In 2019 Shia is going to destroy Hollywood
In 2019 Shia is going to destroy Hollywood
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he's no longer relevant
Kinda sad
Why dont all these actors just secretly record incriminating shit, then livestream it to a youtube channel
fucking pussies
they don't want to get killed for exposing pedomafia
>let himself get bummed
sounds pretty gay to me
That’s probably why Bryan Singer keeps getting work.
I thought he was just mad all the time because he had a small penis
post a link dipshit
honestly explains quite a bit
How is Random Reddit poster so based?
so who is it Yea Forums, and who raped him?
big dan schneider
fan fiction. that whole website is a joke
More like Shia LeButtslut amirite?
>this community... on the more intelligent side
/pol/ did during a round of capture the flag
he was asking for it
jesus that hurt my eyes. someone make run this through an ocr. not me though -i couldn't be bothered. ugh fine. i'll do it.
>72. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 03:06 **#9**
(REDDIT) I am a Hollywood actor whose looking to come out to the public after being raped by a beloved producer AMA.
>Before it was deleted:
>So. I posted in the casual aina subreddit yesterday because I tried to post in the verified AMA subreddit but was directed there due to my inability to give out proof. I'm still trying to figure out how to do that. My rapist helped me build my career. The abuse happened on a film set over the course of 8 months. He started with getting me drunk and touching my private's to asking me if I wanted to know how it felt to have something inserted into me. He did this again and again, and when it hurt I felt uncomfortable telling him because I felt like he just wanted to make me feel good. Once the filming was over I was told by him that if I ever talked about what happened between us he would take my credits off of the film. He eventually started contacting me due to the success of the film and my ability to keep his secret. I think he wanted to help me to keep me quiet to be honest. He helped me build a really successful career. I spent years ignoring what happened to me, only for it to destroy my mental health.
>I was diagnosed with BPD in the summer of 2013 after a suicide attempt. During which time I was finally able to remember details of what happened to me. I watched Leaving Neverland this past weekend, and it tore me apart. I relate to both of the survivors, primarily Safechuck in how he dealt with the abuse, internalizing it, and Robson in how he developed a need to please MJ and continued to support him publicly. I felt that both of those men are telling the truth because of how much their stories mirrored mine.
>I am currently in the process of building a case to come out publicly, but I need time and courage to do so. My reason for posting on reddit is I am a ghost user normally, I am on here all of the time casually, and I know the community is one that is on the more intelligent side and could help me move on to the next step of coming out. Also, I fucking feel like it A. few things: Please don't play the guessing game, I'm not going to respond to it Yes, I have a team of lawyers, and psychiatrists and psychologists that are bound to secrecy by the laws within HIPPA.
>My family is not capable of comprehending the situation. So don't even ask. I will not contact Ronan Farrow, I've debated this approach, but I want this to be different and I feel a lot of people in Hollywood find him to be an inauthentic source. Woody Allen is someone I fear in Hollywood. He is also a good example of why I'm so terrified of talking about this publicly. He can make or break a career, easily. I do want to get hired again. Especially for more serious roles.
>In the comments, he said he's Jewish and that he worked with Brad Pitt. He also said that the public thinks he's mentally unstable. That, combined with the mention of working on a kid's TV show, indicates that it probably Shia LaBeouf. It could also be Logan Lerman, who worked on Fury, but I find that rather unlikely.
>Random reddit poster:
>Nobody cares that you're gay. like fucking nobody outside of some gossip magazine: is the first thing to consider. You got raped, go to the police... it's not hard. You are part of the problem for not reporting it immediately and leaving it until it became some kind of publicity stunt. Are you aware that you are just attention seeking here and there is nothing the general public can do to help you?
>The "actor":
>First of all asshat, I am attention seeking, because I live in a fucking world of torment thanks to this piece of shit. YOU HAVE NO IDEA what my life is like, so step the fuck back and look at yourself. Why do you have such a need to knock someone down who is reporting this shit? I am not gay, and even if I was, I wouldn't give a fuck. Going to the police with this sort of thing is extremely complicated, and if you weren't a fucking idiot, you would know that. They can't prove shit without a rape kit that cannot even be used this long after an event. Plenty of people conic forward, but the police can't prove click. Especially since what happened to me happened when I was a fucking kid and was confused as all hell. It was also long before smart phones.
Here is the CDAN link:
Currently Dangersneed
le L
Doesn't sound like Shia from the hints. They were a background character or a voice actor for a kid's movie (someone that could plausibly be excluded from the credits). Not the main character of a tv show or a YA film.
>calls reddit intelligent
his career is already dead
So who would be the producer and which set did he get diddled on if this were true? Is there anyone that fits the bill
remember the stream shia did where he watched all his movies and then he started crying while watching some of the first he did
spielberg diddle this boy and more, look at his play on words with his first movie AMBLIN NIMBLA NAMBLA\
good point
He did mention Leaving Neverland...
>past hey kid wanna shove a cucumber up your arse?
>why sure I'm not gay at all haha!
Or go to the federal authorities if the local ones are compromised. CDAN posts like this remind of the quote "the lady doth protest too much"- it is part of the new theatre, the new Hollywood.
you must be a faggot if you think I'm reading this many words
Kill yourself zoomer
>heh I called him zoomer because :')