Movies about Single Mothers ruining the lives of young men?

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why are boomers so retarded bros?

fuck that was tame as shit you weakling. she just wanted her kid to do something to help himself

Of course it's a lard ass bitch too

You stupid fucking normie

yes goy dont have any dreams or do what you enjoy, go out there and wageslave instead for the betterment of (((society)))

>I order the food, you cook the food, the customer gets the food. We do that for 40 years, and then we die!

She's got a point, faggots.

>fat roastie who can't even keep a man around to show her children a positive male model has a point in her inane bitching guys
Fuck off, improving the world begins with yourself.

>Neglect your child and do not teach them a thing
>Abuse the fuck out of them
Is this considered good parenting?

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>"How did the generation my generation raised end up like this?!"

you work in order to live, you don't live in order to work.

fuck that cunt

Thoughts, lads?

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I am missing something here. How old is this guy? Why isn't he working parttime during summer?

Hobbies are great, but it is a longshot to be so good that you make enough money to live comfortably. And having a parttime job teaches responsibility, creates character and teaches you about how the world works.

I can understand where the mom is coming from, she leaves for work, somewhere around 11+ hours her son rolls out of bed, she comes back after breaking her back to put food on the table and he has done nothing productive, room probably a mess and eats and goes to bed all summer long. Kid hates her now but when he's older and on his own with kids or a wife and they act this way while he's working hard to earn money to put food on the table he'll probably understand.

pssh, that was nothing

I was supposed to have a full time job and a large group of friends at 15 despite just moving

I was also the reason for my parents arguing and would get my stuff thrown out the window

Who else /feral/ here?

you can assume thats what is happening, but the truth is it might not be. maybe the guy does have a job its just not a "good" job.

The eternal boomer.

hmmm, unless she is actively helping society you can't just unload that style of questioning on people

She's got a fucking point if that's literally all he does. It's one thing to have a hobby that you enjoy occasionally. It's another thing entirely to do the same autistic shit every day. She's just worried she will never have grandkids. And chances are she never will, not with that autistic as fuck son she apparently has.

t. wageslave

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If she cared about grandkids she would have found him a wife desu, fucking wh*te people are so dumb


prepare yourself

Oh in that case his mom is just a cunt

>tfw no one cares for you this much

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I am and it allowed me to be independent and move out which works wonders on whiny parents like that.

There is so much projection and assumptions in this thread that it makes sense why these chucklefucks act the way they do anytime a female led movie comes out.

I've seen this
It's pretty bad

what's eating gilbert grape.

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>Do you put your penis in there?!
Holy fuck mein sides

Are you telling me he's the only person whose gotten this kind of talk during fucking puberty? Fuck I think everyone has gotten a mean talk from mom or dad that got you so down that you just couldn't deal with anything. Grow the fuck up.

For me it was the; your grades are so bad, you will become nothing in life-speech

how did britain ever rule the world?
the gene pool must be seriously degraded after ww1, all the best and brightest got killed and look what's left

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Mine kicked me out and I had to live at a homeless shelter for 4 months while I begged anyone and everyone for a job. This kid got off easy.

He is 22, he was home from holiday for 2 days. And let's face it, this mom is just venting her frustation on her son, because she is fat. Fat people are horrible people, if you can't even stop yourself from stuffing your face with food, how the fuck can you judge anyone else. All they have to do is NOT stuff themselves full of food. But these fucking pigs cant even do it, so what does that say about anything else that requires discipline or improving society?

Dude anyone with a brain left in the 80s/90s, do you not know this?

Now just imagine the mom of every great musician ever saying this to their son.
What a braindead bitch that is

>He is 22,
in the description he says he was 16 where are you getting that from?

>I don't understand hobbies
>you're not socializing
>the minute you get back with your computer, guitar, and friends
>not socializing
the roastie defined

Why didn't he just tell her that he is German? Explains everything.

>16 year old cant play guitar in his room without some boomer CUNT having a shifit over it
fuck off

For me it was the "you might as well start looking for a job now because you're not going to go far in school" speech in high school. Doing pretty well now and glad my parents didn't enable my lazy behavior

Something like that would fuel my passion that more, I would use that video as pure motivation to make it with music and when you do make it you buy your mom a new house with your fuck you money and you play this video for her first thing when she enters.

Oh sorry, he is 22 now.

his silence is hysterical, it drives his parents mad and then even turn on each other

how come mike didnt say anything>

I never got this talk because my parents have their shit together and love me.