The chinese now have a better taste in movies than you do, how does that make you feel?

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have sex

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and black panther STILL made 1 billion dollars AND won 2 oscars

keep crying dcuck

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based bugmen

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the girl superman movie is making money so you're posting black panther articles from 365 days ago.. from china

desperation is so unmanly :(

Women also have better taste in movies

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I still have no idea what Chinese cinema must be like. I imagine rows and rows of rice farmers pushed into a theater.

why are you lecturing others on masculinity

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They actually have the same tastes as me

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its amazing. Imagine a theater of quiet, respectful and polite movie goers who all watch the movie in total silence then leave without leaving a hint of mess.

you're mistaking chinks with europeans and japs

serious doubt

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holy kek

>black panther STILL made 1 billion dollars
>still trying to get people to believe this

Literal subhumans jesus fucking christ

Link the skit. Top left scene looks hot.

but why

Everytime I see a Chinese webm I think less of them. Have they done anything good in the last 1000 years?

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Green Book was pure kino

One less for the state to take care of.

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Soulless ant people

they have learned to stop caring and it has set them free

Attached: chinese nihilists.webm (320x640, 1.82M)

Still better than you tarbabies.

This is the liberal's end game.

>march 2018
every fucking time

It's literally like that scene in Psycho-Pass where a guy starts beating and raping a woman to death, and everyone just stands around watching casually

Actually they have exactly the same taste in movies apparently

That skit has the nigger washed and turned int a Chinese guy, you niggerlover. LMAO

Hardly anyone even reacts let alone go to help, fuck is wrong with these people.


>hits the back of your car in gas station
>gets out and starts shouting at you in chinese

why they do this?

they helped kill some 50k mutts in vietnam, i suppose that's a good thing

what is happening here