150 million in 3 days

>150 million in 3 days
Incels absolutely blown the fuck out. Maybe next time you'll think twice before you throw your toys around and cry just because your kids movie has a woman in the lead.

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Other urls found in this thread:


He don't know

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He doesn't know

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all me

153 is now canon? ok, I'll run with that number in the other threads then.

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Movie bad xD hehe


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cope harder incels

Incels are the ones whiteknighting the film

>78% drop


Incel? But user, I didn't go to watch Captain Marvel.

Attached: 1552219258370.png (1186x800, 1.43M)

cry more lol, can't imagine being a DC retard

>cry just because your kids movie has a woman in the lead

Strawman argument. No one objects to a woman lead. The objection stems from the use of the woman lead to force SJW marxist feminism down the throats of all who consume media of any kind. If the jews of Hollywood would simply skip to far-left ideology and simply release movies devoid of political propaganda, there would be no public objection and social media rebellion. Jew studio owners have learned the trick of hiding an inferior product behind the illusion of political statements. They force a social media controversy to distract from actual critique of the movie qualities.

Fact is, Captain Marvel is a poorly written, poorly acted, poorly directed movie with some laughable CGI. In addition to that, we have to be hit over the head with the constant bombardment of far-left political ideology while being told that we are racist, bigoted, and sexist if we disagree. That is the reason why people have a problem with Captain Marvel. The fact that the lead is female is a tertiary issue at best.

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>No one objects to a woman lead
Stopped reading there, a cursory glance at this board shows scores of virgins who can't see through their tears of rage

>thinking I watch capeshit
lmao tell the mouse I say hi, bitch

Attached: 1552276278718.jpg (600x584, 27K)

>doesn't watch capeshit
>saves images about capeshit so he can argue about them
I hope you're lying because that's even more pathetic

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>thinking I'll pass up on a fun and easy time ass ravaging capeshit fags for the low price of a few minutes of my time
Stay mad, mousefag
have sex btw

Attached: 1552322977863.jpg (1044x486, 30K)

>see that list
>more than 50% of it is disney

Have xes

Attached: have sex].png (949x174, 124K)

You are obviously "winning", user. x)


Attached: fake and gay, lying hollywood lynching hoax.jpg (1064x1280, 443K)

Let's talk about the epic Monday drop for CM!

Is 150 million over weekend supposed to be impressive?

Incels are trying to let this thread die, my children will know it represents the truth and will discuss!

>another thread that serves as both damage control and a coping mechanism for Marvel bootlickers

>thinking I watch capeshit
You do
Your use of "mouse" like an average twitter tranny DC tourist is a little more proof of just that too

>Not you, the mousefag
wtf am I even looking at user?
You think filename means I posted all that other shit? Excellent detective work. Lmao at your life

Attached: 1552111259929.jpg (200x323, 11K)

Your unix time stamp for that image is: 03/09/2019
You saved it from You're a capeshitter

Also note you need to change your language if you're going to spam the same image and pretend to be someone else

So, because I wander into capeshit threads and save images, I watch capeshit films?
Yeah, except I'm not


>political ideology while being told that we are racist, bigoted, and sexist if we disagree. That is the reason why people have a problem with Captain Marvel. The fact that the lead is female is a tertiary issue at best.

I see that poli sci degree you were studying at college and dropped out while trying to get served you well

hahaha jesus dude could you be more obvious

That one is actually correct

All my posts about you have been correct. In fact I'd go as far as saying you're probably from Yea Forums and/or /vg/ as well based on how you've reacted to being exposed.

Wrong again, but you did at least get one correct, user.

>still no budget

Don't pretend the movie's success is going to change your behavior any either. You're going to go back to pretending you live in some misogynistic patriarchal hellhole. You are going to go back to acting like your under attack next time the next thing that pisses you off happens.

Your enjoy your victory for a few weeks/months, then start to mock the idea that "sexism is dead" and we go back to square one becuase you can't stand the idea of living in a world where being a women isn't this terrible thing.

know what?

>he does it for free
mouseshills are the jannies of the world

It isn't successful, user. It is a disaster for Marvel.

Marvel isn't cool anymore. They can't afford that.

Is this not getting tiring? How many times does this have to be posted before you realize the irony of this...obsession? How do you even write "incels blown the fuck out" after having read the same for a week and not start to question your life choices?

It doesn't matter if its a success or not.

If it wasn't, they would blame "trolls", "mysoggyknees", and feed their victim complex.

If it is a success, they will be happy with it for a few weeks, and then go back to their victim complex with long winded rationalizations of how the movie's success doesn't matter.

Wtf how is getting lower

Have sex femcel

I'm going to guess this one is not a paid shill. OP is just an attention starved virgin.