What movie are you downloading first?
What movie are you downloading first?
A 20MB episode of Beavis and Butthead in .rmv format.
Monsters Inc
784Mb on Ares, overnight dl
Club Seventeen #13
Rubber or The Hateful 8
all the pron I can find on limewire, until I find what I'm looking for... if you know what I mean.
A bunch of 15 second long clips from a porno that I'll have to cobble together in an mpg merger in order to watch the whole scene at once
a 3 minute clip that takes 45 minutes to download, which is supposedly footage of an attractive woman pooping but turns out to be a blink 182 music video with croatian subtitles and now my computer has a virus
>footage of an attractive woman pooping
Based and scatpilled
cowboy bebop and sonic satam
Now THAT girl could suck a dick, lemme tellya
Someone used the chat feature on KaZaA once to ask me
I hope he found his porn, poor guy.
Time to see Pluto Nash before everyone else.
Tera Patrick porn that's labled as horse cock
using a computer back then felt cool, i miss it
A patrician
Maisie's Destruction
All the Children of the Corn.
straight to pilkipedia and download all the xfm archives before they monetised it and CnD'd the site
some random DBZ episode that's a 100MB .avi file that takes me 10 hours. I've been trying for over 2 weeks to get it, but the connection keeps getting interrupted. I know when I finally get a stable 10 hour connection my teenage mind is going to be blown away by this awesome anime kino
The lobby scene from The Matrix
the entire acceleracers series
>downloading a 700mb camrip of Bad Santa, burning it to a CD and watching it on your modded Xbox
fun times
why do they look like prostitutes?
wait, nevermind. I figure it out
I have every xfm show, podcast, and special on 10+ hard drives including 2 protected from EMPs.
I’ll be listening to the lads in my bunker as the world eats itself.
First movie I ever downloaded was The Matrix, over a 28.8 modem in 1999. Took a week on Kazaa.
Fucking nothing because my grandma picked up the phone and disconnected me >:(
which is worse
>THAT scene from childhood pornstar you wanna fap to cant be found anymore
>restart your life as a kid knowing everything you know today but have to wait 18 years for your current favorite starlet you wanna fap to to be born
>tfw I dated a woman who literally did black BBW porn
Kill yourself
i meant if you time travel to reset your life you have to wait 18 years until you can fap to autumn falls retard
My brother tried to download Max Payne and it literally took weeks. Only for us to not just find out it was a demo, but our PC couldn't run it.
The first movie I ever downloaded was Swordfish
Man, if I could download a car, I totally would. How long until we can get that shit on a 3D printer?
How the fuck am I supposed to remember?
This brings back traumatic memories of waiting 3 hours for a download to be finished only to have AOL sign me out at 98% completion.
Anything from "Teens for Cash"
The first movie I ever downloaded was either The Blair Witch Project or Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might.
I can't remember which one was first, but I do remember having them both on my old PC for ages.
DBZ anime music videos ft. Korn and Bon Jovie
Gladiator in two parts
I did. Thank you for caring.
I actually found the real video by accident while downloading something else, good times.
Uh restarting my life would be awesome because I could make billions and fuck any pornstar I want.
for me it was Friday the 13th Part VI. Was so comfy on that old CRT monitor.
perfect execution of a boomer. jordan capri could also work
For me, "THAT" scene would be the Hannah pink belt dancing/doggystyle video. It can still be found readily online.
>52 KB
>fuck it, it might be real
>get hit with a $900 phonebill
>grandma kicks the ever loving shit out of me
>mfw they kick her out of the van and just drive away
It was amazing those guys were never caught or that none of the girls ever called the cops on them for what was essentially rape
Probably the only porno whose trailers I watched more for the laughs than the faps.
Busted many a nut to this fine bitch
they're actors you fucking invalid
[citation needed]
Has anyone ever come close?
terrible acting didn't give it away?
She really could. Never seen a girl that good at deep throating in porn (or real life, obviously) even now.
side hustle
Kill Bill with WinMX, hopefully some pious faggot will give me priority.
They'd always ask me to hurry up and finish downloading because they'll be late for work. Imagine being this much of a p2pcuck. Just turn your pc off and be done with it, jeez
Leon (1994) was the first movie I torrented in 2004.
Mortal Kombat in a WMV 12 times in kazaa overnight, varios files were shady pornos
Sauce? I have fapped to this video at some point in my life
Also, im using windows media player with k-lite codec pack to also watch some Cradle of filth music videos