Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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Reminder: flipped, sequel whenever
If you believe hard enough we are going to get that sequel.
Can someone post the CELLS pasta?
Reading the manga, having nightmares.
Which one? K's version or Alita's?
How much chocolate did you eat today bros?
getting faster each time, fucking sniper over here
>Interrogator: Officer A-N-O-N, let’s begin. Ready?
>user: Yes, sir.
>I: Recite your baseline.
>A: “I do not stand by in the presence of evil… I’d do whatever I had to for you. I’d give you whatever I have. I’d give you my heart… Does it bother you that I’m not completely human?... I don’t belong anywhere except with you.”
>I: Cells.
>A: Cells.
>I: Have you ever been to an Alita movie? Cells.
>A: Cells.
>I: Did you buy more than one ticket? Cells.
>A: Cells.
>I: When you’re not watching the Alita movie do you post about it on Yea Forums? Cells.
>A: Cells.
>I: Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: What’s it like to hold Alita’s hand? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: Did she teach you how to eat an orange? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: Do you long to look into her eyes? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: Do you dream about being interlinked with Alita? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: What’s it like to hug Alita? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: When you’re not watching the movie do you feel like there’s a part of you that is missing? Interlinked.
>A: Interlinked.
>I: Why don’t you say that three times: Within cells interlinked.
>A: Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within Alita interlinked.
>I: ...You’re obsessed with Alita. You’re not even close to baseline.
>Interrogator: Officer A-L-I-T-A, let’s begin. Ready?
>Alita: Yes, sir.
>I: Recite your baseline.
>A: “I do not stand by in the presence of evil… I’d do whatever I had to for you. I’d give you whatever I have. I’d give you my heart… Does it bother you that I’m not completely human?... I don’t belong anywhere except with you.”
>I: Heart.
>A: Heart.
>I: How does it feel to have fans? Heart.
>A: Heart.
>I: Did you know they bought more than one ticket? Heart.
>A: Heart.
>I: Do you appreciate they made a general on Yea Forums? Heart.
>A: Heart.
>I: Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: What’s it like to hold user’s hand? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: Did they buy you chocolate? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: Do you long to look into their eyes? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: Do you dream about belonging with user? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: What’s it like to hug user? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: When you’re not making moves for user does it feel like there’s a part of you that’s missing? Belong.
>A: Belong.
>I: Why don’t you say that three times: I’d give you my heart.
>A: I’d give you my heart. I’d give you my heart. I’d give you my heart, user.
>I: We’re done. “Battle Angel Alita.” You can pick up your sequel.
>A: Thank you, sir.
He will. Made a twitter just to post some of my shit there, why the hell not.
>Hey user how about we go hiking before dinner, we we're back we can get comfy and watch that movie you like so much
based curb stomping neo nazi
Chose your best Hugo
Thanks lads
serious question from a non-native english speaker, what does "flipped" mean in this context?
>Going on a hike with Alita through forests and waterfalls and shit
I literally can't think of a better way to spend an afternoon
What's the point of making replicants butt ugly men and women if they make you angry and hate them?
1, 12, and 27 are the only ones I like.
post twitter
i will follow
The original wording was, "flopped." It's a pun indicating people are being converted.
>Far Right
Fucking Hugo
>Is the direct cause of Evil Zapan and his murderous rampage
>Berserker Zapan is almost completely invincible and is slaughtering innocents trying to get too Alita
>"Dude why are you blaming me? Just find courage and beat Zapan yourselves! ;^)"
Waifu status terminated
they didn't need to simplify or streamline the plot, though. The OVA covered all the relevant points of the first two volumes of manga in languid 60 minutes. The movie followed the OVA's structure and added a ton of padding that ultimately didn't matter and ended up needing to rush through everything it wanted to cover.
won't plug it anymore here, not an attention whore
man, that's pretty autistic.
>You can pick up your sequel.
>direct cause
Her body got sold without her permission. So not direct no.
>that tumblr zoomer
What level of Alita are you on, user?
tfw what we got is literally the best option, the rest are shit
>No panzer kunst
>No elbow blade
>No Jasugun
>No Zapan
>No werewolf
>No funny Desty Nova
>No flan
Fuck this flick. It isnt my Alita
i feel my heart being elevated seeing her say this. But it is quickly shut down when i realize this will never happen to me.
>alita gets all excited at the small pond, and you spend hours looking at frogs and fish together
Bargaining for me
where is the Healed level?
>Fails too finish him off twice
>Puts super dangerous and valuable berserker body in cheap storage instead of giving it too Ido.
Yeah I am thinking it's her fault.
no worries, I hardly use twitter except to follow a few things. I think I've commented on others' posts like twice.
Imagine being the actor when they went with that one
It's the opposite of a flop
>degrees of accepting you're not getting a sequel
>what do you mean never? we could go right now!
tfw no wild adventures of Alita and friends
If I get dubs can there be a sequel?
Stop breaking my heart like this user
You don't have a winning attitude.
you have to try harder than that
I have obtained Alita-ment.
Man I'm glad the movie ignores so much from the manga. Last Order is shit. Kenshi went senile or something.
Is Alita a flap?
It's like that kid in high school that flip flops. He's both an underachiever and an overachiever.
Post some interviews, behind the scenes videos and shit. These rarely ever get posted here.
>that fucking Justin Bieber looking Hugo bottom middle
Holy fucking shit, my sides
There is a word in English "flip-flop" indicating a sudden change in direction, often used to describe an unreliable politician changing an opinion on issues regularly.
Here, user is using as a playful rewording of another user constantly saying Alita flopped. "Flip" is not ordinarily used to indicate a successful film.
How hard we trying?
Your mom is shit and gay. Kill yourself nigger.
People should really go their social media and say they want a sequel. Little things like this can make a difference.
I like 26, 33, 30, and 25, looks more like a street punk.
be nice
RR made the Factory chocolate, pretty neat.
Saw it for a second time with my GF last night
More proof Alita's budget was probably tied in along with Avatar and the sequels' budgets.
Sorry bro, Holy digits confirmed LO is officially and canonically shit now so spaketh our Battle Angel.
I agree Figure Four fucking sucks and is uglier than me. He doesn't deserve to be Alita's love interest.
tfw no cute peruana communista gf
>Elbow Spurs
Did she want to see it a second time?
kek just noticed
I'm sorry
Posts like these certainly hurt, but I think they heal just a little bit more. It's so wonderful to imagine, even if it can never be.
>using social media
might just create an account for Alita
>Healing is painful but worth it.
I thought it was alright, though there's only like one volumes worth of actual content and the rest is filler. Space politics was cool.
It gets good again in Mars chronicles but there's only a few chapters out so you get blue balled hard.
I wish they could somehow fit Erica in if there are movie sequels.
I really got into the manga after a few chapters, it filled the void the movie left me with, then I reached Last Order and the magic was instantly gone. I'm almost 300 pages in now and Alita is still fighting some kid's brain in a giant robot in Zalem HOLY SHIT WHO CARES THIS IS AWFUL, EVEN THE RUSHED HACKJOB ENDING TO THE FIRST ONE WAS BETTER THAN THIS AND ALITA TURNED INTO A FUCKING GLUE FLOWER IN THAT
>be running errands
>have 3 hours to kill
>can't just drive home because that would take an hour and wouldn't be able to do anything of note at him
>alita still screening
>buy a ticket to captain marvel and hop theaters
>theater is empty except for one fat manlet breathing as hard as he can
>sit a few rows behind him
>movie starts
>can't really hear shorty anymore, but when the screen is bright can tell he's parroting literally every line of dialogue as it drops and mimicking every facial expression and head movement
>phone rings
>forgot to turn it off
>answer it
>start talking
>notice that fatty has turned around and is trying to give me what he thinks is a death-stare but just looks like constipation
>say hold on into phone
>tell shortstack "we both know this isn't the first time you've seen this so it's not like I'm ruining anything for you, so just turn around."
>the face he makes when he tries to look angrier is completely unexpected and entirely comical, like when a dog with long jowls tries to growl and their jowls flap up
>can't help but laugh
>he tries to look even angrier but turns around
>finish up call
>put phone on silent
>when I can see him, I can tell he's no longer doing his pantomime routine
>movie ends
>he waddles out of the theater as fast as he seems able
>see him talking to the manager angrily and pointing at me
>manager clearly doesn't care
>manager sees me see him
>rolls his eyes and shrugs
>don't even break stride towards the exit
>as I exit I hear him scream "HES GETTING AWAY WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING?!?"
movie was pretty mediocre and the main character looked really stupid, but I'll remember it, because I won't forget this.
My dubs will canonize Alita as Holy Daughterfu.
I still can't tell if he just exaggerates his expressions for laughs or if he's genuinely that ugly. Either way Kaos was way better than the author's Japanese fisherman selfinsert.
Yeah we both really enjoy it, she even downloaded a cam rip at home
yes, figure is in LO
>things that didn't happen
Sup, flopped-user. Just post the line.
>user! let's go!
Not sure what you're talking about, but if I'm lying, may the lord strike me down.
Careful what you wish for.
As somebody who never read the manga I've got some questions:
>How good is it?
>Do they ever explain why Mars went to war with Earth (Or the other way around)?
>Is there an Earth equivalent of the martian berserker?
... okay, so its one of those threads...
>flipped and flopped at it again
>it's flipped's victory with dubs
As if anyone would be surprised.
>buy a ticket to captain marvel and hop
Even the shill subconsciously thinks it's garbage.
Does anyone have the picture of Alita from the manga playing the piano?
>buy a ticket to captain marvel and hop theaters
but why
yes, yes, no
please buy her a sweater / long sleeve shirt that looks like the one alita has
Good evening /ALITA/ bros, I have a confession to make: I haven't watched the movie yet, but still I'm always alitaposting when I have the chance. I feel so comfy in this threads and i think are the best threads in Yea Forums.
I hope /ALITA/ threads last forvever and that jimbo and roberto could make a trilogy of it.
Just read the manga.
some men just want to watch the world burn.
Alita's healing is so strong even people who haven't seen the movie are improved.
Um user, go see the movie. Don't come back till you have.
why hugo "I THINK IT SUCKS" profile pic?
>come watch my movie user, it's all or nothing with me
the berserker is venusian in the manga. also partially organic, rather than straight nanotech.
>I haven't watched the movie yet
Was planning to do so anyway after cousin got the full set for me, just wanted something to look forward to.
On a different topic: what's with people saying the movie was "melodramatic"?
Based ^w^ poster.
Don't know, just a funny picture. Might change it to something else later.
You should watch it :)
There's no good reason to see the movie. I'm here mostly in hopes of manga discussion.
WATCH IT (in a theater)
Send me 10usd and I will skip my workout and go see Alita tommorrow afternoon. Your 10usd covers my busfare and matinee ticket. I will provide photograph of both bus ticket and cinema ticket stub as proof your money was spent appropriately.
Sure, what's your paypal?
yes? use your words
tasteless faggot
go see it user what are you waiting for?
if you aren't willing to spend 10 USD on Alita you do not deserve her.
Don't just do things for people, Peaches!
You'll enjoy these generals a lot more if you see the movie user. Plus it might not be in theaters next week. See it while you can and I promise you you will not be disappointed.
So uh... what does Nova do with the body parts sent up to him?
I have also not seen the movie, but I will if someone sends me 10 USD
It's all or nothing with me.
It's all or nothing with him.
dude just keep going, the tournament is great
>He likes Figure
I love the movie and first 9 volumes so I must be doing something right
as someone who's seen the movie I can safely say that is false
is true!!
I'll watch it this week that I have some free time. I watched the OVAs some time ago, tho
>what's with people saying the movie was "melodramatic"?
most people are soulless husks who respond to emotional sincerity like vampires to sunlight
the best thing about LO is how it also has a rushed hackjob ending. For that fucking tournament ends and then suddenly its over a chapter later. The "alita story" bits are good though, as they give the earth characters closure.
previuos thread thread
there's a lot of forced drama that doesn't really land at all. like hugo dying, then dying again a minute later. and chiren/ido's backstory is total garbage.
Bros my Alita obsession is getting out of control, I literally bought this specifically to take to my sixth viewing of Alita...
Ok, what didn't you like and why are you here?
>he hasn't even gotten to the chubby vampire backstory volumes
as someone who also saw the movie, I can safely say that you're full of shit
>like hugo dying, then dying again a minute later
this literally does not happen
*you do not deserve such a ticket
Hey, I did that. Brought actual oranges too. You're not the only one doing it.
So what was the Last Order? Was it the one where she says finish the mission we see during this flashback? Or was there a different Last Order?
I know Last Order exitst from my coursory reading of the wikipedia before seeing it so every time I saw a flash back and her old CO was barking orders at her I was thinking "I bet that was Battle Angel Alita's: Last Order"
I like the manga.
That should answer both questions.
Oh god I recall some user complaining about those. Was that you? Guess I'm in for a treat.
are you me? I am going tomorrow to watch it for the 6th and prob final time and I already got the same chocolate
Thing is, that's exactly how it happened in the manga and OVA.
Lads, should I spent $50 on ALita tickets? I already saw her movie like 5 times but I don't thunk I'll have time to see more of her movie. Still, if I could help purchase tickets for her, maybe my contribution would helps its box office. Maybe.
What do you lads think?
Those hips, those thighs with fishnets.
And the way her outfit is squeezing her thighs, fuuuug.
that's literally exactly what happens.
>Hey user now that I am flesh and blood you wanna hang out sometime?
One of the greatest evils of the current day is that a non-zero amount of people think "melodrama" is a pejorative
Fine they pretend kill him only to really-deally kill him a few minutes later. It's almost like something out of a comedy.
Just buy the blu ray and art book
We do not deserve such an actress.
I have bitched about it these generals, but literally everyone who's slogged through LO bitches about it.
happy monday
Really up to you. Only consider it if you financially can do it. Don't put yourself into debt to support Alita.
Add an option for /healed/ underneath acceptance.
Last order is Alita herself, it's like being a tuned agent except in interplanetary scale.
Yes, the events transpire in the same manner, but for different reasons, as manga hugo is basically a completely different character to movie hugo. So the events actually have an impact. On the reader and on alita.
why didn't you bringed some friends?
Do you take me for some kind of plebeian? hardbody or gtfo
melodrama is a pejorative only when it falls flat. Just like sentimental is a pejorative only when the sentiment doesn't quite register.
But if you have any questions about basic human interactions, autism-san, there are neurotypicals to help you sort them in these threads!
I want that chocolate and I'm bringing oranges with me.
I'm still a scrub, only seen it twice so far. Tomorrow will be third. Kicking myself every day for not seeing it in IMAX 3D, but by the time it was on my radar and I flipped they had already taken it out of IMAX.
nah, just get something you can physically have, you already did your part
Best version
flipping out over Alita.
General exclamation of awe and joy associated when becominh a fan of the Cult of Alita: Battle Angel.
fucking A+
Thank you for the corn dog
Jelly, Alitans?
What the fuck does that orange have an anus?
Somebody put a Fedora
Was the United republics of Mars supposed to be the fighting against a evil earth regime, an evil invading force or just a morally grey faction? We're not given any reasons war except the people of Iron City seem oddly meh about it. Which was hundreds of years ago but did apparently decimate the whole planet.
Alita vs Terminator vs Mariachi crossover , when?
Film (((((critic))))) genocide WHEN??
1 and 34 are the only acceptable ones
I'm glad we got the one we did because the rest make him look like a douche
I'm not even sure this is explained in the original manga...
Quick and dirty.
There's no real telling. The URM is a movie invention. Mars is never united in the manga. By design.
its clearly a hemorrhoid
He is a douche
jesus christ you've never seen a fucking orange before? what in fuck shithole are you from?
sharpen those guillotines
Haha OK I thought there might be some backstory there but I guess it's not important to the writers.
In the manga earth was fucked by a meteor hitting japan. There was no war, and it's still not explained why Alita was a nazi terrorist in her previous life.
Those are navel oranges. Clearly that one's an outie.
During the training scene Alita's sensei mentions that Nova personally must be destroyed and since we all know from the movie that he's a conniving son of a bitch we can assume that URM were the good guys
Florida, our oranges don't have weird anuses growing on them.
Right after Alita defeats Captain Marvel at the box office and gets her sequel. :3c
GMOs, retardfag. You's got them.
GMOs are good, you're anti-science.
>the direct cause of Evil Zapan
That would be
Alita is an indirect cause.
>t. Nova
Put a condom instead
Can you post the hats by themselves pretty please?
Wasn’t there a war fought over resources as humanity was spreading to other planets? I thought Alita was a Martian and was sent to fuck up Melchizedek
Comic Screen tip: Turn on autocrop mode.
>Alita refuses to wear protection.
o u
In the manga humanity is almost wiped out by a meteor. After a couple hundred years it gets back on its feet and starts controlled colonization of the solar system. Tightly controlled by a ridiculous quantum AI. So every planet has a defined and artificially maintained governing model. Venus is a monarchy, Jupiter is a technocracy, etc. but mars is kept as a Petri dish of warring states close to what pre-cataclysm earth was. Yoko was part of a group in revolt against this artificially maintained conflict and her goal was to crash the AI and restore “freedom” to the solar system. She failed and made everything several shitloads worse.
Imagine being the one picked by Alita out of everyone in the world to impregnate her
oh boy
Oh good fucking christ
She would be a qt mom and it it would be wholesome.
Yeah but the war never made it to Earth like in the movie. Everyone on earth not in the top floor of the space elevator is basically just forgotten about.
I don't remember them ever explaining just why Alita was sent to destroy Melchizedek either.
>that blush
Cute, but is that kind of thing beyond the cyborg technology of the setting?
Hi guys, I’m currently writing an essay on Alita since it was quite a personal moviegoing experience for me. I hope I can do the film justice. Here’s a small excerpt, please let me know what you think. Inb4 falling for the film school meme. Well, what can I say…
>A central motive of the film is the switching of bodies. It is a phenomenon observed in humans as well, when all their cells are replaced by new ones over a timeline of approximately ten years. Only, the characters of Alita: Battle Angel have gained the ability to remove themselves from the chronology dictated by biology. The iteration of their bodies has become subject to editing. The same holds true for their sexuality. Alita’s final body, the berserker, is synonymous with a confident, somewhat aggressive sexuality. It is less androgynous, more powerful, durable and tactile than its predecessors – in short, it is more potent. This body is nothing short of a conceptual leap from the fragile, intricate template Ido bestows upon Alita initially. The proto-body’s porcelain texture and joints reminiscent of a doll’s hold connotations of the infantile. It is a memento of Ido’s deceased daughter and a tangible representation of his feelings towards her. Alita animates this representation, in the literal sense. Ido wishes for this situation to persist. But the notions Ido associates with bodies do not correspond with Alita’s preferences – she wants to switch between bodies, free from restriction. Eventually Ido realizes that he can not deny Alita’s wishes without risking hypocrisy or alienation.
Yoko is just a pure soul being taken advantage of by other people all her life.
This writing almost sounds like fanfic tier.
How did she even get pregnant? Magic?
>Alita’s emotional constitution informs her choice of body and her body alters her emotional constitution. This correspondence is the foundation of Alita’s personality and the presupposition of her actions. Finally, the Panzerkunst is an intersection of mind and body. It is the pure will which manifests her mental artefacts in the physical realm. It is her mode of expression. Only secondarily, it is a martial art. To Alita, whose conscious life begins in a place that can only be described as a mass grave in the context of a world populated by mechanical beings – a junkyard – self-preservation is a notion more concrete than primordial instinct. Alita is not a pacifist, she relishes combat and pitting her strength against that of others. Yet, she is a humanist. “It’s a harsh world. The strong prey on the weak down here.”, Hugo cautions Alita shortly after their first meeting. In the society of the far future, almost all bodies have become at least partly artificial, yet this society is arguably less removed from the natural state as described by Hobbes than its scientifically lesser predecessors. Alita understands. However, she reaches radically different conclusions than the survivalists of the cyber-slums. Neither does she employ her power to oppress the weak, nor does she avoid danger. Alita rejects the ultimate logic of survival her environment fosters, outright. She develops her own, personal morality and becomes the people’s heroic champion.
She’s literally cancer.
Well, yea... the movie is pretty much bad fan fiction of the OVA and a few volumes of the manga.
t. Spee D. Reader
Read the last two volumes again and try to focus this time.
something stronger, engeneering.
This rules, actually.
we are growing stronger. Soon the world will know of alitas healing power!
Going to watch Night Owls with /ourgal/. Heard there are some cute peruana titties there.
Keep going user
I think Alita is the answer for this
The best part of Last Order is Elf and Zwölf. I like them more than Alita herself at this point in the story.
>tfw no adorable bimbo Alita copy
>ywn cook for Alita and watch her stuff her cute face with the labor of your love
any sufficiently advanced technology...
>Alitia tipping fedora gif
next you're going say the movie looked like a ps2 game to add to the list of inane lazy criticism
Denial isn’t healthy.
"They" do not pretend-kill him. The audience is not deceived. Alita pretends to kill to deceive other characters. Unless you're watching an edited version in another country I don't see how it's possible to miss this.
>whats the big deal?
yup literally nothing of value to say
All I can think of is...
>How the fuck is Tab A going to fit inside Slot B?!
pls no be sad pls
Disgusting. They should've translated the REAL ACTUAL Gunnm novel instead.
>I lost track of time!
>What happened to your arm?
She has such acute maoph
brb watching Alita again
flopped poster has my permission to post his drivel next thread I won't try to snipe him
after all I've proven i can take it on a whim
>>whats the big deal?
>>I lost track of time!
She always sounds a little odd saying those lines. Like Rosa's hidden accent is breaking through or something
He’s dying, he gets saved by teleporting chiren, he gets really saved by ido gluing a robot body to his neck, he dies again, all in about five minutes.
Interesting, never heard of this. Do those two new characters significantly alter the story? Still no Chiren, right?
>why aren't we beating captain mar-vel?
Why are you so rude?
You sure are needlessly pedantic aren't you, nothing he said in that post was incorrect.
Fuck you man I'm eating rofl
I'm sorry, Alita. I overestimated the taste of the average burger.
you did good soldier.
have fun watching the movie
reminds me of this
Chiren follows Alita from the stadium.
>he dies again
Do you have brain cancer?
It's only in Moon, so who the hell knows? For Edge of Tomorrow they used the original Japanese novel. A translation would be a unique artifact respectful of the source instead of cheap hack-work.
Wait a minute where did you get this
He's equivocating, necessitating pedantry.
Can you imagine being paid to write this? I mean, a paycheck is a paycheck, but damn.
I'm not, just pointing out fact
calling the movie fanfic tier is dumb and childish
a lot of top talents were involved in making that movie and it shows
but since you're all "muh Japanese manga is superior", even the writing in that is not all stellar, some of it is downright silly
>You want to put your what in my what now?!
Considering the level of hackish changes made for no good reason, none of which deepen or honor the source, what else can be said about it?
Better fucking not be
lol anyways here's the real version
Thanks for liking my meme enough to use it.
The movie is its own thing, but it does honor the source, you're wrong. And it's a movie, not another manga, part of its value is in bringing to another medium. You get a score, new visuals, well shot action etc.
You have to learn appreciate things friend, see the glass half-full instead of half-empty.
Why do I love her so much
Guys are there any translated versions of the Alita manga with her name properly written as Gally?
Every version that's been linked in these threads has had the name as Alita which makes me thing the translations must be changing other shit as well..
no, even the fan translations use alita.
I love that scene, Rosa had such fantastic delivery and pauses to emphasize things.
>Why did an enemy warship... respond to me?
Why? I don't understand why they changed her name. Isn't that disrespectful to the source material? What else did they change?