How can someone so unfunny be in so many comedy shows??

How can someone so unfunny be in so many comedy shows??

Attached: patton.jpg (1400x787, 732K)

Satanic pedo connections

I hate Patton but King of Queens is funny, he's not in it too much though

He was pretty good in Ratatouille

Probably this

people know he's willing to kill

inverted satanic trips confirmed

He killed his wife for these opportunities. At least appreciate that he did that for these roles. I can’t wait for his inevitable twitter slip up and the mob turns against him. Then they’ll start sounding like people here and talk about how her death was suspicious.

He established very early, what his political preferences are.

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Reminder that he molested his daughter and killed his wife when she caught him

Still not tired of hearing about his dead wife.

I was in that very thread. Was some hue who hit him with that. I miss old /pol/ so much

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The absolute state of Yea Forums

Fuck off, Patton.

>We need someone that looks and acts absolutely pathetic
>I know just the guy...

Smugness plus the need to maintain a lifestyle.

He used to be funny in King of Queens. What happened?

i used to be a fan and then i got redpilled after he went after the nerd not just him but other celebs. it shows how fucking deep they are.

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go to eightchan then, faggot

>i used to be a fan and then i got redpilled

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His entire career is based around having a silly voice. That’s literally it.

You know who else was a fan of noisy, thick-saliva swallowing? His wife. As she lay dying.

He'll "murder" the competition.

this. KoQ is kino.

its hysterical to me you live in this us vs them world how the powers that be have manipulated you so well.

>its hysterical to me you live in this us vs them world how the powers that be have manipulated you so well.
You sound like a huge faggot.

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You are the one with the pic collection of huge faggots.
Go ahead and pull more of your porn out

>not even denying being a faggot
>complaining about images
>on an image board

He’s fine when he plays a supporting role that’s been written for him and when he doesn’t cry about drumpf and his dead wife on stage for an hour

Im not complaining, im just noticing your porn collection.

>stops posting
good boy

did his parents name him after general patton? he turned out completely the opposite

Yes, his dad was a Marine.

Was there even a 1% chance he wouldnt just be a jew propped up by other jews?

He does have a military background.
Sooooo many meme shills come suspiciously from military backgrounds.

((( )))

he wasnt funny in king of queens. He was a whiny pathetic loser who was the butt of jokes.

This. Spence was only a decent character when they put him in a "gay" relationship with Danny.

you mad?

But... he didn't do a review of it? He just did a level headed review of why he wouldn't be doing one.