How do we purge the Alita shills from our board, Yea Forums?
How do we purge the Alita shills from our board, Yea Forums?
you will never pass and your capeshit/cuck wars will never be good no matter how many normalfags flock like braindead lemmings to watch then
Yeah! They are pushing out all the capeshit box office posts!
>t. mouseshilll
Go back to your 12 Brie Larson threads.
i'd say report the threads but we all know that does absolutely nothing
The absolute state of Marvel. Sad.
Alitaposters are usually occupying one thread at a time
There are 10+ Captain Marvel conspiracy threads at a time.
I think the Alita general is fine. Just wait for it to lose momentum.
>There are 10+ Captain Marvel conspiracy threads at a time
Why though?
Roughly 2/3 of this board is ready to die for alita. Literally unironically fucking die. Of the other 1/3, maybe 99%, even though not ready to die for Alita, hold the movie in high regard. Of the remaining 1% (of the 1/3, which makes it 0.333%), half don't have strong opinion one way or the other on the movie. Which leaves 0.1667% of fucks like you.
I wish you all the best on your mission.
Captain Marvel shills are a bigger problem
>if you don't watch Alita, you must be a Brie fan
because there's apparently a large contingent of Yea Forums posters who are so invested in the film's failure that they are willing to believe its opening weekend box office numbers are a hoax
They stay in one thread. Unlike you Disney shills that shit all over the place.
Attack them on their facebook group. Let the people know they shill pleb shit among pedos
kinda feel Yea Forums mods are the shills you hate so much, good luck with that.
just ban all
>cape shit
>diney shit
>hipster shit
Protip: Most of the Alita shills are still here, except for now they're shilling captain marvel instead.
Fux you, assless fungus.
Take your meds, nigger.
not watching her shit either nigger, I went and saw The Kid, it was mediocre but I'm sure way better than either of your anime capeshits
>you're automatically a capeshit nigger if you attack Alita
no, I'm just not a tastelet and want to purge this board from all this trash, be it animeshit or capeshit
Alita drones generally are capehitters as proven by sites like letterboxd, imdb, rym, etc
>I'm just not a tastelet
Post your top 10 right now.
>anecdotal evidence is proof
How does it feel to have third world tier IQ? Are you brown by any chance?
I picture OP with a half-helmet of pink hair and a useless, vestigial penis.
Get rid or the Captain Marvel faggots and Alita will disappear.
You can you filter the threads, low IQ user
Marvel cucks screeching with rage.
Alitawaifu makes Captain Feminist look as unattractive as she really is. : )
Also just look at how upset they get when confronted with actual high cineIQ
This is no different than when Yea Forums plebs started flooding in with capeshit and getting upset at anyone with taste beyond capeshit and imdb top 250
Alita doesn’t bother me at all. Never seen it and don’t know much about it.
It’s the fucking capeshit that’s gotta go. ASAP.
for the most part they stay in their general unlike capeshit shills. They aren't the ones ruining this board.
it'll happen eventually
it's nice to have a containment thread for the trannies just like when reylo threads were a thing
they're so desperate and lonely they cling to movie fandoms to find solace in someone else living mass produced drivel like them
I'd rather the Alitafags who stick to their generals than the online political warriors that feel the need to make a new thread for every minute thing they come across for every disney movie.
That is because Alitachads are gentlemen. : )
>alita "shills" stick within their own containment thread
>captain marvel haters post countless threads, and shit up other threads
The people behind the alita threads are the same people spamming capeshit threads
>look at me, I watch obscure things, which totally makes up for me being a low IQ incel
It is a vast conspiracy, user.
You had better double the thickness of your tin foil hat. Safety first!
I found, filtering the words "general" and "edition" get right of like 90% of the threads about anything I don't want to hear about.
Yes, clearly people that like a sci-fi movie about a cyborg girl are the problem on this board.
Go end your fucking life, you sad shit
You can go fuck right off
You sound gay and like a jealous MCU shill. Fuck off to Brie toes.
>movie discussion
>tv discussion
Only gossip and /pol/shit please
yes we need less alita threads and more captain marvel threads
theres seriously not enough, how am i gonna discuss this movie if noone is making threads for it
Imagine being this sad and pathetic
Aaaaaaaand.... yet another Alta general thread just started. They just leap filling up, don't they? : )
>Oh no, people like something I don't like
>Better make a thread about it and whine instead of making a thread about something I actually enjoy
OP is not just a gay cocksucker but also an impotent reactionary
Gee, the new Alita general thread just passed this one. That took a good 15 minutes! ; )
How about both? Stop being an angsty child and enjoy the ride.