Apparently Galactus will be the Phase 4 Big Bad for the MCU

Apparently Galactus will be the Phase 4 Big Bad for the MCU.

Can Marvel pull it off?

Attached: Galactus-Silver-Surfer-Marvel-Plans-Fox.jpg (798x420, 34K)

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do you want them to ? or do you just want a new meme thats fundamentally just an insult to catch on so you can post it 30 times a day?

No one cares.

What power does the silver surfer have?

Literally being white

no he'll be just like shitty fantastic four galactus cloud because dormammu was fucking retarded

Planetary scale seems kind of small after they already skipped to universal scale with the snap.

He can surf in the universe and find planets for Galactus to eat

>Superhuman strength, endurance, and senses and the ability to absorb and manipulate the universe's ambient energy. The Surfer can navigate through interstellar space and hyperspace, which he can enter after exceeding the speed of light. He has proven capable of time travel on several occasions and can transport other people through time.

Thanos didn't kill half of the universe, just in some planets

They might do the same crap as in FF2 and people will lick Fiege's balls

what's the point of having villains when captain cuntface can mary sue their asses in a second

holy shit how do you even stop that?

Galactus isn't really evil though. He needs to eat like anything else. Sucks to be dinner for him but he's not twirling his mustache and running his meal to death for funsies first. Some of his goons would make good villains in anticipation of his arrival. Start with SS then the others show up to prep earth for him.

Please make him another space cloud

half of species in each planet

give me Matthew Goode as Silver Surfer

>going full star wars mode
capeshit is dead, please let it die after already over the top phase 3

They have already casted James Franco

no one cares about the nu characters

once hulk, thor, captain america, and iron man retire it's over for the mcu and they have to wait a decade or so before they can start again.

More like gacukctus

With emo music. Seriously the fucker will think of his old gf fold up into a fetal position and blubber for hours.

imagine being this dumb

Didn't Thanos easily defeat Galactus several times?

a useless exaggerative statement. you must be a white male. have you ever tried to communicate your thoughts without exaggeration?

Everybody exagerrates tenfold on Yea Forums because that's what gets replies.

Literally me

and its why no one takes white males serious anymore.
>i can write what i think or i can use exaggeration and lies so the only replies i get are from trolls...yea im going to exaggerate again. who cares if i get listened to ever. nah, epic trolling is all that matters

What? Did the bane meme troll You? You're seething.

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with the stones yes

Galactus would be boring honestly. I'd prefer Doom or Kang


Pretty much Ms. Marvel's power set x10.

Lame Phase 4 should've been the Secret Wars with Christian Bale as the Beyonder

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They literally say 'universe' in the fucking movie.

the power to be OHKO by everything in existance


If it took three phases to reach the final battle with Thanos, does that mean Galactus won't properly show up until Phase 6?


imagine being serious while posting this garbage

"The Power Cosmic"
Basically he can do whatever he needs to. He's a lesser Galactus.

He was the last being to stand against Thanos when he killed the whole universe.

Attached: silversurferthanoswins.jpg (600x922, 116K)

This guy looks pretty cool

Fuck you fucking soicucks reddifugees and your FUCKING CAPESHIT GET THE FUCK OFF THIS BOARD

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Leave Galactus to me.

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With black wrestling and kung fu.

Attached: black_panther_silver_surfer.jpg (1280x1973, 688K)

Get lost squidward!

t. lower class captain fungal fan
phase 4 will be capeshit direct to tv tier

It'll suck but make money. You will suck Disney's dick. Whether you spit or swallow is up to you.

Literally no villaing can be hyped after Captain Marvel powerlevel on Endgame

Is there a webm of this scene with thanos and captain marvel?

>Everybody exagerrates

I fking wish

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There was a really good book I read in middle school where the silver surfer literally just flies around the universe going to different planets and finds a girl he falls in love with who basically figures out how to kill him

So... what threat does he pose that Thanos hasn't already? There isn't really a lot or places to go after wiping out half the universe. They should start going for more grounded big bads.

Does this lowcaps-writing tranny ever leave the site?


If I was Kevin Feige, and you can examine the reacurring patters by now, (he openly said before Iron man 1 that they are working towards the Avengers, just no one knew they would end up caring), he flat out said theyre going to integrate the fox properties, so I would give different teams the highlights on phases. To me, it would make logical sense to properly revive the Fantastic Four and make those movies huge science fiction events that tie into the phase finale. They have proven already they will use any obscure characters solely because they have the comic knowledge to know they open the floodgates to more movies and cool moments. Case in point, ant man and Guardians of the Galaxy. Mark my words and call me crazy since the FF name has been tainted, but all it takes is a single good movie with them and it can setup Galactus and therefor the entire phase. Not to mention Annihilus, whos generally an important bad guy and Doctor Doom who can fight anyone in any other movie.

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Silver Surfer is basically a space philosopher who goes around observing and solving other peoples problems. Thats why he's the surfer, and he talks with really big words, he's not action hero man

Galactus can be a supporting character, like there was one story where he had to team up with mr fantastic to stop Ego the Living Planet.

Whats funny is they will probably actually bring him in with his glory. Look how silly they made the Collector and the Grandmaster

Literally the most powerful "hero" in Marvel.

You cant punch Galactus, he doesnt need macguffins to have his godlike power, and you can reason with him but he couldnt care less about you. Its not about the importance of the threat, its watching the heroes prepare for him and finding an insane out to save themselves... usually by dooming another planet. So Galactus is always gonna be a good story

He's space wojak.

They said Captain Marvel was/is the strongest Avenger they have so if she can't do it by whatever means then I guess they're all fucked.

She's going to one hit Thanos


Oh christ. This will be dreadful. Can everyone just totally stop going to the movies for like a month. That's all I ask. Let these jews eat lower shelf cavier for a few days.

Source: ASS

>Ego the Living Planet.

Ego was wasted in Gotg 2 as Star Lord father. Gunn wanted to avoid comparisons to SW, even if the first movie follows the formula

Nope, Capeshit fatigue will never exist, they will always make money

>tacticool galactus because colors are for fags
And nobody was surprised. The one and only redeeming feature of Disney is that thank christ at least they're not Fox.

That's why I said just stop going to theaters. Just for a little while. It won't take much. Just skip an opening night or two. People are pathetic.

That will never happen

That's why I'm saying MAKE it happen. Also, did you know that sex is biological and not a social construct even remotely?

>Can Marvel pull it off?

Hell no!
They could not put it Suprema Kree intelligence, imagine Galactus?

Attached: Suprema Kree intelligence.jpg (540x614, 66K)

Isn't Galactus the one who literally eats planets? Good luck splitting that film into two.

For Galactus to be interesting, he would had to have come before Thanos.
Eating a planet vs killing half of the entire universe.

Marvel Phase 4 - Whose space lasers are strongest!?

If this Captain Toenail bullshit is what we have to look forward to for all the rest of the marlel movies, then holy shit. Is this a huge scheme to try to save trump's presidency and get him reelected or something?

did you just assume my race?

Dude these waves are COSMIC lmao

Doom is my hope but maybe if they follow the previous formula they could have the 'new' set of avengers face someone lower level in their first movie, doom in the second (after being established in a F4 movie) where his plan accidentally causes the arrival of galactus and then have him work with the avengers/f4 in the 3rd to help solve the problem.

>He eats Earth on the final of first movie
>He throws up on the beginning of the second movie

comparisons to Staw Wars??? I mean I know he died in the movies but thats just an example that Galactus doesnt just serve one purpose all the time

But you gotta think outside the box, Mr Fantastic was the only one who could beat Galactis but it was his wits

OMG YAASSSS KWEEEN Galactus is the first bulimic character in a major movie!

Aw what. Fuck you, in the back of my head I just ASSUMED they would get all the Kree stuff right. The supreme intelligence is hilariously awesome, what a wasted opportunity

if silver surfer so strong why is he Galactus's bitch?

Doom would be the perfect villain for Black Panther 2 and would serve as a good way to re-introduce the FF in a capacity where they will have the most eyes on them as possible.

Attached: doomvstchalla.jpg (475x191, 110K)

>I'm going to sit here for thirty minutes waiting for someone to spoon feed me information I could look up in less than ten seconds on my own.
Fucking neck yourself you massive fag lord.

By the time Galactus would hypothetically be a threat in the MCU there will be so many super teams it will play out more like congress meeting in circus outfits to discuss a threat.

capeshit lovers will eat up anything Disney puts in the Marvel cinematic movies nowadays

Thats true but its so disrespectful to the characters to intriduce them like that and its such fucking doomwank.

Galactus wields the entirety of the Power Cosmic. Silver Surfer's power is just a tiny portion of it, bestowed by Galactus himself and he can just as easily take it back.

post the ten last movies youve watched

When's the last time you had a live conversation?

If Captain Marvel is leading the new team, then it doesn't really matter what they do, because the main bad guy will get punched in the nuts by Captain Marvel as she screams about girl power, anyway.

But what about the Celestials?

>acting elitist over being a capecuck
not the guy you quoted btw

Captain Marvel
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Avengers: Infinity War
Black Panther
Thor: Ragnarok
Spider-Man: Homecoming
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2
Doctor Strange
Captain America: Civil War

I know what I'm talking about sweatie ;)

What's it like to be such a wet blanket?

Shes strong but a loose canon who plays by her own rules and usually fucks up situations or gets beat up because she attacks without backup. I get what youre saying but theres no fucking way theyre going to make her a team leader and beat everyone when what little media she is in outside of comics has ALWAYS presented her like this, use your brain here.

Thats some next level irony bro how do I even get up in there

I hope Doom is never in MCU.
His entire character is that he's the smartest guy alive...except for Reed Richards and I know that the MCU would never allow Reed to hold the mantle of smartest man alive when there are more deserving african juveniles they can bestow the honor upon.

Is this the true race war?

Sure but gender isn't

>Reed Richards and Dr. Doom working together to solve a greater threat to humankind
>Moon Girl chimes in with a "simple" solution they couldn't think of

I hate that modern Marvel makes situations like this the norm.

This. Why are incels so angry that a reckless blonde thot with pewpew fists isn't being played against type? IW already showed Star-Lord fucking up, they clearly don't mind the characters making bad decisions once in a while

doom only being in 1 movie would be the worse thing fucking possible fuck off retard

Gender is a synonym for sex. And what will really trigger your shit is that gender originally meant race.

maybe some of you will have finally gotten laid by then

Attached: carlos.jpg (600x600, 35K)

>Loki and Thanos were only in the movies the debuted in

Gender and sex are different, but they are both male-female binary.

>Gender and sex are different
They're literally synonyms.

There are billionaires who would pay everything they had for half an hour with that giant galactiweiner.

>ywn shimmy headfirst down Galactus's massive cosmic urethra

why even bother living

what is the difference between gender and sex? If sex is determined by you sex parts what the hell determines gender? whether or not you wanna wear pink?

No thot is going to steal my vital essence.

Glory be, that's the dream

Gender is determined by chromosomes. Gender is immutable.
Sex is determined by genitals. Hence the term "sex change".

>Can Marvel pull it off?

>Gender is determined by chromosomes. Gender is immutable.
>Sex is determined by genitals. Hence the term "sex change".
This is total bullshit. These words NEVER meant any of that shit until the modern era. How the fuck did the Romans know what chromosomes were? And again, that doesn't even comport with its original meaning of "race". Gender didn't start getting used incorrectly until literally the 1960s and even then it wasn't until about the 2000s when it was being used incorrectly on a regular basis. Historically, there was obviously never any difference between sex organs and chromosomes because we didn't fucking know chromosomes existed until the modern era.

so how the fuck is it possible to be trans gender if gender is immutable?

>Reed goes to wakanda and Black Panther's sister makes him feel like a retard


it's not possible to be transgender. Those people were called transsexuals until last week.

Reed and Doom outthink several other characters whose superpower is literally amplified intelligence.

How is it possible to be a furfag if species is immutable? It's literally the same fucking thing, yet for some reason very few people put 2 and 2 together. You can think you're literally anything. That doesn't mean you are.

>we can only use latin rooted word in the exact same context the romans did

fully retarded

Also this. We've ALWAYS called them transsexual, but then everyone hopped on the newest hot thing which is trannies this year and started rewriting history again.

Alright. I concede. We'll do things your way. The word transgender now means "retarded" because what sort of faggot actually uses the correct definitions of things? Words mean whatever I want!

>im so above it all

>"I am transgendered" is an anagram of "am sneeding retard"


As someone with a genuine 50 inch penis I am going to have to disagree

They mean different things. I'd appreciate a link to the original etymology of gender though, new knowledge is always appreciated

>They mean different things
Repetition only makes a lie a truth inside the mind of the insane.