Patton Oswalt donates $2,000 to cover Twitter critic’s medical bills

>Patton Oswalt donates $2,000 to cover Twitter critic’s medical bills

>“Aw, man. This dude just attacked me on Twitter and I joked back but then I looked at his timeline and he’s in a LOT of trouble health-wise. I’d be pissed off too. He’s been dealt some … cards — let’s deal him some good ones. Click and donate — just like I’m about to,” the actor wrote.

>Oswalt directed his 4.5 million followers to the retired vet’s GoFundMe account, which had only accumulated about $600, and the comedian donated $2,000. As of Friday morning, more than $34,000 had been donated and Beatty was moved to tears

Meanwhile, you guys just shit on the 53rd cape movie that you didn't even see because you are too intimidated of a female protag. What's it like to be the worst board full of the worst society has to offer. Maybe Patton could donate a prostitute to you all because its clear you all have been in a LOT of pain from having no gfs or never having had sex.

At least go see Captain Marvel before you shit on it for no reason.

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That's actually pretty cool

Guilty conscience.

I'll go if he donates me a movie ticket and gas money

Does everyone have a fucking gofundme page?


This. People should be more caring towards those they disagree with instead of dehumanizing them.

trying to regain karma after killing his wife

won't work, it's waiting for him

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At least Patton is comicbookpilled. He's ok for a lefty.
I saw CM. It isn't very good. 4/10
Skrulls are refugee dreamers. They went full political.

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>Patton Oswalt hate thread a page back
>Suddenly this damage control comes out of nowhere
Patton pls


>only $2k
that's an awful little for having killed his own wife and getting away with it as a means of repent

Very nice virtue signalling, didn't Michael Moore already do something like this years ago?

This. everyone needs to go open one and then post a bunch of sad shit. in 2 years, go complaining to some celebrity and they'll donate money to you

Doesn't use the catalog, what a fag

Shill, you already made a lot of money from normies. Fuck off.

>hollyjew liberal does a 180 on a drumpf supporter

Fake and gay.

a LOT of the worst criticisms of Patton Oswalt and Patton Oswalt on this website are actually coming from more mature leftists who look down on this alt-right, women-hating movement but also realize that perpetuating it will validate the rest of you “incels” (not that I believe in that word—it is a voluntary choice to be so shitty and hate-filled) and propel you to continue living sad and intimidated, lonely lives. Enjoy figuring out which of these posts are from SJWs larping as “incels” and which posts are from truly lost miserable anons barking away in their safe space of male privilege. Either way if you don’t break out of this echo chamber soon you are never going to make it

$2000 doesn't make up for murder.

Much as I love spicy memes, and disagree with much of Oswald's politics (and am disgusted with the notion of celebrity politics all together) I do think Oswald is a fundamentally good person.

He's also fairly funny when he's not getting political. Honestly, I don't think I'd even mind his political jokes if he didn't go so balls deep into it.

I really liked him as Sockarang.

today is pee pee day on Yea Forums
warrior nufrends everywhere

>American Healthcare system

2k gets you what, some pills?


I find this notion that the only way to combat these hordes of incels and fucking losers is to go see a big corporate tentpole movie. One that's been being used in military propaganda nonetheless. It's a bullshit marketing strategy where they turn it into an "us vs them" situation. I think the young right wingers posting about this movie all day are fucking retards who have let sensational YouTubers destroy their brain under the guise of "taking the red pill." But I'm not about to go watch another boring ass Marvel movie just to shove how well it's doing at the box office in their face. I just refuse to take part in it.

Thing is some people won't refuse, and that's why Yea Forums and /pol/ are such a valuable asset in selling this movie. Nike made a shit ton of money off the butthurt conservative outrage over the Kaepernick ad. Disney's doing the same thing here. There's no movie in theaters currently that's being talked about more, negatively or positively and that's all translating to cash. Bob Iger's a Republican. You're all fucking retards.


gay PR stunt, this fat lesbian will face justice one day for the murder of his wife

I just did this totally selfless act, see what a good person I am for doing it


Wtf I'm just going to completely forget how he demonizes people he disagrees with politically now.

Only in 3rd world countries where your choices for healthcare while poor is die or beg.