Watching movies with women

Tell me Yea Forums, has any woman in your life ever proven this wrong? What is it like to talk about movies with one?

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>Tell me Yea Forums, has any woman in your life ever proven this wrong?
Yes my gf. gf is short for "girlfriend" and basically means "woman who loves me, cuddles with me and has sex with me". You would not know.
>What is it like to talk about movies with one?
She notices every little continuity error, bad props or bad camera work. Pretty interesting how much she is able to call out I wouldn't even notice.

Seriously: Have sex.

t. incel larping as anything other than the KHV he is on 4chinz

>have sex

Hmm.. who could be behind this post?

>She notices every little continuity error, bad props or bad camera work.
So she's an autist.

My girlfriend doesn't like movies but we can sit and watch 8 episodes of One Piece in a single sitting. Seriously we flew all the way to Hollywood for a film festival last year and she only sat through four movies with me in 5 days. It was pretty annoying

>Female asks me new thing for her to watch
>tell her it
>she says it's not on netflix
>say to watch it anyway there are lots of ways
>looks at me confused

I remember how many angry replies this post got when I saw it yesterday, but yeah we’re doomed

>expecting a roast to have any knowledge of technology beyond switching on their macbook
c’mon man

It's true for the most part apart from my girlfriend. Then it depends on the movie, in which case she just falls asleep like when I watched the duelists with her. Actually thinking about it, the right side could apply to her brother in-law and also (not the same person) my brother. Both are utter plebs.

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The pain is clearly visible even in a cartoon

My gf usually just falls asleep after about 10 minutes. At that point I usually switch to whatever martial arts flick I can find.

My sister pays more attention to movies than I do

The burden of being a breeder. So much frustration.

I've only watched movies with my sister and instead of watching it she starts annoying me putting her feet on my face or hugging me.

kek, nice. this will get a lot of (you)'s

Stop trying to (you)block him by making any future (you)s seem predictable

>Seriously: Have sex
Is there a suggestion to those who can't or are you just gonna ignore a whole demographic because it's easy?

sorry :(

>raised by conservative parents
>sister went off to fucking berkeley
>decided neo-nazis are a major problem in the US
>starting watching late night tv because muh drumpf
>for christmas give her a series i think she'll like
>she spends half the time watching it on her phone
>at the end tells me it was good
will she ever stop being a basic bitch or is it all over?

haha gross I bet her feet are all sweaty and smell really bad haha ew

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is there an extra panel for the left side where the friend blows the other guy?

>Have sex.
Eat an apple.

this image doesn't propose any solutions to the problem it raises.

what problem?

how to best respond to these tactics.

I take my mom to the theaters frequently.
We watched Alita a while ago, she liked it but agreed that the story was shit and them adapting the OVA was sensible but still a mistake.

Artificial wombs

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>not having a based sister who watches horror kino with you and loves to talk about all the themes and atmosphere in the movies

this image sums up about 70% of threads on Yea Forums right now

>i need a strategy to epically own holes when they attack me so the internet knows i won the argument
just stop being a faggot. smart people will notice which side presented argument. holes will think you got btfo no matter what you do. neither will affect your life in any way based on what you wrote on a pennsylvanian butter churning bulletin board.


Arguing with women is a game no one can win. The only winning move is not to play.
Doesn't mean you can't clone yourself though, personally I wish we had artificial wombs perfected already so I could reproduce without a female.

I have several male friends who do this

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I have one too. I bet mine's sexier than yours.

The only movies I watch with others are comedies.

trannies dont count

My sister is on the phone almost regularly and never does this when we watch movies. I think your friends are just assholes.

Your male friends are women.

The only woman I know who's even remotely like this is my mum, and even she's not that bad. I didn't know "women can't even watch movies properly" was the official incel stance but lol okay

I used to do this, then I realized how annoying it was and made a rule of only watching movies with other people if no one present has seen them before.

most girls I know are able to pirate movies

both people in this pic are in the wrong

Spoiler: it was capeshit and she's right all along.