My blu-ray just arrived. What am I in for?

My blu-ray just arrived. What am I in for?

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general disappointment and a short boner-inducing scene in the woods

The citizen kane of our generation

One of the worst comic movies ever made and this is coming from somebody that owns nearly every single theatrical Marvel movie ever released.

Kino. Pure kino. MCU faggots will try to deny it.

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Generic story but a fun dynamic between the two leads (if you could call them "leads") that nails Venom's character and schlockiness.

Don't trust this guy , he owns nearly every single theatrical Marvel movie ever released so that should tell you about his shit taste.

Ignore the trolls that tell you it's good. It's a disaster.

Ignore the rolls of fat telling you it's a disaster. They're not a muscular chad like Venom is.

Pajeet detected.

It’s a fun movie, but is not good in a plot/acting/character way.

pretty bad on most fronts, but more or less redeemed by Tom Hardy and the incredibly fun relationship between Eddie and Venom. End credits song was so shit it made me laugh. 6/10

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Did I hurt you?

I guess disney were jews like always and they didnt include the good scenes they eliminated for the theatrical version.
so the blurray has nothing for me.
I will torrent it.
also shills like you have an special place in hell.

What sort of an special place is that?

the eighth circle I guess

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>crying Pajeet over someone that didn't even call you out
It's almost reactionary at this point huh?

I think the fourth circle would be more accurate

Where's the cut out 40 min R-rated footage Hardy mentioned?


Your taste in movies is as bad as your father's taste in women.



a boring version of "upgrade"
its still alright though

it's just generic capeshit. I don't get why this board is amazed by comic book films. it wasn't shit but it was... completely forgettable.

I really big movie, for you.

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second best movie of 2018

Don't over think it and just have fun

That would be Sucker Punch.