What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
>cmon guys...don't be mean about my favorite movie, gosh
do as i say, not as i do
>Sure, I wasn't thinking on go watch it, I'll go watch Alita instead
It's all so tiresome
They meant to call everyone who dislikes the movie incels or trolls
have sex
"stop watching capeshits"
honestly, i'm quite /pol/ and i couldnt give a single shit about this movie. I dont understand why do incels here get a mental breakdown over some dumb capeshit movie with le strong wimen
i am however quite suprised by the fact that she said all that racist shit about white men and received no reaction from the studio. Like there was that lady that made a racist joke about black people on twitter and instantly lost her show. Double standarts
They’re not wrong
They are losing, so stop helping them lose.
Maybe the lead actress should not have gone out of her way to insult people who did not want to see it.
>honestly, I'm quite /pol/
> honestly
you dont like people being honest?
>They meant to call everyone who dislikes the movie incels or trolls
Can someone post an actual example of this happening outside of Yea Forums shitposting?
Honestly it was ok. Jokes were flat, and not into Brie, but Sammy J and Skrull saved it
Hopefully they mean that there is no need to spend your waning hours bitching and moaning about a movie.
But no, it obviously is a conspiracy or something.
You mean literally every article written about it? Or do you want them dismissing negative reviews because they were written by men, despite men making up 61% of the CM movie goers.
thats because its not incels, its angry nerds. these movies are about comic books that came out over 20 years ago, the target audience aren't 10 year old kids anymore, they're all around 30 years or older. Yes I understand that comics and cartoons are for children, but the children who read them growing up aren't children anymore, and these movies follow the plot from those comics, so the target audience isn't actually young kids, its the 30 year old nerds.
but normies don't understand or care about this, and they get upset when nerds call out their shitty adaptations. the part that kills me is that its not even difficult to please nerds, nerds were content with these comics in all of their simplicity and cliche dialogue, so just give the nerds what they want and don't fuck up the costumes, how hard can this possibly be?
when is gonna refresh the Box office mojo of the movie? So silence
This tells you more about men, than about these people.
ok but by whining about one dumb feminist movie instead of just ignoring it nerds are no better than all these sjws and deserve to be ridiculed
Yeah that men have bad taste in movies.
your that 30yo. stop pretending otherwise
Poor Mendeltroll is losing it! :'(
It's the only thing the kikes have been doing for the past month, are you blind?
>your that
Men are the primary consumers of things like capeshit and star wars, so yeah they do have bad taste in movies.
They mean "word of mouth is pretty shitty so stop talking negatively about it"
Articles about internet trolls are not the same as saying you're an incel if you don't like the movie/don't wish to see it. Like I said, post an actual example because so far it hasn't happened.
Exactly. Except it doesn't hold true when they perceive something as for someone else, does it?
>people who did not want to see it.
You mean the same people that made up most of the audience?
Three on bottom are doing hand signage for 222
face it Yea Forums, they're sellouts
irrelevant opinion. you want to make these movies and you want these movies to be successful, then make them right and give your audience what they want, end of story.
I am a 29 year old nerd yea, but I never read comic books so I could give a fuck less about any of these movies. I watched spider man and x men cartoons growing up, and I liked all those movies too.
but thats irrelevant too, what im saying is the truth. If you wanted to sell a product to healthy people, you would go out of your way to give them what they want right? if you wanted to make a trendy health smootie lets say, im sure you'd look up all the ingredients that health nuts want in smoothies and you'd make sure your smoothie had those ingredients right?
Just look on twitter for two seconds you mongoloid
It never applies when culture warriors shit up other people's hobbies today they themselves don't give a shit about. This "leave it alone" shit is hypocritical as fuck.
Nope, if you want to find an example for me that's fine though.
>all that racist shit about white men
>there should be more reporters who are not white men
>huffpo tier shit gets triggered
>pol whiteknights jump in to protect libtard media from this horrible racism and sexism
>irrelevant opinion. you want to make these movies and you want these movies to be successful, then make them right and give your audience what they want, end of story.
but thats the point, this movie wasnt for the audience of 30yo white guys.
If she said black men then you bet your arts there would be a reaction from the left. I guess it’s only okay to be racist if you talk shit about white people and sexist if it’s about men.
it literally is though (minus the white part). these movies all follow plots from comics that 30 year olds read when they were 10 years old. if they wanted to appeal to kids today they would use plots from comics that were written today, which they are not doing.
>this movie wasnt for the audience of 30yo white guys.
It was and they were the people who showed up to it.
If criticism of Cpt Marvel's not for you, that's no reason to rain on someone else's parade.
>uses word parade
>Males are biggest demographic but liked it the least
fucking cucks lol
she said that she doesn't want to hear opinions of white men, she wants to hear opinions of poc. She discriminates against white men, there was no reason to bring up race there whatsoever. She expressed that she's upset that the majority of marvel critics are white men. That's like eminem saying that he doesn't want to hear opinions of black rappers. Except that this would end his career, because you know, you cant say anything bad about black people
this post really says it all. both females and male 25+ were the MAJORITY audience members. THIS IS YOUR TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC, YOU FUCKING RETARDED HOLLYWOOD NIGGERS. the people who actually grew up with these characters and stories, these are the people you NEED to impress.
Well I guess you're right. I'm just trying to say that complaining about this movie is quite useless as it only just gives you a misogynist bigot label and it's not like marvel's gonna listen to you
Why didnt we have this shitstorm when Wonder Woman was coming out?
because she was femine and she didn't say that she doesn't care what white men have to say
DC doesn't have as many shills
the label is just damage control from the people who don't respect the source material and know they've been called out accordingly. its like when movies get made about famous and people while they're still alive, and those people say "yea this is complete shit, thats not how it went at all".
we did, but Gal is legit good looking in that movie so the anger was minimal.
Not really.
Normally the demographics are equal, it was with Captain Marvel specifically that women went less.
Women are literally less likely to watch feminist propaganda than men.
how is captain marvel movie that much different from source material though?
Oy vey, just watch the movie and shove some popcorn in your mouth goyim, the Hollywood pedo hush money isn't gonna pay itself
>If action movies/war movies/spy movies aren't for you, that's no reason to call them sexist or hypermasculine
I wonder if this would fly....
>you totally imagined those months and months and months of gadot shitposting
Anyway, there was less of a shitstorm because WW was introduced in BvS. Had they stuck Captain Marvel in IW, there would have been less shitposting.
If that’s the case, then why are they so intent on tearing down “boy’s clubs”?
>Women are literally less likely to watch feminist propaganda than men.
Women don't care about the message. They care about hot men. Ain't no women creaming for Jude Law anymore.
kys discord fag
I don't know if it is because I never read comic books growing up, but if I had to guess I'd say they fucked up her costume and changed some major plot points. I can't stress how much nerds care about proper costumes, ESPECIALLY female nerds. the people getting upset about the "liberal agenda" being forced in these movies are a group of their own (and they're right too, but thats w/e).
women are just less likely to flock to other women that get propped up as being "amazing beautiful etc" because of their jealous nature.
Wonder Woman had a 55% female audience
yea this too. her debut was in BvS so fans already knew what to expect.
>food analogy
Aaaaand you just ruined your post, user.
thats not much of a difference honestly. lets talk when you get a 70%+ female audience to a movie, at that point ill genuinely believe that women care about that person.
>our movie is shit and that's a good thing!
how? i can use a non food item to make the same analogy. if you wanted to sell a product to parents, how would you market it? im guessing youd look for things that parents want yes?
Obtain intetcourse
>have sex
>remain a virgin because it was anal
I'm Ozymandias, y'all.
gal gadot never told white men to fuck off
>It was WHITE MEN!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was Yea Forums!
>It was THE CHINESE! (yes, someone said this)
>It was TRUMP!
>"Sad men are already trying to LAST JEDI the audience score"
>"The opening day estimate DOESN'T MATTER ANYMORE!"
>"Hesitating to go see ‘Captain Marvel’? Then you must be a BAD FEMINIST."
>"People need to learn when to TRUST HOLLYWOOD!"
>"Uhhh... JOE! No one is "Review Bombing" Captain Marvel! It's a "Want to See Rating on RT, Not a Review!" ...LOL! uh huh. - Joe Vargas, Mar 7 2019
>"It's funny how you can get a statistically nice curve if you just ignore the highest and the lowest scores, which are likely to be fanboy/hater reviews. Online polling systems should automatically consider that in the averages."
>"It wasn't made for MEN!"
>"Men are NOT ALLOWED to see it!"
>"Hiding the "Want to See" rating IS A GOOD THING!"
>"You're using Rotten Tomatoes WRONG!"
>"Cry more, MEN!"
>"Alita: Battle Angel DOESN'T STAND A CHANCE!"
This is the most damage controlled capeshit/MCU film I've ever seen so far. It's had a faster audience drop score than TLJ. In fact, this movie IS the MCU's TLJ. Disney has begun the spiral of death for their current biggest franchise, and it'll eventually end up like Star Wars in the years to come: dead and buried. They've enabled Brie Larson to become the worst cast member in the MCU's history as well as allowed her to single handedly destroy 10 years of hype, buildup, and lore, with more to come. If I were Kevin Feige, I'd get the hell outta there and go work for someone else. Disney is becoming cinematic poison and they need to be stopped, or the MCU dies. Deal with it.
>Damage control after a "Record Breaking" opening
Hollywood dropped everything and united to make sure this doesnt flop.
It was literally the only movie you could watch this weekend. It had no competition.
You cant even find a hint of negativity about it on google front page.
Captain Marvel was shown in 4,310 theaters this weekend.
The other new movie was Balda, shown in 94 theaters.
Cpt Marvel is shit. It failed considering how much effort hollywood put into it
based smugHamanposter
posses gender
retain copulation
lmao its like they didnt did a full on campgain shitting on snyder for every single detail possible and imaginable,
>dont bully pls captain marlel, if its not for you go watch another movie
>"Alita: Battle Angel DOESN'T STAND A CHANCE!"
Can someone point me to these "mental breakdown" threads, all I've seen is typical Yea Forums shitposting.