Why hasn't there been a movie adaptation of Deus Ex yet?

Why hasn't there been a movie adaptation of Deus Ex yet?

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If you want a desu ex thread then just say so

It’s just the game version of the matrix.

but there has?

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Modern audiences are too dumb to handle a movie that deals with complex philosophies of society, government and technology.

Because (((Hollywood))) doesn't want to bring up the conspiracies of one world government, complete internet surveillance, and the illuminati. Its too red pilled and would detract from their agenda.

As envisioned by Alex Jones.

And now I need to go reinstall Deus Ex.


This video still makes me worry when it really gets going.

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Because the story doesn't translate very well. It works if you're fully immersed in it as the protagonist but if you adapt it to a non interactive movie it basically a James Bond movie, written by Alex Jones. And I don't see how you could play that straight without coming off as unintentionally silly.




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whet is thet? think thenk?

>movie adaptation

Doomed to fail.

Needs to be a Mini-Series on Amazon Prime.

>literally alex jones-tier conspiracies

>basically a James Bond movie, written by Alex Jones
I laughed and realized you're right

and btw its to fast as a movie. you need time to process all the stuff

>dude anything to do with conspiracy-theories is alex jones-tier hur hur hur memes that's all I know about conspiracy-theories

Fuck off.

No really. What is that? Just a bunch of rich old people put together to try to think of some sort of new rhetoric or marketing scheme? You even see news outlets and government officials reference them as if they're legitimate sources. Imagine that, a group of maybe six people paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to sit around for a week, discuss how to best convince some one to do what they want, and then people blatantly tell you that what they suggest is the right thing.

I take it he was agreeable

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Do you have one single fact to back that up?

It would be too redpilled.

What a shame

Alex Jones should try making games. Just make sure he gets a good editor to ensure that some of the writing can make some sense.

I took the moderate option/ending (working with the illuminati to make the world a somewhat better place and keeping a logical societal system running).

Any other choice is retarded. Trusting a "Benevolent" AI God to run humanity is just waiting for Skynet to happen. Resetting society to cave-men days will just delay once again the inevitable.

You know I'm right.


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am i wrong?

There was no right answer though. The former illuminati were just as bad as mj12. Morgan Everett was willing to lie and murder his way to power just like bob page, but bob page managed to out wit him sooner. The closest thing to a good ending is jc fusing with the AI, because its a somewhat self insert victory like choosing Yes-man and yourself to rule in New Vegas.


It's a cyberpunk adaptation of the Illuminatus! trilogy. I'm good with either. But it's anti establishment.

The merging with AI ending is the only good ending, caveman days is neutral. Only bootlickers and sheep would actually sell out humanity to the Illuminati again.

My body is ready.

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pls recommend me good conspiracy movies

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caveman ending is based.
Take the tedpill

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Not a conspiracy theory, but if you want the sheer dread of government incompetence and global panic, you can watch Contagion.

We all know it would take more inspiration from Eidos Montreal's Deus Ex games rather than the original. What a shame.

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I'm not saying it isn't based, Ted was right. There's just nothing stopping it from happening again, and next time there may not be a JC to reset the world. That's the only downside.

Those aren't bad. They're just not as good.

i'll check it out

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They're bad in comparison since they just focus on the typical "discriminate against X person" sort of focus. Except person this time is just people with robo limbs.

Yeah a lot of Deus Ex is a bit too close to home and what with any conspiracy theory now dismissed as antisemitism you couldn’t make a film that did the first game justice (the new ones are kind of meh plot wise)

The most profitable films for the past decade have been capeshit and sequels modern audiences are retards


Too redpilled and too intelligent
don't want people thinking that media and the government isn't all to great

>alex jones tier conspiracy theories
>not grounded in reality
lmao whats it like being a useful idiot? I bet you have a twitter acct with a blue check mark

They said the twin towers didn't appear in the Manhattan skyline because of memory constraints.

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So when do you think they'll unleash a new international-virus to kill off most of the population? They've already hinted at 'overpopulation', and have created the perfect breeding grounds by stuffing most western nations with even more bodies from Africa and South America.

They've already set the social stage too by offhandedly mentioning these things, and having enough of a scare about vaccinations recently and ebola the years before.



Think about it. They'll create shoddy, angry countries ripe with social tension, release a plague, and then bam more than enough of a reason to lock down whatever remains of the population under direct autocratic rule.

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>Wanting Hollywood to adapt something you like
Are you a masochist?
Why would you want to flood something you enjoy with filthy secondaries or even tertiaries?

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Only as soon as the powers that be can figure out how to protect themselves first. Wouldn't want to risk getting the grey death without some ambrosia first.

Technology isn't a linear progression, it was the work of countless geniuses and innovators. Just because someone had an idea once doesn't mean the same would happen second time round.

>dude the illuminati are real so are MJ12 and everyone is being controlled by a few people lmao am I epic

The entire mess just happened because Page managed to overthrow the Illuminati you imbecile. They kept things running more or less smoothly.

this post glows in the dark

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The illuminati really are real, friendo. Don't let the memes cloud the truth.

You mean to tell me that some one wouldn't have the idea of exploiting his fellow man into a never ending cycle of industrial labor to over produce beyond humanity's means? All for a profit? That would NEVER happen again?

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We live in it except the aug stuff


>reeeeee if you don't believe my insane theories that a game made for kids said are ture then you are a retard
Have sex
The illuminati are a christian/islamic fabrication to disenfranchise scientific improvement.

>Hollywood casting in 2019

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But there has been.

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>statue of liberty: hacked

the autism required to make this is off the charts

Sneedposters everywhere, JC. Your order are to shoot on sight.

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>Anna is Black and sassy
>Manderlay is a right wing texan
>Evrett is played by Morgan Freeman
>Gunther is an arab
>JC is canonically black now

Gunther played by Kel.
Who loves orange soda? Gunther loves orange soda!

Spoken like a true follower of the all-seeing eye of power.

What exactly was the point of the pro-humanists in the first game? I remember that they were a pawn of the Illuminati, but I can't remember exactly what they were accomplishing for them.

A Scanner Darkly

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This, the remake was more Deus Ex than GITS.

It was kinda dumb writing, but the premise was they were against augs because it was allowing those with the money to take over jobs and outperform others, plus they were against the idea of corporations controlling the technology. Personally I think they could've wrote this out better or something.

there is literally nothing wrong with the illuminati existing

But how were they tied to the Illuminati?

HBO tv show
It's about (as little) as intelligent as true detective, lets be honest. Just wrap it up in some nice acting and you've got a good one hit season wonder.

I wanted fuck and suck, it gave me feed and seed!

the funny part is all the governors/officials giving the finger to and ignoring FEMAs/Simons blatant power grab.

I don't know. Most of the dialogue, even if you take away the comically deadpan delivery, is really corny. I'd even say characters like Bob Page, Gunther Hermann or Anne Navarro need a lot of fleshing out before they work as anything other than 90s video game villains.

If you want to see a tv show that explores some similar plotpoints to the first Deus Ex you should give the British show Utopia a try.

They weren't directly controlled. The leader's second in command was helping the illuminati by performing surgery on the kidnapped scientists to remove their GPS chips so the illuminati could hide them.

Personally I wouldn't want something like deus ex to diminish itself by lowering its medium to a non interactable medium. We need more games. Just...not as short and dumb as mankind divided.

Hey, I need you to shut up lol.

I'm replaying again, exited the game today like 7 hours ago but I have no idea where I'm at. Last thing I remember is blasting that Gunther fucker with my GEP (I don't even know it's name) gun in the cathedral.

you should be careful googling for deus ex, the government keeps a list of all the active players. there was a thread about this last month, some annon used wireshark to sniff his packets and he saw that inside windows there was a weird little trojan hiding in svc hosts which would always update a non-descript nsa server when he booted up deus ex.

You're 3/4 done. Got to head to vandenberg and save the X51 scientists and merge the Daedalus AI with the military network. Then save Gary savage's daughter. Then break into the ocean lab universal constructor and recover some schematics to help X51. Then redirect the missile attack on vandenberg to Area 51 where Bob Page is hiding. And finally break into Area 51 and save the world.


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Favourite "stages" (don't know how to call them, places without loading screens)? Mine is the Hong Kong market.

That's the common popular opinion. So much so that they went all out with the similar cyberpunk future asian market in deus ex hr with hengsha, which was also pretty good.
To answer your question though, I'd pick the Paris streets with the restaurant and nightclub.

I like the Unatco headquarters. A level you've been to multiple times before turning out to be larger than it originally seemed and hiding dark secrets is a very specific level design trope I enjoy.

You're mistaken.
It isn't the NSA spying on people who play Deus Ex.
It's the Deus Ex developers playing the long game, hacking the NSA one packet at a time, taking down the system.

Brainlet chimp. Dark ages is best ending. Tong is right and the music is fucking awesome.

But this was shit and not even close to Deus Ex, OG movie and SAC floor it, desu.

This, it wouldnt even get made today, unless it was an indie game.

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I don't think Deus Ex would work in movie form.

Guys, stop arguing with the NPCs, it's a complete waste of time. I don't even know how they found their way here from normiebook, desu.

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Alex Jones was 100% right, especially everything he said before 2007.


If they actually do, they wouldn't drop the truth or make JC deadpan.

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god i miss burn notice

If they did it would be garbage or be based off of Human Revolution garbage.

Alex Jones has never been right about anything except when he was crying in court about how nobody should take what he says seriously

I can smell your blue checkmark through my monitor

Gee I wonder

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>haha never played Deus Ex but I LOOOVE that video of Alex Jones with Deus Ex music lmao

based alex

Login: NSF001
Password: smashthestate

>implying it's not funny

I thought Human Revolution was good but I heard Mankind Divided was shit

The movie would have to be 50% exposition to spoon feed normies.

>drumpf colluded with russia
>movie reveals white christian men have been holding back the world for decades
>jc denton is played by a black woman named jc dentonyeh
>movie ends with jc destroying the global patriarchy
why would you want to suffer without purpose?

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>predicted 9/11
>predicted European Union
>predicted gas prices
>predicted social media
Is there any game as based as Deus Ex?

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I would rather have a System Shock style action movie.
This track would make for a good fight scene

>Yea Forums

o yea yea

The European Union was a thing for 20 years before Deus Ex was released.

I don't see the point. Getting movie adaptations of random series didn't turn out nearly as cool as we imagined in the 90's.

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If you really want to know, satan, Deus Ex basically just shoved a bunch of 90s conspiracy theories into one setting. And it turns out like half of that shit is true.

Because the narrative of "Conspiracy Theorists", along with a number of legitimately false theories is a deliberate creation of the CIA meant to discredit critics of the government's actions. So any mixtape of conspiracy theories is going to be a mix of real horrifying shit and moonbat fucking nonsense.

Childhood is siding with the Illuminati
Adulthood is being exposed to Twitter & realizing The New Dark Age is the only sensible solution

more than 9/11, they predicted the war on terror

trips for truth

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Human Revolution was more about the impact of rapidly advancing technology on the human condition. It didn't really make sense though since the writers only conveyed a cognizant argument once in the entire game & when it was released all the new technology was awesome. Social media was still growing in new and interesting ways and there was absolutely no way that this technological progress could ever be considered bad.

And it was canon that they were destroyed in a terrorist attack.

Post songs only intelligent people got to hear

You're confusing the twins towers for the statue of liberty bro. World trade center is never mentioned.

The only thing it got wrong was there being a savior. There is no saving us.

is mankind divided worth finishing, i stopped like 2 hours in

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kill yourself, underage scum

Depends on if you enjoy the gameplay. The story sucks, but at least if you enjoy the gameplay it is worth finishing.

Go talk about your toys on Yea Forums.

Don't you have a Simpson's thread to spam my young faggot?

>I like the Unatco headquarters.
I can, and have listened to this song for days on end. I just turned the loop on, and left it open.

>Resetting society to cave-men days will just delay once again the inevitable

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Jesus Christ these people like Soros, this guy, etc. really do look like lizards. They are fucking disgusting.

Did you think the whole "lizard people run the world" was just some shit people pulled out of their ass?

>along with a number of legitimately false theories
Just look at flat earthers and the publicity they receive in mass media. They must be like 20 guys in the whole world, but better make sure to show how these silly conspiracy theorists are multiplying.

>t. Guy who didn’t play the game

Based in/v/ader

i don't believe this

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The conversation with Morpheus is pure kino.



>tfw we get Deus Ex adaptation
>it's an adaptation of the latter games

Honestly this.
All I can hope for is an IP to try and tackle something similar to what Deus Ex achieved, or a read goddamn Deus Ex sequel (that isn't watered down like HR and MKD), or just straight up remastered Deus Ex.

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Too bad morpheus is fucking wrong and programmed to believe in the illuminati's authoritarian views. Sure, humans subconsciously want to integrate in communities, but there is a false equivelency in wanting to be spied on. Humans differentiate god observing you from the government, which holds the ability to corrupt.

arguably MGS2, but otherwise no

you know it'd just be another DUDE GORE movie, likely directed by Paul W.S. Anderson.

I remember when the idealist nerds said that that the people of the world would stop fighting as soon as they could talk to each other, lmao.

What was Bob Page's fucking problem?

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He just wanted his city on a hill.

>creators threw as many conspiracies into the game as possible
>it all came true
really makes me think

Too hard/embarassing to pronounce that title

Patrician choice. Never get tired of exoring that area amd busting in to the shops and apartments

Scared of your friend's who say you're playing gay sex?

>dæ-oos ecks
not hard if you're not retarded or american

>man becomes increasingly defensive as Alex Jones is proven right again and again

I'm hyped for Pakistan and India to wipe themselves out


Deus Ex is not that right wing.

Hell, its more left wing than right wing.

Nanotechnology hasn't reach that level. Deus Ex takes place in 2050s. We have not reached that level yet

retard soiboy

have sex fatso

>controlled by a few people
That is the truth.

Electronic old men and their... flexibility.

It was a different time.

yeah that's how you say it

alex jones is not right wing

He kind of is. He does represent the alt-right

Are you retarded or do you just spend too much time on social media?

Of course Morpheus is designed by the illuminati and therefore authoritarian and invasive by definition, but there's a truth to people just ceding privacy and freedom in favor of convenience and security.
Just look at social media and their increasingly invasive practices, or how everyone knows about the NSA and other such agencies (which country doesn't have this to some degree or another?), and the average response is to say "who cares I've got nothing to hide".

because of old men running the world....

... A NEW AGE!

This is what brainwashing from leftists makes you believe.

Why didn't they just make more Ambrosia? Did they not have the ingredients?

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fuck that looks good

t. inuit

Fuck it I’ll check out your shitty boomer game. Tired of seeing this faggy 3D face on almost every YouTube profile in the comments

That's correct you retarded Anglo.

True enough, but absolute order and pandering to the unenlightened's desires doesn't make the action right, nor good.

>being against corporatism is a right thing now

there has never been a game as good as deus ex, the game was like a perfect storm and nothing has ever reached that same scope.


Oh for sure.

the problwm with youtube removing him is that we lost a lot of the videos of his retarded ass predictions

It is. Unless you're a sheeple that listens to what your corporate or communist overlords tell you.

>I recognize the dangers of big government but if it's big business then I spread my legs open

I don't know what to tell you champ anti-corporatism is as left as you can get and Communism is literally the opposite even if you end up with the same result.

>"Communism is literally the opposite"
>literally thinks that communism is right win....

Marx will be rolling in his grave

Communism is quite literally the opposite to corporatism yes, what it is that you don't get with that post you dumb.

>Communism is quite literally the opposite to corporatism
You can't be this fucking dumb

Why do we want a Deus Ex movie though? The plot is good but way too big and unwieldy for a single feature film. But the bigger problem is that the entire appeal of the game is the fact that you can play it however you want and almost every playthrough can be wildly different depending on which choices you make and how you build your character.

A version of Deus Ex where you can't kill Anna early on, or where Paul lives (or dies for that matter) by default or a version where you can't fuck around in Hong Kong for as long as you want before stealing the sword or whatever else seems to be missing the point of Deus Ex entirely.

The greatest moment imo in the game is that bit where you first step out into Hong Kong. There are a million options and things to do. You have to get the sword from that Chinese actresses apartment but how that unfolds is a different story for every single person who's played it. If it's just a linear scene in a movie it misses everything that made it special. Plus the terrible voice acting would never translate over and that's a big part of the charm.

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>Corporate liberalism
>Same as communism
Don't reply to me you fucking brainlet.

>thinks Communism is in anyway an economical structure

>anti-corporatism is as left as you can get
You are a very stupid person.

Deus Ex is not left wing or right wing. If anything it's anti-authoritarian and anti-corporatism. Invisible War is more explicitly libertarian, but still isn't particularly heavy-handed in making you choose that. (One of the possible endings is the complete opposite)

That's why they both hold up so well over all the games that try to inject politics in to their stories.

Plotwise though, the game is very linear. It just has conspiracies and philosophical ideas that need more than a couple hours to explore and digest. Doable for a series.

an animated series would be cool

>anti-corporatism is as left as you can get

Then why during 8 years of Obama it got worse, you human garbage

Billions of people literally choose to give Facebook their private info so that they could be "judged" by their normie friends. Morpheus was completely right.

>Humans differentiate god observing you from the government, which holds the ability to corrupt.
Not if the government is a sufficiently advanced AI. That's why the Helios ending literally ends with Voltaire: "If there were no god, it would be necessary to invent him"

Yes I would agree with the overall plot being linear. But all the small things: Paul living or dying, whether or not you break into the statue of Liberty from the back or go in guns blazing launching missles at terrorists, whether or not you kill the terrorist leader, how you chose to interact with all the NPCs in the bar, Manderly going nuts at you for wandering into the women's toilets, whether or not you discover the secret base under New York, how you break into said base, how you chose to tackle the warehouse district (I personally love going for a sniper-style but I've also barged in like Schwarzenegger and gone through that section non-linearly,) how you deal with the mole people and who you chose to help, being able to set kids on fire for shits and giggles, using a rocketlauncher as a lockpick because you're lazy...

And that's just from the first few hours of a 20-30 game. All that shit would be lost in a straight-forward movie adaptation.

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That's why I said a series would be better. Movies are shitty nowadays when the option for more content through episodes is possible.

This retard again. Go launch unreal editor and put two sprites on skybox, wow technical limitations broken!

>Or not you discover the secret base under New York

What the fuck

Exactly. Did you know you could use the pepper-spray to get past lasers?

This. All this

It was a trading union, not a political union back then

CBS Films has been trying to for years

I've played the game a million times and didn't know this pepper spray trick. What the fuck.

It would be based on the Eidos Montreal games, and while they're alright action games we all know that whole storyline isn't shit compared to Deus Ex 1.

Which is why it just wouldn't be as special if you made it into anything other than a video game.

Point proven

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They have teased in the past

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so you can go back to having half ypur board being capeshit threads with half the posters complaining about captain fungus and the other half spamming "have sex"?
get a fucking grip man

>check mark

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Jesus Christ, Square Enix are faggots

Wait where's that?

If you're talking about the new York thing, its a majestic 12 lab in the sewers that you can get a mission from Smuggler to go into and rescue his friend who is being used to spread the grey death to the homeless. Its easy to miss that whole section in the beginning if you aren't exploring and talking to everyone.

The movie ought to follow Paul Denton's missions before JC joins UNATCO. Plenty of character scenarios to play around with without stepping all over the original game.

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Because the virus and the vaccine were both manufactured by Versalife as a form of control.

A bomb!

I takesty it that he was snackreeable?

>hates the police
>does incredible amounts of drugs and wants them to be legal and freely available

Being somebody that SJW's irrationally hate =/= "Right Wing", retard.


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Why is that Philosophy and Conspiracy-Theories are two narrative elements that go so well together?

What a shame. *lip smack*
What a rotten way to have a film franchise.

god I miss that snickers thing.

because the nature of what is widely considered ''conspiracy theories'' always gravitate towards explaining why X is bad- because historically and spiritually speaking it's actually Y that is how it should be, as explained by the wisest minds of old.



He's the new Justin Y.