How did Captain Marvel make $450M worldwide in just 3 days when theaters are practically empty everywhere? How is that even possible?

Everybody is reporting that their theaters are practically empty, with reserved seating saying as much. And even theaters with half-sold reserved seats have empty theaters when people actually show up to the screenings. "Sold out" online screenings with nobody turning up seems to be a thing as well.

With all these inconsistencies, just HOW did this film make $450M in 3 days?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I work at a movie theater and its been packed to the brim all weekend, like it is with literally every Marvel movie.

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>10 in the morning
Why are nonwhites such parasites?

>/punished/ unholy son the weeb chaplain
When China takes over I hope they kill all twitter users.

Where was everybody at 4PM on a Sunday? I know it's a work day the day after, but it's still early in the day after the movie...

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>showing up more than 20 minutes before the movie when you have a reserved seat

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People unironically do that you worthless, non white shill.

Some theaters are empty. Doesn't mean all theaters are empty at all times.

The average Captain Marvel fan seems to be relieved the movie is doing well financially despite his theater being half empty...

Attached: empty.png (1366x768, 266K)

>coping this hard
It's pretty common to have empty rooms with blockbusters, specially because they occupy about 50% of the rooms of a multiplex. Mornings and afternoons are usually pretty empty. I worked at multiplexes before, I know what I'm talking about.

This is what society was like in the soviet union. Propaganda movie cannot fail, state must pay for tickets to make it look like it was a huge success.

Be sure to spend all day investigating this, you retarded worthless /pol/faggot. It's not like you have anything better to do.

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Is this true? Are trolls who hate Captain Marvel actually buying tickets to something they hate to take pictures and make stuff up? Even though you can see nobody bought any of the tickets online?

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What's going on here?

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Show me video of an empty or mostly empty heater during showtime, plus a screenshot of how many seats were bought out. Then we can discuss box office fraud.

Only beta males do that.

If someone did that (which they probably will soon enough) you would just have another excuse

>volunteering to be advertised at
good goy

>capeshit will never die

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I'm waiting.

Multiple theater employees are claiming swaths of tickets are sold but nobody is showing up? Is this true?

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there were only about 10 people in the cinema when I went today

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It's illegal to take a video during a movie.

If I was given free money to play to an empty room. I'd play the movie to an empty room because free money.

China too???

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>Yea Forums detectives desperately trying to cope

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Disney advertising budget.

Marvel overbooked screening rooms, largely to force Alita out of theaters.

Now they have to bulk-buy tickets to appease the theater chains. They are tired of getting f*cked over by the mouse.

the tranny suicide is RISING

keep posting these threads

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This incel conspiracy theory is pathetic

Why would fans hope the theater to be empty? Isn't it more fun to watch it with groups of people so you can laugh and cheer with them?

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When are you going to realize that Hollywood movies are used to launder money as well as subvert culture?

Pics or it didn't happen

it's a relative bomb, don't be fooled by political spin

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It's a multi headed hydra. Lawyer brings in Cartel Billions and it's cleanly laundered as legitimate money. I'd bet you a dime some of those theaters are owned by Cartels and other big wigs vicariously aka shell companies.

>unironically defending captain feminism
What the fuck is wrong with you retards? It's obviously done bad dud to gardens antics but of course everyone who shows an empty theatre and speaks against this movie is a troll right? Animals


Just stop

>the mouse is inflating the revenue and review scores of their own property
>they are at the same time deflating the revenue and review scores of their soon to be bought off competition (Alita and FOX)
Wow, it's almost like this power-hungry company is doing fucked-up shit to gain even more power than it has

Reddit the post. You have to go back.

Once the laundering and advertisement budget is done we'll see the real numbers. Expect the largest second week drop in history.

Empty theater in New York at 8pm? How is that possible?

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Jesus Christ, you incels are in flat out denial.


The movie flop.

Is it shitskins behind these threads?
He says he'll be at a different show at 8. He's watching the movie at 3

>Eh, the whole business has changed. It's all about money now. The sad thing is it's the kids that suffer

>he's watching it at 3

Is this a shitskin behind this post? That's how not Twitter time works.

Hey Anthony from England!

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So Disney buys tickets to there own movies, just to prove "trolls" wrong.
This is why I say Hollywood doesn't care about lost profits anymore, its all about pushing agendas. They can write off losses to the government anyway.

Just wait. It's happening.

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Theater manager here. I had someone come in and buy out 5 showings of captain marvel today, spent thousands on these tickets, paid cash.

Give me a second pump of butter or ill report you to robert

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Itsbeen agenda driven for years. There is a culture war and they are trying to destroy America from within.

Gotta get there earlier enough to take a selfie to let everyone know you did your part against the cis white patriarchy.

>Mouseshills think CM will make a billion despite the bad word of mouth.
Let's see how much the Marve brand can support it before it falls.

This is so stupid.

If CM sold out every theater it was playing in it wouldve easily had the biggest opening of all time.

It didnt have the biggest opening of all time. It wasnt even top 5. So obviously that means some theaters were not performing well.

There us really nothing unusual about this. Most movies do the same thing.

What if Disney doubles down and buys out the rest of the week and not just the first 3 days?

This. And the movie doesn’t start until like 25 minutes after “showtime”.

>his theater has ads
>his theater has 25 minutes of ads


Cinema near me.
Friday 8th, 8pm screening.
Checking seat reservations at 7pm.
Completly empty.

I'M SO EXCITED! Damn, I'm giggly all over! THE FALL WILL BE EPIC!

THANK YOU user! Keep us posted, you awesome poster!

How much money does your bosses kick up to Disney? 70% first week? More, less?

Didn't Batman vs. Superman have the BIGGEST superhero Friday to Friday drop with 80%?

Do you think Captain Marvel can top that?

Keep checking and if able post seat list.

>buying out seats to make people think your movie isn't bombing and deleting any review below a 3 star
holy shit, and people say jews are scumbags?

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unless it's the first showing, theaters won't let you in until 20 minutes prior since they pack them so tight together and have to clean

t. I clean theaters, we didn't have a packed show for Capt Marvel all weekend, Sunday had a 3 person showing at 1pm

we also have 4 theaters showing the movie, no other movie even has 2 at the moment (20 theaters)



These are levels of Jewery that approaches the biggest level of scam that is the Fed. Nathan Rothschild would be proud.

>must finna be slaw.... theatre slick empty
what in tarnation

50% reserved is pretty good. What is that moron talking about

>IT MADE 446,000,000 DOLLARS

Attached: no incels for me.jpg (900x764, 166K)

haha imagine hiding under her dress haha

>source is some literally who 4channeler tweet with only 1 comment (no likes or shares)
This level of COPE


>Marvel overbooked screening rooms, largely to force Alita out of theaters.
Alita's been down to one screen in my theater for a couple weeks now
it lost screens to some Bollywood release

only 55% goes to disney

"Ok, Brie, we need you to not say anything abrasive while promoting the movie."

> Tells Kimmel she hates people she has worked with, pouring hot gasoline onto the circulating rumours of the Endgame cast and Russo's being pissed at her.

Right? lmao

This shit is pathetic you guys. Truly, the movie was a success. Big fuckin deal? ‘My screen wasn’t packed! How!?’ The world is a big place you morons. You live in a bubble that’s why you feel the way you’re feeling right now. Holy shit. Get a clue.

captain marvel good
good movie good
i like movie
yes marvel
very good
watch movie
good watch yes

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I can do this too.

Granted my picture comes from an 11am showing, on Tuesday morning, in a suburban Australian cinema showing the movie in 3D.

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half a billion in 3 days

6th highest opening of all time

have sex

What's with those retards on the left?

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids.

If they were genuinely buying tickets for their own movie, why would they let anyone in the theatre to see it? I get what you're trying to do, but this really doesn't make sense.

They only sold 10% of tickets in the European cinemas I checked.


Why does he hate his daughter?

/pol/incels on suicide watch

alita's target audience was 24-45 year old males who are afraid of adult females

So it's not laundering. It's probably from the advertising budget. Remember. The investors in Disney are some of the same people who benefits whenever USA currency is created. Remember the cabal who owns the Fed makes ten percent of the ten times charge the American people incurs with every dollar's creation. So dumping billions into Disney doesn't really harm them at all because their man goal is Marxist destruction of western values. Globalization is their bottom line.

"We can do incredible things with CGI", enthused Joe Russo, his tires eyes lighting up, "such as make Thanos a fully realized character with stunning detail".

"But that's not all", Anthony Russo adds, "We can create alien worlds, amazing superhuman feats, and not only that, we can do something even more astonishing..."

"We can use VFX technology to put Scarlett Johannson and Elizabeth Olsen into a scene with Brie Larson, yes, I know it's hard to believe, but that is the magic of VFX, it's simply not possible in any other way", Joe Russo concludes.


>showings during middle of the week/afternoon
>morning showings
>theater is empty for 630pm showing tweet posted at 4pm
>one butthurt dude posting in middle of the week about lack of presales 5 days before showings
>two obvious troll accounts

I think the movie looks mediocre and it was dumb how they tried to attract political attention but use your eyes lol, who even bothered making that image. SAD!

Probably literal retards.
Early morning sessions in Australia tend to be the times retards, handicapped, disabled etc types and their carers go to the movies.
They almost always sit in that row in front of the walkaway to make a clean getaway when the retards fire up and start shrieking, shitting or whatever.

How come nobody knows how Twitter time works?

Based schizophrenic retard

>6:30pm showing at 4pm
>he still hasn't figured out how timezones work

no theater would ever leave a cinema empty for 2 1/2 hours

I don't doubt that they do this for all blockbusters. Retarded who didn't see the movie opening weekend see the "big numbers" and that is enough to convince them that they need to see it too.

are those cinemas for poor people? they look poor.

how come literally NO ONE is talking about it. Not one friend on fb. I remember like 10 people talking about infinity war shit, i went and saw it in a nearly packed theater. This beat infinity ar? something isnt adding up

yeah probably different time ones but then doesn't that defeat the purpose of the pic? in any case pretty pathetic to have any emotional response to a marvel movie doing good or bad unless you had some sort of direct involvement with it.

This really is a genius marketing strategy.

Disney could tell theaters they're getting a 75% of the ticket sales for the opening weekend but the theaters get 75% of the take themselves afterwards.

With a $450M world wide opening, that translate to about $110M of advertising. That buys "THE 6TH BIGGEST MOVIE OPENING EVER!" which will make normies think this movie is a smash hit and it's essential to watch it before Endgame.

>seething incel tries to use anecdotal evidence to convince people
Never saw that one before!

>This beat infinity ar? something isnt adding up
That's because it didn't beat Infinity War. IW had the biggest domestic opening of all time.

What does this say about Amerimutts when China has better tastes than you?

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I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really not worth shit. It's just not remotely entertaining and visually dull, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for storytelling ambition or character arcs. It's just a bland action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played horribly by Brie Larson. I became an instant hater watching her in this action heroine idiocy, something she manages to pull off with effortless incompetence. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can be impressed. Viewers were literally groaning through some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as functional as always, it's just that his character feels even dumber and flanderized than what we've seen. Jude Law is also wasted, and so are Ben Mendelsohn as alien guy and Lashana Lynch as MCU Black Sidekick #3.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so crass that it was really difficult to stop cringing.

Visual effects are perfunctory, and the IMAX 3D viewing just exposed them as mediocre. And since it's most importantly a virtue signalling movie, every single action sequence it delivers is fucking mediocre, especially the awful train sequence. I would call that dreary setpiece one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive, with it being to dark to see shit. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is tonally out if place and really manages to make you want to kill yourself.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a mediocre manner. The directors have done a workmanlike job with the "characterization "of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem even worse than it is. The pace is glacial, gore is alas minimal to none, and there's nothing suitable for kids.

Somebody call Robert and ask what is really happening.

If I’m broke, do you mind if I come in to watch it for free, if I buy a snack at the concession stand?

>better tastes
>gobbles up transformers franchise
>gobbles up fast and furious franchise
It's like you're not even hiding the fact that you're saying that because it's convenient for you in this moment, retard