Watching Captain Marvel In Theaters

>the antagonist and drops his gun because Captain marvel is in god mode
>*hear gasps in the crowd
>Antagonist: "Fight me fair!!"
>Captain marvel fires her laser into his chest while he was unarmed
>*clapping in the crowd*
> *Some bitch screams out, YAAAAAAAAAAAS!!!!*

I saw this steaming pile of unfunny shit in SF, and the best part was listening to the cringe worthy audience. This shit was non stop throughout the movie.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Must be difficult for a swagless white guy.

>he paid to see captain marvel


[Spoiler]have sex[/spoiler]

>I am a god
>*hulk pounds Loki over and over*

This just proves Endgame is gonna suck

sex seems gross and unsanitary

white guys humor has become so stale. they just use the same style humor for everything

Why didn't you record it. I got pic related last year cheap for DSLR recording buts kinda fun to just have. Why don't you have one? You could of been king of TV for a day.

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That was one of the better scenes in the movie. Jude Law trying to bait her and she just stands there, listens, then gets bored and shoots him in the face

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Los Angeles fag here.

My theatre barely had any people and was silent pretty much the whole time. I thought this movie had been out for a like a week already or something.

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids!

This was the scene i was referring to. OP here.

yea but she made a white male look bad so you have to hate on her on 4channals Yea Forums

>Killing anyone unarmed
It doesn't matter if she had powers or not, it's pretty classless and un-hero to kill an unarmed person.

LA fag from Britain or Canada?

>Jude Law being a more captivating character and actor than the main character.

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She didn't kill him. She even puts him back in his spaceship and sends him home.

He was armed, then put his gun away to try and ruse her.

So did Pepper Potts in Iron Man 2. I don't hate her.

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did we really need another cm thread you cockgobbler

>people paid to see this

i cant wait until white males get new humor.
right now they just look wrecked all the time using overused memes to make a point

*and then everyone pulled out their penises and clapped.*

I always spell it like that for some reason.

This film will be memed for years to come.

It will be 2023 and we will shitpost about this fucking film

Anyone got some memworthy screencaps? Some of the faces she had were hilariously bad

Is there a ‘Drive’ version of this pasta?

you shills are fucking delusional if you think anybody is going to be talking about this garbage by the end of the week

This. Nobody even remembers Thor 2 or Incredible Hulk

This was the only good sceen in the flick.

Jesus fuck, I am so fucking glad I didn't watch this cringe-inducing scene.

>take that Trumpy!

It wasn't even bad enough for it. At least maybe we'll have sex by 2023.

I marvelled at the strength of women in this scene.

I was just surprised when
>Captain Marvel meets Nuck Fury
>First thing outta her mouth:
>Fuck me with your fat nigger dick so we can trigger the incels
>all the white chicks stand up in applause screaming “you go girl!”
>I’m a white dude
>quickly quip: “screw the patriarchy haha”
>receive nods of approval from the front
>someone behind me says “you aight cis boy”

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I bet she and that black single mother haha, classic scissored like crazy though

How can those actors take themselves serious with those stupid customes on?

Their relationship is really weird, she casually orders him around like he's her indoor slave

They'll think about their fat paycheck.

Wow what a cunt. This would be like pulling out a katana in a bare knuckle fist fight

He's sat on a green bucking bronco surrounded by greenscreen, being told to act angry as he imagines shooting at an imaginary ship.

Acting as a whole is just awkward to witness, it's why you need to have no shame to succeed at it

>I gonna defend this shitty movie and call you an incel by implying that I am one as well

This is the reason I don't watch movies in the opening weekend. The last thing I need is cringy manbabies screaming and hollering at the screen.


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White males do nothing but make overused jokes now

This just proves,
Women literally don't understand honor.

holy shit this is so cringy

wow, they really nailed those 90s special effects

Why did she have a stand off with him for almost a minute if she was just going to blast the shit out of him anyway?

Haha nice, never heard that one before. You roasted him dude.

>the climax of the film is “women have no honor or respect”
>women love it

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>watching Brie Larson fall on her face over and over again
why couldn't that be the entire movie?

How. Dare. People. Enjoy. The. Movie.

So white bois can listen to the based white man talk

Dance off bro you and me

Presumably to make you think she's going to take the bait. He ends with something like "prove to me you can beat me without the powers" and then she walks over and says she has nothing to prove to him.

Yet Han shooting Greedo is badass.

How did all her past selves know where the camera was

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>spiderman homecoming
>shit tier

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legit graph.

He's not a hero, he's a smuggler. Bring up Indiana Jones instead, he did the whole shooting thing way better

when you take out all the extra cameos from civil war, just looking at the plot line, it was a good movie. like the whole stand off didn't need to be there, but the winter soldier killing the Starks was good, if only Tony wasn't such a whiney bitch

>he killed my mommy

that was unscripted, Harrison Ford was just sick and didn't want to do the stunt

what the hell, bro
winter soldier is much better than low tier

Not to mention he did that to a non character that didn’t even have a name.

Han is an outlaw and became a hero, not started as one.

Nobody remember Sam Jackson already made the 'overpowered chick with amnesia set in the 90s' film in the actual 90s?

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Is there a deeper meaning to this
>inb4 have sex

Cool, I hope Disney inspired a generation of children to follow her example.

He's a Byronic Hero.

>nothing on god tier

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Samuel L Jackson used to be a woman?

Geena Davis used to be Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

They only paid for one real actor, so it would be a waste to cut his screen time short.

Have sex

>paid money to see this shit
>with all the other MCUcks who said they'd boycott it

You deserve this and worse. And you'll get it, too.

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Hammer was a huge beta though so it's only natural for some stacey to put him down

This might be the worst list I've seen.

Hammer was the most alpha man alive, he just couldn't catch a break

Hopefully somebody pulls the plug by then

Thanks for throwing out a newer meme instead of using one from 2 years ago

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White boy got his privilege fucking checked

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This scene was cool, but the total lack of danger makes it seem a bit hollow. I did enjoy Ronan pussying out and fleeing at the mere sight of her though.

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He wasn't getting (you)s in the other 20 threads so he had to start his own

I seriously wanted to shoot myself when everyone laughed at this shit humor.

It looks like a sex toy from AliExpress

Do it bro. One less replier on 4channel


>I did enjoy Ronan pussying out and fleeing at the mere sight of her though.
Ronan is a big stupid pathetic joke again!


Maybe you should have posted a laughing image

Nobody likes the Kree

I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be. Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch. But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing. Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie.


With Captain Marvel?

>capeshit has reached its final form
>the perfect blend of fucktarded and SJW messaging
>21 movies to get to this point

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I was so bored I don't recall much of the movie.

>years past meme

>she has nothing to prove to him.
True, she's not virtuous as a hero.

jesus looks so fucking stupid

The move was terrible, but that was the only good scene, the "fair fight" movie trope is cringe

>confirmed for wh*te boi

>>the antagonist and drops his gun


Did he and because his gun while dropping and because so maybe because?

Thata not even an insult

The difference is, that was actually funny.

That emotionless flat acting.

>Skrulls are rewritten as MUH REFUGEES

Aren't Skrulls evil as fuck and constantly fucking with humans even though we're not the Kree?

Maybe in the comics. In MCU the Kree are all dicks and deserve nothing but scorn and suspicion

>no god tier
>gotg top tier
>iron man mid tier
>captain marvel low tier
>spider man homecoming low tier
These are the things I agree with.

Skrulls are pricks and have been since they first discovered Earth.

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The worst part is the lack of agency in whats going to become the nuMCU. Ironheart is going to be smarter and less of a mess psychologically than Tony, whoever is going to replace Hulk is going to be stronger and just better overall. They're going to make the awful mistake the comics made in trying to assert "These are BETTER than your favorite, make them your new favorites!". No one wanted fucking Captain Marvel, they're just shitting her out so they can make Avengers be lead by a marysue without a real stake or claim beyond being a woman with godpower. Even Rogers is just a roided up human that makes lots of fuck ups and can lose fights, It'll be a hard sell for this slut to even take a scratch after this movie set her power level so damn high. Remember when Ironman or any of the other heroes just shrugged off everything without a scratch really in their climaxes?

> Hulk pounds Loki over and over.

Is that the porn version?


Imagine if Indiana Jones did something like that...

Oh, hang on, he did!

The Kree are assholes in the comics too and started the war there too. The Skrulls were once peaceful, but after centuries of war, became bloodthirsty warmongers themselves.

The Skrulls in the movie are a small group, and Kevin Feige already said there are evil Skrulls out there, not unlike the comics, were there are good Skrulls, like Hulkling and Lyja.

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Lol sure thing white boi

Learn to compete

im writing how white males keep using memes from years ago like its still top tier comedy gold and or good still at trolling.

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The go kart and bike crashes don't look like you're going to walk away from those


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Here I feel like an idiot just typing that yet you know all about it. You are fucking pathetic, just transition now.

And they can’t compete including you white faggot

Cope harder


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infinite summer
woke casuals
fuck this gay earth

Avis save us!

no they cant compete because they arent using their imagination. using old ass memes and b8. they are literally making it so most people gloss over what they write

things that never happened

Spider-Verse is low tier.

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Just a reminder ladies- without technology you would still be the weaker sex. Imagine no birth control. No guns. No washers and dryers. No cars. You stand on the shoulders of the men who enabled you and pretend you earned it.

>fighting fair against a guy that has been proved to sabotage you and betray you

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Law put more emotion in that scene then Larson did in her entire performance. She just isn’t cut for the capeshit

but she did it to a white male and you should be upset about that

>this is the new leader of the Avengers

MCU is dead.

God he is so handsome

>She just isn’t cut for the capeshit

She has a 7 movie deal, right?

>- would be a really satisfying and poetic way to prove him wrong and spit in his face at the same time.

Why don't zoomers understand payoff?

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Without technology we would all have been eaten by sabretooth tigers long ago.

Doesn't CM also have super strength? She fought the Hulk in the comics at least. Why would he want to fight her fair?

Fucking kek I appreciated this user

>Why don't zoomers understand payoff?
because they have no understanding of it whatsoever. none of their games or entertainment ever featured it. its always instant for them.

>hear "he cute" from one of the transgender girls

a white male wants everything to always be the same like an old meme from years ago they keep using? im not surprised you want that. you no imagination addicted to the same ol same ol while you sit around smelling your own farts bs

The fuck did they do to her binary form? firery hair and glowing eyes is all that's needed, yet they seem to have givern her some sort of mask for it?

That's the most cringe I've seen in years.

So basically the same kind of thing as in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" when Indy shoots the sword-wielding dude at the market instead of fighting fair and noble in an duel of sword vs whip, because Harrison Ford had Diarrhea and wasn't in form to shoot the scene so he convinced Steven Spielberg to just shoot him?

Your tiers are bad and you should feel bad

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It’s the antithesis to any male-led action movie where the end fight is a fist fight (Commando is the first that comes to mind but basically any Arnold movie or 80s movie including Universal Soldier, Cobra, etc)

The ending fist fight is usually a matter of honor, but for captain marvel it would have been a way for her to pass the contrived test of being “too emotional” or whatever the fuck at the beginning.

Her blasting jude law after being challenged to honorable combat = proving not only is she a dumb bitch but also a coward.

What imagination white people are canceled like your cracker ass

The proper term for this jewey shit is "bathos", and its overuse has utterly destroyed modern cinema, and along with it Western culture. But "God's chosen ones" just cant help themselves in their quest to continually subvert fucking everything.

ba·thos /ˈbāTHäs/ noun
(especially in a work of literature) an effect of anticlimax created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous.
"his epic poem has passages of almost embarrassing bathos"

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That wasn't the final battle. Captain Marvel was just a let down.

Stroke victim fingers wrote this

Renny Harlan's only good movie.
At Least Sammy had his balls in it.

white people have lost all imagination
blacks are still dumb and very slow to understand anything
asians are subtly populating the world
browns are murdering eachother left and right

I thought this was Spy Kids

>watching CM right now
>train scene
>she's having trouble with one Skrull

I thought she was an anime character? Why doesn't she just use her laser beam hands to power up her punches?


Sounds like it requires work desu

Anyone cares to give a quick greentext about the plot?

> implying there were large crowds in the cinema

This poster is busy today. Sticks out like an Occasio apologist.

He didn't throw his gun away which was suspect. He was going to blow her head off at point blank the moment he got a chance.

She is too powerful, what is the fucking point ? She can solo Thanos. This is a franchise killer, it's Justice League again.

have sex

Jesus Christ the cringe


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Civilian casualties

Daddy Jude

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this desu. I want to see him as Julius Caesar when his hair goes gray

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>She can solo Thanos.
Not if he's wearing the gauntlet.

It has two or three decent action sequences. Brie is so-so at first with a handful of things she was OK at but she never looks the part. Then they reveal their true goal. Not to push feminism (which they do with painful lack of art) but rather to make s statement about illegal immigration. The Skrulls are dreamers.
This movie is not the worst MArvel movie but it is bottom tier.
4/10 (generous)

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Have white children to further the white race.

is this green lantern?

>doesn't even limp, stagger, show pain as she's getting up from those serious accidents

Boring af Mary Sue


she doesn't have to go shooting lasers from her fists, just give them a little juice is all

I don't care for the honor or whatever in war. Get it over with in a fight, you don't need to prove anything. You don't have to show mercy.
That being said, it's not a praise worthy scene.

Naw you little white dick is just inferior and you know this you are the past

There was in my showing in the Friday 1pm show

>jumps right into thinking about dick

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>honor, but for captain marvel it would have been a way for her to pass the contrived test of being “too emotional” or whatever the fuck at the beginning.
She passed the test. Why fight fair? For romantic concepts of honor among combatants? For a guy that has been bullshitting as long as you’ve known him? Fuck that. Just get the job done.

He does kind of look like Elijah Wood in the thumbnail

Thank you for posting this. It's become clear that movies that try to aspire to something serious and thoughtful will be savaged endlessly in the mainstream media (ie Batman Vs. Superman). Superheroes films are stories about gods among men. Why does every moment need to be met with glib indifference, sarcasm and subversion?

Oh wait, I know why.

isn't hulkling gay?
the state of all comics

cringe is strong with those webms

That's not even the worst of them.

This. That's why they shouldn't be so celebratory. He basically forced her hand by being a better combatant than her.
The issue is that it shouldn't make somebody feel strong or secure. That should make you feel weak. The takeaway should have been that she needed training, or she needed to do SOMETHING to refine her abilities.
Of course, since most women have never been in and don't worry about combatives, it makes sense they can enjoy this.
Most males won't like this because males dont like the idea of being weaker than their opponent, and it basically let's them know that they can be beaten by somebody stronger
Most women don't care about being weaker than their opponent, because to a woman they are already the strongest most intelligent being in the world until normalcy bias slaps their shit.
Obviously I'm speaking in general.

>implying anything in the mcu or modern cinema is "sublime" and it isn't all trivial and ridiculous

Holy shit, imagine thinking that making jokes in flicks about people in capes shooting lasers at each other is the destruction of Western culture.

This kind of poster walks among us in the real world. Trust no one.

>Striving to have disproportionately high power to abuse with no remorse while expecting nothing short of praise for it
This is a great analogy for feminism


Literal fucking terminator, just stands up like a god damn emotionless robot staring straight ahead, what the fuck.

Iwould but this thread is about to fill up, I think.
Ask in a fresh post.

Sounds like those clingy GoT bar clips.

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im not going to let you suck my dick

the saddest part of this story is you actually paying to watch this

which episode of Supergirl is this?

Homecoming in shit tier. Neck yourself

That women has the emotional expression of a dead Opposum

then what?

Take that back, opossums are great actors

I didn't give them my dollars and watched a pirated cam stream of this shit to verify that it was shit.

It was shit.

Suck my digital dong, Disney.



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Discord trannies making memes I think

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Have sex

Like this moron

Since people apparently just want to hate on this movie for the sake of getting angry, I'll explain the scene to you because I actually watched the whole thing: he's presented as Carol's master back in the Kree headquarters, and it's established that he wants her to control her impulses (which trigger her powers) and learn to fight hand to hand, at which he excels. He beats him time and time again, but as a student she respects him and it's a thing they do. So when Jude Law's character betrays her trust after it's revealed that she lied to her about her entire life, this scene happens. He tries to goad her into fighting hand to hand, pretending they are still in that master-student relationship so he can use his superior martial arts knowledge to get the jump on her and maybe kill her (he doesn't discard the gun), but Captain Marvel sees right through it and blasts him away because she doesn't respect him anymore. "I don't need to prove anything to you", he concludes, and offers him her hand to get him up. Cut to her dragging him through the desert.

Why is everyone in reviews sperging out about the fucking cat when from I can see it's just a normal cat that has one CGI alien scene?

because the rest of the movie is awful

>Scenes men will never understand

You are right, i apologize. Let say like a Trashcan in China. Although the chinese Trashcan has the exotic trait.

Valid point, it's ridiculous capeshit. But it's part of a larger trend of reflexive subversion of our greatest legends, heroes, and history, to the extent that they can't even resist mocking their own artificial SJW Mary Sues. When you start to look for it you'll see it everywhere: everything and everyone you've believed in is shit, you have nothing to be proud of. The Founding Fathers were corrupt racists, the USA was founded on slavery, the American capitalist miracle is just class oppression and economic violence, all of our greatest inventors did it on the backs of women, and our entire society is just an edifice of institutionalized racism and sexism.

Making a joke of these dramatic pivotal moments is part of how they do it. Luke Skywalker is now just a defeated bum who tosses his lightsabre away.

>When you start to look for it you'll see it everywhere
not even a hint of irony or self-awareness

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it's working, though. gj user-kun

It's an inside joke implying that the cat is stronger performer than Brie "My face is tired" Larson.

When the last truly earnest and sincere Hollywood movies were made before most 4channers were even born...when the last proud Western history books were replaced or destroyed in the 70's or 80's...when all you've ever known is deconstructionism, subversion, cultural marxism and "intersectional feminism"...

I suppose you wouldn't even know that something is wrong.

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>White women and King Kong syndrome

White women think they can control beast until they pay their toll.

>Captain Marvel took another cool thing from a another movie and made it bland.
Oh boy.

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Okay I see what you mean.

Secret Invasion was so fucking shit

Hey Einstein, if the extent of your character analysis is "Luke Skywalker is now just a defeated bum who tosses his lightsabre away", maybe don't go around mocking people's capabilities lmao

And you still paid money for the

If they weren't so good for everyone involved then they really weren't that good, were they grandpa?

>paying for parking at a theatre


>The Founding Fathers were corrupt racists, the USA was founded on slavery, the American capitalist miracle is just class oppression and economic violence, all of our greatest inventors did it on the backs of women, and our entire society is just an edifice of institutionalized racism and sexism.
All true facts. Nothing to be ashamed of.

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Yep. We had a good run.

>thousands of people paid real life dollars to watch this
jesus christ

this nigga stuck in 2010 lmao holy shit

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*xe cute

Hey.... Don't watch Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Star Trek, Breaking Bad, etc

You won't like them. They kind of have this stuff in them

Did that song play during the movie? I'll be surprised if it didn't.

Imagine batman defeating the joker that easily, or superman just knocking out zod in his first punch. This just shows how powerful and independent captain marvel is and that she's here to stay.

>indiana jones gag
>goes over people's heads
fucking stupid niggers

was good

Ah yeah, it was just a gag guys.

Just like how Indiana Jones just shot the main nazi bad guy in raiders of the lost ark and easily wrapped up all conflict. It was a reference to that.

what's even the reason to have an overpowered hero with no drawbacks? even superman has a weakness.

>let's subvert tropes with ever shittier ones!

I don't see how this will make the movie better

this happens at the end wich is about an hour after any believability she had is gone. Jude does OK, though.
Kindly womansplain to us how cool making the Skrulls into refugee dreamers was.

I wish white males would finally be all those fucking great things they like to pretend to be instead of the whiny exaggerative useless internet warriors they have become. spotting a white male is too fucking easy because all they do is speak using memes like some backwards society retard from ancient egypt. people gloss over the shit they write except for other exaggerative retards and they circle jerk thinking they have it all together.
i want them to see they are becoming the annoying sjw from 2013-2017. god damn use some new fucking jokes and irony for fucking once again

post of the year

>Guardians of the Galaxy 2
>Peter Quill has an emotional catharsis of his life as an orphan and remembers what's at stake and lunges at the guy who killed him mom

>Captain Marvel
>I get knocked down, but I get up again; because I'm a strong independent woman

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That’s completely different you fag

>MCU trademarked serious moment ends with a joke/quip/funny moment

I hate this shit
It's like when they made the moment between Iron Man and Falcon in Civil War funny for no reason, other than to get a laugh out of people.

This is pretty funny. Doesn't say a whole lot about her character tho.

How can anyone consider that entertaining? I hope there's a huge drop next weekend. Disney will still claim it a success but let's be honest, they want a billion.

>*Some bitch screams out, YAAAAAAAAAAAS!!!!*
this was the most kino scene...
"You is the most fierce woman I have ever known, even before you could shoot lightening from yo fists."

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Btw everyone, you're all fucking stupid if you think the problem with this scene is about "muh honor" and not that it's meant to be the climax of an action superhero movie. Get fucked

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Full spoilers 1/2, it will go down as the most legendary pile of shit to ever get a wide release.

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Spoilers 2/2

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/cuck/co/ starter

>clapping in cinemas
Is it true that burgers really do this?
Who are you applauding? The projectionist?

Slaw ass nigga

House nigger is the term you're looking for.

i love this scene, no matter how much the white men bullied her, she always gets up! omg im gonna cry u guise

Holy fucking cringe, that's just embarrassing

It was retard.

>white men are the bullies when a white male is getting bullied when doing something most females dont do
>white men are the bullies when a white female is getting bullied when doing something most female dont do
whats the issue? that movies make it as if bullies are more prominent in life that they actually are?

i've never seen a girl do any of these things jfc

What is the point of doing it or not, it won't make a difference on 4channel. Why didn't you shoot yourself already?

FInally agree on something at least

Sooo shes not a hero then? Because it's neither honorable or heroic to shoot someone in the face just for talking

ur part of the cancer for seeing it

>he doesn't like capekino

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Doesn't she look at this film specifically in the movie when she crashes into Block Buster?

But why is Jude Law yelling at the block of cheese?

It's still an art form. Star wars was an art form too and then was ruined because of this bullshit. This literally is western culture. A focus group probably chuckled at bathos once and now they put it in everything.

Stop trying to derail by acting like it doesnt matter. They know goddamn well it matters from a cultural perspective or they wouldn't insert so much of their political feelings into the works.

They're lazy though. Rather than come up with a good plot that moves you they constantly want to subvert expectations. It's the lazy way of making someone believe something is good. If you constantly subvert expectations in culture then you condition the individual to allow his notions about life itself to be subverted and leave them with a constant feeling of psychological blue balls. The end result would be a nihilistic outlook because even in a fantasy world things dont actually work out in a fun climatic way anymore.

You really shouldnt watch these movies anyway. Theyre designed to manipulate you psychologically

>They're lazy though.
the irony

Deny the spirit. Reduce the culture to a manufactured psychologically damaged mess. Make the beautiful ugly and destroy all objective truth. Pit people against themselves. Then you'll be able to control man and make him an animal

Bow to your new God$. Work like an animal until you die. The cattle only knows what the farmer tells him. When you treasure materialism and try to act like man is nothing more than an animal do not be suprised when you worship the material, feel empty inside, and get herded like cattle.

Capitalism- the carrot in front of the ox

Communism- the whip behind the ox

Socialism- tricking the ox that working for the farmer will help other oxen, when in reality the farmer is the one who benefits

this is actually based

>saw it on firday
>the cat lets all its tentacles out and eats three bad guys
>soiboy with mohawk in from of me bursts out laughing and yells "that was awesome!"
this was bongland btw so yelling awesome makes you even more soi

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All those characters are portrayed as anti heros not heros. Stop being purposefully obtuse

The argument about Han shooting first was solely about if han was a hero or an anti hero

Heros are to be emulated. Anti heros arent to be emulated until they change to become heros. They lack a code and honor. Portraying one as the other is saying "emulate these negative qualities "

No wonder your mother raised a fool

Please preach like this more often, it was oddly inspiring to me to hear it this clear cut.

is this any better in Yea Forums's opinion?

>We could have had Nova prime movie to get some Ryan Reynolds kind of guy to play overpowered space cop instead of this shit

you should have recorded the SF faggots shills when they saw this movie!!!

Nova corps are different from the comics though. The helmets don't hold any power.

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yes cause it fits the character and has a funny backstory of harrison not wanting to do stunts that day cause he was shitting his pants from food poisoning

>shoots some unnamed mook as a one-off gag in the middle of a protracted chase sequence


>literally the climax of the movie.

you go girl
yaas slay queen
.......gets drunk and raped at the corporate christmas party!!!

>even with no hair and pushing 40 Jude Law is still far more attractive than the "attractive" female lead actor
maybe MCU is good after all

1XBET.COM logo!!!!!!!!!!!! ahahah every time i pirate i get that retarded commercial with the british guy

>not juice or sauce
Found the white guy

I also found that part really stupid.
>I'm unarmed, fight fair
>No lol I'm a stronk woman
>Shoots unarmed man

eeeh, i liked Talos
he was a chill dude.
i feel bad for the the science guy

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Good lord, she has no expression, wtf...

I seriously considered it. I should of, shit would've gone viral so fast.

That happened to but the entire audience cried out in laughter and then there was clapping involved again.

nothing that cant be added on top

At its core, this is just another mediocre Marvel origin story, except this one is painted over with "muh feminism". It's not nearly as annoying as the NEETS want it to be, but there are some truly cringy, self-indulgent lines in there clearly written by an overweight, short-haired 40-year-old woman who wishes men were as antagonistic as she wants them to be.

They fucking retconned it so that "The Avengers" were named after Carol "Avenger" Danvers...

This is fucking garbage.

>Iron-Man 3 isn't in GOD TIER
Shit image

Name 3 positive things about the plot of the movie.

B movies look better than that.

I guarantee it happened. And what I stated is lightly putting it. The smell of onions and menstruation in the air was thick.

I can't get over how awful the costume is, the stupid energy Mohawk is embarrassing. Is it like that in the comic? How could it something so stupid be worth making a film about? Surely there's better marvel content out there.

Holy shit she really does only have one expression lmfao!!!!

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This. The moral is: buy a gun.

>both scenes
>she's rightly upset
brainlet detected

disney drone detected

>sympathizing with a mass murderer just because he got beat by a girl
never change white men



homecoming was trash

This board cannot argue for shit about the movies it hates.

>muh hivemind
>calls normies NPCs
>everyone on this site must agree
>fails to see the hypocrisy

Tbh this is the real reason I knew Captain Marvel would make bank. For all the big talk Yea Forums really does have nothing better to do than go see the very movies it talks shit about