>B-but th insiders told me...
B-but th insiders told me
>Daily reminder that Yea Forums always thinks every capeshit will fail, and it never does
Doesn't look a little bit inflated?
regardless of the Larson debate, it's making too much money.
>Yet another thread dedicated to damage control
do people really buy that some neckbeard youtube commentator has insiders in hollywood?
the dude makes click bait videos about manufactured controversy to fund his lifestyle. he will literally say anything to get his audience riled up. facts don't factor into it.
>captain waman bad
does scott mendelson actually do anything other than post about box office shit?
Nah, bro. Take a look at the second week drop off, it will show you that this movie is, indeed, a flop and the people who saw it this weekend are just the in-built audience for every MCU movie.
Daily reminder that capeshit is for nu males and soi bois
Thanks for spamming this literal who you mentally diseased discord tranny
Just gonna leave this here.
It needs 1,5 billion to break even. Good luck with that.
> go woke go broke
I'm so happy you seething incels are always wrong and get BTFO in every possible sphere of your lives including the only things you enjoy which is capeshit and video games
scott is a box office specialist and studied box office numbers for 20 years
Marvel is down to Mendeltroll.
It is just sad.
inflated how? It's the amount of money it made. There's no other way around it, unless Disney literally bought hundreds of thousands of tickets and filled rooms with empty seats. It's a hit, wether you like it or not. And you better hope that all that money is just because she's a woman, because otherwise it shows people are STILL interested in traditional super heroe origin stories, which means another 10 years of Marvel's shitty films.
that doesn't count what it needs to make based on its projected earnings. If it doesn't do at least 2.5bln USD, we're talking Disney maybe going out of business.
>that birthday stream where he gets utterly btfo by jim
> box office specialist and studied box office numbers for 20 years
>oh look its another coordinated attack on a literally who that Yea Forums and Yea Forums never talks about but mods let slide because it fits their agenda
Yes. Shill for Disney.
that guy in the picture, same faggy replies
it's another tranny "raid", how interesting
Weird thing is its only the haters that get triggered because no one else cares about this clickbait youtuber, just the simps that get outraged at everything.
Disney bought out their own seats so people wouldnt critize its financial sucess lmao. No one actually watched it and it didnt even make back its money.
>lol incel damage control
Explain the empty theaters and the magically spectacular opening.
>mfw even Soigon btfo him
nobody likes you tranny faggots, never watched a single video of that fat fuck
still pleases me knowing you are going to neck yourself
>never watched a single video of that fat fuck
Hambly go away
I logged onto my IMDB account for the first time in ten years, to give Captain Marvel 1 out of 10, despite having never seen it.
Come at me.
never gonna be a woman
will finally hang yourself and the world will be a better place
You didn't have to make me do this. All you had to do was save that image from here
based sex-having keatonposter saving us from ms flatass
>all this autism in one image
Holy fuck
Do you want that disc with tartar sauce or Malt vinegar, dcucks?
The dad looks so uncomfortable.
Lmao are the trannies falseflagging as their own trolls? What things go through the mind of someone committed to chopping their dick off.
man child thread
what dilation does to a mind is terrifying
This is what your typical sneed poster looks like
Why does this obese gentleman inspire such fear in these creatures
Why take a photo like this when not only do you fail to pass but you're fat with stretchmarks.
Just so you know, Jeremy got his big start going after costhots in mtg. This, of course, pissed off the bugmen on reddit and /tg/. Not just the bugmen either, but the trannies. As it turns out, /tg/ is infested with trannies, a special kind no less. We call them "questfags." Questfags are on an autismal mission to shitpost this site into oblivion, since the admin booted quest threads off /tg/. Anytime you see a thread with quarterly/jeremy in the OP, it's a tranny from /tg/ that's mad because his roleplay threads got booted off.
The Ralph Retort is the most pathetic thing I've ever come across
>Fat faggots(one of whom went to prison for threatening trannies so much) argue with each other all day over retarded shit like "WHY COULDN'T I SAY THAT TO SARGON?? HUH"
I think the people invested in that are worse off actually.
I've watched one Ralph Retort stream in my life and it amazes me they get thousands of viewers. Ralph himself is a fat retarded sperg that gets triggered constantly and chimps out.
Yet you are here using your assumed Chad Time instead of banging 10/10 s
>Actually thought Disney bought out all the theaters
How did he fall for that bait?
That shit is also filled with beaners and pseudo intellectuals sucking off mister metokour and andy warski
fucking bunch of 30+ virgins basking on internet drama
Anyone who believes that pictures of a semi-empty theater from before the previews even start means there's some vast conspiracy is brain dead
Disney overbooked screens to reduce competition...
...then had to mass-purchase tickets so the theater chains wouldn't complain about the lost revenue.
>fast and the furious
>suicide squad
wew lad, incels BTFO
>Yet another thread dedicated to damage control
Why are they acting so desperate? What's going on? I think the culture is shifting more than they letting on. This is banana republic shit.
Because that's a crazy stupid insane thing to do. It's not because that train wreck of a son is a disappointment. Just look at the creature - it's entire life span has been a disappointment to the father. This guy has known for ages that his son is a cock gobbling faggot degenerate. The agony has long since subsided.
Now, though, now the little faggot has found a gun to point at the heads of the entire world - he can force them to react exactly as he wants or he can destroy their lives. Like an even more unbalanced Billy the kid, his son stalks the earth offering to make famous anyone who triggers him.
A degenerate loser faggot, with incredible power over others.
>thinking it would fail
its tied into endgame. normies will watch it no matter how bad it is.
>global launch
they said it themselves
there goes what was left of the internet
(brought to you by Burger King)
based redditors calling out the polscum
was there a deleted scene where nick fury mentions the fact that he knows someone more powerful than thanos with 1400 infinity stones who's also more intelligent than stark and banner and nig girl who's shoehorned in as intelligent
>nig fury turns to the avengers
>guys don't worry, we're not in real danger or else I'd use this
>you see this?
>this can call someone so powerful that they can end any event before it happens, and guess what, SHE'S A WOMAN
>well shit nig fury we might all die here, maybe wanna give her a ring?
>stark turns to nig fury and ask how the pager works
>oh idk she's able to fuse together alien and human technology, she's probably smarter than you
>oh well you really need to call her, this can change the course of history
>uhhh well she can teleport anywhere in the universe instantaneously
>perfect then she won't miss dinner
>hmmmm... I'd rather not....
>you know let's just see how things go
The whole movie was a train-wreck, but this scene truly fucked Marvel permanently, just like how TLJ permanently fucked Star Wars...
Towards the end of the movie, looking through Carol Danver’s case files, Fury sees that her Air Force call sign was "Avenger"
So, to honor her, he renames his new project “The Avenger Initiative"
Thus the Avengers were named after Brie Larson, the TRUE first Avenger
>Reeeee Reddit Boogieman!
So you watched it?
That creepy ass grim. Looks like he’s near a grade school near dismissal.
Thank god my content is filtered through credible news sources like MSNBC and CNN
Sneed sex
strange how disney shills are trying to distract from the US numbers
Now wait a minute sir. You can’t abort the retort!!!
>Dont believe the empty theaters
>Go on twitter looking for cinema pictures
>Very rare pictures
>Only pictures are very empty
Honestly, why is it breaking a record when i can only find half empty cinema pictures?
Because all the pictures are from before the previews even start. Every theater worth its salt has reserved seating now, posting pictures from 20 minutes before the showtime doesn't mean squat
No they think every MCU film will fail.
They will push WB / DCEU films like Aquaman and Shazam because "its not Marvel". Yet they did not watch the Lego Movie 2 because they are hypocrites.
>the US numbers
>153 million
>largest non-Avengers/Black Panther MCU opening
>20th largest of all time
Cope harder
You wonder how they pulled that off?
I know this is mostly stirring up shit and laughing about this and that, but what are the odds that these are Disney shills? I don't mean how people just throw that term around either, but honest to God Disney shills trying their damndest to infect this board even worse than it already is.
They only show these 300 girls watching Captain Marvel, wonder if there are other girls?
I wonder if any controll how much money they really got and spend or even really inveted so many girls.
Words words words
The right can't meme
why are those girls not white? CM is a white girl and liberals told me thats its impossible for non white people to look up to white heroes.
im honestly surprised an edit of this caliber took so long to make, 10/10
in the last couple years corporations have amped up their presence on the internet
you know those comercials that are people saying how great and beautiful a product is well it's the exact same thing but they're just paying random retards instead of actors to say the same shit
the future of america, your granchildren will look like that
Not all are pre lights out. But most will be there before the lights go out.
And i absolutetly dont believe this movie made anywhere close to 455 million globally.
Welp. It's finally over. The jews won.
>We have no choice but to believe their jew numbers and fake jew news.
The fun is its either
>You have to feel with characters that are not like you
>I need my film, cantthink mydelf into a man or white!
Hope its just different people, but it seems they are the same side of a coin.
Marvel movies usually do better than DC, right?
And even if Captain Marvel is a mediocre Marvel Movie (although it's actually one of the best), it can be assumed to make about as much as Aquaman, the best (i.e. most marvel-like) DC movie
Aquaman's weekend gross was about 70 million
With low numbers for today, Captain marvel will probably end up making 7 times that
If you look at numbers and legs, considering how March is a secret gold for movies (see BvS, which made a lot, despite being shit), Captain Marvel will probably stay proportional with Aquaman (Disney's analists ahve tested, and made sure of this.)
So, if you do the math, Captain Marvel will probably be the highest grossing movie of all time, and DC will go out of business.
inb4 mouseshill, literally everyone in hollywood knows this.
The future is female.
Avatar my ass.
Quatering BTFO
even worse than that
>the brainwashed masses scorn us all for questioning anything
>a mega corportation that has a monopoly on entertainment and media would never ever lie about anything or hqve shady practices
I had a dream about this guy. I dreamed of a cop tv show and one of the cops said "the killer is a tranny", then there was a shot of this guy stading around in his home.
These were the people who reported it would barely make $100 mil opening weekend, which is probably why you cut the banner off of that article there...
he works at bioware now, good for him
Yeah I can see the numbers but there is something off here, we will see.
>Yea Forums fag
I just gave Disney some money. Take that, Yea Forums. Sure showed you.
It's pretty brilliant, really.
>Psst. Do you know what your political opponents hate more than anything? When you give me money.
Week 2 dropoff, nigger.
We're about to find out how much a movie can make on the marvel name alone + nonstop shilling and gerrymandering. No marvel movie in history opened in this many theaters, and it is still only the 7th biggest opening in the franchise.
>Towards the end of the movie, looking through Carol Danver’s case files, Fury sees that her Air Force call sign was "Avenger"
>So, to honor her, he renames his new project “The Avenger Initiative"
>Thus the Avengers were named after Brie Larson, the TRUE first Avenger
....so how does this ruin it?
>he thinks Yea Forums's criticism of cultural stagnation and cynical corporate consumerism is a prediction of box office failure
Marvel's success is an indictment of Hollywood's lack of creativity and the average person's lack of vaules
will it have better or worse legs than this ?
Can you Gamergate retards GET A FUCKING LIFE?!
No healthy person should care this much about stupid /pol/ MGTOW bull shit.
Im curious about the 455million, why around the world are there pics with sold out theaters that are empty?
I know where I work at an investment company we bought all the tickets for the weekend at a local theater and they were given out if asked in HR, so is this all a scam or what?
A flop is determined by budget vs box office. Drop offs, reviews, etc don't matter. The only thing that matters is money
so i wonder if next weekend if it just drops off since all the corporate sponsorship from companies like ours wont be there? This is very interesting.
Literally nobody thought a Marvel movie was going to fail. An entire multi-billion industry is patting themselves on the back for defeating an imaginary conglomerate of alleged losers.
Strange times.
That's not Keaton
>Box office specialist
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. God these goons in the media will say anything to feel important.
>beat by Shrek 2
It's a December movie, so no.
CM is aiming for around $400 million, but it will make a lot more internationally than RO
Based Squattering
That is low for capeshit
>he owns a cat
No surprise he's such a soiboi cuck to be honest.
If you own a cat you give up your man card.
Just shave the whole head, fuck's sake.
Normies love capeshit. If Aquaman could make a billion easily there's no reason this won't.