

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yes Yea Forums is a three child or more board hit Yea Forums or Yea Forums

>not chewing on a few packets of headache tablets

Haribo bears are fucking disgusting, gummy bears you can buy on the local market blow this german shit

Pic related with a Redbull

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Nothing. I can go two fucking hours without stuffing my face.

Get out of the way

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You HAVE TO try it.

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Out of my way fucking carb-fags

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Me. We're probably the only people above 6 feet too, all these little men love their little gummy snacks and sweets.

my norwegian friend did this shit constantly, how many people use it?

i don't "snack" and neither should anyone else

According to google, roughly one million people snus in Sweden, with 75% of them being men. So I guess every tenth person? I'd reckon the number is a bit lower in Norway though

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you fat fucks

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Find these and try them. They are like crack. Savory and delicious crack with just enough zing to keep your taste buds entertained.

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Underage or boomer who can't stop

Danes do it too

>thread is mostly gummy/sugar shit

Pic related is the only true snack to be enjoyed when watching kino tier entertainment

^this also works

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Sunflower seeds, double roasted and lightly salted. The best.

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This looks like an american food teratoma

source of this

You better be biting both ends off then sucking the coffee through it like a straw, then eating it. Shits fucking orgasmic.

>calling out a specific decade
>getting irritated by holy shit
suck a dick fag

wine gum is supposed to be rock hard and almost to sour

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Best kino snack coming through

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>unable to go 120 minutes without eating
Giving America independence was a mistake

For me it's chips and salsa

> Bodyslams your favorite candy.

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homemade plantain chips with homemade avocado only guacamole

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>be anxious fatso
>get into making mini food
>lose weight
>relaxed as fuck now
>ADHD seems to have vanished
>don't take ADHD meds anymore

walter loved these ;_;

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The commercial for this candy is trying to normalize pedophilia

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you outed yourself 90s born queer

Casey's or Best Choice Peach Rings.

Once went and saw a film with a Greggs steak bake

I love Reisen!

>selling gummi bears by the kilo

Silly americans

Gutter oil. Look on google

So is dat

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What ? Serious ? Explain more

Can't eat them at work though cause powder.

ghb, beer, popcorn

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Step aside, plebs

Except for you, you're based and saltpilled

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beer, red wine, cider and related

>so painfully underage he still has hope and doesn't want to die early