How come no one was smart enough to shoot at an agent's legs?
How come no one was smart enough to shoot at an agent's legs?
He'd probably just do a sick backflip
He'd probably dodge with his legs and it would look really silly as if he was dancing.
tranny twins btfo
Why would anyone fight an agent in hand to hand combat if they have the speed to dodge bullets? Matter of fact, if they were that fast, why couldn't they run faster to catch rebels? Fucking tranny hacks.
Shit was gay as fuck
Why didn't they just banned Neo?
because the movie would end and we would remember the matrix as fairly interesting up until neo shot all the agents halfway through the flick then mulled about for the rest of the film wondering what to do.
I just figured it's an ability that can only be triggered in certain circumstances, such as when they are being shot at or fighting someone who is a genuine threat to them. Remember they are programs and have to obey whatever rules they are given
because they knew he would melbourne shuffle these bullets off
surely if you could spawn yourself any weapon you could possibly imagine at your whim you'd make something a little more creative than standard firearms circa the late 90s? especially knowing full well that your only adversary can easily dodge bullets? i mean come on, morpheus and his whole crew were really just kinda stupid weren't they
how about filling their entire headquarters with an undetectable gas that incapacitates everyone, then just go in with gas masks after?
maybe make a rapid fire grenade launcher so its much harder for them to dodge your fire?
why not just spawn yourself some fighter jets and blow the fuck out of them from the sky?
why didnt the agents shoot down neo's helicopter with fighter jets at the end? don't they have control over the whole world? aren't they being a little lazy?
i mean what even is this movie? none of it really makes sense when you think about it
Because he was a 1337 haXX0r
He's clearly using a lagswitch
Neo kept turning on airplane mode
you think that's bullets they're firing?
Yeah, notice that time only slows down when bullets are fired. I think it’s becauss the machine doesn’t have the processing power and it’s like the frame rate is dropping
>confirmed brainlet who fell asleep during the old beardy weirdy tv scene
he had a dynamic ip
Their legs would dodge the bullets too, genius.
Yeah, just spawn some nukes.
Reminder that every time they killed an agent some innocent tube person in the real world died.
Now Tayne, I can get into.
Because they'd look like river dancing
Time doesn't slow down. They slow down the scene so you can see what is happening, otherwise everything would have to be left to the imagination of the viewer.
Incognito mode
He used NordVPN
damn dodgin bullets will never be not cool