400k in one week

>400k in one week

Attached: FB_IMG_1552336829228.jpg (1497x1497, 109K)

>400k threads in one day

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>400k in one second

have sex and go back to your containment site. it starts with letter r

>400k assblasted inceltube videos in a week

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>not white male tears
someone change it

Ignore them and hide them

letter red media?

>400k ''Have sex'' replies in a week

Oh no

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Change it to footfungus medication

i can imagine the shitty thinking of all those white males.
>if i make this epic video i will surely reach meme status and finally become rich oooo yea no one else will surely be making this video

The geeks and gamer guy has a wife, but incels were the ones who actually went to CM, women didn't want to go. That being said capeshit specifically for incels and children.

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>under perform at the Box Office
>declare victory anyway


>400K in a week
That’s fucking nothing for a marvel film.

>implying Brie looks even close to that pic

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oh God please please let the superhero movies stop when will they stop

this is just sad

Marvel is down to the lowest form of troll- box office trolls:


Every damn week.

it triggers the incels, so it's a good thing

PLEASE fornicate

You hate people you don't know, labeling them incels... just to feel better about yourself.

You are a pathetic piece of shit.

>i can imagine the shitty thinking of all those white males.

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>400k times you did not

Have sex

>80% drop in two

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I didn't pay them. I don't care.

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Some edit the cup to say "white male tears."

Let's talk about the epic Monday drops for CM

I don't think you understand how insignificant Captain Marvel and women are. You are pathetic. You are wasting your time. You are the problem, and before you say anything. I've had sex. I have a lot of really really good sex. Better than this movie...FOR SURE. If this is how you want to spend your time. If this is how you want to spend your energy. Buy all means, go for it. No skin off my nose. I didn't even watch this shit movie and I don't plan to. Shilling it won't make it more successful. All my friends refuse to see this movie. I don't even think about this movie. Maybe because of all that good sex I have been having. I bet you are either a girl or a gay guy. I'm surprised you had enough time to post this when there was is probably normally a dick in your mouth and a bible in your trashcan. This movie sucks so much it will probably play in hell and you are certainly going to hell so you will be down there enjoying this movie and Satan will be confused like "what the hell am i supposed to do this is supposed to be hell but the degenerates are winning. Congratulations you stumped the devil. Burn in hell, lefty shill jew trash. WE WON!

80% drop you flop you subhuman dyke

Imagine being an incel and losing this badly

How much of that was subsidized by political groups buying tickets to support feminist propaganda?

have sex

It didn't even crack the top 5 biggest openings. Movie is a failure, deal with it mickey.

>blue eyes

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I wish I could have sex but I can't so I'm going to make another captain marvel thread

>movies now have CGI worse than the 90s because people will still pay regardless of how low the quality sinks
I was told capitalism works though?