How does he cope?

How does he cope?

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whats jonah's hobby this week?

He hits the ski slope, smokes some good dope, makes soap on a rope, has a pet antelope that he feeds cantelope.

He was funnier when he was fat. I mean he wasn;t very funny in the first place, but he was funnier when he was fat nonetheless.

by being rich

He's actually like 5'5" in reality, all actors add at least 2 inches to their height.

Is there anyone in Hollywood that isn't a manlet?

That's billed as 5'7", he's probably an inch or two smaller

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>Tom Hardy

Not such a big guy after all.

jew connections in high places

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>tfw 5'9

Should I just commit sudoku famalam?

high for him

Even that isn't enough. Famous, rich, funny and Jonah's still insecure for no good reason

how does he reach them?

5'9 is perfectly fine

Nah. Just adjust your expectations.

you're a woman right?

I used to be in a relatively popular band and almost all musicians are manlets. It's weird I dont know why that is.

Well first it was by drugs because was a LMAO DUDE WEED

Now hes becoming a huge SJW

You're alright. Some girls will be cunts about it but you don't reach sudoku mode until below 5'7"

>manlet cope

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He couldn't grow tall, so he grew wide.

Using his family money to get roles, make diferent projects and have his own Netflix show where Emma Stone plays his girlfriend. You can say is a consummist hell, surrounded by yes men that doesn't really like him but have to laugh at his jokes because his family connections. Some people can find some degree of happiness there, others just kill themselves with drugs and booze.

underrated post of the millennium


By being a highly talented photographer. His slight size means he can be a fly on the wall and take kinos.

5'9 is fine in the real world, not here tho where everyone is 6'4, blonde, blue eyes and with a 12 inch dick

Now now, i have brown hair and brown eyes

That's true, I've met a few famous musicians and was shocked. There are a few exceptions tho

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>tfw ywn be 6'4, the optimal height for a white male aged 18-24

if you're american you're fine

im norwegian and 5'9

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Dubs and rhymes

He doesn't

5'9" is okay if your a malnourished refugee from Somalia or an illegal from mexico. Whites are never below 5'11"


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He shed millions to gain billions

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>tfw 5'9"
feels good knowing i tower over that turbo manlet

>not here tho where everyone is 6'4, blonde, blue eyes and with a 12 inch dick
Nah user, that was last year. Now the average guy has an 8" flaccid dick, is 6'5", has green eyes and pitch black hair because he's an Ultra-Giga Chad. Plus a perfect beard and a bronze tan.

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>I used to be in a relatively popular band
vague hint?

evil jew

by having more money than you will make in 10 lifetimes

I'm canadian of Dutch ancestry. At least I have blue eyes

hi jonah

Hey fuck you bud

>tfw I'm 5'6" living in Norway

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tell Ornella that I'll see her in hella - right after I drop this acapella, Leo wanted me to tell ya that he ain't that kinda fella

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what do femanons (female) think about 5'10''

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>Manlets vs Lanklets.
It had to be one of those....

>tfw 5'0

If you're Canadian and were in high school in the early 2000s you'd know me

sorry user, we manlets gotta take every small victory we get

>tfw 6'
>tfw dad was 6'
where did i go wrong?

Most females I meet are 5'10-5'11, Im a lanklet so I might be wrong.

by making a film about his Fantasy of skateboarding and youth culture so he can live it out and for some reason be involved??

i wish hollywood didnt exist

we can be friends sweetie


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I genuinely don't get after like a decade of being on this shit board if y'all really care or are just memeing half the time about caring if you're under 6 foot. 5'9 here who couldn't give a fuck, maybe it's like a dick size thing too, I feel like people who give a fuck about superficial things just feel inadequate either there or elsewhere probably. Many such cases.


>dad was 6'0"
>I'm 6'1"
Could've been worse, desu. If only I exercised when I was 15 instead of 5...

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It's just for fun bro,
Chill out dude lol

Broken Social Scene?

All 5'11 squad check in!
Feels good man

The majority of posters here are a bunch of lonely people who blame everything they can for their situation. If it's not height it's dick or face or frame, or whatever else. Some just shitpost, others have taken the blackpill. It's like having a bunch of paranoids stuck in an echo chamber. And I speak from experience.

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I wish. We toured with avril lavigne and sum 41 for a while

with a step ladder.

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at least it isn't netherlands


billy talent?

are you the brown guy


>R e a d

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