Why was she such a slut
Why was she such a slut
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Jewish mind control through the Talmudvision and school and feminism.
Because of BOB.
She needed drama in her life.
Her father was insane, did you not watch the show?
daddy issues, also she was an alien or some shit
also, did anyone else feel like Season 3 ran a bit too wild with the surrealist lynch crap? The original season had sprinkles of it here and there, but it made the red room and stuff much more special, because the rest of the series was so grounded. Season 3 just felt like 22 episodes of a fever dream, which was cool and fun, but was missing the cozy ominousness that made the original so special
also, Kyle McLachlan was an amazing actor and deserved an Emmy for playing 4 characters in season 3
She was raped by her father since she was 12
if you cut the episodes from s3 in half it would've been better. idc what anyone says, it had a BUNCH of filler. and yes, looking back at it, it wasn't as good as i remember. but /tpg/ will forever be comfy.
it was still good, i just wish the story was a bit more grounded, which would have made the lodge and judy stuff stick out more. Also, the dougie thing went on for way too long, it could have been resolved with the exact same narrative in like 4 or 5 episodes
the surreal stuff was still cool though, and the ending was nice. Bit jumpy though, just diving into an alternate timeline in the last episode.
Teresa Banks was cuter tbph
Her father was raping her. I imagine that would have some sort of an effect on a young girl. Also cocaine.
literal demonic possession
She had her own emmo.
I know the whole "LYNCHED" thing is a meme but I want to say honestly and unironically that you guys have shit taste. Season 3 was fantastic, probably the greatest television ever made. Everything about it was perfect, and I cannot understand how anybody who loved and appreciated Lynch in the first place could think otherwise.
ding ding ding
Because fire walked with her.
Is the movie scary?
I watched s1 and s2 now I got to watch the movies and s3
Some user said it would be scary so I stopped
because the spirits told her to
She was a woman
She was a woman.
Who is that?
Only mildly scarier than the s2 finale.
The movie is one of the most unsettling movies I've ever seen. A very different vibe to the show and incredibly underrated (except on here, Yea Forums loves fwwm)
I agree the vibes are very different
Having just watched all three in the last year, i feel like s1 is basically a horror movie, s2 is like a sitcom spoof of small town american idiots, and s3 is off the rails surrealism
Of the three, i actually like s2 the best. The comfiness of the small towners is a lot of fun to be a part of. S3 definitely lost this. I think lynch waited too long and lost touch with what twin peaks was originally about
Sexual abuse and trauma from a young age by either a mystical demon, or her dad.
I want to hug her.
Top pleb
I think looking back on s3 it's a lot easier to watch with the understanding that for most of the season the Dale Cooper character has been blended into Gordon and for the most part Kyle McLachlan is playing completely separate characters
It was her dad. The demon is Laura's way of coping with the trauma.
Because sex is great.
Laura didn't wash her hands!
>tfw I'm becoming Harold Smith
I'm not saying S3 was the worsr, or even bad, it was great. I'm just saying that it felt like it's own thing, sort of detached from the original series and didn't have the same vibe I enjoyed from the 1st season. It's still a 10/10, just in a different way from the original, and while I understand why Lynch wanted to deviate, I lament the fact that the quaint charm of the original season hasn't really been recaptured since. It was probably a smarter move to change the scope though, as it would probably be hard to recapture 25 years after the fact
if you think she's filthy wait until you see her hands
based and, dare i say it, redpilled
All women are
Season 3 sucked shit. Without anyone to anchor him Lynch crawls so far up his own ass he can see out his own mouth. The surrealism effects were 2004 newgrounds flash cartoon level of bad and simply nonsense without meaning. Nothing is done with any of the interesting and likeable original characters who are shoved into the background while we watch 3 hours of Kyle walk around acting like a retard. There's no mystery or tension to any of the story, and the big resolution is some literal who wearing a cheap surgical glove punching a terrible CGI floating christmas ball with BOBs face on it to death, literal capeshit tier story telling and resolution.
Boring, poorly written, overly long, joyless, bad actors, terrible effects, a smug and pretentious director. Season 3 is all this and worse. Only literal Yea Forums brainlets pretend to like it because they think it makes them look smart when in actuality it just shows how they love to sniff their own farts.
2deep4u lol
hot wimmins see sex as a human right
I've never seen a post as based on this on Yea Forums. Bravo!
talmudvision lol
this great David Lynch and Mark Frost KINO
modern family
>The incel actually believes this
You think wenches didn't exist before mass media? Dumb fuck
Cause fuckin’ feels good
Twin Peaks is a dream. Most of the time dreams don't have concrete narrative structures, just sort of scenes that play themselves outside of your control. Sometimes they dont make any sense but sometimes they click into some grander narrative. Sometimes dreams are goofy and sometimes you have debilitating nightmares. Laura, Bob, Judy, black and white lodge, etc. All exist as archetypal aberrations inside of your dream. Basically, you are not in control, you don't get a narrative. Your sub-consciousness decides what to show you, and you probably wont understand it. Whether or not it means anything in particular is up for debate. I think lynch just tries to film "dreams" as best as he can
Her dad was possessed by a fourth dimensional demon spirit when he was 10 and after she was born the demon, using her dad's body, raped her regularly from when she was a child to when she died. Thousands of rapes.
So yeah, she was a little messed up.
but who is the dreamer
isn't this basically TM?
nice quads. also it's judy
She wasn't that big of a slut, actually. These are the only people that had sex with Laura:
>Leo Johnson
>Jacques Renault
>Bobby Briggs
>James Hurley
>Buck (random guy in bar)
>Random Trucker
>Her own dad
And sure, that's only in the last couple of days of her life, but that's not THAT many people.
Possibly Dr. Jacoby too. Also you could add BOB to that.
can you post your bobs please, milady
wasn't a huge fan of that character but
>"I'll be back."
>"...I'll be here."
that shit hit way too close to home ;_;
Reminder that you forgot to post the actual best girl
>This is the water, and this is the well. Drink full, and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes, and dark within...
from what i understand some victims of rape and sexual abuse end up shutting out from anything sexual, which makes sense, but paradoxically others become more sexual as a way to cope with it and put themselves in situations where *they* are in control of it
I second this