Has there ever been such a major fuck up while filming that a major actor died...

Has there ever been such a major fuck up while filming that a major actor died? The only thing I can think of is that Twilight Zone movie where the guy and two kids get their heads chopped off due to pyrotechnics fucking up

Attached: kill thurman.webm (854x480, 2.86M)

Other urls found in this thread:


wasnt it an actual helicopter falling on them

it was, OP was wrong

Yeah, the heli was too low and close to the explosions and crashed right behind where the people were, it's blades cutting their heads off. If you see the video you can slow it down and actually see the heads go flying

no, whoever gave women rights and let them drive was the biggest fuck up ever. saudi arabia wants to join the fuck up club it seems.

paul walker

Brandon lee on the set of the crow

Attached: lecrow.jpg (554x739, 53K)

Bruce Lee's son got killed by a squib load while shooting The Crow, which is the other big one everyone mentions

Didn't a stuntman die on one of the recent James Bond movies?

I met the creator of The Crow (and his azn mistress) at a comic-con and told him how much I thoroughly enjoyed "The Cow" back in the 90s.

Then I drew him a picture of Bart Simpson in crow makeup, with a speech bubble that said, "Don't have a crow, man!"

The comic artist for The Simpsons was also there to delight in this.

Don't think so... One died filming Deadpool

>make film about international pedo ring
>director gets killed a few days before shooting starts

Attached: Kite-DVD.jpg (1057x1500, 141K)

Just another shitty remake.

Attached: DidItFirst.jpg (1080x1440, 266K)

Daniel Radclife's body double was left paralyzed while trying to do a stunt for a Harry Potter movie, also a woman died while filming a stunt for the last Resident Evil movie.

literally a who

The stunt man who ejected and parachuted from the f-104 died during that stunt from all the smoke in his helmet.

She didn't die she just got her face ripped off.


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Imagine giving your life up to make a Resident Evil flick.

*from The Right Stuff


Thanks for reminding me of this asshole

found it youtube.com/watch?v=2jHwEc0USS4

A guy died in resident evil 6 when a car fell on him
Cursed movie, dont watch

Hi Matt Groening

I know one also on Expendables 3?

>that dude who goes in to help but upon seeing the gruesome sight literally recoils in horror

Wasn't the lady from Exorcist left paralyzed

It was a first assistant director - didn't die but got his legs smashed in by a camera car

>kill bill
>she actually dies

The helicopter from Airwolf later killed a bunch of people when it was reused as a medical airlift, plus JMV just died for unrelated reasons.

Not really on-set but most everyone involved in Stalker (including the director) died of cancer shortly afterward because they filmed it in a genuine toxic/radioactive wasteland.


I save things from the internet hello

Attached: 1542064261296.gif (300x224, 172K)

Here's full speed

Attached: 1542064124975.gif (320x240, 1.98M)

Well at least it was quick.

>just got her face ripped off
yeah, that's the kind of minor injuries that resting a day or two will fix

Fucking hell :(

>that Twilight Zone movie where the guy and two kids get their heads chopped off
>the heli was too low and close to the explosions and crashed right behind where the people were, it's blades cutting their heads off
Vic Morrow.

And Spielberg was on the set when it happened. Crew threw him in the back of a vehicle, covered him with a blanket, and got him the hell out of there to protect Steven's value.

Attached: Merchant - Spielberg.jpg (700x394, 56K)

irl kino

Attached: twilight zone the movie.webm (480x360, 2.5M)

>Several people involved in the film production, including Tarkovsky, died from causes that some crew members attributed to the film's long shooting schedule in toxic locations.

>We were shooting near Tallinn in the area around the small river Jägala with a half-functioning hydroelectric station. Up the river was a chemical plant and it poured out poisonous liquids downstream. There is even this shot in Stalker: snow falling in the summer and white foam floating down the river. In fact it was some horrible poison. Many women in our crew got allergic reactions on their faces. Tarkovsky died from cancer of the right bronchial tube. And Tolya Solonitsyn too. That it was all connected to the location shooting for Stalker became clear to me when Larisa Tarkovskaya died from the same illness in Paris.

that black chick from deadpool 2

in Argentina a popular tv actor died in 1991 from a bad reaction to anesthesia after this accident.


There was the infamous Midnight Rider incident where a camera assistant was killed by a train after the crew they to film on a rail bridge having twice been denied permission to film by the rail company. The director got a year for manslaughter.

>badass kickass woman tries to drive
>smashes her head on her stupid sword phallus

similar thing happened with the Genghis Khan movie starring John Wayne. they filmed near a former nuclear test site, and over the years a significant portion of the cast and grew died of various forms of cancer


This made me cry when i found out.

The man actor did NOT want to do the scene
He asked the director to use a stunt double.
He felt there was something wrong. He refused amd refused
Director forced him anyway. In the footage you can see the fear in his body language.
I cried

She also lost one arm for that piece of shit resident evil movie

Nothing radioactive at all and only 3 people died, stop spouting bullshit.

There was the infamous Poltergeist incident where the actress who played Carol Ann was killed by a train by the crew.

holy SHIT


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Actual kino, imagine being a comedian and as you're genuinely dying on stage the crowd thinks its a joke and the last thing you hear is their laughing. What a way to go.

too sacred to look, what happens?

Tom Cruise can't have long to go if he carries on the way he is.

Attached: mission impossible tom cruise plane jump.webm (1280x720, 2.32M)

That wasn't during filming though


A stuntman got blown in half and died from an explosion during filming of The Expendables. Stallone quietly shut down production for a few days, and buried the story before it reached the press

they were filming a scene on bridge with train tracks. a crew member spotted a train incoming, so everyone tried to get the fuck out of the bridge as soon as possible (the scene involved the actor laying in a hospital bed, so they had to carry that out along with the cameras). footage cuts when the train gets there. it says six people were injured. and one actually died on impact

>make movie
>decades later die from cancer
well, that proves it.

Camera is too shaky. Nothing shows. A train runs over 6 people and a cutie dies but the camera shakes too much

I think that's how he wants to die. In a blaze of glory forever to be remembered as a hero who gave his life for the craft.

did those idiots really try to remove the hospital bed. just leave it and run

Why the fuck would anybody ever let a kike director push them to their death? Imagine actually dying for Israel on camera

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they really could have just pushed it onto the the track or behind them, the bed got hit anyway and it's not gonna damage the train

literal NPCs laughing because they think they're supposed to be

>Dr. Robert Pendleton, then a professor of biology at the University of Utah, is reported to have stated in 1980, "With these numbers, this case could qualify as an epidemic. The connection between fallout radiation and cancer in individual cases has been practically impossible to prove conclusively. But in a group this size you'd expect only 30-some cancers to develop. With 91 cancer cases, I think the tie-in to their exposure on the set of The Conqueror would hold up in a court of law."

Tom Cruise's stuntman must have the easiest job in the world

>The connection between fallout radiation and cancer in individual cases has been practically impossible to prove conclusively

>women drivers

idiots more worried about saving props then their lives

i was unimpressed the whole scene because i actually thought it was 100% CGI

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post the webm where he jumps from one roof to another one, smashes his knee onto the wall and then gets up and keeps running

He was known for doing goofy things and the way he dies looks like hes playing around with the snoring and all

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Good bail desu

Cruise really is the GOAT

>Director only got a year
Fucking hell

It was his ankle he broke.

Attached: 15487036534.webm (1100x456, 2.78M)

What is so funny about that?


Brandon Lee was accidentally shot and killed on the set of The Crow.

Attached: brandon_lee.jpg-11490.jpg (306x320, 22K)

it does turn to CGI right after that webm ends. but the blend with practical shooting is what sells a lot of the scenes in these movies

How do you "accidentally" get shot with real bullets. Why would there be real bullets on set in the first place?

there's a jewish conspiracy behind this one but I forgot it
it was pretty convincing

That is extremely impressive. They could have easily gone cheap with greenscreens but decided to do it the hard way.

Back then people laughed at silly things like falling and snoring .
Just look at Andy Kaufman,

it wasn't done with real bullets

>A scene required a gun to be loaded, cocked, and then pointed at the camera. Because of the close-range of the shot, the bullets loaded had real brass caps, but no powder. After the cut, the propsmaster (not the armsmaster, who had left the set for the day) dry-fired the gun to get the cock off, knocking an empty cartridge into the barrel of the gun.
>The next scene to be filmed involving that gun was the rape of Shelly. The gun was loaded with blanks (which usually contain double or triple the powder of a normal bullet to make a loud noise). Lee entered the set carrying a bag of groceries containing an explosive blood pack. The script called for Funboy ('Michael Masden') to shoot Eric Draven (Lee) as he entered the room, triggering the blood pack. The cartridge that was stuck in the barrel was blasted at Lee through the bag he was carrying, killing him. The footage of his death was destroyed without being developed. Lee is the son of martial arts legend Bruce Lee, who died in mysterious circumstances while making Game of Death (1979).

Apparently it was a blank, but it got jammed or some shit and somehow shot him idk.

this is a myth

They needed to use blanks but were too cheap to buy new ones

The prop guy took real bullets and took out the powder and tried to make his own.

The tips of the new bullets gathered in the chamber until they exploded out

He broke his foot jumping across rooftops in this one.

Considering the scale of that thing, she's healing well. I mean her face was degloved.

I remember that she's looking alright all things considering, though I didn't know she lost her arm too.

except the final on screen version is a heavily CGI'd composite of different takes with different stuntpeople andvery little "real" footage
the whole point of this stunt was to use the behind the scenes footage (like here) as viral marketing

>The crash killed three people on the ground (actor Vic Morrow and two child actors, Myca Dinh Le and Renee Shin-Yi Chen) and injured the six helicopter passengers.
Now you can call me a bigot if you like, but...

The gun was a revolver and it needed to look like it had bullets in it from the front, so the prop crew was instructed to use dummy cartridges. But they didnt buy actual dummy cartridges - the crew attempted to make dummy rounds from live bullets. They dumped the powder but left the primer.

In a preceding scene the gun was discharged and one of the mishandled dummy rounds fired with enough force to get stuck in the barrel.

For Lee's scene the gun was then loaded with blanks. So they put in blanks with charge not knowing a dummy round was stuck in the barrel. When the blank was discharged it fired the dummy round out of the barrel with the force of a real bullet.

A location scout for Narcos got killed not too long ago in Mexico

damn, those things don't give you much time to throw em'

the world wasn't ready for happas yet

>try to do your job
>get sent to funky town

Harry O'Connor was a stuntman who was killed while filming a stunt for the Vin Diesel movie XXX.


>Stunt player Harry O'Connor, Diesel's stunt double, was killed when he hit a pillar of the Palacký Bridge in Prague, para-sailing during one of the action scenes. The accident occurred while filming the second take of the stunt; O'Connor's first attempt was completed without incident and can be seen in the completed film.

Attached: XXXstuntman.png (854x441, 468K)

did you copy a youtube comment

DirectorJohn Landisviolated California's child labor laws by hiring seven-year-old Myca Dinh Le (Vietnamese:Myca Đinh Lê) and six-year-old Renee Shin-Yi Chen (Chinese:陳欣怡;pinyin:Chén Xīnyí)[4]without the required permits.[3]Landis and several other staff members were also responsible for a number of labor violations connected with other people involved in the accident, which came to light after the incident.[5][6]

Le and Chen were beingpaid under the tableto circumvent California's child labor laws, which did not permit children to work at night. Landis opted not to seek a special waiver, either because he did not think he would get permission for such a late hour or because he knew he would not get approval to have young children in a scene with a large number of explosives. The casting agents were unaware that the children would be involved in the scene. Associate producerGeorge Folsey, Jr.told the children's parents not to tell any firefighters on set that the children were part of the scene, and hid them from a fire safety officer who also worked as a welfare worker. A fire safety officer was concerned the blasts would cause a crash, but did not tell Landis of his concerns.[3][7]Morrow's friend and formerCombat!co-starDick Peabodywrote that Morrow's last words before the accident were "I've got to be crazy to do this shot. I should've asked for adouble

Randall Robinson,testified that production manager Dan Allingham told Wingo, "That's too much. Let's get out of here," when the explosions were detonated, but Landis shouted over the radio: "Get lower... lower! Get over!" Robinson said that Wingo tried to leave the area, but that "we lost our control and regained it and then I could feel something let go and we began spinning around in circles."

Stephen Lydecker, testified that Landis had earlier "shrugged off" warnings about the stunt with the comment "We may lose the helicopter."

Kevin Smith aka Ares died while training with a stunt man for a scene for Warriors of Virtue: The Return to Tao in 2002 after falling off a building

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kevin smith just posted on twitter though
how does one even fall off a building anyways
like just don't go near the edge of a building it's not hard

Don't want them being thrown back probably, what even is it supposed to be?

I wish i could have sucked his dick.

the guy walking off the plane backwards perfectly is amazing

>Early in 2002, Smith (who was preparing for his first Hollywood role in the Bruce Willis action film Tears of the Sun) went to China to shoot the US-Chinese martial arts film Warriors of Virtue 2.[6]

>On 6 February 2002, Smith completed his work on the set in Shijiazhuang, 270 km south-west of Beijing. After celebrating with staff from Beijing Film Studio, and while waiting for a ride back to the hotel, he decided to walk around the Central China Television film studio grounds, and climbed a prop tower on the set of another film.[7] He lost his footing and fell three stories, suffering severe head injuries. Smith was rushed by staff to a local hospital, then transferred to Beijing. He lapsed into a coma and was kept on life support for ten days until life support was discontinued. He died on 15 February without regaining consciousness.[8]

What a retard.

holy shit, looks like he lost his hand at the wrist and part of his face is hanging off

Stuntman died during a battle scene in John Woo's Red Cliff

this, saw it in the theatre after seeing the kino behind the scenes footage and they add a giant CGI storm cloud. they made the shot look worse for more money. state of (((Hollywood)))

>feel on top of the world
>see something high
>wanna climb on top and scream out I'M ON TOP OF THE WOR-

>Landis had earlier "shrugged off" warnings about the stunt with the comment "We may lose the helicopter."
I hope Satan sees Landis in hell next Wednesday.

cry more ya reddit cuck

>not having a lookout far uo the tracks incase a train comes
>trying to get the cheap ass hospital bed off the tracks before getting yourself off
>having that much trouble getting the bed off despite how many people there are
>going towards the train instead of away from it when trying to get off the tracks

What the fuck is wrong with these people? How stupid are they?

so hardcore :0

Hit head doesn't turn properly after the jump... disappointing

I'm so glad they kept that in the movie

one can clearly tell she's bad af with that over steering, but if Tarantino had any integrity(and believed letting her drive the car with all that gear mounted on the back without any prior training was a good idea) he'd be sitting right behind her with a shoulder mounted cam. I hate that fucking prick

>got killed by a squib load
Like a fake blood pack? How?

>women can drive guys

No. Landis killed two little asian lolis

I truly hope he had nightmares for years
One thing is to kill an adult and another thing is to break the law to have the two lolis on set late at night surrounded by explosives.

I hope landis suffers

cringe and soi

Why is she an asshole?

I still get chills from the screaming on this video death....
The screams of death.


so hardcore :0

ya seethin little guy?


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ya projecting big guy?

An actor who shot himself with a gun with blank rounds

Looks like she has nerve damage? What with the shaking she was doing


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Vic Morrow had his head cut off by a helicopter while making a TV movie. Also the kids died. Here's the video.


Seriously though how the fuck did Landis get away with that shit?

I dont know if your cluelessness was intentional as a joke ir not, but made me laugh hard.

Wiki said the family settled for millions.
Who knows how much they paid them....
The chink family is rich, but at what cost

as a skydiver I was really impressed because you can tell it's real

I was sure this dude was a homo when I saw him in RLM. Genuinely shocked to learn he abused women.

>as a...
stopped reading there, fuck off redditor

Glad you got a laugh, I saw the thread, remembered Vic Morrow and posted without looking. Then I looked and saw the thousands of posts about Vic Morrow and was like oh shi

Hollywood pedos inserted something into her anus and she died of acute bowel obstruction

>Glad you got a laugh

We were shooting near Tallinn in the area around the small river Jägala with a half-functioning hydroelectric station. Up the river was a chemical plant and it poured out poisonous liquids downstream. There is even this shot in Stalker: snow falling in the summer and white foam floating down the river. In fact it was some horrible poison. Many women in our crew got allergic reactions on their faces. Tarkovsky died from cancer of the right bronchial tube. And Tolya Solonitsyn too. That it was all connected to the location shooting for Stalker became clear to me when Larisa Tarkovskaya died from the same illness in Paris.

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How sad to die for such a shitty movie. I almost walked out the theater.


The way you posted, it felt like taking a piss on everybody talking about it lol.

Getadelt wird wer Schmerzen kennt
Vom Feuer das die Haut verbrennt
Ich werfe ein Licht
In mein Gesicht
Mein heißer Schrei
Feuer frei

Bang bang
Bang bang

Geadelt ist wer Schmerzen kennt
Vom Feuer das in Lust verbrennt
Ein Funken stoß
In ihren Schoss
Ein heißer Schrei
Feuer frei

Bang bang
Bang bang

Feuer frei

Bang bang
Bang bang
Feuer frei

Gefährlich ist wer Schmerzen kennt
Vom Feuer das den Geist verbrennt
Bang bang
Gefährlich das gebrannte Kind
Mit Feuer das vom Leben trennt
Ein heißer Schrei
Bang bang
Feuer frei

Dein Glück
Ist nicht mein Glück
Ist mein Unglück

Dein Glück
Ist nicht mein Glück
Ist mein Unglück

Dein Glück
Ist nicht mein Glück
Ist mein Unglück

Dein Glück
Ist nicht mein Glück
Ist mein Unglück

Bang bang
Bang bang
Feuer frei

Bang bang
Bang bang
Feuer frei

Bang bang
Bang bang

Feuer frei

Bang bang

Don't remind me.

Let the bodies hit the floor

>Has there ever been such a major fuck up while filming that a major actor died?
The crow.

Fuckin kikes

>some nog in a nog-carrier
How is this relevant to the thread you dumb nigger?

I bet you remember the asshole pretty fondly mr Spielberg.

Didn't a guy during the chariot race in Ben hur?

a lot of people died in the chariot race in ben hur


Attached: desire-to-knife-hand-intensifies[1].jpg (485x323, 92K)

That one dude and a couple of kids died during the filming of that twilight movie. Think they got their heads chopped off or some brutal shit like that.

Interesting choice of words.

She loses control around 15 seconds, but instead of slowing down she goes ham on the steering while and accelerates. Why does she blame QT again? What a dumbass driver.

If only an accident happened to Trump during all those 90s TV cameos


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1 or 2 stuntmen die every single year.

It's no publicized so Hollywood can keep shitting on them, and the public doesn't feel bad about seeing the movie.

I live in GA.

> They did not get permission from the train company
> Did not get permission from anyone
> Just showed up and started shooting film

The biz here is pretty loose. Sad.

he must think he's immortal because of scientology

"And your kids die too."

>this thread

Christ I never knew so many extreme injuries or deaths happened on movies. I knew of famous shit like Vic Morrow or Brandon Lee, but not all this other stuff.

How many died and why did they continue shooting if multiple people died?

What kind of idiots shoot on a fucking operation train track anyways? How did they get approval from a studio to do this, with a fucking bed and full set as well. Christ.

How does this happen on modern action movies with big stars?

What's the story here.

How can something as safe an kiddy as a harry potter movie leave someone fucking paralyzed? What movie and what stunt was it? How can hollywood release kids movies with such grim things behind it happening?

And you mean someone got their whoel face degloved in a Resident Evil movie?

>Even MCU crap has deaths involved

Why is this not more publicized? Isn't all that shit shot on greenscreen anyways?

How does an assistent director get into a position where he gets his legs crushed? What an end to a career.

>think you are going to be doing comfy artsy stuff shooting movies and setting up cameras
>end up losing your legs like some soldier deployed to Iraq

This one takes the fucking cake though. Why was a live grenade/Flashbang or whatever allowed to be used on set. Why did someone pull the fucking pin? And why did he continue holding it afterwards when it continued smoking. The whole thing makes no fucking sense. Guys looks like his hand got blown off, but you say he died from anasthetic afterwards? What a crazy story.

check out this stunt

You don't say?

yes but he still jumped out a plane you fucking idiot

Cruise is the GOAT

Yeh heheheee grumpf amirite!? LOLOLOLOLOLOL HILARIOUS


how old are you, like 12 years old?

so far so good



>jew filming white guilt episode
>gets helicopter'd
irl kino

Also, there was an actor that killed himself "shooting" himself in the temple with an empty prop gun.

Fucking pathetic liberals right?

Yeah the jew filming didnt die nigger



I would find it easier to follow those 4 pages of a master post you drafted there if you could please next time put spaces between your sentences as well
thanks bruh

you can't see shit anyway

>next Wednesday.
i get it.

>wait for the captcha to reset 10 times and make 10 individual posts instead of just doing one big post

The people who got (You)'s know where to read.

You have still chance to suck the dick of the other Kevin Smith

God I wish he broke his neck there

Don't reply to anything else ever again

Fucking idiot


Jesus Christ.... there should be an Oscar category for "biggest cojones on a cameraman".


>come read my mid-thread blog

Post style autism is the most cringe type. Quit getting assblasted and just answer the questions fag.

>one more time "for safety"

>What's the story here.
Cancer iirc

He just has to kiss women

>because they filmed it in a genuine toxic/radioactive wasteland.
That's the USSR

there was a russian movie where they were filming in mountains and a bunch of the cast and crew died in an avalanche

>He's not gay because he abused women
even a broken clock is right twice a day

>Quit getting assblasted and just answer the 37 questions fag.

Attached: 1517145075931.png (500x482, 269K)

You asked a fuckton of questions you fucking autist

>The Messenger (2002). Russian actor and director Sergei Bodrov, Jr. and 42 film crew members were killed in the Kolka-Karmadon rock ice slide after finishing the second day of shooting on 20 September.

That makes sense
Don't go into the zone without a suit.

Is this board full of brainlets. If you didn't get a (You), don't bother replying to my post.

When playing Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy, Vin Diesel really died when he grew out branches to ensure the safety of the main characters.

>2nd day of shooting

What happened to the rest of the film? Did they just restart?

>Is this board full of brainlets.
yes and you're the greatest

imagine the compo. it would be retarded if she didn't get more than 100 million

You mean a locomotive... right?

It’s called being de-gloved
your face gets taken off like a glove


hahaha stupid argieniggers

>Roar became notorious for its troubled 11-year production, which resulted in 70 members of its cast and crew being injured by the many predatory animals used in the film, including its main stars sustaining life-threatening injuries ranging from bone fractures to scalpings and gangrene. Much of the footage capturing the injuries was included in the final cut of the film, resulting in real blood on screen. It has been considered the most dangerous film shoot in history.

Totally worth it

I shall reply to whomstever'st

I so decide to m8

You are neither the

boss of 4channel

nor I

>>Several people involved in the film production, including Tarkovsky


Right to work states can go fuck off. It’s one thing to shoot a movie with your friends in your backyard on the weekend. To disregard safety protocols is criminal pure and simple. All for a fucking movie.

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I was talking about the adult actor. IIRC he was a jew.

>lets make Domino a black woman
>what could go wrong?

Attached: forced diversity in movies killed me Joi.jpg (767x422, 101K)


Are the brainlets not based, fellow 4channer? Did you just BTFO the brainlets?

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Disgusting right? Hope he never lives it down

I really want to hate Tom Cruise, but goddamn that guy is a good actor, stuntman, and all around nice person.

a squib load is a bullet that's lodged in the barrel, it only travels a few inches after discharging because something was wrong with the cartridger's propellant

I'm not sure if it was a squib. But either a squib or debris was lodged in the barrel of a gun they were shooting blanks with. The blank blasted it out and killed him.

>The footage of his death was destroyed without being developed.

Not directed at you, user, but im not buying that bit. The footage would be evidence of a crime, and destroying it should have gotten someone some serious jail time, not to mention their liability to the films insurance company

He may be a mad Scientologist dink, but hes a capable and outgoing dink all the same.

>good actor
I mean he isnt bad. But i wouldnt exactly call him good either. Him doing his own stunts is cool as fuck though

Could have got destroyed after all the criminial investigation shit was done?

Reminds me of a scene from The Two Towers- right after the trio find the burned bodies of the urukai and they think the hobbits have died Viggo kicks a helmet and screams out in pain. Turns out it was real- he broke his toe when he kicked the helmet, and just channeled that emotion into his performance.

Less related, but I also remember there was a point where the cast had to be helicoptered in to a shoot, and Sean Bean hates flying, so he refused to fly and instead scaled the mountain every day during filming- he'd leave two hours before the rest of the crew and they'd see him halfway up a cliff face on the way in. Viggo saw what it was doing for him physically and decided to join in.

The whole of the Lord of the Rings filming process must have been amazing from start to finish.

holy shit, fucking based

I thought that scene was filmed with one of those giant fans

This is the actor I mentioned.

>Hexum became restless and impatient during the delay and began playing around to lighten the mood. Apparently, he had unloaded all but one (blank) round, spun it, and, apparently simulating Russian roulette with what he thought was a harmless weapon, at 5:15 p.m., he put the revolver to his right temple and pulled the trigger.[6]
>Hexum was apparently unaware that his actions were dangerous. [...] At a close enough range, the effect of the powder gasses is a small explosion, so although the paper wadding in the blank that Hexum discharged did not penetrate his skull, there was enough blunt force trauma to shatter a quarter-sized piece of his skull and propel the pieces into his brain, causing massive hemorrhaging.[1][7]
>Hexum was rushed to Beverly Hills Medical Center, where he underwent five hours of surgery to repair his wounds.[7] On October 18, six days after the accident, Hexum was declared brain dead.

>The Hobbit (2012–2014). As many as 27 animals were killed during the production of this film, mainly from the hazardous conditions of the farm they were housed in. Several goats and sheep fell into a sinkhole under the farm. One horse was hobbled and left on the ground for three hours. Another horse was killed after falling off an embankment of an overcrowded paddock. One horse had the skin and muscles of her leg torn off by wire fencing. Several chickens were mauled to death by unsupervised dogs or trampled by larger animals.

apparently viggo actually deflected the knife with his sword because the stuntman playing lurtz threw it at his head instead of the mark

aks me a question and I shall answer thee now




wtf how did they get away with that

the mad lad


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but did he catch the snitch


Not that user but Cruise used to be so much better. Maybe its just the type of movies he is in these days, i mean i doubt he lost his acting talent... He is just in a bunch of action flicks nowadays it seems like

They didnt. There was a bit of a shit storm over it.

Torn ligaments in the foot don't grow back, after multiple contusions your feet start doing weird shit.

Still not Milo and Otis tier.

Also a stuntman died doing a shoot on The Walking Dead a year or two back.

I know a stuntman died on TWD's set some time in the last couple years.

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> Steve Irwin died in 2006 while filming his documentary “The Crocodile Hunter: Ocean’s Deadliest”. He died when a fruity fish bit him.

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Im an actor who uses stunt doubles. AMA

Amateur doesn't count.


Apparant;y it is not from the neck down but still
Sorry for the bad quality it's daniel radcliffe talking about david holmes

Sounds like he found a good spot to film a show about violent beaner monkeys.

What kind of proof? Im not gonna post my name or what films ive been in since i dont want the fact i browse this shithole plastered all over the news tomorrow

Nope. Most actors use stuntmen. Gives someone else some work plus I dont want to risk injury.

I don't know are you amateur though?

How much do you get paid?Is it alot?

> New York WNBC Radio on-air personality Jane Dornacker was in the middle of a traffic report when her helicopter crashed into the Hudson River. The broadcast of her fatal accident was heard live on WNBC.


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Damn, imagine dying in a shitty John Landis movie

Haha that happened in my home state.


> Magician and comedian Tommy Cooper suffered a heart attack during a performance on the TV variety show Live From Her Majesty's. Cooper was known for getting his illusions deliberately and comically wrong. After Cooper collapsed, his audience laughed for almost a minute, thinking that his stage character had swooned at the appearance of a pretty magician's assistant (even she thought Cooper was improvising a comic bit.) The TV show cut away to an unscheduled break. Efforts to revive Cooper backstage failed, and he was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.


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also impressive that the actor nailed their shot as well. Even at close range doubt most actors could get a kill shot.

Nah im not amateur.

I mean yeah obviously i make much more than the average person. Year to year its different. Last year I grossed around 1.7 mil. Sucks being away for months at a time. But the pay is more than worth it.




I mean i dont think its schemes or anything. I write off literally fucking everything though.

I didnt vote at all actually. Dont concern myself with politics so much.

Oy Vey! Remember the six million Jews who were injured passengers on that helicopter!

How much free time do actors get?Is it hard mantaining relationships working all the time?

Like on set or just in general? Working alot can make it hard to keep relationships. But i have found what makes it harder is the lack of trust. Working alot more so just makes it hard to form them to begin with.

I meant when you have to stay away from everyone because of set.

You play any vidya?

She had crohn's disease and died of identical symptoms to it

have sex

Wtf are you doing

So like with girlfriends. It still feels like its more of a trust thing as far as relationship struggles go. For just normal friends its not a strain at all. Honestly it seems like everyone i meet wants to be my friend. And then they ask for money.

Yes actually. If you arent needed on set you actually can end up having quite a bit of time to yourself to do whatever.

Cool. Is there a chance most of us here have seen your movies? You might be LARPING, but who cares. I don't doubt that famous people would enjoy coming here where they can act completely anonymously.

Do you miss being non-famous some times?
If this is real, it's cool to talk to someone famous and ask these kind of personal questions.

These disaster threads are kino.

Cursed movie

Still mad no one went to jail for this.

It's always the ones who act ueber woke who have skeletons in the closet. "Don't look at my record of beating women, focus on how much I'm supporting degenerate trannies!"

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How do you and your stunt double deal with the idea that the stuntman takes the risk of perhaps great bodily harm so you can make far more money than they do?

I worked in Hollywood for years but could never wrap my head around that relationship. I know the business is coldly transactional and mercenary, but I don't think I could ask soneone to risk paralysis, loss of a limb, or death for me - for any reason.

How do you do it?

What movie?

This is some Twilight Zone shit.

Jackie Chan broken ankle

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One of the crew was killed filming some effects for one of the transformers movies.

Broke all kinds of shit with this one

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3 times.

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I feel your feel bro

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A similar thing happened with Redd Foxx. He had a heart attack and collapsed during a rehearsal for his new TV show, and bystanders thought he was doing his old routine from the Sanford and Son days.

I would say that yeah probably most people here have seen movies ive been involved with. Ive seen threads of movies ive been involved with.

good question. Honestly for me personally not so much. I enjoy the lifestyle this career provides me. And I still feel like its easy enough for me to go out and not be bothered. Im no Leo who would get recognized just anywhere he goes.

When Buster Keaton shot this he was cripplingly depressed and he was like 'fuck it, let's go'

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Everyone knows the best bits of Jackie Chan films are the credits where he injures himself.

He looks like a half breed of insect and cum skin

From this fall, Jackie hit his head on a rock which sent of piece of skull into his brain. He has a plug in his head to this day.

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Reminds me how my mother always accelerates when there's a car in front of us at a red light until we're like 30 feet away then she slams on the breaks.

You know its funny. It causes some banter sometimes. But honestly most stunt guys i have met dont really mind it. The guys i talked to seemed to almost prefer doing stunts in movies because it pays well and usually stunts in films are easier than whatever else they might be doing in their career.

is that the stunt where he almost died?

>Im no Leo who would get recognized just anywhere he goes.
Do you want to be?

Flashbang? They're meant to have the pin pulled and immediately throw into a doorway and go off before the enemies know what hit them. I didn't know a flashbang could blow off your hand like that though. Imagine getting swatted and having a flashbang land right next to your dick or something.

>get shoot the shit with the grunts and crew
>get to do cool stunts
>get to be in all the money shots of the movie
>no baggage of being famous
guess you don't make as much but it seems like a pretty kino job


pick two

Wouldnt mind getting paid as much as he does. But i could see how that much attention might get annoying

dunno if it's been mentioned, but there was a scene where an actor was on a hospital bed on train tracks over a bridge. they couldn't get off the tracks fast enough when a train came and somebody was killed.




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that stunt seemed really well planned. great job crane guy

Can't even imagine being this sheltered if this is horrifying to you

top lel

One of the big things that turned me off wanting to go into film while at film school was the sheer amount of paperwork and gay bureaucratic nonsense and permits required to shoot inane things.

Then again looking at some of these things, it makes sense. But in saying that so many of these examples only happened because people were acting retarded.

only one i know of is vic marrow and 2 chink children who died by helicopter on the twilight movie

This is like what happened to Dar Robinson:

Fuck I want to strangle you

He’s a level VIII operating Thetan, he can control the atoms in both his and our bodies!


Wasn't she the only one that died tho, would she be alive if she was wearing the seatbelt?