Any movies about men being raped by women?

Any movies about men being raped by women?

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men cant be raped by woman, no matter the age


40 Days 40 nights, though it's not dwelled upon and he has to apologize to his girlfriend for "cheating" on her. Very insulting.

My ex-gf forced me to have sex with her one time. I wouldn't call it rape and I never pressed charges or anything but I cried for hours afterwards. One of the worst experiences of my life, and before anyone asks no. I'm not going to talk about it.

>and before anyone asks no. I'm not going to talk about it.
we were all dying to hear about it

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Any movies about women taking advantage of vulnerable women?

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Then why did you bring it up

Okay fine i'll talk about it. Give me a minute to greentext it

keep going

There was an episode of Too Close for Comfort where Munroe(the flamboyant but sensitive neighbor) is raped by two bull dykey women.
Ted Knight's character and basically his whole family mock and make cracks at the obviously damaged Munro, essentially calling him a huge pussy.


Based /gfg/

>Okay fine i'll talk about it.
please don't, i really don't care.

please tell me she went to prison

inb4 fake larping incel

its not porn

Have your time, I'm already preparing the Popcorn.

Anna was /best rapist/
they'll never be a rapist waifu like her

If you have a pixiv
Here are some translated chapters if you don't have a pixiv

you must be that guy the romans had in mind when they figured that getting fucked by a woman, making yourself subservient to her, is the gayest thing imaginable

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I had something sorta similar with my own ex. I didn't cry and I'd never compare it to a proper rape, but I did feel kinda taken advantage of and was angry at her afterwards for being so flippant.

It's not always completely cut and dry, I suppose.

>tell gf I'm not in the mood
>she gets mad
>starts insulting me
>starts bringing up shit from the past
>guilts me into it by badgering me for about an hour
>finally just relent and fuck her just to get her to shut up

Why am I not allowed to not be horny every once in a while? It's not fair.

>getting fucked by a woman is gayer than getting fucked by a man
Boy, those Romans sure had it right.

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Why didn't you press charges if you hated it

>tell gf I’m not in the mood
>I don’t have a gf
>Im accidentally whispering my fantasies to myself while walking around in public again
Aw jeez

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I had this shit a lot. My gf wouldn't insult me, but she'd literally start faking panic attacks and shit and would insinuate I was losing interest in her body, she'd then bring up insecurities she'd have over her life about her appearance, etc. It was incredibly fucking annoying because she had an insanely attractive body to me and I ALWAYS had to tell her this to stop her from being a pain in the ass.

It reminds me of Patrice O'Neal's bit about how women DO rape men constantly, they just don't do it by sitting on a dick and forcing you to cum.