Internet "trolls" creates this huge controversy shitstorm

>Internet "trolls" creates this huge controversy shitstorm
>ends up fueling people's awareness of the movie, thus helping the movie becoming more soccessful
Great job everyone.

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>people were unaware of a marvel movie
Imagine being this retarded

>imagine thinking that I said anything like that

What I like most is the people who are too dumb to see that this was the plan to begin with.
>Hey Brie, say something empowering for women
>Look smug while you're at it
And you guys fell in line like clockwork.
I pity you.

>ends up fueling people's awareness of the movie
Yeah you did, you are pretending the trollls were the ones who promoted this movie and not the tens of millions of dollars a mega corporations poured into marketing and the franchise. You are astonishingly retarded.

Not fooling us, user. Marvel is burning it's brand equity for political brownie points.

The numbers are heavily massaged. This opening is as fake as her smile in her photo ops. Now back to discord young man.

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>y-yeah guys lets stop shitting on marvel movies
Nice try shills, the goal is to shit on the movie, success, since people are still butthurt even now about the "trolls" ;)

is that what your youtubers told you?

they are a white male using Yea Forums. of course they are dumb.

>you see you guise you made the moobie popular
>so don't complain anymore okay

Did Mickey tell you to ask this question?

Marvel bought half a million dollars in tickets to get the ball started. told me so.

Fueling implies they increased the awareness, not made up the awareness.

Can we stop making threads about this shit now? It's getting to spam levels.

>When people tell me a movie sucks... I rush out to see it! Bad word-of-mouth is great!

Brilliant marketing strategy. :l

>pssh, you actually WATCH things before complaining about them??
I'm kind of a rebel like that.

She finna be slaw af tho baka

>It's getting to spam levels.

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No, you are either aware or unaware, fueling peoples awareness implies they were making more people aware of the movie existing. Which is a retarded point you are making.

More attention means more awareness.
1. more people are aware that there is a new marvel movie coming out (yes that's right, not everyone pays attention to when a new MCU movie is released)
2. people who are already aware, will see that it's so much talk and controversy around it, they will be even more curious about it and want to see it
Are you gonna argue semantics?


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>everyone in agreeance that movie looks like garbage
>"hahaha all of you talking about how bad the movie is made people WANT to see it!!"

Have you been outside? Like ever?

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>people would be more aware of people trolling comments of a trailer is more publicity than the trailer itself
No you are a retard who thinks that people trolling the want to see numbers on RT created more awareness than Disney marketing when the people who would have been aware of those things anyway were already looking at the movie or interested in it.

Trolls didn't make people aware of this movie, Disney did, the only people who would have even been aware of the trolling are people who were interested in the movie to begin with. Use your head for once.

I admit I was not planning on seeing it opening weekend but totally did to spite the incels. Probably going to go again desu.

why are white males addicted to "trolling"? its been more than 15 years since trolling really started

I only hate her because I'm a footfag, don't really care what stupid opinions she has or feminist propaganda in capeshit. However I cannot abide ugly feet