Cast in lead role in one of the most popular young adult franchises of all time

> Cast in lead role in one of the most popular young adult franchises of all time
> wins Oscar at 22
> was worlds highest paid actress at one point with a net worth of over 100 million dollars
> beautiful and generally loved by normies for being goofy and 'relateable
> barely gets cast in anything anymore and last few movies were critical and box office flops

What went wrong?

Attached: jennifer-lawrence-redsparrow-a.jpg (609x700, 117K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fapped to her nudes several times. It was nice

They got big daddy Harvey

women don't last long in hollywood

go back

coincidentally she faded away once Weinstein got busy

harv used to be pretty powerful!


Attached: screen-shot-2014-11-25-at-12-04-29-jennifer-lawrence-s-high-school-play-is-all-kinds-of-adorable-but (495x678, 63K)

still under 30, also actresses these days stick around until at least late 30s

Has it ever occurred to you that she’s taking a break?

Stars often do that for several reasons, not least of which is to prevent overexposure, taking a mental break after working nonstop for many years, a creative break to reasses future roles, side projects or non movie career related work.

But I guess that’s too difficult for someone with a pea brain to understand and I don’t even like Jlaw.

She's a role specific actress.
She was very fortunate to be cast in that rip off series.
Everything after that her lack of ability shone through.

...she has nudes? i don't believe you. she's an A+ list actress, not a disreputable you-know-what!

Someone post the based Leto quote

Once you see her butthole not much matters

what quote

she let her mask slip and people started to realise what a cunt she was

>beautiful and generally loved by normies for being goofy and 'relateable
she kept doing the exact same things and saying "LOOK AT HOW QUIRKY AND RELATABLE I AM" and even the normies caught on to it

Funny how her career started nosediving as soon as daddy Harvey started getting indictments...

She doesn't have enough dicks to suck to further her career at the moment. Give it time.

Her whole appeal was that everyone could see that she was hot but she never was wearing anything else than casual clothing in her movies.

Now that everyone fapped to that cumslut she is from no interest. That this horrible actress even won an award is only due to her dick sucking skills on based Harvey.

>What went wrong?
Nothing? She's rich and taking some time for herself. She got engaged and is working on non-acting things she believes in..

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We're getting married, we wanted to keep it a secret but it looks we can't hide anything from the Yea Forums detectives haha

Man, I wish I could "take a break" from working 100 days a year.


Women's suffrage was a mistake.

I want to repeatedly thrust my uncovered penis into her vagina until I achieve orgasm, if you get my meaning.

she could phisically submit all the posters ITT

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I want her to bully me for having a tiny 7" dick (no shitpost)

1) overdid the fake persona so much that even normalfags caught on
2) vastly oversold her importance and demanded salary that wasn't worth the return
3) clearly stopped giving a fuck about the franchises that shot her to stardom, which made producers and directors wary about casting her
4) is a genuine brainlet that made every wrong move possible when her nudes leaked
5) relied too heavily on the combine harveyster for roles

I'll give her this much, though; she never tried selling out Harvey for what she did consensually.

She is a capeshit actress, other than that she has 2 "good" movies made more than 5 years ago.

First 4 are pre-Harvey downfall
Last one is she on her own.

she has no talent and Bradly Cooper should have won for Silver Linings Playbook not this dumb roastie

Weinstein got arrested

would you? i would

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She looks pretty average. Dime a dozen in my country.

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It was not her butthole. Those butthole pics came from /hc/ 6 months before the JLaw leaks. Probably 100 times I've said this now.

What country? I'll come to visit.


I don't even believe the Weinstein shit. She just annoyed everyone around her at a time when she was every-fucking-where.

Jlaw is a 10/10 and that potato looking mutt you just posted looks like an inbred potato.

Retard third worlder

>people believe what they want to believe no matter what the facts are

This can't be news to you. I know the feeling. I've spent pointless hours commenting and posting things about shit on the internet. It never makes a difference.

>more than a 4

She's definitely not ugly but I dunno why every time I see her I get a sudden urge to look away, I just dislike her a lot.

Daily reminder that Jlaw is the reason why Yea Forums now has this copyright bullshit.

She’s a 5.5/10 with makeup and a 3/10 without.

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Satan be knowing

> Cast in lead role in one of the most popular young adult franchises of all time
> wins Oscar at 22
> was worlds highest paid actress at one point with a net worth of over 100 million dollars
>> barely gets cast in anything anymore and last few movies were critical and box office flops

Weinstein was plowing Lawrence then got busted for his sex slave operation. That is what happened.

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is somoene gonna post her nudes or not
did she prove you can just threaten to sue anyone to take down her nudes?

Yep, something is really off with her face, can't fucking stand it. Maybe a brown paper bag could help, I don't know

Hunger Games and X-Men contradict the HW narrative, user. Harvey's girls are everywhere but never in anything big outside of his movies.

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goddamn it now you're posted unibrowed potato faces with pancake tits
have sex fifth worlder
do you need the UN to donate some condoms to your cause?

t. seething incel who hates all women because they won't touch him

I've known it's not her almost from the beginning but I have and will continue to say it is because it's funny

How many successful actors have "taken a break" that wasn't court mandated and managed to come back with equal success?

She's hot af, you'd have to be gay or lying to not want to

Every heterosexual man would

go spank your earth toned pants monkey to that mole covered banana titted clusterfu you posted and leave me alone faggot
I'm trying to game up your sorry excuse for a mom
next month at this time you'll fear me and refer to me as user daddy

Daniel Day Lewis

>incels keep making these threads because they just want to remind everyone that sucking Harv’s dick made her famous
We get it. The film industry is being run by filthy pig Jews, and all women are untalented whores who suck dick for money. Next!

I like bras like these that cradle the boobs, as opposed to ones that push them up and together

literally the only time i've found her attractive

I'm so tired of looking at this woman and her stoopid cutesy face.

Coincidentally, Emma Watson isn't doing much of late either

Attached: Emma-Watson-Oscars-tattoo-25baac2.jpg (620x413, 75K)

t. seething incel who whiteknights all women because he thinks it will make them have sex with him

What the fuck are you on about? Dozens, problem is our collective social attention span is literally zero.

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honestly, even if she never works in hollywood again, she should have made enough money by now to never have to work again period.

Did people wake up to what a hypocritical cunt she was after the Weinstein incident? They should have.

>after the Weinstein incident

She was never tied to him.

>beautiful and generally loved

She’s a cunt who looks like a fishmonger’s daughter, stop fooling yourselves Amerikansky

She was tied by him

t. Jennifer's legal team

Based legal team defending the wrong actress

She's not Daniel Day-Lewis, I'm sure she would love to have the spotlight again but the fact is she just got really luck with the projects she got and now her luck seems to have faded.
Hunger games 4 was a critical and financial disapointment, same thing with Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix looks even worse, the other movies she starred in (Passengers, mother and Red Sparrow) were failures, and David O. Russell who was the one giving her all those Oscar nominations haven't made a new movie in four years and has no new projects anounced.
She's still working, but her days as Hollywood's sweetheart are probably over.

She kept her head down enough that she dodged most of the flak.
It did harm her career, but only in the sense that she couldn't promote herself well while it was happening.

well said user

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Yes. I'd give her a pearl necklace so I could watch it run down onto that bosom.

saggy boobies

She was a whore who rode dick to get all of that instead of actually being talented and gifted. It's why guys like Mel Gibson and RDJ can bounce back after cucking their lives the whole way into the gutter and why someone like Daniel Day Lewis can be considered the greatest working actor even though he makes like two films per decade. Simple as.

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Sounds more like oppression from the patriarchy to me desu

Satan is correct.

This. Weird coincidence, isn't it?

Her being on the immediate defensive before any accusations is kind of a major tell when someone's guilty. Forget what it's called though.

This guy fucks

shes walking around with just a bra?

>Forget what it's called though.

It's called made-up bullshit because it isn't what happened.

his hand

why the FUCK does he always have the same fucking smile in these casting couch pics

Damn man, this truth bomb along with those trips caused all the jizz I spilled over her butthole over the years to forcefully inject back in through my dick hole. I have truly been a fool.

In fairness, JLaw was one of the few that didn't throw him under the bus.
It shows a surprising amount of intelligence, since she'd be one of the most obvious examples of them just regretting it later/cashing in.

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It's almost like she knew Harvey was a sexist prick who would bring down everyone with him...

Did she ever get Blacced?

God I hope not..

Obtain intercourse

and ticked

Not the one that was in response to a claim he had sex with her but before the shit really broke she was on the bullhorn the following day.

Harvey being exposed

i think not but who knows
always looked like a closet racist to me, but had to adapt to the environment to keep working

checked, How is Jeff doing satan?

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that's called "The lady doth protest too much" from Hamlet

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What you people are calling her decline started well before the rapist got busted. This man has a lot of victims and what you are doing here is at LEAST an indirect way of shaming potential victims, congrats on being pieces of shit
Registered Sex Offender

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You were warned about browsing Yea Forums and 4channel scuzzmo
See you next Wednesday
Your Probation Officer

Err, no. She and other prominent actresses like Streep didn't say shit until the media demanded, then they got mad when they said nothing happened with them, I didn't know, etc.

>Times Up

I just realized she looks like Tracy Lindsay

Attached: 612full-tracy-lindsay.jpg (612x919, 39K)

t. someone with face blindness

indeed richard dawkins it is.

Does anyone have the video from the E! red carpet (I think it was the golden globes 2014 or around that time) where they do a wide shot where you can see JLaw swatting around her as if she's being accosted by flies or something, but then when the video zooms into the actual interview, the interviewer asks what she's doing since there's nothing around them?

urghh... all the poo poo spots on her skin. disgusting. some laser sessions wouldn't hurt.

I'm still mad that she's the reason that Haley will never be a superstar

Attached: haley unsure.jpg (687x1024, 73K)

Speak for yourself homie, I still spank to her fap files
this dude knows what I'm talkin' about
and furthermore, I found her to be an acceptable actor, I enjoyed her in Silver Linings Playbook but I think the sex appeal was magnified by seeing everything she had on hand.

You can tell Jen's still depressed by the whole every time she starts these treads to check the temperature. Soon Jen, sooooooooon.

Female actresses can't really do that, can they? They get too old at 33 for the producers trying to squeeze every ounce of sex appeal they can get away with. Reese Witherspoon tried to come back. That little girl from Sleepy Hallow tried to come back and what did she do? Bucky Larson Born to be a Star. Srsly.
If she never makes it back, boo-hoo, she won an oscar, she made millions, and she's still young. I'm just glad I got to see her naked.

This. Lol she started winning oscars every year out of nowhere. Was literally everywhere in the media. But once her sugar daddy was dethroned she has no career. Same thing for that hag Meryl

She's on the shortlist to portray the DCEU's Supergirl allegedly, so there's that...she's probably waiting till Dark Phoenix comes and goes

I would have, but not anymore. I have a type and she's not it.

>Did she ever get Blacced?
oh user...

Yes! I know exactly what you're talking about
It used to be here
But it looks like (((they))) took it down. Can't possibly think why...

>her masturbation scene in The Girl On the Train

Attached: happy michelle.jpg (800x1700, 368K)

jlaw posted on /hc/? what the fuck

Also a lifelong nudist

you know what?

that actually IS really funny

So this is weird... In my autistic desire to find the video of JLaw pretending to swat a fly (turns out it's from the 2014 oscars) I've discovered that the e! red carpet youtube channel has taken down all their videos from the 2014 oscars.
The e! news channel on youtube doesn't have any videos older than 3 years. Someone really doesn't want that footage to be seen...

Bryan Cranston

>we aren't keeping our air and water clean for our children

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Ironically, JLaw looks like a baked potato

that girl is 14 apparently dear fucking god she is hot

scratch that she is 17 in this pic thank god

who cares how old she is?

satan trips of truth.

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based sex haver

Why? I'm not a burger, dunno anything about this shit.

Over exposure. She was in too much.

Attached: harvey controls Jlaw via Bluetooth.webm (640x360, 1.59M)

Solely down to the fact that people only see Hermione & she’s an absolutely appalling actress. Radcliffe can only get parts in weird as fuck indie movies.

holy christ, i knew giada was big i didn't know they were THAT big.

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>posting a cropped artifacted REDDIT image
kill yourself

im here to save the fucking day

they're modest but not 'big'. shes got pancakes (at this time because shes 50+) and the suit flattens them down to give an impression of a larger bust than she usually has.

still very nice, very nice.

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>they're modest but not 'big'. shes got pancakes (at this time because shes 50+) and the suit flattens them down to give an impression of a larger bust than she usually has.
i thought she was a hefty B but they're still bigger than i imagined.

>still very nice, very nice.
yes indeedy. she's up there along with bellucci

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it could have been model Caroline Vreeland's big breakout role

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She'd look really good in bdsm gear.

she makes me hard

chadcliffe's based though stfu

>What went wrong?

She can't act. At all.

She's losing her looks. They were all she had.

her john got locked up

what the fuck is she doing?

she's a 5.5/10 with tiny tits and big fatty arms.

Only faggots like this woman.

Kike remote mind control testing

She’s not that hot though. She’s like a 7/10 you don’t take to McDonalds but also don’t take to the $50 a plate place. And you cheat on her with thher first upgrade you catch a whiff from.

In the audio version she is excited to be in a private luxury jet for the first time.

4channel doesn’t violate him pig. It’s 100% clean.

now that harvey is gone, she actually has to work

was this before people realize her quirky self was full of shit? even by her, thats cringy as fuck

>smokey eyes

i don't give a shit, that's her butthole in my headcanon

someone post the webm where she looks through the door, you know the one

Based. That is Your Truth and you shouldn't let anyone take it from you. #staystrong

doesn't mean they should

Robin Williams after Mork and Mindy getting canceled

We saw her tits and stopped having to pretend to care about her

is that in a plane? weird windows

Fappening “killed” her career plus she was a flavor of the month actress. Who started in capeshit and YA shit. Like Emma Watson or others before her, her time has passed. Unless she reinvents herself that is.

ok Jennifer Lawrence's publicist


Not quite sure man, kinda vague. I tell you what though, I'd like to ejaculate some of my seed into her vaginal cavity after repeatedly thrusting my phallus into it while in the missionary position, if you catch my drift.

7/10 body with a 5/10 face.
people got over it. So should you

but he got horse pussy

What is the context of this?

>other people in the background
>candles, dark room
>old fashioned black and white photographs posted the wooden thing

This a bar? A private party? Who are the other people? Why is she dressed like that?

Yeah, lovely..

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I mean if I ever flew on a private jet that I paid for myself I'd probably have a private moment like that with my just my fiance around. People have probably always done that, there just weren't cameras hooked up to the fucking internet 24/7.

I'm desperate, im no parameter for this

Prove it

Photos like these were probably more damaging to her than pussy and tit shots, desu.


She looks fucking tall

She has some good points when I skimmed through, but I still want to punch her in her face.

we didn't listen

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Am I the only one who really liked Mother! ?

It's kind of funny how it triggered one side of the aisle for having graphic violence against women and it triggered the other side of the aisle for having an environmental message and being an esoteric art film.

I just thought it was vicerally entertaining from start to finish and extremely well made. Forget what it 'meant'. I think that film will be a cult classic in the future.

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whose butthole was it?

Easy user, she sucked other producers dicks but now they're all worried to get caught so no more roles for the slut

reminder her dad repeatedly raped her and her sister until she managed to escape at 18

she wasn't shot before being thrown out

She is really pretty, I hope she reads this and gets a confidence boost

That I can believe. I just don't buy the Harvey thing.

Living her BEST life.


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It was boring and it's 'depth' insulting to anyone with even a 10 second pop culture level familiarity with christianity.

LawRentce is a total cat face. She has "I only slept with him once when I was drunk" and be a liar still look

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Twilight and Harry Potter were and are far more popular.

I never saw the sequels. Using the first movie as the baseline, how bad are the others?

The sequel is okay, but the rest of the saga is shit.

this, satan's trips confirm
also apparently there's a tape of them fucking and she doesn't know who has it, if it gets released it'll be proof she willingly took the kike Harvey cock for roles and she's terrified

I wanna bury my head in her ass.

>It was boring
That doesn't actually say anything about the film itself. Further, I found it viscerally entertaining, as it constantly rises in tension and action. I really don't understand how it could be boring.
>and it's 'depth' insulting to anyone with even a 10 second pop culture level familiarity with christianity.
I think this is the heart of why people didn't like it. People think the messaging of a film is all that matters about it, as if a film is like a riddle were all you have to do is 'get' what it means. I don't even understand what you think, does a film either have to have no messaging, or be impossible to understand, to be worthwhile? What is even the alternative?

Personally I don't think what a film 'means' is even that important. I also think you could have no knowledge whatsoever of religion and not even think about the messaging of the film, and simply enjoy it because it's inherently entertaining.

It's like you can't see the trees for the forest. You pat yourself on the back for 'getting' a film, while its real value goes over your head.

Harveys not her daddy anymore. The cat is out of the bag

>very rich
>in such demand that she can pick and choose projects

Hmm I wonder if they're related to why she works less now compared to you having to show up to your 9-5 every day

Why the fuck didn't this kike take videos of his HARVesting? Fuck the porn we lost!

Lol no it's cause everyone finally realized she sucks. Nickelback has had six albums make it to top 5 on the billboard charts, popularity and sales dont equal talent

you talking shit to Nickelback? fuck you


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No, not really. Anyway, we have fucking SATAN in the thread. Of course we're going to listen to him instead of you.

imagine the smell.

We've all seen her asshole

>It was not her butthole.

Attached: oh ok.gif (245x285, 921K)

She can't suck off Weinstein off anymore for roles so no one is interested in some highschool drop out white trash.

She's a boring, generic cunt who does the bare minimum for her performances and got her status from sucking the old Harvey dick.

Would be happy to never see her toxic presence in a movie ever again.

I think she's fucked mentally, can't get over the humiliation of the entire world knowing she had degenerate sex with manbearpig Weinstein.

brb rewatching Selina because she was such an evil cunt in that.

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she fucked for early gains not realizing that you still have to have talent to have staying power

Couldn't think of a more appropriate Satan post.

Lol imagine taking a break when you only have a year or two max left of your prime

> net worth of over 100 million dollars
why would she care what happens now. she's made it in life. OP never will.

Trailer trash right there


Attached: timcurry.jpg (225x224, 7K)

Looks like white trash

she was also a cunt publicly multiple times which killed good will she could have had

Don't meet your heroes is a common term. Poor TSA boy learned the hard way.

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You must be blind

Not really, but superior taste anyway

>taking a mental break
That would imply she has a brain

>H-howdy user, yall'dv'innit wanna walk with me down by the crick and watch me get preggers from a Jew? He a biggun lemme tell ya, thicker than one of them turrents

This. Multiple videos of her being a cunt to foreign press and reporters exist. Other celebrities learn to hide their cuntiness, but it's too late for her now, the cunt's out of the bag.

actually its
>Jimes Ya


She got old and boring.
Mainly her terrible choices for flicks and fappening made normies lose interest.
I still wunna put my penis in her pusy tho

>Anonymous 03/11/19(Mon)15:42:46 No.111274448▶
>File: 1505501377844.jpg (73 KB, 720x720)
The issue was that he was too low status or too unattractive. Given the lowliness of his job he would have had to have international model-level good lucks to pull that play off. If he had been a slightly above average looking hyper-successful venture capitalist she wouldn't have posted shit. Reasonably attractive high-status women detest men of lower socio-economic class than them. It's the threat of the implication that they themselves could be reduced in status by association. A more savvy, intelligent woman would have played it off casually or taken the advantage to build rapport and document the exchange for social signalling points, but Brie was home schooled by post-hippy dipshits and flunked out of college. She's just not that smart nor socially capable.

post some?

let me fix that since the picture already has The Aesthetic:
>Cast in lead role in one of the most popular adult franchises of all time

Attached: Lansky.jpg (800x450, 92K)

me on the right

unironically thought it was times ya

>> beautiful and generally loved by normies for being goofy and 'relateable
this stopped being true