Who's your favorite late night host? I like Colbert personally, generally pretty funny and informative.
Who's your favorite late night host? I like Colbert personally, generally pretty funny and informative
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I like the one who makes Drumpf jokes
he used to be my favorite comedian but i don't watch his show
He was great in Strangers with Candy. Everything went downhill after that.
I hate Jon Stewart
colbert report was good.
now he's just another libtard on late night.
the answer is Conan because his skits make it obvious he has talent
He shits on the orange cryptokike so he's ok in my book.
I used to love watching late night hosts until they joked about my favorite politician now they must die
Have sex.
Him and Conan are the only good ones left.
When I read "libtard" my brain interprets it as "I'm an incel please laugh at me"
I interpret it as "retarded liberal"
first post honest post
I bet you think SNL is funny
>Orange man bad
t. libtard
you may have brain problems, then, friend.
what's disgusting is late night hosts only recently started mentioning politics at all!
i can't my penis is gone
why couldn't he bring the colbert report back for Trump ( ._.) A show as that character would legitimately be funny
You like the same joke every night for years? WHY?
Drumpfty dumpty caved on the wall
Drumpfty dumptys approval did fall
All his neonazis and his incel friends
Couldn’t product Drumpfty from Mueller’s men ;)
>orange man good
retarded phone poster
Maybe it's because I'm a euro too but John Olivier is the only one i find watchable
John Oliver once in like 2015?
The only people saying Drumpf since like a month after that aired have been the supporters "pretending" to be faggots.
Johnny Carson, Craig Ferguson, Eric Andre, and Space Ghost.
i liked that scottish guy who brought out the intern in the horse costume to gambol about in front of him. that was a late night host. i also used to have a late night horror host, which is a classic americana experience, but that ended. horror hosts >>>>>>>>>>>> late night host.
>colbert was good when I couldn't understand that he was making fun of me
He was way more scathing on CR. He just did it while also pretending to be faggots idiot white people niggers unironically listen to.
That and you also weren't being AS radicalized into a corporate protectionist cult of reactionary cunts 10 years ago either. That didn't really get cranked to 11 until 2014.
funny that this movie called strangers with candy, since Steven is a pedophile
I'm a euro and the correct answer is Ferguson
Usually I am enjoying sex at that hour
He made fun of liberals to an extent as well.
His persona was a comedic tool. Libs think Colbert was making fun of conservatives. But if you're not retarded you could see that his persona also made fun of how liberals saw conservatives.
The Late Show With Colbert has a 7.4 on IMDB, the Colbert Report has an 8.5. Tell me which you think is objectively funnier.
>faggot idiot white people niggers
>He made fun of liberals to an extent as well.
A: He still does.
B It gets kind of hard to stay "fair and balanced" when one side has entirely slid entire monkey degeneracy. This is an essentially unprecedented hivemind of stupid retards driving the country off the cliff to the point where we're basically looking at the countdown to doomsday. Democrats are the only people talking about what the fuck needs to happen to stop the destruction of humanity in the next 2 centuries. Republicans have entirely lost themselves in their protectionist cuck cult of idiots.
You niggers that were trained not to think about your role in history will always be cucks for the exploiters. Cry more that the people you trust make fun of how pathetic you are privately. It's not Colbert's fault that you'll literally continue to support retarded clowns all the way into the dirt just because that's the side you were trained to care about.
In 100 years nobody is going to be talking about what Pelosi failed to do. They're going to be talking about what the people that you support actively did. They're going to write books about how the fuck you were able to get hoodwinked into supporting this shit. People are gonna be having to explain Trump and the death of American exceptionalism to their kids for the rest of our history.
Whataboutism is mind cancer it's being used to control you.
it must be a great burden to be so morally superior
I'm not morally superior to anyone. I'm barely even human. The only people trying to make you feel inferior are the people you trust. That keeps you reactionary and defensive and irrational, and it makes you personally identity with your abusers as a source for protection from the feelings they cause in you.
It's basic conditioning memes. Like how cults work. Or if you want to break a ho. Whatever cause you have to make someone uncritically dependent on and supportive of you.
this may come as a surprise to you but I don't vote straight ticket like a moron
Conan but I don't really like his new show format.
>B It gets kind of hard to stay "fair and balanced" when one side has entirely slid entire monkey degeneracy. This is an essentially unprecedented hivemind of stupid retards driving the country off the cliff to the point where we're basically looking at the countdown to doomsday.
You were right, right up until
>Democrats are the only people talking about what the fuck needs to happen
Good b8 though making people think you were sane.
you literally just asserted your moral authority by implying I'm retarded and you're more woke than me
Fuck it I'm with her now!
Have sex.
You're just as braindead as
conan was good in the 90s and 2000s. But his humor was too gen x for the boomer soccer moms so he got shafted out of the late show gig and now does a show on TBS no one watches.
The last great tv show host was craig ferguson.
Colbert, kimmil, fallon, all those stupid fucks are basically just parrots who regurgitate DNC talking points,
I really like his many and varied Trump jokes, but all of his other jokes are just cringe and boring.
If you're willing to have voted for Trump, and you didn't do it as an anarchist vote to blow everything up, I have a hard time buying that. You gotta be either easy bait for predators or pretty deep down the rabbit hole to look at Trump and see anything other than degenerate retarded liar.
Not to mention still getting butthurt that people are talking shit about him like 3 years in. He's a fucking insanely idiotic psychopath that's literally an acting agent for fucking compromised by Russia.
And if this shit is all "fake news" to you, then you're clearly just a bubble cuck faggot and you've been trained to lie to yourself and others about your "straight ticket."
r. incel
Then: look at what this politician did, isn't that funny? "Bush impression"
When did I imply that you're retarded? I implied that you're being abused. Do you not understand the difference?
>and you're more woke than me
idk how you define "woke" but I used to work in conservative messaging strategy. I've seent how the sausage is made. I have years of professional work experience in manipulating little faggot knownothing virgins like you into supporting the Exxon party out of spite.
Keep being upset that you're stupid and undereducated. Keep blaming me for your dumb faggot feelings lmao. Tits or gtfo
lying pedophile
>supporting the Exxon party
It's like I'm really talking to a liberal that's been in stasis since 2005.
Not a single late night show is worth watching anymore. It's all unfunny propaganda.
Conan will always be based, though.
>Democrats are the only people talking about what the fuck needs to happen to stop the destruction of humanity in the next 2 centuries.
And that definitely includes making sure not to misgender people with serious mental health issues and to buy tickets for Captain Marvel.
>Haiti isn't a shithole! I'm going to go to the largest, most affluent armed guarded resort in Haiti to prove this!
>Conan will always be based, though.
They literally all suck the exact same amount.
>I have never seen a vagina
>My only achievement in life is voting for a lolsofunny moron
>I dont like it when people make fun of lolsofunny moron
you people are the most pathetic people in existence, it fills me with great schadenfreude that you will never ever have a gf
conan is a legit funny guy, but that was in the 90's and 2000's. his humor was too stonerish and surreal. Like a masturbating bear and pimp robot type of thing.
Conan and letterman were the best in their prime.
This national treasure right here.
trump calling the ceo of apple "tim apple" was funnier than anything colbert or SNL have done in like 10 years
you've found a new buzzword, congrats. intense bullshit though. about 6-7 years ago, the political left went completely off the hinges. After gay marriage was legalized, it's like they knew they'd run out of legitimate grievances and unless they wanted to dissolve all of their groups and think tanks, they'd have to force some kind of justification. So, you get BLM and tranny garbage. In and of itself, not so big a deal, however, suddenly people on the opposite side of the argument (issues with a completely valid counter-argument) have to be nazis and not only that, but we can't let "nazis" talk anymore because we're so scared they'll create more "nazis" with their hateful "nazi" rhetoric.. somehow we never cared before, but now for some reason, we're deeply concerned and have zero faith in humanity.
Then you've got the 2016 election which nailed down the coffin on discourse. anything remotely non-progressive became "nazi" wrongthink in the minds of the rich, smug (and now hysterical) left wing. as a protest, half the nation rallies and votes for a guy who would've been a democrat 15 years ago but he's got a mouth on him and tells the left to fuck off. suddenly, since the left made damn sure we knew trump was literal hitler, there's no possible way to let that go post-election anymore. we're three years in and the cattle-cars havent come out, we're not in any new wars, NK is in peace talks, we're retracting from the middle east, we've stopped funding insurgency in syria, gay marriage is still there, etc etc etc but none of that matters. hitler, you guys.... HITLER.
generally i dont even like him. but you legitimately insane, hysterical cunts make it impossible to listen to you. i don't want to be anywhere fucking near you. you've got a movie playing in your head that is so far removed from reality, it's actually... literally becoming dangerous to others while you try to sew their mouths shut for disagreeing with you.
The problem is the Trump jokes are hardly ever funny. And it's really just a disappointment that Colbert put activism over comedy. The Colbert Report was making funny of republicans mostly, but it wasn't activism or propaganda.
You might need to get your eyes checked.
Is he gay? I've been watching his show forever and I can't tell if he is or not.
I sincerely don't know how anyone finds Colbert's "impression" of Trump funny or even bearable. It's fucking awful, worse than Alec Baldwins and his is shit too. It's just Colbert talking in a weird cadence and with a loud whispery tone, I'm not sure how it's supposed to be Trump.
You should make a youtube channel.
He's openly gay.
i fucking hate this reddit bullshit buzzword. it is NEVER used correctly by the left.
>In 100 years
just stfu with this "right side of history" shit. there are valid differing opinions than yours. take a fucking breath and humble yourself just a hair. you dont get THAT confident you are right unless you're far too arrogant for your own good. that's a fact. you're also wrong, but you won't realize it until you can chill out a bit.
In 2005 Exxon wasn't in charge of the State Department. That was this administration.
And the terror wars weren't really for Oil. They were mostly just for war. We're talking about controlling policies going forward to wean the west off of being controlled by oil companies in order to prevent everyone burning alive. Things that the Exxon party are dismantling and subverting every day to ensure that it's as hard as possible to unfuck ourselves now that it's already too late.
The good news is that this'll open up so much new drilling opportunities at the poles as all that fucking ice goes away!
>didn't even mention Haliburton once
You are a pale imitation of mid 00's Berkeley students, try harder.
>if you're tired of rehashed jokes you must be a tump fan!
I bet you enjoy wojaks and pepes like they're fresh out of the oven, too. Also,
>projecting your incelibacy
>mocking a post agreeing with you
>implying he said that
Ladies and gents, the lowest IQ posts in the thread!
Craig Ferguson was my favorite. I think I’d rank him even higher than Letterman.
I thought you guys were memeing about Colbert, but it really is just the ‘orange man bad’ show. I don’t like Trump, but I can’t ubderstand how a person could watch the same shit, night after night. It’s not funny, or clever, it’s just “Trump, am I right?”
>you've found a new buzzword, congrats.
not a buzzword. It's literally every policy you support.
>intense bullshit though. about 6-7 years ago, the political left went completely off the hinges.
What a degenerate faggot LMAO.
>So, you get BLM and tranny garbage.
No. YOU get it. YOU get it psychographically microtargeted at you so it fills your life experience to keep you agitated and reactionary.
My life experience over the last 6-7 years wasn't full of any of that shit, because I wasn't uncritically following and engaging with propagandists and clickbait. You were. Your availability heuristics are fucked and you're batting against strawmen that were propped up by the people you trust to agitate you.
>Then you've got the 2016 election which nailed down the coffin on discourse. anything remotely non-progressive became "nazi"
No all the literal white nationalist talking points kind of did that. Again with this reactionary bullshit.
If you don't like being associated with "nazis" stop supporting them.
And just LOOK at your essay. You're talking about culture wars and social justice faggot bullshit for retarded kids. The jangling keys that your handlers keep you distracted with. When it comes to actual political values you're putty. You just support whatever they tell you is the opposite of the boogiemen with which they're abusing you.
If you stop following propagandists and stop engaging with clickbait your life will be less faggy. The world is your oyster.
Your furious buttravaged state makes it really easy to pick out which posts are yours. And another post without shoving Haliburton into it for no reason? Really makes me question your authenticity.
>I have all this life experience guys, that's why the sane thing would have been to let Hillary sign the Paris Climate bill so an International unelected panel made up of foreign states would be given full oversight powers over the United States' energy production and economy
>it's just common sense
>Your furious buttravaged state
It's funny because how is this not projecting? What is there to be upset about?
>makes it really easy to pick out which posts are yours.
I use a pretty standard style and make consistent arguments so it shouldn't be that difficult. I don't know anything about you because you're a generic text generator and you're not really bringing anything novel to the table. Just reactionary feels and malignancy and spite that you're not comfortable about so you last out when you have to think about it I guess.
>And another post without shoving Haliburton into it for no reason?
I mentioned Haliburton up what's that matter? And it's not like it's ever literally just one thing. Haliburton is the easiest because it was a heartbeat away from the Presidency, but it's the whole military industrial complex that was all jacked up about getting that open tap. We spent trillions getting facefaced by military contractors, Haliburton itself was just a part of it.
And I'm confused what we're upset about. That I DIDN'T say Haliburton because I SHOULD have or something? Seems like a weird straw to grasp onto.
>I have all this life experience guys, that's why the sane thing would have been to let Hillary sign the Paris Climate bill so an International unelected panel made up of foreign states would be given full oversight powers over the United States' energy production and economy
even when you write it like a reactionary knownothing faggot it sounds better than the current administration's plan which is to ensure that the United States continues to get facefucked into oblivion as it gets buried in trillions of damages and millions of displaced people over the next 200 years. The entire western economy is almost certainly going to collapse in our lifetime, we're looking at another big recession in the next decade thanks to this admin's policies. The good news is that immigration will go down when the economy collapses!
>half this thread is one buttmad faggit
let it die
So you would have been okay with American voters having zero say in the future of their nation and fundamental control of the country being handed to an International, unelected Bureau. I figured, I just wanted to see you actually say it.
>So you would have been okay with American voters having zero say in the future of their nation and fundamental control of the country being handed to an International, unelected Bureau.
Well, it wasn't gonna be. So bit of a false dilemma. I get that you consume a lot of propaganda but that's your autism. You're a shill for Exxon my dude. Justify it however you want.
>I figured, I just wanted to see you actually say it.
Whatever you can do to "disqualify" things from being real lol. Do you ever reflect on how you're literally incapable of engaging honestly with yourself or others? Like the idea of actually just thinking critically isn't even possible, you're just trained to "prop up bullshit distraction 'line' that you tell yourself can't be crossed" and then "act offended when you tell yourself the line was crossed, regardless of whether or not it was even addressed."
And it's crazy because you don't even think twice about the degeneracy of your sense of self at all! It's such a smooth slippery slide into reactionary emotional apethink and self-censorship.
The only way your mind ever gets opened at this point is when you swallow your dad's shotgun.
No, the tweet defending himself was funnier.
Are you ok with 700,000 (mostly white, middle class) Americans going bankrupt from medical bills every year?
Are you ok with every American having to spend an average fo $300,000 on healthcare in their lifetime?
Are you ok with cutting the effective tax rate for the biggest corporations in history to zero while the cost of living explodes, and wages stagnate, and automation takes over most of the workforce in our lifetimes?
You're ok with the child separation policy where the US government is essentially forced to adopt and raise a bunch of refugee babies in an attempt to deter immigration? That's just more poor brown people being raised by the state! And it's also literally terroristic violence against children! And our history is forever goofed on the by phrase "concentration camps for babies!"
And everything you support is literally being determined by a foreign, unelected oligarchy that's fucking abusing you every day. Your life is being ruined by bad actors and asshole shills that want you to kill your self.
craig IS euro dumbass