I've just seen this movie and it was fucking terrible. I don't understand why people be sucking this movie's off like it's the best thing since sliced bread.
It was an absolute bore to watch. No wonder it's tanking.
I've just seen this movie and it was fucking terrible. I don't understand why people be sucking this movie's off like it's the best thing since sliced bread.
It was an absolute bore to watch. No wonder it's tanking.
Please elaborate IN DETAIL how it was terrible.
To all others: Note how he will either struggle or chicken out.
Keep in mind before you Alitafags are gonna post butthurt comments on like:
>You have shit taste in films
>You're a Disney shill
>Fuck you Alita is God tier
I tried my best to like the movie, but I couldn't. The whole thing was so predictable and cliche that it makes put to sleep so badly. The character Alita is so bland, it makes the entire movie feel like a typical Disney princess story with zero originality.
It probably quite up there with the cheesyness of Frozen.
Second of all the romance scenes were uninteresting and really bizarre to look at. The boy who fell in love with her must be an Incels dream of having a waifu that's made of metal.
The CGI is okay but falls flat for the most part like alot of Rodriguez movies.
The musical score is decent.
Everything else is just bad. I didn't care for the other characters because they're so uninteresting..
The story was a convoluted mess and felt extremely rushed and difficult to follow. Important plot points like her new body and her becoming a hunter killer are glossed over in what felt like 10 seconds.
Also, Jennifer Connely's character was just puzzling and unnecessary.
I wish they didnt try to cover so much ground and picked a smaller story to tell.
>The story was a convoluted mess
>felt extremely rushed
Only at the beginning. And not extremely.
>and difficult to follow.
That's literally untrue.
>Important plot points like her new body and her becoming a hunter killer are glossed over in what felt like 10 seconds.
There was nothing more to elaborate on that other than what was shown.
>Also, Jennifer Connely's character was just puzzling and unnecessary.
It was not puzzling at all. It was a neutral character, as far as good and evil is concerned. A self-serving upwardly mobile woman with a heart, ultimately.
>I wish they didnt try to cover so much ground and picked a smaller story to tell.
Ok that's your opinion but I established that it is a ill-founded one.
I will address the only point you even attempted at arguing.
>>Also, Jennifer Connely's character was just puzzling and unnecessary.
>It was not puzzling at all. It was a neutral character, as far as good and evil is concerned. A self-serving upwardly mobile woman with a heart, ultimately.
It is shit film making when you have a poorly developed side character make the most important decision in the plot of the film.
>The story was a convoluted mess
The story that the movie covered is extremely simple.
You could throw that criticism straight into the two ovas.
Manga is where it's at, boys. The movie is fine as a commercial for the manga.
Literally this movie will be forgotten once Endgame comes out
>mars war
>hunter killers are cops but also evil?
>you can insta-become a hunter killer if you feel like it
>small bad, big bad, and part collecting
>I've always wanted to go up to Elysium but cant explain why
I could go on but at a certain point I accepted it was dumb capeshit.
It was okay, it had some neat character designs, a cool world and the protagonist was charming. Its fanbase really exaggerates how good it actually is, though. Honestly, Mortal Engines deserves a cult following probably more than Alita does.
I also did not like it. The romance ruined it for me. I hated her boyfriend, he was such a dull character. He had this bump under his right eye which was all I could see when he was on screen.
>The two words don't even sound the same
Maybe the reason you hated /ourgirl/ is because you are functionally retarded?
As someone who liked the manga, it was a decent adaptation. There was plenty of shitty cringeworthy delivery from Alita and Hugo, though. Christ Hugo's actor was terrible.
>getting blown out
>ad homms
So very typical of smooth brains that desperately defend this movie.
> Note how he will either struggle or chicken out.
I never read the manga or watch the anime and OVA but I can still follow it normally. At the second viewing that's where the feelings started to swell.
The guys's an idiot that can't follow plot and understand nuances. What an absolute garbage of a review.
>10 trannies shilling your movie constantly is "cult following"
It is a bore to you because you only watch capeshit produced within the last ten years.
Alita is not capeshit. Of course you don't like it.
You shouldn't need a second viewing for emotional impact. What you are saying is you must first understand what they did to understand what they should have done.
I don't know about the number or the gender identity of the people praising the movie here but it certainly seems like there's a lot of them.
it is overrated, but its a breath of fresh air from the shit that has been made over the past few years
Not every movie has to be dumbed-down to capeshit level...
...any more than every comedy needs a laugh-track.
had a terrible ending but was far from boring meanwhile captain marvel had a terrible ending and boring mid movie.
captain marvel start quite fun tho.
for me is just rushed, trying to fit in 2 hour 4 tankobons (jap equivalent to omnibus format), also the change in nova personality
This is valid criticism
I still loved the movie and already want the sequel and the one after that too
But this is very valid, shit felt super rushed
I also didn't like the "here's my heart take it" scene
Felt super cheesy and forced
I'm not even going to read the manga as to not spoil the story for when the next movies come out. I'll definitely read it afterwards and be mad at what was undoubtedly fucked up.
Waifufaggotry and identity politics
I hope this shit gets a sequel, I need more live action motorball and the kino jashugan arc to be adapted
>change in Nova personality.
Magna weeb detected. They would hate the Godfather if it was based on a manga.
It had good animation and crisp visuals. The flashback scenes were cool. Some of the cyborg designs were ok. Alita’s face wasn’t as disgusting as I thought it would be. 7/10
At this point, I think we can establish that the movie is an excellent litmus test for retardation. It's always a specific kind of person that has the exact same trouble following the story and comprehending the basic imagery of the scenes.
>This is valid criticism
Not really.
The story is cramped, but much better than anything in the past action/hero genre over the past decade.