What did she mean by this? Who is wearig furry and why is it important?

Attached: furry.jpg (3326x2484, 683K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>shows up 20 years later wearing the same outfit

she wears the skin of the furries she hunts

Wrong, she's missing her jacket.

She is looking for her cat.

It has been over twenty years, and no one wants to tell her the bad news.

Why does that costume look so much better than the one in her own movie?

The suit is different tho

Is she a "cat lady"? I heard she isn't romantically involved with men and has negress for roomate.

my theater chuckled at this scene, not a good sign

full spoilers

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last half

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What's weird is that she doesn't even say FURRY, she says FOORY, it's WEARS FOORY.

why do movie superhero costumes just have a bunch of random lines thrown on them? started with x-men (2000)

I thought she said "wars footy"... why didn't they fix it and have her speak this line more clearly in post/do a voice over? It was the cringe cherry on a cringefest.

Do you think she's worn it for 20 years without showering?

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She's got one of the ugliest suit I've seen. it looks ridiculous and cheap, and the colour is awful.

Goose was a flurken, they probably live 1000 years or some shit

Le ebin misheard meme for the win!

Its a different suit you idiot

Better directors

It's Marvel, user. I am sure that stupid cat is at least 10,000 years old.

wew lad

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Have sex

The cat will be the villain at the end of Phase 4, swallowing the Tesseract turned him into a giant eldritch cat lord.

so they shaved her nose and made her eyes bigger???? did she not like her SAMI eyes?? (heard she is part Swede and with eyes like that her ancestors fucked a sami vermin)

Holy shit is that actually her? She used to be cute as a button


imagine the smell

> 20 years wearing the same clothes
> imagine the smell

Shrek 3, put that into perspective

It's a bomb after the biggest Marvel marketing campaign in history

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Thanks. Now I don't have to see it. Seems like they retconed the tesseract though. The idea of using the tessearact to power weapons was already present in the first Captain America movie. Do they really need to bring it back for the Kree in this movie just so Fury could get the idea to do it in The Avengers? Also I thought it was revealed in the Avengers that SHIELD found the teesseract in the Atlantic with Captain America's frozen body. So why would the Kree have it to power their weapons?

can't wait to see her screen time cut down due to everyone hating her

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How did she get to the present day?

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i found furry
here he is

>implying he wasn't already an extra-dimensional god of the ancient pantheon

cleans up nice

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It wasn't found with cap's body. It was found in the middle of the ocean by Stark father in the same movie it first appears in.

There was a "leaked" spoiler of the movie a month before it came out on here that said Captain Marvel is actually a modern day air force pilot that was sent back in time by the snap and she gained her powers from it. But she also lost her memories because of it. The leak also said that goes into space and enters into a pods that will freeze her until Fury awakens her. It was a fake spoiler, but I think the idea is better than her just flying into space and showing up 24 years later looking exactly the same. Are we supposed to believe her powers grant her with immortality. An explanation of time working differently in space like Interstellar wouldn't make sense in the MCU since Star Lord has aged normally.

Effects of time dilation due to travelling at light speed across the galaxy. She was gone for 20 days days but it feels like 20 years for Earthians.

Super villain of the future

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I really liked her voice, for some reason I figured she'd have a husky voice.

still doesn't pass, just like yourself

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Your trips compel me to tell you that in Endgame you'll see CM travel back in time to inform Fury where to find Cap according to reddit spoilers from 4 days ago.

The whole movie was a train-wreck, but this scene truly fucked Marvel permanently, just like how TLJ permanently fucked Star Wars...
Towards the end of the movie, looking through Carol Danver’s case files, Fury sees that her Air Force call sign was "Avenger"

So, to honor her, he renames his new project “The Avenger Initiative"

Thus the Avengers were named after Brie Larson, the TRUE first Avenger

Attached: named after carol.jpg (847x437, 45K)

My friend and his family go to all the marvel movies, I sent them a clip of the end credit scene, and in doing so prevented 8 tickets to this thing from being sold.

damn, she looks pretty good for a 45 year old

she looked like ABBA

Makes sense with Kevin Feige's comment about her having the ability to travel through time. Weird because she doesn't have that ability in the comics.

Her feet don’t

The spoilers said that she'll do it with ant-mans help since he can now shrink to quantum size.

>gets power from space stone
>can time travel

If she isn't human, that could explain aging (like wolverine's healing makes him not age normally.) i haven't seen the movie so I don't know if they explain it

She is finally back to BASH THE FASH

here's your captain marvel, bros


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Hi Incel!

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this movie felt a lot like green lantern in ways.


They'll re-jig Venom as Carol's cosmic villain. Not like perma-teen Spidey has any use for a scary villain.

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She was cute. What happened to her? She's not even 30, what the fuck did they do with her?

Looks better that way.

Captain Marvel has time travel powers