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Of course, anyone that disagrees would be called racist.


he's the black hitchcock, which is even better as hitchcock never addressed the white mans true nature

his wife is a lucky woman

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Yea Forums BTFO, Jordan Peele does it again!

let met guess, the doppelgangers are generated by an evil white wizard and they represent slavery and oppression?

>he thinks is about race
Jokes on you muthafucka

So it's a doppelganger plot?

According to Wikipedia review summaries it is

Honestly I’m racist as fuck and I’m excited about this movie. Peele himself said this isn’t a movie about race.
I predict it’s gonna be a great movie and I will cough up my shingles.

>black director movie with black cast getting asslicking reviews
woah so surprising, worthless score because nobody will dare to criticize it

Jordan Peele is in his M Night twilight grace period

If he can keep it up and this one's good too, he's set

>he's the black hitchcock
So overrated and kinda stale?

>which is even better as hitchcock never addressed the white mans true nature
And neither has Peele either, since all his movies thus far have been about black people.

I have some movies about the true nature of black people though

>review summaries
>only one review summary that doesn't even mention race
Why do you have to lie?

Just going from the trailer I thought it was a metaphor for black on black violence.

Weird faces

better than IMDB

Anyone have leaks please?

Hey Jordan. No, we're not going to see your movie.

This is fucked

RT exists to be laughed at.

black bogdanov?!


>horror film made by and staring niggers
>white people are not the villains


I’m not jordan peele I’m a fucker going through MWTC currently hating my life and hiding in a tent as I browse Yea Forums for us leaks

>dude I'm not a Comedian anymore please take me seriously as a real Horror director
>best part of Get Out is the comic relief character
>Us reviews I've read all talk about how funny it is
What did he mean by this?

I would legitimately love his movies if they weren't about race. He's a talented director. I just am so tired of hearing about race 24 hours a day, I don't want to watch a 2 hour movie about it.

U mad?


A-am I allowed to s-see the film and decide, user?

Will RT ban Armond to protect the score?

racists here thought Get Out was unironically saying white people were evil. you can't win with these people.

It's the new generation of people. They are afraid of reality and understanding it so they rely on creating fictitious worlds in which they live, hence the feminism and "racism".

Fiction previously was meant to make us understand the reality and history we've experienced in ways that correlate to the people who lived through it and the figures of the period, and understanding modern context of previous eras. Of course there was leniency in experimenting with mediums and exploring concepts throughout, such as forms of prose, cinematography, and ambient music, things which tested the boundaries of a medium and were still interesting out-side of the humanist, historical, and cultural perspective.

Now it's all about some shallow means of escapism where they're forcing us to retreat into this world of non-existence or propagandized form of reality in which we are meant to take it seriously. It is the lowest form of art. It is beneath art, it is sub-material trash.

Are you?

Jordan Peele's schtick:
>let's take a good concept from other, superior films
>now let's be racist against whitey

>a nigger made this film
>it's a 10/10 or your job

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Between this and captain marvel smashing records it’s a bad week to be an incel


could it be that he's intentionally making horror comedy?

where is your premise that horror directors are taken seriously coming from?
>Fiction previously was meant to make us understand the reality and history we've experienced in ways that correlate to the people who lived through it and the figures of the period

that's not true at all. meta comedy and decontruction are as old as Don Quixote, at least.

Okay, stay mad :*)

Now imagine if the protagonists were white, and Jewish people were evil. Think Jews would let Jordan keep working?

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have race

Heartily keked

Have sex

Can't wait for your reply compiling more posts bruh :^)

Jews are white

>let's take a good concept from other, superior films

Get Out is much better than the Stepford Wives on literally every level.

wound hasn't healed yet

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>Jews are white

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You already know the answer to this.


Have you read any of Peele's interviews or read the media fluff for Us calling him a "visionary mind" or whatever.
I'm not saying all horror directors think they are super serious auteurs, just Peele and I'm basing that on how he presents himself.

Wherever they come from, I can guarantee that they’ll represent either of two things:

1) What society(wypipo) tell them they are, or
2) What society(wypipo) tell them they should be afraid of being

lmao, Yea Forums literally can't stop losing

So realistically its probably a 6-7 out of 10.

It's probably fine. 100% tomato meter doesn't mean it's a perfect movie though, that just means it's something they would recommend.

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