Jazz General - Stop Being Fertile Edition

Jazz Jennings’ Doctor Exposed As Anti-trans, Posted Photos Of Patients’ Body Parts


Episode 10 QRD:

>2:00: Mom Jeanette commands Jazz to NOT dwell on the necrovaginal constructive surgery complications, lest she "turn off kids from having this particular procedure."
>21:30: Amir gets creeped out by the Cronenbergian details of Jazz's surgery. Jazz gets her soul crushed, BTFO.
>25:36: We meet The New Flesh slated to be castrated.


Previous thread:

Attached: Jest.jpg (153x160, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/filename/100 million genders.jpg/

She's a beautiful woman. She'll make a man very happy one day. Don't deny it.

any more charlie pics?

For Charlie!

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Thread t h e m e: youtube.com/watch?v=UJZulQaHXGQ

desu if you told me Ari was transgender as well I'd believe it. What a fucking manface on her.

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Where can I get her pics? Asking for a friend.

Think about this for a minute. as sad and disgusting as all this bullshit is, these young boys are obviously mentally ill but they have hobbies and dreams and ambitions. Jazz is a fantastic speaker, maybe not the best but she speaks passionately about what she believes in. Charlie there is a passionate cheerleader, and while it might not carry her through life for the moment shes doing her best at it and may continue to do it through college. I dont know about the other trannys, but it seems that despite all of their body dysphoria shit and the shame and judgement they receive they actually engage in a hobby that they care about.

Do you even think for a second that they would pay you any mind being a part of a group of sad lonely losers like us that masturbate and shitpost all day? She might only be 15 but shes got an agenda and its more than pushing the feminist acceptance LGBTQ+ bullshit. she has something that she cares about and she does it as well as she can.

What do you do user? Im not advocating for tranny shit, but it makes me think pretty hard. I can denounce, question, and even demonize this LGBTQ+ movement but what is it even that I do?! My hobbies are dead and ill never have the platform to do what I really want to do.
They might all be jewish, and they might all be dead in the next 10 years, but for now they are not only more successful than you they are legitimately more happy(on the surface) than we are.

How can we judge them? and there is no question that you shouldnt be attracted to them because that makes you a homosexual. You dont want to be a faggot, right user? ... fuck im done

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what does this look mean?
it seems pretty lewd

I can see the young boy in that face.
Just wait till the hair loss begins.

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dont you dare talk down on Ari. She is a goddess that deserves your respect and adoration.

>that video when the mother is chastising her over the bad parts of surgery

Jazz :- "you know me, I've got loose lips"
Mother :- "I just told you, stop talking about the bad parts!"

Hi Jazz

>we're all sad lonely losers just jealous of them for being successful and happy
Go project your "woe is me I'm such a loser" bullshit somewhere else.

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/filename/100 million genders.jpg/
And use different filenames, for fucks sake.

ari reminds me of a young jeff goldblum
just not as attractive

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Wait till the health insurance no longer pays for HRT, microdermabrasions, and pedicures. Then you will see the true Charlie revealed...

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Why do you retarded euros use commas for decimal points? God I hate non Americans so much

Then after that the penis gets the good ol chop and pop and the suicide becomes inevitable

charlie lando is his onstagram account

>all this discord tranny damage control

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She does seem to be kind lewd.

>mfw kids identifying as transgender has increased 4000% since 2009, and I have cornered the dilator market, so I can gouge prices on dilators to the moon

Top kek. Stay hoodwinked plebs.

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Reminder that there is still beauty in this nightmare world, and it's worth fighting for.


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whoa thats cool. I didnt know you could do that. and naw i dont like to endlessly change my filenames. each one tells a little story. But no user, we're on Yea Forums, we arent famous and we're not making 100k a year. We are the bottom rung of society. dont even try to deny.

Those are rookie numbers

Have you ever noticed that they don't name the jew? It's like they can't even bother to fit in.

idk bout that. his step dad is loaded and the kid seems a little too willing..

whats autogynephilia?

>We are the bottom rung of society. dont even try to deny.
Speak for yourself.


That's a beautiful video. Thank you.

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We need info on the step dad, and his agenda.

>We are the bottom rung of society.
>implying william shatner is the bottom rung of society

>all these charlie pics make me rock hard
>im a homosexual pedophile
This is it fellas, rock bottom.

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what the heck is a dialation?

while you are scum, at least you don't fap to blacked porn or other cuck shit, right?

Can stepdaddy afford the inevitable medical catastrophe? Because of the HRT drug cocktail administered at such a young age, Charlie is prone to prostate cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, diabetes, bone cancer.....

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not even going to ask what makes you so content in life. but you think you're better than the rest of us yeah? Thats an unfair question, but im asking it. you dont have to answer.

But realistically i do speak for myself. Im a fucking degenerate loser. Not enough to fawn over prepubescent boys playing dress up but enough that im a waste of space in modern society. I wont lie. and i wont even deny myself, i think Emily is cute. fuckin kill me. This society and reality is so far gone i dont know whats what anymore. But i see myself and thats my only frame of reference.

>twf trapped in a dying world

>implying any of those thing is bad

so is dr. ting actually a male? he looks like a chubby dyke in most of the episodes

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what is 40%?! Seriously.
i legitimately dont understand

Please excuse me i have autism and may be functionally retarded. Help me learn

Here's your Ari, bros.

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go join the 40%

>I’ve got loose lips.

So loose that one pair slid right off.

Is there any hope that this show will unintentionally help people realize tranny shit is a hack science and should be stopped soon

The Shat posted here. Last year I think.

rude and uncalled for

No you are not. That's merely the jew, trying to sneak a bluepill past you. You can resist it. You are stronger than the jew thinks you are.

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yep, tranny mad as fuck

>the last time i saw blacked porn it made me diamonds
I didnt fap to it though. Ive been noporn for months and on 3rd hour of nofap

>those fake eyelashes

Who the fuck lets their child do this?

Christian male.

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I didnt think anything could quell the tranny hatred, then charlie happened

A parent who answers to the jewish high command.

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How does calling Ari a manfaced uggo make me a tranny, exactly?

>Jazz :- "The were doing a special procedure for me, where they took my stomach lining to create the vagina."
>Amir :- *expression of unbridled horror*
>Jazz :- "Wait, you, you didn't know this?"
>Amir :- "Oh..... OK..... that's, that's, tha-that's cute... Oh..... I don't know what to say.... I'm freaked out".

SERIOUSLY... what is wrong with this guy? Can't he accept his girlfriend's new stomach-lined vajay-jay?


Oh, and this just in, doc - trannies are prone to their own peculiar form of penile cancer, too. Since Jazz used tissue from his body cavity, he’s opened himself up to a bizarre organ cancer as well - one happening in completely the wrong part of the body.

i dunno man he looks like a dyke

I think Charlie should be tied to a stake and burned tbqfhmg

How do we break the conditioning?

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>I think Charlie should be tied to a stake and tickled tbqfhmg

how does jazz manage to have a sense of humor about his necrotizing neovagina? is he completely disconnected from reality?

Try going out and socializing more, be active and fixing your sleep pattern, i get into weird fetishes and mindsets when i get too isolated too, if this doesn't work then just do it.

>Is he completely disconnected from reality?
How is this even a question? His entire existence revolves around a parent ally-reinforced delusion.

He's still just a kid, bro. He's been brainwashed by his mother and her kike friends his whole life and has been on a plethora of drugs for 1/3 of his entire existence.
The kid's brain is fried.

that's not charlie you're talking to user
charlie's overseers must be controlling that account

>tranny damage control

He's barely holding on to the mortal coil right now. Won't be long until he's blackpilled by his own memory - then it's 40% time.

I think that at this point the only way would be to convince her that he doesn't need to cut off her penis to become a real girl.

It's gonna be tough. The jew is using bombardment level propaganda.

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Legit gives me "sucked off every guy in her class" vibes.

Jazz is so pure tho. Imagine you were born in his place, in that family. Jazz is making the best of it. Honestly I think he's a good person being put through a living nightmare. Kinda reminds me of the naive dumb ass of my ex girl

You're damn right.

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>all this discord tranny damage control started to doubledown after this was posted in the previous thread
Really makes you think

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When Jazz croaks will they immediately replace and pivot into charlies tragedy?

>How do we break the conditioning?

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>my face when im becoming a tranny sympathizer

someone please kill me

Amir probably thought the pussy was viable to fuck. That jazz magically became a complete girl. You know despite
>male hair patterns
>masculine brain mass
>masculine cranium
>masculine brow ridge
>masculine cheek bones
>masculine nose to lips ratio
>masculine jaw and chin line
>masculine vocal cords
>masculine skeletal structure
>masculine endocrine system
>giant creepy manhands
>masculine fat distribution
>having XY chromosomes
>lacking the female reproduction system
>having male sweat glands
>lacking female hips
>never having an actual natural puberty
>not having the complete buffet of female hormones
>requiring massive amounts of extremely invasive surgery that severs nerves and ruins muscles, just to have a pussy
>masculine legs
>giant man feet
>the inability to get pregnant
>the inability to have periods
>the inability to understand the depths of the feminine mystique beyond a shallow play based off garbage tv shows and shitty films
But besides that, definitely a girl


Charlie makes Skylar look like a pile of puke

Because friendly reminder that if you're a tranny, you will never be able to:
- give birth to a child
- pass as a woman without 30 layers of makeup
- think or feel like a woman without becoming mockery
- be accepted by smart, logically thinking people without forcing them to lie to you
- have ovaries, uterus and related structures such as the cervix
- have menstrual bleeding and mood swings associated with it
- have same life expectancy
- alter your XY chromosomes no matter how much you pump yourself with drugs and hormones
- later your bone structure, even when death gets the last laugh all that will remain of you is a bow-legged skelly

But the worst thing that you will never be able to do, once you realized that you're a mockery of a human body and all you got left is that husk of a body destroyed by surgeons and hormones, is finding the forgiveness for people around you who became enablers in your life and supported you in your lunatic, suicidal attempt to fix yourself.

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There is a rift slowly growing in the mind of Jazz. His senses, his intuition, his instincts, are all screaming. Far above in the aether of his mind, he sits in a fragile palace of delusion. It is constantly cracking and threatening to be destroyed completely. Only the platitudinous encouragement from his "loved" ones holds the abomination together. Someday soon it will be destroyed, and Jazz will fall to earth, unable to block out the horrible sound of reality. He will look at his ruined body, his empty life, and that's where it will end. There is no way forward.

Like the "trannies are making the best of it we're all losers" bullshit rhetoric?

>Amir's mother :- "Amir used to go round the block hunting queers like you in packs. That nigga's lying to you more than you lie to yoself!"

An unexpected twist but Amir's mother driving a wedge between Jazz and Amir was pretty kino.

Amir was probably brought on the show for a couple hundred bucks and the promise to meet some teenage girls. he had no idea about what the show was about

All I see is a tradthot attention whore... I think you guys ruined me.

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You ruined yourself.

>he doesn't like tradthots
tradthots, conservawhores fascisluts are the best kind of woman to stick your dick into.

Based Introduction to Human Anatomy poster

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>M-maybe I can be your g-girlfriend tonight, user...

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kys pedo

Not fooling anyone, tranny

kek. that boy is fucking lost at sea

I don't like seeing live cows, it makes me feel guilty.

Fucking disgusting

Imagine the smell of the dead flesh and puss seeping from her groin

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What's the cunnysseurs stance on qt cunnytraps?

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why do you think i'm a tranny you faggot? i just like ""conservative"" right wing woman.

Trannies aren't women. You'll never be a woman no matter how much you try, you gender dysphoria abomination.


What did Skylar mean by this?

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Why do you keep including me in your mass replies, you unhinged retard? I just think Ari is ugly. I hate trannies and faggots alike.

>this is someones son

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i am talking actual woman, not trannies, read the chain of replies illiterate fuck.

imagine the stench

It means he has a rotting smelly open wound where his should be.

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Ari is natural, and shes got a free spirit and doesnt seem like a whore. Shes rational and is clearly intelligent. She'd be loyal and no doubt a good lover.

>ywn live in a cabin surrounded by wheat fields where the existence of your people and the future of your children are secured
Feels pretty bad guys

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>those shoulders

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Biological dad skipped town a while ago.

What you’re looking at from Jazz at this point is what marginal self-awareness he has asserting itself. He’s not sad at what Ahmir says, he’s not hurt by it. He’s angered by it, by what it means.

Real relationships are beyond Jazz’s stunted emotional development. He doesn’t feel sexual attraction for Ahmir any more than he does for a houseplant. He’s basically been chemically castrated out of having anything beyond the palest shade of a libido. This is all pure affectation for him. He doesn’t desire Ahmir in a sexual or a romantic way. He desires him as a prop, window-dressing for his illusions. He wanted a vagina, he got one. Now he wants a “boyfriend” to make the illusion complete, so he can sink further into his delusion of being a “real girl.” But all this “acting” is an effort for Jazz. He wants it over with so he can go back to being the complacent lazy fuck that’s received nothing but positive reinforcement for the bulk of his life.

What you’re seeing is him reacting in anger and frustration to being told “no,” in so many words, realizing what that means for him, then realizing this is all being recorded, then attempting to mask that anger with fake tears.

But he’s actually a dude, male brain and all, so he sucks at it.

Attached: Jazz Tears.jpg (524x502, 211K)

And? Plenty of ugly women have nice personalities.

Post the whole image.
It's more terrifying that way.


The future is never secured, friend. You always have to fight for it. Beauty exists because men fought for it. Don't lose hope.

>ywn fill her womb with your seed

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>implying i would ever want to

It’s all rather simple, you see. Jaron’s pathology stems from early childhood when the seeds were first planted. With the nurturing of his overbearing mother and weak, emotionally distant father, they soon flowered into full-blown psychosis. Jaron’s mother is a narcissist, who neglected her male children in favor of the eldest sibling, the daughter, whom she viewed as a reflection of herself. Young Jaron, sensing this familial dynamic, began play-acting as the sister, the sibling upon whom the mother lavished the most attention and affection. As his mother encouraged this behavior, Jaron soon came to realize that through embracing this fantasy, he could shift his mother’s attentions to him. In this manner, his pathology deepened and broadened, encompassing a veritable stew of neuroses, prominent among them disorders of the histrionic and borderline personality variety, which, combined with the dissociation born of his vivid, parentally-reinforced fantasy, blossomed into acute autogynephilia, wherein merely imagining himself a female was insufficient to sustain the delusion.

His mother’s own narcissism interacted with Jaron’s burgeoning psychosis and the interpersonal dynamic gave rise to Folie à Deux, wherein the shared delusion brought to the forefront the mother’s own incessant need for attention, manifesting in a case of Munchausen by proxy in which Jaron himself is unconsciously complicit.

So as you can see, this all started with young Jaron’s desire to live within his sister’s ... skin.

You may now stop reading this in my voice.

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reminder Sam fucks trannies

I think she's cute and funny.

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gib jewish brappers

what did he mean by this?

BAsed. I was trying to find a resonable connection as to why he would even b attracted to feminine personalities and you nailed it. It’s just a matter of finding out a common occurance in other children with gender dysphasia.

>>Has Jazz gone full retard?

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This. Your Free Will and God's Grace, together you can shake that curse.


they should check hormone levels for people like this. how do you explain this in nature

This makes my taco pop. Why do I enjoy his misery so much?

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Reminder that you'll never be a real woman.

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This misshapen, damaged dwarf is neither.

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he's uncanny and unfunny
so uncunny

reminder you'll never have sex with a real woman.
(or transwoman)

"Extremely rare" that's bullshit. There's never been a procedure that's been 100% successful. It's all a horror show, that's something they never tell you until after they've been paid and your dick is in a biohazard box

mind the 40%

I want to **** the dwarf

really weird, I remember when this episode came out it seemed like he was making fun of jazz...but I guess I just thought it was my imagination

He's on painkillers 24/7 probably doesn't feel shit or is too high to care

>having sex
Honestly what's even the point other than to have children

>imagine being this much of an incel


*strum strum*
virgin freak
*strum strum*
qu'est-ce que c'est

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go back and never comeback

Yeah if it's "experimental" there really aren't enough statistics available to say it's extremely rare. Gotta remember we're talking to a hormonally stunted brain here.


Imagine unironically using the word incel

>Always read the thread but never actually seen an episode
>Turn on the TV
>It's starting in a few minutes
>Decide to watch a bit
>They explain that Jazz is going to meet her boyfriend in New York and getting an injection into her neovagina to heal the scar tissue
>Have to explain the general scenario to my mother
>She is immediately horrified by Jazz's mother and grandmother
>Jazz's mother starts admonishing her for talking about her vagina falling apart
>Jazz starts describing to Ahmir about having her stomach lining taken out to craft a vaginal wall
>Start to genuinely feel bad for Jazz as she's trying to justify her mental illness to her boyfriend's ghetto mother

What a fucking trip.

I don't use it, but when someone asks what's the point of having sex besides having kids, it fits perfectly.


It's easier to laugh at a man.

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it really doesn't, you don't even seem to know what incel means, retard.

Humanely Euthanize

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also what was your mothers reaction when Jazz told his boyfriend they would be removing even more necessary tissue to stabilize his wound

>stop being fertile

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She tapped out during the doctor visit

Charlie is a cute kid. I'd like to see a show about her and when she becomes 18 they throw a huge twist that she decides NOT to get the surgery. That could be a big enough controversy to draw ratings.

I already have enough pleasure jerking my dick with my bare hands, and my hands don't whine and complain.
Once i find a woman who wants to have my dick AND stay with me till the end then sure i'll fuck her. In the meantime non existent anime babes have been serving me very well.

I snorted.

the absolute state of why pipo

>I already have enough pleasure jerking my dick with my bare hands

Attached: laughinglittlegirls.jpg (1080x804, 131K)

Based Honesty is Based.

>milk those ratings

Damn, that scene when Jazz tells Ahmir about the surgery and he just laughs really got to me. The most raw and emotionally real thing I've ever seen on TV.

Look at her eyes and her shivering lips. If someone hugged her right there and then, she would cry and scream. Existential angst to the extreme, the ground under her feet just melts away.
In a way, the whole scene make me feel like the main character in Sartres "Nausea".


If only Jeanette was there to hug him.

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just like last time, i was browsing Popular Threads and was once again fooled into thinking this was a Jazz thread
here's the pickuns for today:

Every scene with them was painful on some level. Jazz wants acceptance, which is fine, but lacks any self awareness to the point that she decides to tell her NotGay boyfriend the gruesome details of how they butchered her penis and turned it into a mockery of a vagina.

should I finish this?

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Yeah the last two or three of the episodes were difficult to watch between the stuff with Ahmir and the stuff with Ari. You can just sense how everything has changed since Jazz got "the snip".


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why are whites so susceptible to jewish psy-ops?

i read the filename as "attemptedmurder" kek, but yeah you should


>my GF's sperm

because they are the primary target of it? also first world problems.

That's shöta, not çüññy.

psychological warfare to destroy any concept of self or community

but blacks are gay as hell too so it's not just a white thing

White liberals = the bourgeois

yes uncunny
uncanny and unfunny

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She literally looks like a ten year old girl, if that's not cunny I don't what it is.

Laugh all you want, roastie trannies, but my seed is precious and you're not getting one drop

Jesus Christ how can someone get everything so wrong in so few words?

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I'm pretty sure most trannies are spics

I wonder who could be behind this post

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I see we have the shit connoisseurs in this thread.

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>looks 9, 10 at most
>still somehow has man hands
What even is the point of puberty blockers?

wait wrong pic

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He couldn't be the only faggot that got sick from eating out a fake assgina before.

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Someone should do the "shit was so cash" copypasta with Ahmir and Jazz

I'm an atheist goy. What's your issue, fren?

HE looks like a 10 year old boy with long hair.

Also no cunny not cunny.

more charlie please

Okay can someone tell me what he's doing with his lips in this scene

ride the tiger, boys

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Even bio girls have large hands when they hit puberty

I wonder what made him think that telling anyone this wouldn't gross them out? I guess they really think ordinary people consider necroginas to be real vaginas.

>real girls have manhands
they don't.
>bio girls
as opposed to?


Trying not to cry. His estrogen meds are making it difficult.

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Link for that info?


Source: his ass

Is there still meme potential in this shot?

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>think its memes
>google definition
>laugh out loud

I need a fucking drink because thats the word i would use to describe these threads. Pardon me.

Yeah ok, disinfo discord tranny

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>my evil frankenstein doctor is going to hook my bowels up to my new axe wound so it's constantly leaking fecal discharge, can I make people eat it?
Answer me honestly, Yea Forums
When does the horror end

I'm still fond of my pic

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I'm not noticing any differences

Wil Wheaton really hit rock bottom. He could do a new show, S O I Trek. To boldly nu-male more than anyone has nu-maled before.

I hope Ahmir's mom drops more red pills in the next episode
>Jazz, Imma aks you sumthin'
>Why do your people push for open borders in America yet they don't have a problem with Israel's border wall?

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he's right tho, trannie.

I love how TLC captures the perfect facial expression that shows Jazz slowly coming back to reality

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>a neovagina should be left well alone

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liberal jews hate israel

>he really believes this

im a liberal jew, speaking from experience

>need to wear a pad forever
>it will always be leaking out

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I have "female" hands and I'm a guy.

I'm gonna puke

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>omg what if everybody including my mom is pretending to accept my gender identity

Then you shouldn't have any trouble providing a source. :)

Fuck that is tragic

>implying they are women of any kind, to the point where they even deserve the title of "woman" in their name
Pathetic tranny, kill yourself. You'll never be a real female you pathetic fucker.

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Them signature bicolor lips.


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They target them specifically

Leftist jews in my country defend israel at all costs even tho most of the left hates israel.

Lifting our jew travel ban was a mistake.


I'll work on it more. Would be cool to rotoscope the whole scene

Trannies absolutely btfo

Start tying those noises “ladies” and make sure you fast for a day before doing it. Wouldn’t want to shit yourself post mortem!


>I-I just wanted to tuck my cock!


>Who are you?


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>Alright Ahmir make this quick my shift at the lumber yard starts in a half hour

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When will jazz get pregnant?

>Do you know how the discord trannies came to be? They were men once...taken by the dark powers, tortured and mutilated. A ruined and terrible form of lie...And now, dilated. My fighting Former-Guys.


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Because just moving around causes terrible pain and risks another collapse of the pulsing meat wound.


ahaha okay this is gonna go in the file

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Thanks for doing your civic duty, user. If we can't kill all trannies, we're going to have to lock them all up.

See pic related. You are the cancer, you are the teratoma. Foisting this shit on little brainwashed kids will see you burn, if not in hell, then on this earth.

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love charlie

>hopefully this will be the last surgery

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>if we define happy to mean anything then being in constant pain and existential dread from the mutilation I underwent due to psychotic delusions can be a form of happiness

Lay off the Derrida kid.

>march 5th
>another surgery
jesus fucking christ

Why is Seth MacFarlane visiting Jazz in the hospital?

And cancer inside the frankengina.

>smiling but dead inside
>smiling but eroded by doubt and blood loss
>happiest mom in the world
just hope jazz outlives her so she doesn't have to posion ari to get her Munchhausen fix

>hopefully this will be the last surgery

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>boys never gave her any attention
>the witch devises a devious plan to harvest as many of their dicks as possible

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>putting a heart over her vagina

Source on that kino?

Imagine the smell of that locker room after a game

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this reminds me of twin peaks when that woman became mentally a teenager and then became a cheerleader at the local high school

i kek'd

i am against surgery. no worry user. i know entirely the risk and filth. Dont get me wrong, but i am encouraging a better attitude toward pr-op trannys. They are more than just a pile of flesh. maybe we should hear them before they feel ignored. Then they might feel more accepted and less inclined to get surgery. all they want is acceptance.

Holy shit. High Elves are real.

apparently it's Bolivia's Military Police unit UTARC
I think it was disbanded though

nowhere did i condone or promote SRS. nowhere

That was incredibly creepy and she didn't even have a penis.

No. Trannies are disgusting pedos, that's why they're trying to turn kids, kid trannies make them look more sympathetic.

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Would you suggest, it's very lynchian?

Can I get a quick rundown on either Jazz or Jeanette?

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cant deny. no objection.
>/pol/ here
god only knows what the end goal is here. Fuck if i know. all this shit is fucked up. As far as im concerned this isnt real reality. fuck society.

>i am encouraging a better attitude toward pr-op trannys
Equally mentaly ill equally scum.
>They are more than just a pile of flesh. maybe we should hear them before they feel ignored. Then they might feel more accepted and less inclined to get surgery. all they want is acceptance.
Wanna know how i know you don't belong here?

Mind the 40%

>women of the year

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lads if i say im a tranny can i go into the womens locker room and see free puss puss?

Men are better than women at everything, including being women

How can "real" girls even try to compete?

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based and dialted

>god only knows what the end goal is here

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kill yourself faggot. Ive been here longer than you. Ive seen shit you wouldnt believe.

I can’t help but draw parallels between the tragedy of Jaron Bloshinksy and another tragedy, King Lear. Lear orders his daughters to exclaim their love for him and he exiles the only daughter not willing to dishonestly shower him with florid praise. Only before Lear’s death does he realise that Cordelia (the honest daughter) was the only one that cared about him. I expect Jaron’s tale to end the same way, with a realisation that us “transphobes” and “haters” with our honesty only seek to prevent him from continuing down the road to self-destruction. The “dishonest daughters” to whom Lear gave such credence were the architects of the trials that ultimately led to his death. And Jazz will end the same way. No wonder his show is so enthralling, it’s almost got the themes of a Shakespearian tragedy.

Go larp as an oldfag somewhere else trannie.

At the heart of Queer Theory/Gender Theory is pedophilia tolerance. A devastating contribution from the TERF 5th Column (Cordelia Brigade):

youtube.com/watch?v=2u3hmZCsXoE [Open]

is this really what teenage boys look like in 2019?

(and it's amazing)

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Why should anybody accept them when they can't accept themselves?

what's the context behind this clip?

and this is what they actually look like in real life

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The scene at 21:30 in the dailymotion link in the op.

No, that's "trying to look like trying not to cry." It's easy to spot because tearing up is involuntary, yet Jazz has none to display. Know why? Because he's not hurt, he's frustrated, pissed. He spends the rest of that scene trying to find that sweet spot that actual females find almost effortlessly, because their emotions are wired differently than a man's. But since he's A) been gulping down those "happy pills" since he was a preteen; and B) a man, he just can't find the switch for the waterworks.

His worthless, psycho parents have not only neutered him physically, but emotionally as well.

Looks fine to me.

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this is like when icarus was flying close to the sun and his wings burned up

Come on, you faggots, let’s snip them off.

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By having my children.

im glad you understand.

so hot


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looks like an fugly 10 year old boy, you gay pedophile nigger.

You don't have to lie.

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The roots of pedo idealogy of the left go deeper spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/the-sexual-revolution-and-children-how-the-left-took-things-too-far-a-702679.html

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>Amir's face when he realizes that the good boy points he earned on social media mean absolutely nothing in the real world where he will always be seen as that freak that willingly attempted a romantic relationship with a tranny

inb4 he's just an actor. People will believe it's real, remember that shitty Animal Planet special about how mermaids were real and dipshits actually thought it was legit?

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why is she always showing her tongue?
what does it mean?

Thats a cute boy

I can cover up (You)s in MSpaint too


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I think she might be a slut.

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The problem isnt trannies. They are just sad and annoying psychological specimens. The problem is transgenderism, its ideological pseudoscientists in academia and its profiteering enablers in medicine and psychology. It is truly a Great Evil in our time and must be confronted with the truth.

It’s a Kardashian’s thing

is this trans?

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I always dreamed a being a soccer player as a kid and scoring a World Cup goal. Do you think that if I did the bare minimum (grew my hair out, shaved everything, faked taking estrogen pills,) I could join the USWNT? I played as a starter in D3 college and the NT women’s got rekt 15-3 by the 15 year old men’s youth team

Once upon a time, people were their bodies. There was no difference between themselves and their bodies. In the modern world, people see themselves as an abstract idea, and their body is subordinate to that. Trannies live on the far end of this madness. Their body isn't just subordinate to their idea of themselves, it's a mere toy for them to play with. It can be whatever "they" want it to be.

Shes simply following instructions from his parents, who take orders from High Command.

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Just wait till he hits his growth spurt

forgot to quote (You) too.

Because he's desperately girly, like all trannies. The self-same lunatics who will absolutely not shut up about how they think "gender" works, BY SOME FANTASTIC COINCIDENCE, all have the most stereotypical, attention-whoring sloot personality imaginable. Also, these put on puberty blockers appear to be infinitely worse, because their endorphin release comes solely through online attention since they have no sexual release like normal teenagers.

are you literally blind?

New thread:


> Jews convinced Americans that mutilating a penis was a good thing
> for physical health they say
> Jews are now trying to convince Americans that chopping off their boys penises is a good thing
> for mental health they say

Like a real life Gumb.