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man... fox news and all these conservatives are just really sad

What's wrong with child brides?

I don't get it

>everyone going in on Tucker now during his controversy

sage and report discord trannie threads

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>figured Tucker was banting about some Jerry Lee Lewis business from 50 years ago
>he was actually joking about a cult leader fucking his 12 year old bride (also a relative) on tape

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A strawmen to draw attention away from the fact that Carlson btfos whoever he puts on his shows
>ugh its all hand picked, made to make them look stupid
EVERY show does this, EVERY one. People are pissed he's better at it.

At least Tucker brings people on who genuinely disagree with him for debate which is more than can be said for libshit propaganda, in which the "conservative" commentators seem to somehow have uniformly progressive opinions.

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>ewww edgy jokes
>ohh lewd images of kids I'll just scroll past
Man, you can't really clutch pearls on this site bro

DAE >he ate le onion xD

Who was he making fun of? Muhammad railing Ayesha?

Can you BELIEVE Tucker said Elena Kagan was ugly? Can you BELIEVE IT? How fucking misogynistic. Who the fuck does he think he is?

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Have sex.

>>ewww edgy jokes
Sure didn't stop you from calling Gunn a pedo.

>>ohh lewd images of kids I'll just scroll past
This is /pol/'s board, though. If anyone's spamming cunny it's them.

I would have thought an onion boy like you would know what The Onion was.

I don't get it

White, Christian folks raping and marrying their daughters and cousins in a cult. You know, what you'd expect from white people.

>Sure didn't stop you from calling Gunn a pedo.
>Yea Forums is one person

el goblina...

What? No, he brings morons in to scream over and look smug while they're talking, it's pure garbage. Dying modern leftist mainstream media had to adapt and tried to have it's own Limbaugh know-it-all figureheads, but conservatives are still the best at it.

Eh. Being seen at a pedophile-themed party and being legit friends with a convicted pedophile kind of exacerbated that. The jokes were fine with me, but the irony was delicious when he was clapping about Rosanne getting fired over a tweet and then it happened to him. Talk shit, get hit.

Have sex

Always fun to see people sperg over The Onion when it mocks literally everything.

Brown people do it too. But, you have to wait until she's 12 because God says so. Religious zealots diddle kids regardless of skin color.

>Being seen at a pedophile-themed party and being legit friends with a convicted pedophile kind of exacerbated that
Are we talking Trump or Dershowitz here?

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Those are normal leftists and once again it's a world of difference from being in someone who hates Trump, hates racism (unless it's against whites) and wants all Americans disarmed, while presenting the individual as a conservative. See: Ana Navarro, S.E. Cupp, Rick Wilson, etc, et al.


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Have sex

>clapping about
What does this mean, for those of who don't speak faggot?

>But, you have to wait until she's 12 because God says so
So literally the same as the white people I described.

The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck". So, when Chuck owned the shop, it would have been called "Chuck's Fuck and Suck".

Trump likes 'em young, but he's not relevant here.

All the tweets he was firing off talking about how great it was that Roseanne's tweet got her fired.

Pedos gonna pedo.

Niggers fuck their relatives so much 35-50% of Sub Saharan African's are estimated to be inbred
Source: ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/pellissier20120526

Have sex

>but he's not relevant here
He's gonna cling tighter to Carlson and Hannity now that Coulter's gone rogue.

Have sex

no ahmed you are worse

i wonder if they are still together

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>nobody is buying our threads celebrating Captain Marvel
>better make a thread trashing Fox News!

sage all tranny threads

bump the moner ones

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It's not, he brings in punching bag literal who libs who exclusively do the FOX circuit and gets snippy, gives them snarky little nicknames, makes funny faces for the mouth droolers on social security and bullshit disability at home.

That's what he does to all his guests. What's the issue?

> screaming
> child is white teenager

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Tucker did nothing wrong.

What's wrong with Tucker Carlson?

t. NPC

Have sex

>who exclusively do the FOX circuit
Which other national rightwing televised circuit might they be doing? Also, do you not think that Fox would allow CNN or MSNBC personalities to come onto their programs? I'm pretty confident that isn't the case. The reverse, however, is probably very much the case.

Should we get the normal leftists like you and your friends on Twitter that have all mutilated your genitals and tell the same nine jokes over and over?

can't until the wound heals

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CNN is rightwing, incel

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>Which other national rightwing televised circuit might they be doing?
Maybe they shouldn't, is what the user is likely arguing.

Yeah, okay.

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>The Onion
Literal fake news. Not sure how stuff like this is legal.

What about the one leftist who got him to chimp out so hard he had to cut the segment?

which ones aren't punching bags, most of them seem mentally ill

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Neither is the case, the only guy that invites invites halfway competent or "dangerous" people of other parties is egomaniac Bill Maher, even though it's the prototypical snarky audience infomedy show. Stop defending shitty boomer ZOG propaganda you moron.

Project some more, retard.

The one who just repeated Reddit phrases so he could post an out of context twelve second clip on twitter? Why would anyone want to talk to a retard like that?

>Tucker is an agent of ZOG

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Have sex

>Reddit phrases
>an out of context twelve second clip on twitter
lmao, not even close to what happened, but you're Carlson's audience so nixing reality actually worked out it seems.

this is your brain on dilation

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So what's the deal?
What is the current outrage about? Is there an outrage?

He said whoever had sex with a child bride should go to jail for life. I just listened to it.

Have sex

I'm an incel tranny who needs to have sex and I voted for Donald Trump

Just waiting for my child bride breh

have sex yourself, weirdos

He just kept saying that Carlson was a millionaire owned by billionaires (a reddit phrase) and assumed Tucker’s motives, you can’t have a conversation with someone who constantly accuses you of having some hidden motives for everything. But you don’t have a firm grip on reality or how social interaction works because you’re a tranny who multilated his own penis and all your social interactions come from the internet.

Maher brings conservatives on to get shrieked and jeered at. He could easily have production order silence in the audience or ask them to at least control themselves, but he doesn't because it's part of the show. Frankly I agree with you that Fox is ZOG propaganda which, despite not being as bad as leftist outlets, still pushes shit like "diversity" and "niggers are human" which of course we all know to be outrageous. But, for now, we make due.

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>Carlson is a millionaire owned by billionaires
>he calls this simple fact a reddit phrase
Ah, that distinct /pol/ bias.

he became popular, started getting a more working class following with some of his takes

time to remove him

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Why are normalfags so obsessed with sex?

>Tucker btfo of everyone on his show

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I've never read the Hate Speech Clause of the Constitution. I feel like an idiot

it's all they have left
no spirituality, no drive, no moral compass, no thought
just sex

these aren't normies lmao, mentally ill trannies and chapofags

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Never gonna fuck a tranny

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Why are you so obsessed with /pol/?

It's just trolling, although the spaming gets annoying

They keep spamming cunny on my television and film image board.

>Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, unless such speech should make shitskins feel bad about themselves LMAO
>By James Madison

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Diversity gonna be so fuckin' strong soon!

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Sex is literally all that matters in the world. It is the reason why we exist. If you aren't getting it you are weak and a failure at your sole purpose for existing. Your attitude tells me you aren't getting it, meaning that you are indeed weak and a failure. You should probably just kill yourself.

the democrat anti jew stuff and blackface should have gotten onion articles.

Why didn't they? ;)

Reminder tranny sex isn't even real sex

based mass replier

>sex is all that matters
sex doesnt even matter if you scale up far and long enough
cope harder retard

>Carlson btfos whoever he puts on his shows
*blocks your path*

In IRL life Tucker Carlson is a pretty well-known homosexual too. He's a cocktail party cocksucker. Saw his dick at a party 2009 at one time. Generally unremarkable.

The really funny thing is that reality is so much more cartoonish and weird than the Onion gives it credit for. Every single "conservative" pundit is a pervert and they're all just degenerate performers. Some of them are insanely liberal, but they're also sociopaths so they have no problem lying for money.

Get laid virgin

Is this what you whisper to your anime girlfriend?

the payoff just doesnt seem worth the input so id rather just fap thank u very much

wow what the fuck is wrong with America's news anchors? That is abhorrent!!!

itt: sex havers

But you clearly don't "just fap" do you? Your entire political ideology is baited by your feelings about sex and yourself and who you'd like to be versus who you are.

Sex is existence. It's the closest thing there is to existential meaning in life. When you choose to feed your addictions to media and food and drugs and radicalize into yourself you just turn yourself into an unfuckable faggot that malignant lashes out and away from critical thought if it causes you cognitive dissonance.

The people you trust want you to continue being a disaffected virgin that would rather justify why they're a miserable asshole by blaming strangers. They don't want you to get better because then you'll stop being addicted to their platforms and you'll stop supporting their cancerous ideologies.

Bet you're the kind of faggot that was celebrating James Gunn getting fired.

a 16yo should never marry, she should be preparing for the DPs when she becomes a sex worker 2 years later

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>so id rather just fap
t. virgin

Wow Yea Forums feels really threatened by Tucker

first line is about politics when all i want to do with my life is keep to myself, smoke weed, and fap
tldr nutcase

Then you will continue to be led on a leash.

>Paris Hilton is a whore
>i feel bad for ugly women
>you think i'll be race-baited about 'the purity' of white whores?

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the only one being led on a leash here is you getting paid 10c a post by mr shekelstein to shill inanities like masturbating is somehow political

Everything is political, and you are clearly a kike pushing degeneracy and aren't worth my time.

>Britney is a whore


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this is what a false flag looks like everybody

no he wasn't
he was talking about how he married a 26 year old to a 16 year old
which is literally legal in many states and across most of the lobe

who you protecting m8? Everyone that thinks you're mostly just hurting your self is being paid by The Jews to hurt your feelings?

Wouldn't The Jews be the ones trying to lull you into being comfortable as a genetic dead end that's addicted to being distracted? If you don't have kids, The Jews are winning their white extinction war! You're playing right into their hands!