It's got a chick.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off nigger.

Is it April 1st already?

Who left their diarrhea on the toilet?

>It's not a game anymore.

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i second this. simply distributing news about this movie makes you a shithead.

B-bu-Doom is 1st person? Oh, wait. Creative licence overdrive.

Wow so who forgot to make it good?

Lol, the triggering begins.
Can't wait for the empty cinema tweets and the grief sessions after.

How does it manage to look worse than the last attempt at a Doom movie?

I'm getting Uwe Boll flashbacks.

I guess its a catch 22 , either you spend an obscene amount of money on cgi and effects to make it look good and then it flops massively or you make a cheap direct to video garbage that looks like shit but might yield a bit of profit on the name alone.

Whoever still greenlights these shits need to get fired asap

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...and that's a good thing.

Awww, this looks super adorable. The trailer, not that picture. I am excited. It's the perfect low budget attempt where everyone expects it to be bad, but they are hoping it breaks even so no one has any expectations kind of movie.


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game is about a muscly guy opening the doors of hell and destroying every demon with guns, chain saw and his bare hands
movie is a skinny woman learning to face her fears x3
are all movies going to be ruined like this?
woman can have their movies it's perfectly fine to have women leads, just like it has been for over 3 decades, and don't give me the whole ripley shit, we know it won't be like that

BAhahahahahahahahahaha holy fuck looks even worse than the rock version.

its not the fact that its a woman, its the fact that they have no respect for the lore or the aesthetics at all. She looks like something out of fucking resident evil. If she had any resmblance to this armor or the doomslayer armor it would have been much better than the giant shit we got

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Have no problem if a girl is the main lead. But at least make her a hard, buff, cool us marine. Girl looks like she's playing laser tag.

No point in getting mad at these kind of movies. Just imagine it's some shitty youtube video someone made and slapped the name doom on it.

its straight to dvd, incel

id has confirmed on Twitter they have absolutely no involvement with the movie.

This. New doom movie doesn’t deserve anything. It’s shit. Let’s leave it at that. What do you do when you see shit ? We ignore it or walk away and try not to step on it. Let’s walk passed this pile of shit.


Yeah I saw that as well. They’re probably at headquarters laughing at the trailer.

I hope that somehow the Doomslayer shows up. My issue is that there's no good way to make a movie where the Doomslayer or Doomguy is the lead. It would be boring and dumb. What I'd like to see is the desperate space marines trying to survive while they occasionally come across the Doomslayer. So he's just sort of rampaging through the base and eventually they get pulled into hell alongside him and they are uncovering truths about the Doomslayer and hell itself while also interacting with him. Then the final battle could be Doomslayer vs the Mastermind and the lead chick lends a hand, shooting rockets and stuff. And even if she's not really helping he kind of gives her the nod of approval or something.

Obviously none of that will happen in this, but I have some hope that he's in there somewhere and they are hiding it.

this is going straight to DVD just like the predator remake, at least these people have the decency to accept reality. Obviously the new predator was absolute trash, but I expected it to be and they didn't try to lie to me about what it was either, ill probably watch this new Doom too.

I'm not sure why people are being so harsh on this. It looks like it's going to be enjoyable in a silly way.

so you think a john wick like movie with doomguy would be boring and dumb?

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Because die hard fans were looking forward to a somewhat decent doom movie but it turned out to be fake and gay

It IS the fact that it's played by a lady, DOOM is extremely masculine with loud banging metal, themes of self-sacrifice, war, the military, revenge, and instilling tremendous fear through physical power.

A female protagonist is like Princess Diaries with The Rock as the princess, it's simply not going to translate well. It's also not fair to DOOM, a franchise that could make for great films, but is again retrofitted with tons if unnecessary garbage.

Anyone good any other arguments to support my ckIm?

Attached: doomgirl.jpg (750x750, 82K)

Yes it would be bland and missing everything that made John Wick work.

Bunch of idiots.

>Posting obvious feminist propaganda lore

This looks like a fucking production budget of 200K. Universal is doing this?

Idiots for wanting a decent doom movie ? You faggot little bitch

was this made by the people from asylum?
holy fuck it looks fucking terrible

What if I have coprophilia

Then you have shit taste

Cheap B movie made for the sole purpose of the corporation holding on to the trademark for another decade.

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the one with the Rock was better

>Cute small girl
>Not having a faceless soldier in a marine suit

They fucked up

Should have let an anime studio do it instead of direct to video uwe boll tier movie

>Anyone good any other arguments to support my ckIm?
women are wretched creatures and ruin anything they are apart of

see: giving women the right to vote

So this is like the hellraiser again.
How long do they get to keep the rights if they keep pumping out shitty sequels?

thats just feminists. normal women aren't like that.

Damn it looks cheap and cringe.

i'd be ok with a small girl if she kept the helmet on desu...

boy I sure do have high hopes for this movie that is based on a video game

A new Doom game is coming out on the heels of a very successful and well liked reboot/sequel, looking like it addresses a lot of the criticism that the first one received.
And this movie.
I wonder in which one Doom fans will spend their money on...

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Should've done what they did with the Dredd movie. The chick could've been the protagonist as like a helpless scientist or something, and the Doom Slayer appears as the voiceless badass that she wakes up to help her resolve the plot. She has the arc, but he has all the good action.

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women started the trend of progressive laws which destroyed america, we are still reeling from the effects of prohibition

The progressive era was great, jew

oh no no no no

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>cash-in movie piggybacking off a popular game

Everything's the wrong way around.

ooh woof

>Everything's the wrong way around.

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that was feminists user, normal women opposed them too back then, but they poisoned the minds of too many young, impressionable (and unmarried kek) girls.

resorting to laws instead of morality to change the way people lived goes against the very core this country was founded on.

I'd say it again. We are still reeling from the effects of Prohibition.

Looks like it's taking some plot points from the Doom Bible.

>helpless scientist
But muh grrl power.
Seriously though, she could be a UAC Marine like Doomguy was so she's not totally useless and helpless, but obviously she's not fucking Doomguy so an actual invasion from Hell is way out of her league. She gets a few demon kills and from her point of view it's essentially a horror movie, because she's drastically outmatched and everyone around is dying, but then when the scene is centered on Doomguy it's full on Rip and Tear with, like BFG Division playing. Her plot relevance is to basically do what Hayden did in Doom 2016 so that you still get dialogue in a movie with a silent protagonist and be mission control/operate the more complex UAC tech that Doomguy would just try to destroy.
Wouldn't be great, but it could be good entertainment. But of course, this is just a quick money laundering slash IP keeping scheme, so nobody cared enough to do anything with merit.

Video game movies are already bad, can't imagine how awful it will be now.

thats standard for video game adaptations though, even Blizzard announced that the warcraft movie they made themselves was not canon and had nothing to do with their game series.

ho boy
That's always a good sign when the holder of the IP immediately denies any connection.

Hang yourself

>stock sound effects
>tacticool bullshit
literally looks like a syfy original. actually more like an asylum pictures release

So? Blizzard was still heavily involved with the movie.
They just created it as a separate universe based on their games.

Is this an actual movie because everything in that trailer looks like a TV Series

predator had a theatre release though

honestly looks worse than a uwe boll attempt

did it actually? must have been like a week or two at most. I don't remember it but then again, I only go to the theater once or twice a year.

Sort of want

it looks like literal trash

>Dr Carmack's condition is irreversible

There's a 0% chance nu-Doom will have a scene that can top this

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>that run
Why do women run like such pussies in film?

They don't even run, they prance.

Name one film where a woman actually fucking sprinted like she meant it.

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yep. urban should've reprised the role, but not have his name in the credits and just keep the full helmet on literally the entire film

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>Universal pushing out what looks like a SyFy reject

Can somebody explain how this absolute shite got greenlit? What do they hope to gain? Forget turning a profit, I doubt it'll make the catering budget back. Are they contractually obliged to push out another Doom movie every X years or something?

To be fair, it looks pretty good for cheap shit

the first texas chainsaw massacre.

will hollywood ever have the balls to take on canon lore?

Attached: doom64 ending.png (1280x800, 524K)

>another movie starring a woman
>incels mad again

Dredd actually respected the source material and Judge Anderson is a character that has exactly that relationship with Dredd.

yet another non-canon movie

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Fine here's a you, just let me know how many yous it will take for you to finally stop pretending to be retarded.


It’s like they do it to piss us off on purpose

yikes tough crowd!

Attached: doomanal.png (1214x434, 351K)

>shes suppose to look intimidating with that big ass gun at the end
>its half the size of her body

This is going to be awful

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fapped to her shiny buttocks like a madman. good times

I forgot Carl Urban was in this too
imma have to watch it again

wtf was that.

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It looks bad but fun. My biggest issue so far is their helmets and glasses which look like they are going mountain biking. I would have much preferred sick ass masks.

>le doomslayer xd

Fuck nuDoom


Attached: retard.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

Looks like the production values of a B movie.
>those generic industrial warehouse sets
>those fucking zombie looking cunts
>repainted NERF guns straight from K-Mart

Youtube series have better quality than this. this looks absolutely horrendous. i really, really hope no one pays for this.

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Fuck off oldfag.

It looks just like the first movie

I dont fucking get it. If they HAVE to get a woman, why do they always get these small no muscles having bitches?
That's like if they got Michael Cera to be Captain America.

I swear I thought this was fan made.

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Maybe they fucking should.

Surely wouldn't be hard for them to get say the people behind Hardcore Henry or the guy behind The Raid movies to make a DOOM version of Dredd.

It can't be that hard surely.

Basically this

Attached: doomTheMovie.jpg (1400x323, 82K)

>more schlocky bullshit fun
>people are upset

It's a fucking Doom movie, what can you expect?

Wow Doom isn't gonna be the worse Doom movie in the 2 movie franchise of Doom it seems..


Something recognizable from Doom?


It looks like absolute shit, and I don't say this quite often about a film. I'd even go so far as to rewatch the new Predator film over this garbage.
>It's a fucking Doom movie, what can you expect?

>pre-emptive damage control
Goodness gracious, you haven't even finished damage control for Captain Marvel LMAO

How did some absolute nobody get the rights to write & direct a Doom movie? I thought they would've held it in higher regards after the recent resurgence.


I mean, I don't mind female action heroes at all, as long as they're done right. So why can't we get realistic ones anymore? We need an Ellen Ripley or a Sarah Connor. Not some tiny nerdy girl that immediately pulls you out of the movie. Why do they keep doing this? They don't cast Michael Cera in action movies. Why do women get away with it

how was rian johnson able to not only direct a star wars movie but be in charge of an additional trilogy after he filmed 1 mediocre sci fi movie

>russian hackers dislike bombing this video

YouTube should rework the like/dislike system to prevent this

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>holding IPs in high regards
did you just come out of a 5 year coma? we have a lot to catch up on user

why not just remove dislikes entirely? positive thoughts only goy!

Well he atleast directed a decent movie that made some money, and a few great Breaking bad episodes.

One of the top credits for the guy making Doom is assistant director on Resident Evil afterlife.

thats horrible how the 12 year old girl has to fight off /tv pedophiles and alita-watchers

That's the only thing they're doing right so far, not hiding the dislikes and comments. See how long that lasts

Holy shit thats why all this shit looks like umbrella corporation tier bullshit

It'll soon be a platform where corporations and big name users upload videos and you can like the videos you want to see more of.
Kind of like how Netflix removed the rate feature because their originals were getting crap ratings.

>That subtitle

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Mom said it's my turn for Xbox

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My dad took me to that movie when it first came out. The reel literally caught fire midway through and people started clapping and we left.


Guys are there any translated versions of the Alita manga with her name properly written as Gally?
Every version that's been linked in these threads has had the name as Alita which makes me thing the translations must be changing other shit as well.

>"badass female"
>calls incessantly to complain
chad if true from doomguy

normal women don't want to watch this though

Whatever, eternal is going to be sick

>check video
>overwhelmingly disliked

Damn you incels act fast

>thinking they ever took your feelings into consideration to begin with

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I don't care about the female. I care how it looks like a film school project. Why the absolute fuck?

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looks like an uglier jay davidson

proves two things. audience for Doom is literally only men, second hollywood has no clue how to make a video game movie.

looks so shit
at least the other one had the rock and judge dredd

>/tv(sic) pedophiles and alita-watchers
same thing

we're everywhere fren

literaly just dont watch it, and that will be it.


After 40 years of comics Anderson has saved MC1 as often as Dredd has now - and from more terrifying supernatural villains. They have to shuffle her offstage for a lot of the big events now or readers start asking, "why hasn't Anderson dealt with these clowns yet?"

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>I forgot Carl Urban was in this
Nice one, user.

It's a shame that bitter autistic men are so wide spread and the most eager to over spend on products and conversely the most eager to go on a crusade against something they dislike. We could be getting some good media, but they actively try to tank it instead so we end up with low budget half hearted takes on things like this new movie.

Aliens really set the standard didn't it? - and yet despite 33 years more quality sfx and filmmaking techniques nobody has been able to beat it.

Attached: Aliens SE 1986 Knock it off Hudson.webm (850x456, 2.93M)

carmack is sociopath irl, he probably deserves that treatment

fuckin' A

Captain Marvel syndrome. Casting a bitch who can't even run properly.

Who was this made for?

oh really? was the ghostbusters remake any good? did you even watch it?


I came straight over here to watch the meltdown.

franchise deserved better

Garbage. I enjoyed the first movie as just a fun action flick, a DOOM movie it was not though.

A 1.5 hour cut up 3rd person view of a Doom (2016) run through, with the soundtrack of course, would be 10x better than whatever the fuck this is.

ye but couldnt they pick a MC that doesnt look like they can barely hold the weapons ?
Like if they found some female 6ft3 body builder it might work but this is like some autistic cunts day dream its retarded

official response:

doom is overrated

>she talks


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Gotta be honest for once with you fellas... this looks like shit.