When was the last time Yea Forums lost this hard?

When was the last time Yea Forums lost this hard?

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Other urls found in this thread:




Black Panther

I want the truth, who makes these threads?

>Not alitabros false flagging because why would they do that
>pol supporting captain fungus? no lol
>redditfags. But alita was overall liked by them (except for actual commies)
>mouseshills: yeah disney might rig some numbers but how funny would it actually be if they were genuinely paying people to post wojac memes
>unironicaly trannies. Wait ACTUAL trannies, on DISCORD??? Could it be?

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Yea Forums

I've made threads like this, and I don't even like Marvel and don't give a shit about Alita. I just like to see you idiots rage out.

I make these threads because I want (you)s it's not that complicated

The /pol/tard should actually be dabbing while the MIGAtard cries in that pic.

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you can't handle the truth


but you're one of those idiots?

But what fun are (you)'s if its just getting insulted? If no one ever says based

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No matter how pathetic you think your life is, just remember that at least you're coming to this board to have fun instead of thinking you're changing the world by posting here.

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It’s not tv, it’s pol

The force awakens
Black panther
Avengers infinity war
Wonder woman
Beauty and the beast

Just off the top of my head.

This Tbh.
OP is a useless nigger.

Why would someone screencap that but censor the names? Fucking stupid.

the past tow Oscars

>/pol/ is incapable of falseflagging
Were you dropped as an infant

Fuck man thats just obnoxious. Whats gets me the most is that the people spamming shit are part of the group that I hate more than anything, the whiteknights. Neckbeards who are funnily enough virgins themselves, the internet used to sock on these cunts and now they get special soapboxes instead

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You have a point but to this extent? I just cant reconcile that polfags would go this far to larp for hours as something they hate. I even came here from pol cause election shit/ beppit got too annoying

it's called mental illness user, why 40% of these faggots neck themselves

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>not making at least 800mil
>budget was 152 million not including marketing
in terms of capeshit this is a flop

>I've made threads like this, and I don't even like Marvel and don't give a shit about Alita. I just like to see you idiots rage out.

It might be time for 4Channel to give the box office trolls the push, too.

With a rough calculation, trannies account for less than half of 1% of the population. So dumb that we hear about their dumb garabge every single day. There are many more amputees out there and we don't hear much at all about them

So stop talking about them

>78% drop lowest of all time

those are some awfully round numbers on the left there

Can you plz get them off my tee vee then? They're shitting it all up when everone thinks its pol


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>same photo and same filename
Bro what is your obsession with this funko pop collecting weirdo. Do you *like* him?

now adjust for inflation

As long as /pol/ is seething I'm ok with it

mtf trannies always insert themselves everywhere, it's why everybody hates them

you never hear a word about the ftm ones

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Fuck the mouse

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This honestly makes a ton of sense. I suspected this was the case for a while. It's the Trump promotion strategy, but applied to corporations.

Lol imagine trying to change anyone's mind on /pol/ that misogyny is bad and multiple partners are a good thing while having 0 experience with chan culture. /pol/ unironically believes women should be controlled subservient docile homemakers. These fuckers really are delusional and glow like the sun.

Will Hiroshimoot and the mods ever address and deal with this problem?

Are the jannies complicit in this? Because certainly quite a few of the threads should have been deleted for clearly baiting and the oversaturation was fucking ridiculous. I hope next time we all learn not give them an inch but then again they'll probably have teams talking to themselves within threads they've started. Seriously fuck Disney and capeshit.

we hate this shit, everyone on Yea Forums assumes it's Yea Forums shitposters

I made this thread and several similars to this one. I'm a 26 years old north african male, sunni muslim, heterosexual, biology degree, published some papers, studied in Canada, also trying to get into game development recently.

I like Brie Larson since Scott Pilgrim and I didn't like the hate she got, so it's funny to troll back.

Hope you're happy.

Is this real or are you goobering?


real, I've been defending my waifu on Yea Forums a long time before the current shitstorm.

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>nigger white knight
You automatically lose LMAO


I'm so light skinned Brie Larson wouldn't even look at me.

Black panther destroyed a lot of shit here, but it was a decent movie because of Mike b, but the aquaman being a big was a pushback.

Anyone has the Captain Marvel denial chart?

>Its literally a Muslim guy defending his long time waifu from one of the most relentless assaults tv has ever pulled
>He feels glad that she was able to win somewhat despite all the hate/ bully he gets for liking her
>He's even willing to overlook her many flaws and fungus feet because he cares about her as much as some of us care about Alita

I don't even know what to say honestly, completely fucking blown away. Can't even hate that, I understand OP

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internet is a strange place

>Black panther destroyed a lot of shit here
You wish, you fucking faggot. Last month, Disney showed Black Panther for FREE. That is absolutely unheard from a corporation that wants to get every cent it can collect. Even with the movie in theaters for FREE, no one went to watch that steaming pile of shit.


Whoever that is, they have not been healed by Alita yet.

U wot m8? It's the most successful solo superhero outing of all time

Incel Incel, fuckless fag
Always butthurt, seething bad
Lonely racist, never Glad
Horny sexist, always mad

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Dickless tranny

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Well Yea Forumspol/ always loses. Wonder woman, star wars sequels, black panther, this, they were all massive successes. A better question is when was the last time Yea Forums won? I think it was ghostbuster

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>Yea Forums is so contrarian it likes Marvel now

TLJ and TFA were massive successes. Cope.

Solo was led by a white Male so wasnt seen as some SJW boogeyman that Yea Forumspol/ railed against as hard and everyone knew it was gonna flop.

The next Elliot Richards is in this thread

probably freshman-sophomore dance

Do you want your disc with tartar sauce or malt vinegar, DCucks?

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Infinity War. Lots of people were saying it won't beat the first avengers. When it was obvious it will get 2 billion, the goalpost was moved. You know business as usual

>The truth is user, it was the shitposters, the game was rigged from the start

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Daily reminder that Yea Forums is always wrong.

>Disney buys presale tickets in bulk
>nigger celebs shamed into buying tickets for entire communities
>fundraisers to send niglets to see this turd
>money going directly to Jews
>libshits and niggers think this is a "victory" for them
>Yea Forums is "BTFO"

>general thread dedicated to shill damage control
Yes, all of you need to stay here and cope as one big sad family of shills ROFL

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>the fate of the furious
>jurassic world
what is this list

>Orange man bad!

>le amerishart politics

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It rhymed

>Alita broke even
hey, good for Alita
I wasn't even sure it would do that

None of the above. White knight fags who cry about misogyny and are desperate to defend women

>cg special effects fuck fest is a hit because china

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I'm not denying it's success, but what about aquaman?? For BP you can just point at the black population, virtue signalling etc...But aquaman had nothing going for it, yet still made 1Bill.

Yea Forums is LITERALLY always wrong
this is also where someone will say

noooooooo this is black panther all over again just kill me now

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>stupid population goes to see generic shit movie
>Anything other then the usual

Same as it ever was.

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/pol/ never thinks about you

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>he hates it
Well, I guess Jay is based now


If you're going to post a leftie posting with the Soviet flag, DO IT RIGHT.

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Fuck the bunny

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Tick Tock get ready to Eat the disc DCucks!

I love seeing these threads and I don't care about capeshit.

I made this just in case.

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Hey faggot thats 3 year old dead meme go rape yourself with a chainsaw before i slice up your cunt lips with a dull swiss army knife

Alita belongs to Disney

Captain Marvel was just a distraction from Weeb Wars. The only question is who it was meant to distract.

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Amount of sales is not the same as quality of movie

Pixar's Cars (462 mill. USD box office) will never be better than Citizen Kane (1.6 mill.)

you didn't adjust for inflation though

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capeshit spics from twitter: archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/110809492/#110812153
is just damage control after they were first exposed: archive.4plebs.org/tv/thread/110093387/#110093387

I'ts pretty amazing how half the threads on Yea Forums exist just to piss Yea Forums off. In this way, Yea Forums is identical to /pol/.

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How fat are you?

Tranny, Tranny, dickless fag
Always seeth-(*GUNSHOT*)

ah yes, yes, all those radicalized moderates, such a crushing blow, well at least there aren't any elections on the horizon, otherwise the liberals would be in real trouble

>trusting Hollywood numbers when so many movies magically turn no profit
Yikes! Also...
>YouTube changes algorithm
>RT redesign
>RT stops accepting reviews below threshold
>Metacritic drops user scores
>"Journalists" in a tizzy
>Twitter in a tizzy
>Half empty theaters
>insanely low critic and user scores (the ones they let be posted)
>Hollywood accounting
>Prelude to the biggest soi-movie ever

Fuck I'd hate to see us win.

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Eat the disc (again), DCucks.

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This level of cope

Where can I get a "I have never seen a vagina" shirt?

How can incels have "never seen a vagina" if they masturabte to porn and anime all day?

The Black Panther salt mine is legendary. Yea Forums was completely BTFO. Won Three Oscars and crushed the Box office.

Wonder why the Disney shills are avoiding talk of the US box office?

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>the jews told me black panther killed it!
>nobody Irl talks about it
>no sequel planned

has been obsessing over fucking a bunny for a week now

The Force awakens?
The last Jedi?
World of Warcraft?
Batman vs Superman?
Black panther?

>shrek the third

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I know this fucking Indian guy that wont shut the fuck up about it, but thats literally it

What happened with world of warcraft, did everyone want it to be good but it flopped?

Fucking lmao there is no way this is real. I hope it is though, the idea of people literally paying thousands of dollars just so they can learn to shitpost on /pol/ amuses me.

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The whole movie was a train-wreck, but this scene truly fucked Marvel permanently, just like how TLJ permanently fucked Star Wars...
Towards the end of the movie, looking through Carol Danver’s case files, Fury sees that her Air Force call sign was "Avenger"

So, to honor her, he renames his new project “The Avenger Initiative"

Thus the Avengers were named after Brie Larson, the TRUE first Avenger

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It was supposed to be vidyakino and people were buttblasted when it bombed

ok dude it's not as retarded as TLJ come on

Feelsbad, I just saw the shit cg and passed


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^^^^^ nice feet ^^^^^

Fuck off, mice.

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the mice have a bigger problem coming

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Most people watch and listen to any old rubbish. They live on autopilot. The jews know this and can pump out all sorts of crap. A film being popular means absolutely nothing in this world of NPCs.
The people arguing online about politics and such are so small in number compared to the general population.

Do you think Captain Marvel's sales are a repudiation to the toxic white males that rightfully shit all over Brie Larson for her comments? Or is it simply that Captain Marvel was going to sell well regardless due to the fact that tons of marketing went towards it and it's leading up to end-game, the movie everyone's been waiting 10+ years for? Leftists get the fuck over yourselves, you've pissed off a group of people who otherwise would have been indifferent towards your bullshit.

2020 is going to prove your constant intrusion into peoples hobbies with your self-righteous preaching a fatal mistake. You all can enjoy your Marvel movies while Trump is being sworn in.

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Its fucking over for star wars, gotta go fast

You will never pass as a woman

you'd have an easier time naming the last time Yea Forums was right about anything


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she cute


I for one, welcome movies as terrible as Captain Toes making a bank. You gotta think large. Lose a fight, win the war. This movie succeeding that Marvel will now embrace making divisive, low-effort garbage directed by whamen, only now without the "first female-led movie in history ever made" gimmick and hype to sell it, the knock-on effect is bound to start alienating people. One can hope Captain Fungal Colony is the first brick taken out of the wall which will eventually collapse capeshit genre altogether.

They'll make a film featuring every single 'oppressed' group then can find. If they already did blacks and women the next is probably some basedboi hapa movie

I-I'm not mad, y-you're mad
Gonna eat that disc yet, incel?

Delusion levels off the charts here, suicide clearly imminent

Cry more Mishka

This is beyond moving goalposts. This is in the realm of schizophrenic hallucination

>basedboi hapa movie
Day of Retribution? Sounds based.

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Marvel randomly dropping a 'cant dodge the rodge' kino, then marketing it as another cape film would be the funniest shit

That Broly in your pic related looks like a completely different character compared to what we got in the movie.

>implying all Communists aren't equally mentally ill so the image is of little relevance

>y-you've gone too far this time l-leftists!

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lmao i love these sketches

Oh cry me a river that's pouring down on your keyboard

There is a goldmine of you fat fuck incels

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he's whiter than you

Thats like saying proves that all alt-right/ far-right /pols/ are mentally ill neckbeard incels

Have sex


Why do these threads feel so artificial? like someone is trying really hard to fit in? just look at the over use of frogs and wojaks, i don't think it's solely shitposters, definitely an outside party.

To be honest i couldn't care less about capeshit, i thought the profit would be greater seeing how normalfags swallow anyshit marvel puts out.

Have sex

Yeah, just look at all the genocide that some rando below-average-looking overweight guy has committed. Totally onpar with the results of Communism.

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>shill containment thread alive and well

That's just the state of this board right now, did you just come back from a break or something?

>That's just the state of this board right now

Yes, i was on a family vacation to europe since september and was barely using internet.

Already had.

Obtain intercourse

>X-Men: The Last Stand

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Notice how this thread lost steam the moment RLM released their review trashing the movie?

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How much will "Shazam" make opening weekend?


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Because they fabricated it and posted with their own names. MUH OMNIPRESENT TRANNIES WAH WAH


What's hilarious about that screencap is that whoever wrote that slobbery tangent will be dead from suicide in under a decade.

>a movie with infinite amount of shilling, released right between the two-parter of the hypest culmination of the biggest franchise in history, with youtube algorithm manipulations and removal of negative votes on RT, makes slightly more than a movie based on some obscure manga from the 90s

can't you see?

Gee, if we're going to post far-left genocides I might as well post far-right gencoides

>inb4 muh Hebrew Hoax

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Pop pop poppity pop pop pop

This is now a rare evans thread

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>email me if youre banned

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But WW made more money

Hard to tell. Shazam has had like 1% of the money spent on advertising/damage-control that Disney has spent shilling for Captain Marvel.

Because they don't want to doxx someone's account, even if they're a faggot?
And even if they did doxx them that person, if they did respond to anyone, could just deny making the post, so it's pointless either way?

>some guy posting the opinion that Captain Marvel sucks on the Internet

After they stop the /pol/ redditors.

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>Nazism and Fascism
>Right wing
Mussolini formed Fascism from Syndicalist/Socialism. It's the exact same as any authoritarian socialistic system, with the facade of being anti-left.

Corporate shills, influencing Yea Forums has become big business after the election.

Pol was right again.

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Alita made more in foreign box offices than Marvel, for now. Wouldnt this imply the US isnt into anime like the rest of the world?

Just like with gamergate
Tranny socialists think that by coming here and coming to /pol/ they are going to persuade us into voting democrat?
Or that their constant shilling of blacked porn and alexandra cortezposts are going to make us change?
All they are doing is pissing off a bunch of bored dudes with nothing better to do than watch movies and play games.
If you trannies think that trump winning in 2016 was bad...
Just wait until 2020 comes and we shitpost trump into winning his second term with the anger of a thousand suns.

Keep spamming us with this tranny shit. Keep antagonizing the sleeping bear. Keep going. It will make trumps win the more sweeter


Why do you think we never got a real proper dragon ball movie ever made by hollywood? Dragon ball is the biggest anime in the world, yet hollywood doesnt give a shit

Cameron has the rights to Alita. Disney owns Fox and Fox just distributed it for a cut.

> insider claims

I wish you people would read articles instead of just taking them at their headlines.

There's no deeper conspiracy, any group that is loud and obnoxious and proceeds to get BTFO gets laughed at on Yea Forums

>Tranny socialists think that by coming here and coming to /pol/ they are going to persuade us into voting democrat?
>Or that their constant shilling of blacked porn and alexandra cortezposts are going to make us change?

Unironically yes. They come here with the purpose of "changing the culture". They think if they post enough bullshit it will change the "culture" here and the type of people who frequent here.

This becomes obvious if you've ever gotten into an argument with a legitimate SJW on Yea Forums in the past six months that was provably wrong about something.
They RELENTLESSLY samefag. They will repost blatant lies until, and sometimes even after, being called out on it. They will post the same things over and over and over again. They will COMPLETELY refuse to give up an argument, even after it's long dead, like a dog with a bone.
That's because they aren't here to argue; they are here to "influence".

Literally one fag who is obsessed with that guy from Quartering. Same threads are on Yea Forums on daily basis.

You know, ive noticed that sjw come here the most at night, from like 1 am to 5 am this place becomes tumblr. I dont know if its australian shitposting, or if they all sleep during the day, or if they come at night to avoid the mods.

>BVS - flop
>Justice League - flop

WW has only one hit and two misses, Brie is going to have two hits and no misses.

Who are you quoting?

4hcan is global thing and is used in all Time-Zones and Femcels have no attachment to typical normie daily-schedules.

This combination means that trying to estimate where the trannies live based on what times they are posting in certain numbers is a Fool's Errand.

This person:
Are you fucking stupid?

When they bet on Bella Thorne and Victoria Justice

Why is the Jewish wojak above larson hanging himself?

Well, we can rule out non English speaking countries for one, so it rules out a lot.
And these people tend to care a lot about US politics and our culture. And tend to know a lot about our way of life.
So that kind of pin points north america.
I mean, it cant just be anyone.
I know Yea Forums is used world wide, but these sjw feel north american in their posting and interest in our politics

You know I remember when reddit was yoir boogeyman of choice

Glad to see you at least accepted how many of you are r/TheDonald refugees

the first post in any thread of captain cuck should just be an image of her foot fungus. thats literally all humiliation you need

Are you in Australia? Whats the time in there right now?

Just in time for your daily seething

I am contacting the authorities. Some people have a dangerous obsession with Jeremy.

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>posting non-sequiturs

Can you post an actual counter-argument that addresses the person you're responding to instead?

>Black Panther will flop!
>Captain Marvel will flop!

Does Yea Forums ever get tired of being wrong?