What was Maggie trying to achieve here?

What was Maggie trying to achieve here?

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an orgasm

Women can't orgasm from intercourse.

How long would you have lasted, Yea Forums?

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Constipation relief.

>t. dicklet

Yea Forums would last for at least 15 minutes, due to chronic masturbation with a death grip.

17 years without sex

is that what she told you?

To make a baby?

My wife can only orgasm with my tongue. I have now 40 years of her experience of giving her orgasms.

G-spot is a myth, it doesn't exist. Vaginas aren't sensitive. The only sensitive part is the clitoris.

literally me irl

Hahahaha oh this is sad

There is still hope for you , but once you get to 19/20, that hope will start to vanish

can confirm, scabs on penor from vigorous jackin

post the webm

maybe her shit got caved out by the bulls much bigger penis and now your tiny lil chode can't do the trick anymore


>G-spot is a myth
this is factually, provably false.

hAhahahahaahahahahahah holy shit

>gf has a small pussy and going all in makes her cry in pain
>only came once with piv

I feel like i'm fucking wrong.



Just a guess

i have the same problem m8, we try foreplay and all but when my dick is almost inside she stops completely. After a few thrusts she starts feeling sore

fuck this gay earth

>wahhhhh my penis is too big

>wahhh i'm a dicklet


have sex

she was trying to have sex?

I know this is bait and yet I'm compelled to respond regardless.

Based and true

I can’t even put myself in that position hypothetically. Way too far removed from my reality

post the webm already jfc

Dude, my dick is quite medicore, but i had the same experi3nc3 with some girls. Imagine having that sexlife for years. Id rather avoid that puss and 69 or something.

for you

PSA you have reach down and rub there clit incels

guaranteed replies, every time

imagine having a gf you lies to you just because she doesnt want to have sex with you


I know it sounds like a non-issue

But if you're with a girl who literally can't take your size, that shit gets frustrating
Imagine having a wet pussy right in front of you, you can rub your dick against her clit, but you can never go balls deep without hurting her

lol just ram it in, incel

lmao, this shit is getting silly

And I've tried, barely got halway before she yelped
Literally had blood on the tip when I pulled it out

The female orgasm is a myth

t. femanon

>barely got halway before she yelped
this means she wants you to go deeper, dicklet

Jesus, just imagine eating out a 60yr old lady

I could make you cum bb

Wasn't a moan though, I've been in girl all the way before, I know the difference

She winced in pain

Yeah, having a dick that is too big sure makes me one

>Literally had blood on the tip when I pulled it out
seems kinda odd

It did, but that's what happened

Looked over my dick to see if I teared something in the heat of the moment, but nope
She said it was probably her, since she also has had problems with an ex who was about the same size

>She winced in pain
wanna know how I know you"re a virgin? also 5 inches is not too big

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>wanna know how I know you"re a virgin?
Since I fucked a girl to completion about a week ago, sure, please do tell

>also 5 inches is not too big
I know, but for some of the smaller girls, 7.5-8 inches is

have sex

>Literally had blood on the tip when I pulled it out
Sounds like your dick just isn't strong enough to break her hymen. You keep damaging it, but you'll need a real man to rip it open.

I will, meeting another girl on thursday

She's pretty fucking tiny though too, so might happen again

Aight, and I'm guessing that man is you?

You want her number?

>You want her number?
Is she Asian?

Half Swede, half Flip

>I will, meeting another girl on thursday
And I'm fucking my entire harem in about 30 minutes, incel

Well, that could be interesting or horrifying.


Thing is though, I'm actually telling the truth

Trust me, it's both

She's cozy as fuck, but also completely insane and insecure to no end

>I'm actually telling the truth
so am i

>one guy carrrying on a convo with himself about how he's a massive dick chad who slays ethnically diverse puss every week

ironically this, a life time of jacking off with very few sexual parteners has given me fantastic sexual stamina. I lasted a good 20 minutes last time.

>>one guy carrrying on a convo with himself about how he's a massive dick chad who slays ethnically diverse puss every week
Have sex

Independence , she felt like she was completely out of control in her relationship with Woody and wanted to even the field. Its pretty straight forward dude.

Great, why wait the half hour though?

My girl is gone until Thursday, what's keeping you from your harem?

She may have vaginismus, which are painful pussy contractions. Have her go to the gyno n have it checked out

>this is not a joke

nobody's posted it yet,come on guys

>what's keeping you from your harem?
im not done shitposting

it's in the webm thread

i have never had sex.


20 seconds tops

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was it an ass double?

literally me :(


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fair enough


Try finding someone above 18